Ok... NOW I'm sad.




Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
I disagree. C *only* has malloc/calloc/realloc/free; those are the standards. C++ has new and delete, but also many different varieties of wrappers on top of them (and of course malloc/free themselves). In many cases, when integrating frameworks, you have to disentangle the thing that was built on top of new/delete and then rewrap it for the benefit of the next layer in the stack. C++ operator overloading is a bit of a double edged sword here because it's possible and very tempting to make your own syntactic sugar that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike the one your neighbor made.
Oh, that. But people can also do their own pimp_malloc() and pimp_free() in C, it's the same again. It's not because it was made popular by a language that it doesn't exist anywhere. There is *no* language that doesn't allow the user to fool up. It may be easier or harder, but you would be surprised.

The STL containers are neat, but asking everyone to be as smart as Stroustrup in order to make rational re-usable classes is unrealistic to say the least. One of Java's biggest successes is that it assumes the average implementor is much, much more naive than the language designers. Which bothers to no end those implementors who are actually smarter than the language designers.
Heh, true. But C++ still lacks the amount of standard (but poorly implemented as you said) things that Java has, allowing fast prototyping.

Automatic Reference Counting. It's a language feature built on top of notational conventions in Objective-C that allow the toolset to automatically generate the appropriate retain/release semantics, so the developer doesn't have to do any explicit memory management but you still get deterministic object lifetime semantics. It advertises being both headache-free and GC-pause-free at the same time, which is a huge win for mobile development.
You could cut up on the fancy names/acronyms already >_>

Except if Objective-C has found a way to code an Oracle, it's just the same algorithm as in boost::shared_ptr, as these are also reference counting, and it's still vulnerable to circle-referencing. In boost you have weak pointers for that at least. But I never used that yet, never needed to. I prefer to see the ownerships of things and clear creation such as deep copies and shallow copies.

On other news, I think I've nailed the attribmod library, I'm tackling the Powers & Effects (restricted to attribmod effects, discarding the summon, setmode etc...) one, but that one is hairy, especially the "Ignore buffs&debuffs" flag on powers >_> I need that to "handle how Combat Training: Offensive buffs itself" (which it does at the moment) and resistance toggles. and a whole other bunch of things, with real entities. I could do it quick & dirty but it wouldn't be nice.

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
On other news, I think I've nailed the attribmod library, I'm tackling the Powers & Effects (restricted to attribmod effects, discarding the summon, setmode etc...) one, but that one is hairy, especially the "Ignore buffs&debuffs" flag on powers >_>
Don't forget there's multiple versions of that flag.

There's the "ignore outside buffs" flag on powers that still allows enhancements slotted in the power to work, but ignores outside strength buffs.

There's the "ignore buffs and enhancements" flag on individual attribmod/effects that ignores ALL strength buffs, even ones that come from slotted enhancements.

There's also the "list of attributes to disallow buffing" on the power, where if you put say, Recharge or Range in that list, the entire power will ignore all strength buffs to that particular attribute, whether they're from enhancements or outside buffs.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Don't forget there's multiple versions of that flag.

There's the "ignore outside buffs" flag on powers that still allows enhancements slotted in the power to work, but ignores outside strength buffs.
and debuffs. I'm talking about that one.

There's the "ignore buffs and enhancements" flag on individual attribmod/effects that ignores ALL strength buffs, even ones that come from slotted enhancements.
that one is done, it was easier since it could be an attribmod attribute >_>

There's also the "list of attributes to disallow buffing" on the power, where if you put say, Recharge or Range in that list, the entire power will ignore all strength buffs to that particular attribute, whether they're from enhancements or outside buffs.
hmmm where is that used for instance ? Because that could be implemented as flagging each involved power effects with the previous (Effect-scale) flag on each effect that gets hit by this (power-scale) flag. So I don't see why it exists, but it does, you say ? So on which power ?

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
hmmm where is that used for instance ? Because that could be implemented as flagging each involved power effects with the previous (Effect-scale) flag on each effect that gets hit by this (power-scale) flag. So I don't see why it exists, but it does, you say ? So on which power ?
I'm going to answer that myself. In melee powers for instance, you don't benefit from range boosting, obviously, and VIP Temp powers don't benefit from your Damage nor Recharge. In fact, these flags should only be for Damage, Recharge and Range, I think. Am I right ?

Recharge Strength is not taken into account inside an attribmod, ever. Well it may be, but in the end it's not, because recharge mods are generally (always?) [ignore buffs and enhancements].

