Ok... NOW I'm sad.




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't see the point here. Status resistance decreases duration, not magnitude (another special case ? Yes, I have to code that)
That's technically not true. Technically speaking, Magnitude Resistance decreases magnitude using the Scale * (1 - Res) formula. Duration Resistance decreases duration using the Scale / (1 + Res) formula.
Correct me if I'm wrong in this, but that's just a player front conceptualization on what Mez Resistance ends up doing.

My guestimation is that Mez Resistance is instead just accelerating the mez-wear-out timer while it's active.

Pseudocode example:
MezDuration = 10s
While (MezDuration > 0) {
    MezDuration -= (1/30) * (1+CurrentMezResistance);
If you have 100% mez resistance only for 2 seconds, just because you got hit by a mez during that window does not mean the mez will now last half the duration. It will just be accelerated deterioration during that time.

Same goes for recharge buffs vs power recharge.

Again, this is a guess, it's how my abandoned attack chain calculator evaluated both these effects (and recovery and regeneration ticks.)

Interestingly, mez protection buffs are often typed magnitude, not duration. That means in theory if you could slot them with mez enhancement, your protection would get higher. You can't do that, so you can't see this effect.
You can do that for Acrobatics. Castle did a one time experiment/exception when he nerfed the power, and allowed players to slightly increase a portion of the magnitude buff by slotting KB enhancements into the power.



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Also, you didn't answer my question about whether you did have evidence Cur is used for time-limited attribmods, or Cur is the time-limited attribmods-dedicated storage value because it is.
I have absolute confirmation Cur is used for most defense buffs: the dived data everyone who is capable of diving attribmod data can see, and I should point out that I did contract powers work for the dev team for I18, which should draw the logical conclusion there.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong in this, but that's just a player front conceptualization on what Mez Resistance ends up doing.

My guestimation is that Mez Resistance is instead just accelerating the mez-wear-out timer while it's active.
Implementation-wise, that would be my guess as well. Duration-based resistance is probably just multiplying the duration counter decrementer.

In fact, I can think of no other reasonable way to manage resistable duration than with decrementers.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Could I ask where you did get this string-value map ?
Um... somewhere reliable.
So much attention has been focused on the data tables in the piggs that not many people have looked elsewhere, to find those elusive missing bits of info that are compiled in through auto-generated headers.

Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Also... I see things missing here. There is a Max to Max (a MaxMax), a Max and MinRes, and a MaxStr too. Those maybe aren't in the attributes, so where are they ? the MaxMax health gets recalculated everytime there is a Max modification ? The MaxStr is too, or is it fixed ? Is Maxresistance an entity-independant constant ?
MaxMax, et al aren't attributes in the same sense of the word. They aren't maintained on a per-entity basis like the 5 aspects are (possibly 4 if Abs is a pseudo-aspect). Those are defined in the class tables and are static data that never changes. There's no such thing as a MaxMax buff.

Things that are defined there apply to every entity that belongs to its class, whether it's a player archetype or a NPC class. They are.

Per-class attribute info
(these exist once and are static across all levels)
AttribBase -- the starting value for the attribute
AttribDimin[Str|Cur|Res][In|Out] (PvP diminishing returns)

Per-level attribute info
(these are still per-class, but come in a table form that defines values for levels 1-50 for players and 1-55 for NPCs)
AttribMax -- the starting value for the attribute's Max aspect



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have absolute confirmation Cur is used for most defense buffs: the dived data everyone who is capable of diving attribmod data can see, and I should point out that I did contract powers work for the dev team for I18, which should draw the logical conclusion there.
Begone with your insider knowledge and logic! Pics or it didn't happen!

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Um... somewhere reliable.
So much attention has been focused on the data tables in the piggs that not many people have looked elsewhere, to find those elusive missing bits of info that are compiled in through auto-generated headers.
Although some people found Elusivity pretty quick after it was added.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Although some people found Elusivity pretty quick after it was added.
I said not many, I didn't say 'none'.

(though the values I posted above are from a much more reliable place than the string table dumps that people usually spot things like that in)



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Begone with your insider knowledge and logic! Pics or it didn't happen!
Courtesy of Matt Miller's twitter: http://twitter.com/MMODesigner/statu...361857/photo/1

(my hand was shaking more than I remember)

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Did you ever say which system you were consulted on, or is that covered under NDA?

If I had to guess, I'd say Archvillain scaling by league size. I can't think of any other mechanics introduced around then that would require heavy mathematical analysis to get right.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
MaxMax, et al aren't attributes in the same sense of the word. They aren't maintained on a per-entity basis like the 5 aspects are (possibly 4 if Abs is a pseudo-aspect). Those are defined in the class tables and are static data that never changes. There's no such thing as a MaxMax buff.

