


Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Let me put this slowly.

1. NCSoft abruptly axes CoH and Paragon Studios
2. Explains decision as "realignment" of "publishing support."
3. Two weeks later, B&S announcement.

So let's see, we passed the appearance, the swimming, and the quacking. It's official, this duck is a duck.
Need to add another number for GW2 going live.

Also, it is revealing that they put more stuff including a brand new powerset on the store three days before their announcement. I know because I bought it. Grrrr. Now I'm intent on playing her through to 50 and incarnate before the end.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
This. Doing whatever I can to save this game/community is far more important than indulging my so-very-justified fury. Frankly NCSoft could care less about my vitriol; and even if I could sway people with the skill of a freaking messiah to avoid their products the financial damage would still be negligible. So I channel my anger to keep me going with more civil means. And my best strategy is to continue to do so until all civil options have been exhausted. I am hardly unique in this situation.
Hey, go ahead and run Posi 1 and 2 as much as you like. That's your right. But, what's the financial damage of you doing that? Bad press? Pffft, NCSoft has been there and done that. So far, I'm not seeing any huge incentive for NCSoft to do or say anything more than what they already have with the possible exception of how non expired time is going to work . Actions speak louder than words and NCSoft has acted. People get that there is no Paragon Studios any longer right? And that the clock is running? And that City of Heroes has been irreparably harmed already with exodus (dev and player) and that it's only getting worse with each passing day?

I love CoH as much as just about anyone (have played nearly every day for well over seven years). And I love paragonwiki (and have proudly shaken TonyV's hand stating that). But I happen to hold the unpopular so called "troll's" opinion that Humpty Dumpty has had a great fall and all the king's horses... But, then again, I'm not spouting all the rhetoric about "fighting to end" either. Why are you worried about "nuclear"? Nuclear has already happened and it wasn't the players that dropped the bomb. You want to fight? Take the gloves off and fight. Otherwise exit gracefully and accept the fate of CoH has already been determined.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Basic question on human nature: How many people have been won over by being yelled at? What's the difference when the person being yelled at is someone with authority and power? How often has some jackass yelled at YOU and you figured, "**** that guy! I'll spite him and do the opposite!"? Why do you think that this situation is in any way different?

Ultimately this is a PR battle. We can't go after NCSoft financially because we don't have the numbers to make a meaningful impact. I mean, look on these boards at the number of people playing Guild Wars 2. We were the smaller part of their revenue, obviously small enough to be disposable, and we can't even boycott (nevermind all the obvious stuff about not being the target demographic, etc.) as a unified group. We need this to be a PR battle because otherwise we're about as effective as soloing Hami at level 1. TonyV's whole campaign here draws outside attention, because that's the only way we can have meaningful numbers on our side. It's the lever that moves the world, or whatever analogy of working effectively you like.

As far as PR goes, people generally like underdogs. We're underdogs. We've been getting all this media attention (more attention than the game has had in YEARS as near as I can tell) because we're underdogs. Even bigger, people are far more likely to support the side that's clearly the good guys. Those dinner donations last week for the devs? That clearly makes us the good guys. The other side of the good guy coin is that people love to see an ******* get what s/he deserves. If we're kicking, screaming, yelling, throwing tantrums and being pissy cause our toy is being taken away then, surprise surprise, we look like ********. At which point all that "City of Children" crap becomes the truth in the public eye and we're back to being too small to be capable of getting anything done.

So you want to fight? Fine, great! Fight effectively. Nuclear isn't effective. At best you're not doing yourself any favors, and at worst you're shooting yourself in the foot.



Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
Basic question on human nature: How many people have been won over by being yelled at? What's the difference when the person being yelled at is someone with authority and power? How often has some jackass yelled at YOU and you figured, "**** that guy! I'll spite him and do the opposite!"? Why do you think that this situation is in any way different?

Ultimately this is a PR battle. We can't go after NCSoft financially because we don't have the numbers to make a meaningful impact. I mean, look on these boards at the number of people playing Guild Wars 2. We were the smaller part of their revenue, obviously small enough to be disposable, and we can't even boycott (nevermind all the obvious stuff about not being the target demographic, etc.) as a unified group. We need this to be a PR battle because otherwise we're about as effective as soloing Hami at level 1. TonyV's whole campaign here draws outside attention, because that's the only way we can have meaningful numbers on our side. It's the lever that moves the world, or whatever analogy of working effectively you like.

As far as PR goes, people generally like underdogs. We're underdogs. We've been getting all this media attention (more attention than the game has had in YEARS as near as I can tell) because we're underdogs. Even bigger, people are far more likely to support the side that's clearly the good guys. Those dinner donations last week for the devs? That clearly makes us the good guys. The other side of the good guy coin is that people love to see an ******* get what s/he deserves. If we're kicking, screaming, yelling, throwing tantrums and being pissy cause our toy is being taken away then, surprise surprise, we look like ********. At which point all that "City of Children" crap becomes the truth in the public eye and we're back to being too small to be capable of getting anything done.

So you want to fight? Fine, great! Fight effectively. Nuclear isn't effective. At best you're not doing yourself any favors, and at worst you're shooting yourself in the foot.
People had their copies of GW2 pre-ordered long before the CoH cancellation.

Have to agree with a previous poster, it's not that CoH was shut down, it's how it was shut down. :/

They had a new issue just waiting to be released. It new content that looked to be having people returning and resubbing.

Should of seen how it played out, then made the decission before the next beta test phase.

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