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
C++ still lacks the amount of standard (but poorly implemented as you said) things that Java has, allowing fast prototyping.
Which was exactly my point. I think the reason C++ lacks them is that it's harder to distribute and integrate well-crafted services than in Java because of design decisions around memory management.

Anyway, I'm letting the thread get back to its original, intended tangent at this point. :P

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
Which was exactly my point. I think the reason C++ lacks them is that it's harder to distribute and integrate well-crafted services than in Java because of design decisions around memory management.

Anyway, I'm letting the thread get back to its original, intended tangent at this point. :P
Thanks for the transition, here is the calculator source code, disclaimer: IT'S OF NO USE TO NON-PROGRAMMERS, it's in C++, it's ugly, but it comes optimized a bit. Normally. Comes also with code stubs, follow the main to find only the useful bits.

I also only had time to test (and debug, don't forget debug, debug takes time, especially when you coded tired, tired code is a hive of bug) the paragonwiki brute Energy resistance case.

I was in the process of making damage tests afterward, if somebody wills to add them to the main and do the test themselves as curiosity (I don't even know if it's going to work !) just do another effect with a negative scale (if someone here think damages are a positive thing ...!) modifying the Abs aspect of the Energy attribute. This is hardwired to modify the health's Abs, but leverages the general formulas to get the resistances and strength of the damage type.

The Effects are basic, and the attribmod effects code is meant to work only for one-shots right now, the DoesNotStackFromSameCaster clause is not handled right now because I need to register them on the Entity, but the formulas are done and should work (as always when programming, if you forget the bugs :P).

City et moi, �a colle !



I had to look. First off, kudos for being the first C++ programmer I've ever met who uses .hpp for C++ headers

So all the formulas are implemented in the Effects class?

Why is the target void* and not Entity*?

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
I had to look. First off, kudos for being the first C++ programmer I've ever met who uses .hpp for C++ headers

So all the formulas are implemented in the Effects class?

Why is the target void* and not Entity*?
I've had problems with geany (a lightweight IDE) not properly recognizing .h as C++ headers but as C headers instead, making it unable to parse the file properly and I had to change the document's language by hand each time I opened a C++ .h header >_<

Some formulas are in Effect, others in Attribs*, and you've got to look at Aspect to understand them. Also, they are also used by encapsulation in Entity (to make a single call to an entity's method is single-pass as the layout of the aspects in an entity is fixed thanks to the use of arrays and enums)

The target is void* because it could be a Location in case of powers that summoned entities. Well, it could also be an Entity, created at power launch time, but empty, and then modified by the power effect, similarly to fork/exec. Actually, that would prevent the headache of making the power location-aware, that would also carry out the current buffs and debuffs, and then you only have to ignore them in case of ignoreBuffs&Enhancements and apply the summoning power's enhancements to the entity... I like it! If I have to implement the Summon kind of Effects, I'd definitely do that.

Also, you may notice that there seem to be an awful lot of functions involved to just modify a mod once you know the value and attrib and aspect targeted. But it should be optimized out because of inlining and templates, it just doesn't show in the debug because there is no optimization. I wouldn't be against a rewrite either if it keeps the optimality.

*: Especially the special cases and Aspect clamped value caching (val is the clamped, abs_val is the unclamped value for modification). Had to do that in Attribs because it's another or two other aspects that sometimes dictate the range of an aspect, like Min and Max limit Abs (and are involved in the calculation of Cur), and MaxMax restricts Max, and then Str and Res are also limited. So it only makes sense when you have all the aspects.

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Thanks for the transition, here is the calculator source code, disclaimer: IT'S OF NO USE TO NON-PROGRAMMERS, it's in C++, it's ugly, but it comes optimized a bit. Normally. Comes also with code stubs, follow the main to find only the useful bits.

I also only had time to test (and debug, don't forget debug, debug takes time, especially when you coded tired, tired code is a hive of bug) the paragonwiki brute Energy resistance case.

I was in the process of making damage tests afterward, if somebody wills to add them to the main and do the test themselves as curiosity (I don't even know if it's going to work !) just do another effect with a negative scale (if someone here think damages are a positive thing ...!) modifying the Abs aspect of the Energy attribute. This is hardwired to modify the health's Abs, but leverages the general formulas to get the resistances and strength of the damage type.