Things that are defined there apply to every entity that belongs to its class, whether it's a player archetype or a NPC class. They are.

Per-class attribute info
(these exist once and are static across all levels)
AttribBase -- the starting value for the attribute
AttribDimin[Str|Cur|Res][In|Out] (PvP diminishing returns)

Per-level attribute info
(these are still per-class, but come in a table form that defines values for levels 1-50 for players and 1-55 for NPCs)
AttribMax -- the starting value for the attribute's Max aspect
And then there are the named tables.

That's really where all my time last night went: digging up that info and writing the import code, plus structuring it:

# entity class
class CoHBlaster:
    name = ''
    attribmodStack = []
    def applyAttribmod(attribmodId, powerId, entityId, triggerTime, trueScale):
        expireTime = triggerTime + AttribmodDB[attribmodId][kduration]
        nextAct = triggerTime
        attribmodStack.append([attribmodId, powerId, entityId, triggerTime, trueScale, expireTime, nextAct])

# stub to read in one archetype of data
f = open("C:/coh/analyses/engine/Class_Blaster.csv",'r')
archetype_data = f.readlines()
archetype_data = map(lambda x: x.strip(),archetype_data)

CoHBlaster.name = archetype_data[0]

attribute_names = archetype_data[1].split(',')
attribute_count = len(attribute_names)

# min, base, strmin, resmin, strdimA, strdimB, curdimA, curdimB, resdima, resdimb
CoHBlaster.min = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[3].split(','))
CoHBlaster.base = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[5].split(','))
CoHBlaster.strmin = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[7].split(','))
CoHBlaster.resmin = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[9].split(','))
CoHBlaster.strdimA = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[11].split(','))
CoHBlaster.strdimB = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[13].split(','))
CoHBlaster.curdimA = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[15].split(','))
CoHBlaster.curdimB = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[17].split(','))
CoHBlaster.resminA = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[19].split(','))
CoHBlaster.resminB = map(lambda x: float(x), archetype_data[21].split(','))

CoHBlaster.max = [0] * attribute_count
CoHBlaster.maxmax = [0] * attribute_count
CoHBlaster.strmax = [0] * attribute_count
CoHBlaster.resmax = [0] * attribute_count

# max, maxmax, strmax, resmax
for loop in xrange(0,attribute_count):
    CoHBlaster.max[loop] = archetype_data[23+loop].split(',')
    CoHBlaster.maxmax[loop] = archetype_data[139+loop].split(',')
    CoHBlaster.strmax[loop] = archetype_data[255+loop].split(',')
    CoHBlaster.resmax[loop] = archetype_data[371+loop].split(',')

CoHBlaster.named = {}
# named tables
for loop in xrange(0,(len(archetype_data)-486)/2):
    CoHBlaster.named[archetype_data[486+loop*2]] = archetype_data[487+loop*2].split(',')

CoHBlaster.Cur = copy.copy(CoHBlaster.base)
I was thinking of keeping .Cur, .CurStr, .CurRes, and .CurMax arrays for dynamic attribute values, but I figure I have some time to think about that: CoHBlaster.Cur is just a reminder to me not to copy by reference when I get there, because that would be baaaad.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Ooh, Python. I wrote my first bin file parser in Python. Love it for quick prototyping. It worked, but was painfully slow.

Eventually redid it in C++. With templates. Because I had never really used them before, and STL uses them extensively, so they must be good, right? Might as well learn.

Yeah... won't be doing that again.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Did you ever say which system you were consulted on, or is that covered under NDA?

If I had to guess, I'd say Archvillain scaling by league size. I can't think of any other mechanics introduced around then that would require heavy mathematical analysis to get right.
Custom critter valuation. pohsyb did the code, I did basically the everything else.

The NDA on that work expired long ago, beyond the permanent non-disclose on things like internal data, but I didn't mention it prior to now by mutual agreement that harping on it served no useful purpose to the game (it was actually my idea to not discuss it; the devs did not initially ask me to do that although they concurred with the reasoning). It can't hurt anymore to discuss it, and if the game is saved I doubt anyone's going to care.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Ooh, Python. I wrote my first bin file parser in Python. Love it for quick prototyping. It worked, but was painfully slow.
For what I was doing, it wasn't that slow. psycho helped, and even though a raw run took like twenty minutes, I was doing a lot more than just spitting out CSVs. I did things like build sequence trees looking for unreferenced animations, calculate a power/root cross table, checked for powers with combat text that mismatched damage types, etc. The code is so unreadable at this point if I used a python to C converter it could probably be an OCCC entry.

