Call to Action: Dinner's on Us!




Originally Posted by Lokikin View Post
I too am speechless. This community is truly amazing. In the past two weeks of forum lurking I have gained a huge amount of respect for you all. And this ices the cake...

Makes me wish I had been a member of it...

Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
There's still time. But even if this doesn't pan out at all, maybe remember how you feel and try to take that feeling into another community down the line.

We can all stand to be a little more awesome to each other, I think.
The Vulpish One said pretty much what I was going to say!
Except for the fact that... you are a member of it now!

One of us...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by vulpish_one View Post
There's still time. But even if this doesn't pan out at all, maybe remember how you feel and try to take that feeling into another community down the line.

We can all stand to be a little more awesome to each other, I think.
Would if I could, but alas, how can I be a constructive member in the community of a game I don't play?

I tried, I was a subscriber for 6 months back in 2004 and have attempted to return a number of times. But, sadly, just as many of you have difficulty with aspects of my chosen game, Champions Online, there were aspects of CoX I was unable to overcome, primarily the combat system...

But I feel this community is greater than any I've ever encountered, including CO (though I think we're pretty cool too) and if any game in history ever deserved to get rescued from the brink, it's this one. And if it does happen, which I fervently hope occurs, it will all be because of you...

You guys ROCK!



Great job, everyone.




Fantastic job everyone and well deserved!



Let's do it again! I bet our Paragon Studios friends are hungry again. My Paypal stands at the ready.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I would just buy it outright if I had that kind of money to put out. I would keep these guys working and keep the game on and running till the second coming.



I don't see mention of this in Announcements or in City Life, so I'll risk whatever other duplication there might be.

Posted on City of Heroes Facebook yesterday:

If you happen to be in the area next Wed, 9/26 at 7:00 PM, we're going to be enjoying our dinner from the Community. (Please note, we don't think there was enough to cover all the players who may stop by as well. Unfortunately that means you need to cover your food if you're eating there).

Please feel free to stop in, say hi and celebrate over 8 years of super!
Bon apetit, Paragons!

If you're a player in the Mountainview area and you stop by then make sure to post photos afterwards.



I just wanted to say that I love the Devs. I joined this game about 3 weeks after it launched and I know that with out a doubt this is the best team I have ever seen in a game. I really wish and hope to save this game but if it does go dark, I just wanted to let all of you at Paragon Studios know how much it has ment to me that you have worked so hard and diligently to bring forth a game that I have absolutely loved.

Globle handle: @shadow rouge
For information about "The Pack" SG please email us at



Heading out to the Paragon Dinner. Thank you COH Community! You guys are the best!

-Alpha Wolf



Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
Heading out to the Paragon Dinner. Thank you COH Community! You guys are the best!

-Alpha Wolf
Pics or it didn't happen!!

Oh and FPARN... *crosses another item off the bucket list* /em sigh




Originally Posted by texarkana View Post
pics or it didn't happen!!

Originally Posted by texarkana View Post
oh and fparn... *crosses another item off the bucket list* /em sigh

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Have a blast, everyone!!
If I wasn't stuck in New York tonight (and fighting an evil invasion of aliens within my sinuses, disguised as a common cold) I'd have loved to have joined ya.

And remember... the development team that eats together... stays together!

Wish you all the best, regardless of when and where.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Well. Abused the fact that I knew where a good chunk of the Paragon guys were gonna be this evening.

Called up the Buca di Beppo where they're having dinner on us and wished them all well.

Got to talk to Zwillinger.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Well. Abused the fact that I knew where a good chunk of the Paragon guys were gonna be this evening.

Called up the Buca di Beppo where they're having dinner on us and wished them all well.

Got to talk to Zwillinger.
Haha, nice, Hyperstrike!

I joke around a lot on here and I apparently sometimes come off as a Dev kiss up and I have apparently come off as a whining complainer too...
But I know one thing... I'm an extremely picky video game player and I am someone who adores craftsmanship and artistry.

And I can say with all honesty that this game not only met my extremely picky standards, but this crew of developers and designers are top quality, innovative artists that know fun and kept and maintained great direction towards the game being fun for a wide variety of audiences and that takes a lot of talent, creativity and heart.
And that's the other thing I learned after being here for a short while, this team, development and community, was consistently comprised of passionate people that have a lot of heart. That generally comes from the top-down (in this case, within Paragon Studios, not from above them, obviously).
That is a lot of stuff for me to love and respect.
And, yeah, I would have loved to have swung by.
I very much hope I get another opportunity to hang with these fine craftsman, artists, video-game and community magicians.
Until then... I'll be a bit bummed that I wasn't there...
However, I am glad we could offer you this little celebration, Paragon Studios. You absolutely earned it and more.

Also... some more pictures on their facebook page, for those who haven't seen it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"