The Effects are basic, and the attribmod effects code is meant to work only for one-shots right now, the DoesNotStackFromSameCaster clause is not handled right now because I need to register them on the Entity, but the formulas are done and should work (as always when programming, if you forget the bugs :P).
At first glance, there seems to be issues with this being a true attribmod calculation engine. It appears to be more of an attribmod calculation toolbox. The main loop explicitly creates effects, which in and of itself is fine because any incomplete engine has to inject those somehow, but then also *explicitly* calls functions to compute the things you know are changing: resolve(brutesResistance, &brute, &brute); resolve(brutesResistanceBuf, &brute, &brute); for example.

I'm also concerned about this sort of thing:

//keep Cur, Abs and Max in Sync
template <>
inline const val_type mod<Aspects::Abs>(Attribs::Type& attrib, const val_type valmod){
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].abs_val = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].abs_val + valmod;
    register val_type val = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].abs_val;
    register val_type max = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Max].val;
    register val_type min = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Min].val;
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].val = (val>max)?max:(val<min)?min:val;
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Cur].abs_val = val / max;
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Cur].val = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].val / max;
    return valmod;
Without analyzing the code completely, I have a feeling you don't understand the difference between Cur and Abs modifiers. Especially since:

//Cur modding is just a syntactic sugar for things such as heal X% of inspirations
Heal inspirations are Abs. Also, Curs expire, Abs don't. That's why they require separate handling.

One other thing:

//"Resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs"
//this requires buffs to register specifically as buffs
//the less computationnaly expensive way is to test sign at data load.
I have a feeling your calculator doesn't work in the presence of resistable and unresistable effects simultaneously.

"You DON'T make resistible resist buffs... period"
If you handwave this away, you eliminate one of the mechanisms for the game engine to reduce the effectiveness of another entities buffs. The original MoG required this behavior for example. There are other instances of this as well. Eliminating it forces you to create new mechanics to replace it.

This is ironically a case where you're making it harder than it needs to be, or would be if you handled resistance as the game engine does.

It is also not a good idea to "test sign" to determine what is a buff and what is a debuff. Mez protection buffs are negative for example. You're rolling the dice that a lot of your simplifications won't break something important somewhere.

Here's my first test of the attribmod engine. Take the Brute and the Corruptor and shoot the Brute with Scream. What happens?

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

Here's my first test of the attribmod engine. Take the Brute and the Corruptor and shoot the Brute with Scream. What happens?
He puts his hands over his ears and yells "STOP THAT" ?

Sorry couldn't resist, especially since this thread started with someone asking for a my brute type of program and now its focused on simulating a software bugs, quirks and all.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
He puts his hands over his ears and yells "STOP THAT" ?

Sorry couldn't resist, especially since this thread started with someone asking for a my brute type of program and now its focused on simulating a software bugs, quirks and all.
Scream's behavior is not a bug. As I explained above, the reference to "My Brute" wasn't intended to imply tremendous oversimplification, but rather eliminating all of the surrounding effort required to create a 3D engine, mapservers, and all of the other trappings surrounding the core engine that correctly computes what happens when a set of entities N activate a set of powers P over time.

If you prefer, to eliminate the question of unintended delay, I can rephrase the question as calculating what happens when a target is hit by Shriek, and then three seconds later is hit by Fire Blast.

A significant amount of the complexity of the attribmod system is in the fact that attribmods can have durations and activation periods. An attribmod calculating engine must be able to handle those, or its not an attribmod calculator, its a calculator.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
*cough* cough* You may like C++'s templates.
I am in fact a student of programming languages. If you are a compile-time type-checking fan, you'll like templates. If you prefer runtime binding, and if you're using Objective-C and you don't like runtime binding you're insane, templates are usually a redundancy.

The reason I mention Objective-C is because, for the most part, MMOs are written with static game engines and dynamic but conceptually encapsulated data. Many was the college student who came onto the boards thinking the Freakshow was a C++ class of which Dreck was an instance. Not only is that not done, there's no really advantage to doing it.

But in a language like Objective-C (or Smalltalk, or most other object-based runtime bound environments) there is the crazy-but-interesting idea of converting data to objects at runtime dynamically and using the environment itself as a part of the game engine. A game engine written in Smalltalk or LISP wouldn't need special Requires expression handlers, it could just meta Eval them. Attribmods would convert to methods, and attribmod stacks would just be method stacks. Powers and entities could be redefined on the fly and all interactions would rebind automatically through dynamic dispatch.

The problem is, of course, you lose some control over the engine to the environment. You've probably made something a little less like City of Heroes, and a little more like Corewars.