Oh, and in a moment of sheer brain-dead I decided to make one parser that could read all builds rather than multiple parsers that could read one build each, so I could have two different builds in memory simultaneously for cross-build computation. Forty build differences later, that's a 9.2 on the stupid-o-meter.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I think it was actually the "iterate through each field and print it out" part that was slow -- reading the files into a buffer was fine, and parsing wasn't too bad, but writing every field from a large tree structure like powers or costumes into a text file took a couple minutes. The C++ version runs in a few seconds. However the compile time and resulting executable size is a lot higher than I'd like; mostly because of the template use. That's one important thing I learned from that project -- templates == massive codegen bloat.

If I was going to do it again, I'd use straight C.

The other reason I went with C++ was actually very similar to one of your goals; I wanted it to support every build with only one code base, so that I could write a comparison engine to see exactly what changed with each patch. So having the various versions of the schema derive from each other made sense at the time. All in all I'd say it ended up like most programming projects, not perfect by any means, but functional and useful despite any small warts that might bother me.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
The other reason I went with C++ was actually very similar to yours; I wanted it to support every build with only one code base, so that I could write a comparison engine to see exactly what changed with each patch. So having the various versions of the schema derive from each other made sense at the time. All in all I'd say it ended up like most programming projects, not perfect by any means, but functional and useful despite any small warts that might bother me.
Today I would just dump everything into sqllite and write a separate comparison engine, and if it was too slow I'd go buy a faster computer. In retrospect, execution efficiency was the wrong target: me efficiency should have been the target.

Although just to show you how crazy I am, the thought had crossed my mind to stop writing parsers, and write an expert system that could perform parsing as well as I could. Because tracing the client code was just too easy I guess.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Because tracing the client code was just too easy I guess.
Well to be fair one wouldn't normally expect that code to reference the fields by name, since that kind of information isn't necessary at runtime.

In this case, however, we lucked out that the devs used the same client build for development, so it's fully capable of loading the data from the source text files instead of the bins. I imagine that's for quick changes since they apparently used a local mapserver pointed at the same data files.

Even before that, ent_types was easy at least. They helpfully included the source files with the client for twenty issues.



This is more a what if question regarding mez resistance and magnitude. One of the things that I just didn't like in the game was how the seperate stats of mez resistance and function of magnitude and protection.

To me it would seem nicer (for lack of a better word atm) if there was just mez resistance by type. That is fire based mez, psychic based mez (which could cover fears and holds etc...), and so on.

Then those sets that carry that type of mez protection would be switched over to simply carry the equivelent mez reistance. So Tank Fiery Aura would have that rare 100% (+) Fire mez resistance. Should a mez attack land on a target, the attack would go against whatever mez resistance was present. Kind of like how damage and damage resistane works. Whatever is left over, is the amount of strength that mez has left.

Theoretical example: Crushing damage based hold with base mez of 50% enhanced to 80% strength lands on a target with 75% crushing resistance. The hold takes effect, but is only at 5% strength. The base duration of 10 seconds enhanced to 16 seconds at 5% strength = .8 seconds.

Also, sets could layer resistance and mez resistance. So a set like Invuln would have its resistance to varius types of damage, and have in Unyielding additional mez resistance. This would also be applicable for sets reliant on defense. IO sets with mez resistance would be more valuable for everyone as well.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Courtesy of Matt Miller's twitter: http://twitter.com/MMODesigner/statu...361857/photo/1

(my hand was shaking more than I remember)
Bah! I wasn't disputing that you had insider knowledge and logic usage, I was disputing that you were using it instead of pictures to say that defense uses the cur values. Knowledge and logic have no place on the internet!

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
I think it was actually the "iterate through each field and print it out" part that was slow -- reading the files into a buffer was fine, and parsing wasn't too bad, but writing every field from a large tree structure like powers or costumes into a text file took a couple minutes. The C++ version runs in a few seconds. However the compile time and resulting executable size is a lot higher than I'd like; mostly because of the template use. That's one important thing I learned from that project -- templates == massive codegen bloat.
Templates are tricky. If you take my attribmod calculator, I already have only 2 megs of binary code, and thats mainly because I have Attribs::NUMBER*Aspects::NUMBER methods of accessing the attributes and maintain an array to access the corresponding method from the Attribute and Aspect. Static code is powerful, and memory is plentiful nowadays, so it doesn't matter, complexity is king now, so use it, I say, but sometimes it get even over that... During my internship, I did perfectly legal template metaprogramming, but code generation went over the 6 gigs of my computer... Yeah, there was a hell of a lot of data, too bad it didn't work it would have been blazingly fast though :')

City et moi, �a colle !



