Talk is cheap.....




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Am I the only one that make mistakes, or the only one you choose to point that out to? Why am I required to or even bother with it, if it's not required by anyone else? So if it's not going to be enforced evenly, then I'm not following it. I'm going to write the way I feel like it and grammar mistakes and all as no point in having to follow a rule that only applies to me but everyone else get free passes.
You can take it or leave it. With the rule that is not being applied to most people, I choose to leave it as it's ********.
Yes, you're the only one in this thread who doesn't make an effort to make their posts conform to the English language, and you are being punished accordingly. Again, it's not hard to type an apostrophe or download a spellchecker and fix anything that is underlined in red. At this point you've become so angry towards all the people needling you that you're starting to become incoherent.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
Yes, you're the only one in this thread who doesn't make an effort to make their posts conform to the English language, and you are being punished accordingly. Again, it's not hard to type an apostrophe or download a spellchecker and fix anything that is underlined in red. At this point you've become so angry towards all the people needling you that you're starting to become incoherent.
Whatever. I'm not the only one that doesnt make an effort. I'm the only one that get called out for persay instead of per se. Yet, many other people get a free pass for it. And if this is punishment, huh. That's what you call it? Then why not punish people that have mistakes too. Why not punish yourselves when you make mistakes. Guess what the punishment wont work. At this point there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. **** that spell check, as some of my prior post used that, and made no difference. They found something else to poke at. If they cant even overlook somethign as simple as a mistake of per se, and expect me to be the incarnation of perfection, then one, they can forget about it, and two unless they are perfect themselves, who the **** is them to judge?

All of this because of per se. ******* absurd. I'm here to stay so deal with it. Put me on ignore, or ignore the posts. And I'm not afraid to admit, I'm working on it but not perfect at it yet. Oh well look at this, my pride is intact and I didnt die admiting that I'm not perfect unlike some people in here cant do who self esteem is so low that they must make themselves feel better by nit picking someone else's mistakes and have the dilusions that they can never make a mistake ever. The world have a better chance of ending then them making a mistake.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Why not punish yourselves when you make mistakes.
I don't. If I do, I edit them, because I take pride in my communications. I feel that if one is sloppy about one's use of language, then one doesn't really care what oneself says.

Guess what the punishment wont work. At this point there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. **** that spell check, as some of my prior post used that, and made no difference. They found something else to poke at.
It's already working. You're in a tizzy, cursing up a storm and providing an awesomely entertaining distraction from linear systems analysis.

All of this because of per se. ******* absurd. I'm here to stay so deal with it. Put me on ignore, or ignore the posts. And I'm not afraid to admit, I'm working on it but not perfect at it yet. Oh well look at this, my pride is intact and I didnt die admiting that I'm not perfect unlike some people in here cant do who self esteem is so low that they must make themselves feel better by nit picking someone else's mistakes and have the dilusions that they can never make a mistake ever. The world have a better chance of ending then them making a mistake.
Come for the per se, stay for the "dilusions" and "admiting".



This is really doom.




Alright try this for once and try not to force your view and "pride" on anyone else. I believe that people are more complex then how well they spell on a game forum. But if that is your extent on judging a person then good for you. But that is not my view.

And the punishment is not working as because the point of punishment ot stop an undesired behavior and guess what, my behavior is not going to stop and nothing you can do about it.

I guess our line of communication is over and your punishment wont work as I'm not even going to be able to see any of those posts that try to "punish me." What a weak attempt. Oh well life goes on and when things go dark Nov. 30th, you'll have to wake up and face the real world, where correcting people might end your life one day if you keep doing it. But I guess that wont matter as long as you was right and they was wrong. That is what is most important to you it seems

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!





Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Aint no fight, I realized the ignore function again. Works win-win for me. I can spell how I want when I want and make mistakes and leave them if I want until this rule is enforced on the masses, then I dont have to follow. Then now I dont even have to worry about seeing what they have to say about it as it have shown to be nothing useful. And then now it's up to them to either ignore me or not read my posts. If they do so at this point, then that is on them.

And for the new ones, I'm bringing back the "disclaimer". Took someone's advise and stopped using it. It didnt work so back to the "disclaimer".

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
And when I pointed it out, like I said, and you seemingly overlooked, still did not go, "oh, they mispelled per se." And I bet by now, you still didnt even bother to go out of your way, to the thread and correct them.
Exactly correct. I did not go "out of my way" to the thread to correct them. I corrected you because your error was in a thread that I was reading closely.

By the way, most of the time when I correct someone, it's not actually for their benefit. It's for the benefit of the unknown number of other people who may read the thread and not know any better. It keeps other people from learning something wrong.

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