For the record, not a fan of templates.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
But people can also do their own
My biggest problem with C++ is that everyone does, for everything. C++ is a language, but saying you code in C++ is like saying you speak in syllables. Any real project large enough to require more than one programmer starts to get into serious coordination issues unless the programmers are clones. Its actually easier in direct C for everyone to do their own thing and meet in the middle than C++.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



He puts his hands over his ears and yells "STOP THAT" ?
Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Scream's behavior is not a bug. As I explained above, the reference to "My Brute" wasn't intended to imply tremendous oversimplification, but rather eliminating all of the surrounding effort required to create a 3D engine, mapservers, and all of the other trappings surrounding the core engine that correctly computes what happens when a set of entities N activate a set of powers P over time.
Looks like my subclassing comedy had a syntax error.

A significant amount of the complexity of the attribmod system is in the fact that attribmods can have durations and activation periods. An attribmod calculating engine must be able to handle those, or its not an attribmod calculator, its a calculator.
Yes I understand and a very complex thing is something you would need if you wanted to make predictions on how this game would act as a physical construct.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
For the record, not a fan of templates.
Gee, I've wouldn't have guessed.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Thanks ArcanaVille !

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
At first glance, there seems to be issues with this being a true attribmod calculation engine. It appears to be more of an attribmod calculation toolbox. The main loop explicitly creates effects, which in and of itself is fine because any incomplete engine has to inject those somehow, but then also *explicitly* calls functions to compute the things you know are changing: resolve(brutesResistance, &brute, &brute); resolve(brutesResistanceBuf, &brute, &brute); for example.
Well, I didn't want to get into the power parsing part of the engine, because someone else already did it, so I only made the calculation toolbox, yes. The engine still lacks input this way, you are totally right.

I'm also concerned about this sort of thing:

//keep Cur, Abs and Max in Sync
template <>
inline const val_type mod<Aspects::Abs>(Attribs::Type& attrib, const val_type valmod){
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].abs_val = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].abs_val + valmod;
    register val_type val = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].abs_val;
    register val_type max = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Max].val;
    register val_type min = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Min].val;
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].val = (val>max)?max:(val<min)?min:val;
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Cur].abs_val = val / max;
    attrib.aspects[Aspects::Cur].val = attrib.aspects[Aspects::Abs].val / max;
    return valmod;
Without analyzing the code completely, I have a feeling you don't understand the difference between Cur and Abs modifiers. Especially since:

//Cur modding is just a syntactic sugar for things such as heal X% of inspirations
Heal inspirations are Abs. Also, Curs expire, Abs don't. That's why they require separate handling.
I actually remembered something about inspirations being somewhat of normal powers, but the problem is you always need 4 small insps to get full health, even with Max health buffs. It's explicitly put even on the description: +75% heal. Unless Cur behaves I coded it, you can't make a "+X% heal" effect. And I didn't know there were other "+-X%", as in, "+-X% of max", they are all absolute modifiers, but I would like to know them if they exist. And as you invoked later, you have to have some +X% effects somewhere. And wether +cur effects wear of or not is depending on the "duration" attribute of the effect. If duration X is >0s, there is a cancellation effect that is spawned and set to be resolved X later. But that requires a full power/effect engine (especially registering current effects on an entity).

One other thing:

//"Resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs"
//this requires buffs to register specifically as buffs
//the less computationnaly expensive way is to test sign at data load.
I have a feeling your calculator doesn't work in the presence of resistable and unresistable effects simultaneously.
It does because resistible effects and irresistible effects are mutually exclusive, and each effect is applied separately. "Resistible" only means you have to apply the target's resistance (or target's resistance buffs in case of resistance) value before applying the mod. I think.

"You DON'T make resistible resist buffs... period"
If you handwave this away, you eliminate one of the mechanisms for the game engine to reduce the effectiveness of another entities buffs. The original MoG required this behavior for example. There are other instances of this as well. Eliminating it forces you to create new mechanics to replace it.
This is ironically a case where you're making it harder than it needs to be, or would be if you handled resistance as the game engine does.
(Note I did write "Resistible RESIST buffs, all other buffs can be resistible, does that answer your concern ?)
IIRC, the Original MoG did what ? It was a, irresistible +100% res heal (or more, to cut heals), +100% irresistible heal mod (to remove any damage), -75% irresistible heal mod after a 0,1sec delay (to put you at low health from full health), -10000% cur regen (to cut regen), and insane amounts of def and res, why would it need to have resistible *resist* buffs ? I'm at a loss here

It is also not a good idea to "test sign" to determine what is a buff and what is a debuff. Mez protection buffs are negative for example. You're rolling the dice that a lot of your simplifications won't break something important somewhere.
I may have been imprecise again, this is for Res buffs only (hence the comment is near the ResBuf aspect of an attribute)

Here's my first test of the attribmod engine. Take the Brute and the Corruptor and shoot the Brute with Scream. What happens?
Well, as I said, since it's a one-shot calculator only at the moment, and (as you can see on the City of Data) since the damage is listed first before the resistible resistance debuff, should the power resolution method (not written at the moment) resolve effects in their order, the first tick of damage is not under the influence of the debuffs, but all the other ticks (resolved laters) are.