Concerning the whole Cur vs Abs and defense case, I think there is something fishy here, and blatantly, I could go with the curious Cur + Abs implementation we seem to have in the game right now.

I still have two assumptions I would like to have verified, which if they were true, make me differ permanently from your point of view, Arcanaville. So please (anybody) debunk:
There are permanent mods (to cur or abs) only for Health, Endurance, Meter, Damage (which redirect to health) and maybe to knockup/back/repel status effects values (which could get degraded to the current protection value as soon as the movement engine has applied the effect, or by itself after a duration).
There is no permanent mod (to cur or abs) to Defense nor any of the attributes not cited in the first assumption.

Please, shoot counterexamples at me, as I have the feeling we are missing something here (or maybe just me missing to learn to shut the ficus up ^^) I'm willing to get over it and have cur and abs being two scalar values and percent-based effects being handled otherwise, but if my assumptions are true, computationally, you only need abs or cur in any attrib mod, and their meaning changes according to the very Attribute they are in. So if both exist where only one field could be sufficient, there must be a reason.

City et moi, �a colle !



I just decided this post wasn't worth it.

As you were.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Concerning the whole Cur vs Abs and defense case, I think there is something fishy here, and blatantly, I could go with the curious Cur + Abs implementation we seem to have in the game right now.

I still have two assumptions I would like to have verified, which if they were true, make me differ permanently from your point of view, Arcanaville. So please (anybody) debunk:
There are permanent mods (to cur or abs) only for Health, Endurance, Meter, Damage (which redirect to health) and maybe to knockup/back/repel status effects values (which could get degraded to the current protection value as soon as the movement engine has applied the effect, or by itself after a duration).
There is no permanent mod (to cur or abs) to Defense nor any of the attributes not cited in the first assumption.

Please, shoot counterexamples at me, as I have the feeling we are missing something here (or maybe just me missing to learn to shut the ficus up ^^) I'm willing to get over it and have cur and abs being two scalar values and percent-based effects being handled otherwise, but if my assumptions are true, computationally, you only need abs or cur in any attrib mod, and their meaning changes according to the very Attribute they are in. So if both exist where only one field could be sufficient, there must be a reason.
As far as I'm aware, besides the ones you've named the only other attribute for which I believe Cur modifiers are (theoretically) permanent is Absorb. I would not be at all surprised to learn that the dev macros are hard-coded to flag Cur as permanent for the first twenty five attribmods.

Cur and Abs never show up simultaneously in a single attribmod normally. Every attribmod has an Aspect value which is either Cur, Abs, Str, Res, MaxMax, or a few other rarer values.

To be very precise, because I know there are some internals that say otherwise, the devs are only capable of setting an attribmod's Aspect Cur or Abs (or one of the others) and not both. I'm unaware of a method the devs have for setting an attribmod to make both a Cur and an Abs modification simultaneously. I'm not sure why you believe I thought this was possible, if that is what you are implying.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Cur and Abs never show up simultaneously in a single attribmod normally. Every attribmod has an Aspect value which is either Cur, Abs, Str, Res, MaxMax, or a few other rarer values.

To be very precise, because I know there are some internals that say otherwise, the devs are only capable of setting an attribmod's Aspect Cur or Abs (or one of the others) and not both. I'm unaware of a method the devs have for setting an attribmod to make both a Cur and an Abs modification simultaneously.
Okay, you've not exactly answered what I asked because I'm expressing myself funnily, but that's conforting to know another, less suspicious assumption, but an assumption none the less, was true.

I'm not sure why you believe I thought this was possible, if that is what you are implying.
Of course this is not possible, this is not what I wanted to know your thoughts about, but it's related. Take this formula you gave previously:
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You seem to be stripping all functionality out of the attribmod calculation engine except AttrValue = Min(Max[(AttrValue + [Attribmod(Abs) + Attribmod(Cur)] * (1 - Res)),AttrMin],AttrMax)
From that I take that -5 to Cur or -5 to Abs makes the same effect to the attribute value in the end. *Both* types of mods are affecting the value, even though not both appear in the same 'item' of a power's effect list. That's what I meant.

So, we have:
- Attribmods have exactly one target attribute, exactly one target aspect to mod, no more, no less
- Attribmobs have a duration or have none. Normally attribmods to an attribute's abs are permanent (no duration), and attribmods to Cur are bound to expire (finite duration) but there are exceptions. So the attribmod's duration is independant to the target aspect.