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Arcanaville
My biggest problem with C++ is that everyone does, for everything. C++ is a language, but saying you code in C++ is like saying you speak in syllables. Any real project large enough to require more than one programmer starts to get into serious coordination issues unless the programmers are clones. Its actually easier in direct C for everyone to do their own thing and meet in the middle than C++.
Yet, everything is just prevented by actually *reading* the header, where the overloaded new operator is defined...

blame the poor habits, not the language (again, no language does prevent its users from making stupidities)

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I am in fact a student of programming languages. If you are a compile-time type-checking fan, you'll like templates. If you prefer runtime binding, and if you're using Objective-C and you don't like runtime binding you're insane, templates are usually a redundancy.
Template also provide meta-programming, as I did in Entity.details. You may have headaches looking at that, wear reading glasses, even if you don't need them. Especially since you're not a fan of templates.

The reason I mention Objective-C is because, for the most part, MMOs are written with static game engines and dynamic but conceptually encapsulated data. Many was the college student who came onto the boards thinking the Freakshow was a C++ class of which Dreck was an instance. Not only is that not done, there's no really advantage to doing it.

But in a language like Objective-C (or Smalltalk, or most other object-based runtime bound environments) there is the crazy-but-interesting idea of converting data to objects at runtime dynamically and using the environment itself as a part of the game engine. A game engine written in Smalltalk or LISP wouldn't need special Requires expression handlers, it could just meta Eval them. Attribmods would convert to methods, and attribmod stacks would just be method stacks. Powers and entities could be redefined on the fly and all interactions would rebind automatically through dynamic dispatch.

The problem is, of course, you lose some control over the engine to the environment. You've probably made something a little less like City of Heroes, and a little more like Corewars.
Dynamic calculation is very attractive, simplicity-wise, but it's a ressource hog, especially when it's not so costly to make tables and static code these days, thank the low RAM price !

And again, I'd like to apologize for only making an attribmod calculator, I thought it was only that, that was asked, not an attribmod engine. But basically, you just need to put that in a loop to make it an engine. And you also need to feed the loop, but I simply refuse to do that without the City of Data's generator as reference, as ugly and as incomplete as it may be considered by its genitors

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
I actually remembered something about inspirations being somewhat of normal powers, but the problem is you always need 4 small insps to get full health, even with Max health buffs.
Test again.

If duration X is >0s, there is a cancellation effect that is spawned and set to be resolved X later. But that requires a full power/effect engine (especially registering current effects on an entity).
I don't see why. An attribmod calculation engine should be able to, given a list of attribmods, determine what is going on at time t, for all t. Otherwise, as I said, its not an attribmod calculator. Its just a calculator with a lot of rows.

It does because resistible effects and irresistible effects are mutually exclusive, and each effect is applied separately. "Resistible" only means you have to apply the target's resistance (or target's resistance buffs in case of resistance) value before applying the mod. I think.
I haven't had a chance to analyze the code completely yet, but what I meant was that resistable buffs are resisted by the resistance of the target after unresistable buffs are accounted for first.

(Note I did write "Resistible RESIST buffs, all other buffs can be resistible, does that answer your concern ?)
IIRC, the Original MoG did what ? It was a, irresistible +100% res heal (or more, to cut heals), +100% irresistible heal mod (to remove any damage), -75% irresistible heal mod after a 0,1sec delay (to put you at low health from full health), -10000% cur regen (to cut regen), and insane amounts of def and res, why would it need to have resistible *resist* buffs ? I'm at a loss here
You're going to special case resist modifiers separate from all other modifiers?

Well, as I said, since it's a one-shot calculator only at the moment, and (as you can see on the City of Data) since the damage is listed first before the resistible resistance debuff, should the power resolution method (not written at the moment) resolve effects in their order, the first tick of damage is not under the influence of the debuffs, but all the other ticks (resolved laters) are.
You can't rely on City of Data for order of operation. But in any case, that's your explanation of the effect: I'm asking what your calculator says, not what you personally know.

I'm still not sure what you mean by "power resolution method" vs attribmod calculation. The order in which attribmod effects are computed is a necessary requirement for the attribmod engine to function properly.

You seem to be stripping all functionality out of the attribmod calculation engine except AttrValue = Min(Max[(AttrValue + [Attribmod(Abs) + Attribmod(Cur)] * (1 - Res)),AttrMin],AttrMax)

That's not really what I was talking about at all, but in any event, that's about 1% of the work of the entire combat engine. So: assuming I'm looking at about 10 hours of work, with testing and debugging, at this rate about a thousand hours of work and you'll have something maybe close to the complete engine done.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
Well, as I said, since it's a one-shot calculator only at the moment, and (as you can see on the City of Data) since the damage is listed first before the resistible resistance debuff, should the power resolution method (not written at the moment) resolve effects in their order, the first tick of damage is not under the influence of the debuffs, but all the other ticks (resolved laters) are.
Arcana beat me to it, but CoD reorders some of the effects in order to make the display a bit friendlier to read. It generally preserves the order within a certain target type, but does change it in order to group effects with a certain target together. It also tries to merge together similar effects to present them on a single line, such as damage, defense, or mez types, if they're "close enough" (generally with the same Scale, duration, and a few other things).

So don't depend on city of data being accurate for the exact order that the engine applies effects in, as it intentionally lies about that in some cases.



So, what I get from this fascinating discussion is:

1) It is possible to write an engine that does something with all the powers data in City of Heroes; and
2) writing an engine that does exactly what CoX does with the powers data is much more time consuming than being lax about it

Faced with the possibility of complete extinction, my 20,000ft read is that people would be pretty happy with anything even if it wasn't completely faithful to CoX's behaviors and edge cases. And yes, before Arcanaville stomps on me for it, I'm aware that many of the engine differences would lead to broken power sets and/or unbeatable combos, but then CoX itself had its share of those at launch.

That said, I've always felt that even Arcanaville's estimates were low. Maybe that's because most programmers I've met are less productive than I imagine most of the programmers in this conversation to be. It took me at least two years to do this, and that's a significantly smaller project than building a full MMO. Based on that experience my estimate for CoX would be closer to 8-10 developer-years of effort.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Further thoughts...

One of the early hurdles CoX faced was legal rather than technical. If some other entity than Paragon Studios took up the mantle, someone would have to look into the legalities surrounding hero-themed IP and what steps a new game would have to take to protect its creators and even users from lawsuits.

Beyond that, though, it would be really fascinating to see a community-developed MMO. I don't know that any such thing has existed before, at least in quite this form (some early MUDs were open source, and of course the Mission Architect blurred a few lines). With a decent project manager at the lead, you might be able to factor the problem such that a large number of people could work on it in parallel. I'm thinking you could split the project along these lines and allow them to operate somewhat independently:

1) Combat engine and powers
2) Client/server communication, protocols
3) Character creation, costumes, and crafting
4) Critter AI
5) World creation and 3D assets
6) Mission and story authoring
7) 2D UI
8) Chat, registration, and user management
9) Legal and business development

Somewhere in there would be database/persistence management, but it might be split among several teams. And of course once launched you'd also need support staff, both technical and moderation. There may be other pieces I'm missing.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



OK, I really should be doing other things, but my mind just started going crazy with this.

Suppose this new MMO supported user-generated creative goods: costume pieces, missions and story lines, etc. Suppose further that users could sell them to each other, and the role of the main coordinators was to provide a store for these goods, taking a cut off the top. Would such a model be sufficient to keep the game running? I don't know how to answer that, but it's a tempting answer to the problem of never-ending content in a game that has minimal direct funding for development.

There are previous models for this, such as 2nd Life, but I think CoX has an edge in that it is an actual game and not just an empty playground.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Originally Posted by Mind Forever Burning View Post
OK, I really should be doing other things, but my mind just started going crazy with this.

Suppose this new MMO supported user-generated creative goods: costume pieces, missions and story lines, etc. Suppose further that users could sell them to each other, and the role of the main coordinators was to provide a store for these goods, taking a cut off the top. Would such a model be sufficient to keep the game running? I don't know how to answer that, but it's a tempting answer to the problem of never-ending content in a game that has minimal direct funding for development.

There are previous models for this, such as 2nd Life, but I think CoX has an edge in that it is an actual game and not just an empty playground.
I always thought CoX needed more sandbox. AE was a step in the right direction so was the phasing tech but they just never took them further.