Now, considering only the 'Cur' and 'Abs' attribmods out there, in the game, but completely ignoring which of the two aspects it is, what are the attribmods in the game, that in the end (that is considering the code that gets executed on them), temporarily affect Endurance, Health, Meter or maybe knocks/repel ? What are the attribmods that permanently affect the other attributes ? (I'm thinking def, other status, recov/regen, perception and stealth, others may still fall in this category or the one of health/end etc)

I hope you understand I'm just trying to get this piece of information for 3 questions already, I'm sorry to everybody to flooding, but especially to you, whom I'm bugging to no end. I'm bad at asking questions it seems.

As far as I'm aware, besides the ones you've named the only other attribute for which I believe Cur modifiers are (theoretically) permanent is Absorb. I would not be at all surprised to learn that the dev macros are hard-coded to flag Cur as permanent for the first twenty five attribmods.
Interesting, I would have said that absorb is not permanent, but that's because I didn't read the description enough.

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Interesting, I would have said that absorb is not permanent, but that's because I didn't read the description enough.
Its difficult to say with certainty, but I believe the reason why Absorb shields expire is not because Absorb Cur buffs expire, but rather because Absorb MaxMax buffs expire. While all entities (generally) have non-zero base health, everyone starts off with zero Absorb. To get an absorb shield, the game first buffs Absorb MaxMax so your maximum absorb increases above zero, and then it fills that Absorb shield with a buff which, to the best of my knowledge, remains there until the MaxMax buff expires dropping the entire Absorb attribute back down to zero.

Now, considering only the 'Cur' and 'Abs' attribmods out there, in the game, but completely ignoring which of the two aspects it is, what are the attribmods in the game, that in the end (that is considering the code that gets executed on them), temporarily affect Endurance, Health, Meter or maybe knocks/repel ? What are the attribmods that permanently affect the other attributes ? (I'm thinking def, other status, recov/regen, perception and stealth, others may still fall in this category or the one of health/end etc)
The only attributes that can host permanent Cur or Abs buffs are I believe the ones connected to meters: Hitpoints, Endurance, Rage, Absorb. I don't believe there's anywhere for a permanent Abs or Cur buff to "go" for the other attributes. Whether any of those four or their related attributes can have temporary Cur buffs applied to them is a question I don't know, but I would guess not; that is in fact the logic I was hinting at earlier with regard to handling Cur buffs: attributes with meters are affected permanently, those without meters are not.

Technically speaking its possible the engine could support a temporary Cur buff on Hitpoints, but there's circumstantial evidence to support the notion that even if it can, the dev tools prohibited such usage. The IWill bug where Castle accidentally set a Res to a Cur supports the notion that in the absence of any other changes, Hitpoints-based Cur buffs are always permanent.

Aside: zero progress tonight. I got caught up in thinking about the question of server-side event overflow, aka server-side lag. On the plus-side, I now have an integrated load monitor.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Templates are tricky. If you take my attribmod calculator, I already have only 2 megs of binary code, and thats mainly because I have Attribs::NUMBER*Aspects::NUMBER methods of accessing the attributes and maintain an array to access the corresponding method from the Attribute and Aspect.
Heh, my generic bin file dumper that handles most builds back to I18-ish weighs in at about 3MB, which in my opinion is about 2.5MB too big for what it does. That's a x86-64 release build, stripped of debug info. When I dug into it, I found that most of that bulk is static initializers from STL containers, and the umpteen different versions of them that got instantiated from all the possible classes that could be stored in them. Boost is a hog as well, as nifty as some of the metaprogramming you can do with it is.

Static code is powerful, and memory is plentiful nowadays, so it doesn't matter, complexity is king now, so use it, I say, but sometimes it get even over that... During my internship, I did perfectly legal template metaprogramming, but code generation went over the 6 gigs of my computer... Yeah, there was a hell of a lot of data, too bad it didn't work it would have been blazingly fast though :')
Memory is plentiful until you use it all up. Also, don't forget that while CPUs are very fast, memory bus bandwidth has not scaled upward as quickly and is lagging behind. So you have a ton of memory, and a ton of CPU resources, but a relatively small bottleneck to load data from that memory. In practice, performance is limited by the CPU's L1 cache, and to a lesser extent, the L2 cache.

That's why these days my default optimization level is -Os. In my admittedly somewhat limited testing, being able to fit more code (and as a result, data) into the cache significantly outstrips the benefit of things like loop unrolling in the average case.

Using "resources are plentiful" as an excuse to be inefficient is the reason that the Windows 2008 server admin tools are so painfully slow. I peeked at one with a debugger once and cringed at the sheer bulk of the many dozens of .NET assemblies it was loading, just to view the event log...