Anybody else think there is a massive Typo here?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Even taken half-literally, they still have no relation to their actual actions.

They don't have the power to make the whole world happy, but they do have the power to make the thousands of CoH fans happy.
Not to mention it sounds.. Well am I reading a company policy or an ad for a yoga place?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Yet still funny.

Seriously, they could have said something like "to provide good service for as long as possible". But no, they made it their mission to not stop until everyone in the world was happier because of them. they were, seriously, asking for it.
Yeah, mission statements are generally public relations B.S.that no one takes too seriously, but the rhetoric on that page is way over the top compared to the usual corporate drivel ("make each and everyone on earth happier," and "do not hesitate doing what is right.") It is pretty funny when they lay it on so thick with the noble sentiments and then turn around and make the same cold, hard business decisions that every other big, "heartless" corporation makes.

Also, I notice that they have the same bookcases in their office that we have in our base items. I think they just took a picture of the bookcases on the far right and used that for artwork in game.



Originally Posted by Red_Raccoon View Post
Yeah, mission statements are generally public relations B.S.that no one takes too seriously, but the rhetoric on that page is way over the top compared to the usual corporate drivel ("make each and everyone on earth happier," and "do not hesitate doing what is right.") It is pretty funny when they lay it on so thick with the noble sentiments and then turn around and make the same cold, hard business decisions that every other big, "heartless" corporation makes.

Also, I notice that they have the same bookcases in their office that we have in our base items. I think they just took a picture of the bookcases on the far right and used that for artwork in game.
You might also want to consider that it may read differently in Korean. It's pretty clearly a translation, and not a great one at that.



..Here's my reaction to that ... R.I.P some random guy i decided to call NcSoft

... In all fairness, they did make me ten times more happier then i have been



The CEO's Message is particularly risible:

Today we continue that comitment to quality and innovation.
Just over a decade after our founding, we are a global presence in games.
We constantly push the boundaries of game design, technology, and services.
So not that long ago we were a new upstart competitor. But today with great games like Aion, City of Heroes, and Guild Wars under our belt, we now set the standard for the industry.
Seems as if that part of the CEO's message needs to be edited to change the position of City of Heroes to 'under the bus', where they threw it.

But I suspect that the whole website has gotten thrown under the bus, too. Looking at the press releases, the most recent is from 2009, talking about the Aion open beta, and the latest 'In the Press' article is from December 2007. So taking anything you find there as representative of the company as it now stands may be worse than useless.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But still be polite about it - just ask them how their refusal to sell CoH fits in with their goal of making everybody happy.
I haven't seen a from you in a few days. Who are you and what did you do with the real Golden Girl?

I do appreciate what you are doing, by the way. Even if we didn't always see eye to eye in the past.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



That's the Omega Slot: Irony Incarnate!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by HardRider View Post
..Here's my reaction to that ... R.I.P some random guy i decided to call NcSoft

... In all fairness, they did make me ten times more happier then i have been
HardRider, this may be a sad commentary about the state of my inner being right now, but your little black and white cartoon of the stick figure beating the other stick figure into a pulp with all differently kinds of weapons that just magically appear has been the first thing to make me smile in days. It's wonderful! I had to just sit and watch it for awhile



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
That page is just so much fluff. It's meaningless.

They might be trying to convince themselves that they're living up to those "goals", but in the real world, their actions speak the loudest of all.
Yes, did you not read the Praetorian Loyalist propaganda? How much of THAT was true, eh?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Yes, did you not read the Praetorian Loyalist propaganda? How much of THAT was true, eh?
All of it!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




All I can say on NCSoft's web presence is this. I've been trying to get onto - the first Google result, and let's face it the most obvious site address to have for the company - for days. I've had nothing but timeouts.

I had the same result about 6 months ago.

Like srmalloy I'm convinced that they don't really care about the state of their online footprint.

"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch



Originally Posted by Elvenheart View Post
HardRider, this may be a sad commentary about the state of my inner being right now, but your little black and white cartoon of the stick figure beating the other stick figure into a pulp with all differently kinds of weapons that just magically appear has been the first thing to make me smile in days. It's wonderful! I had to just sit and watch it for awhile
That's awesome to here I too have been quite down lately due to the news so your not the only one And at first when i saw it i was annoyed hence the random naming of some stranger and the killing and beating of Z person.. But after a while of watching that i 2 started to smile n laugh, especially when i added music in the background



Originally Posted by Sabriel View Post
According to their own history pages ( City of Heroes was launched after City of Villains in Europe...
I think it'd be interesting to see the same timeline with entries added for all their games' cancellations.

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Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
You might also want to consider that it may read differently in Korean. It's pretty clearly a translation, and not a great one at that.
I also considered that corporate culture in Korea may differ than that of America. Rhetoric that sounds completely overboard to our minds might just be standard corporate-speak over there. Maybe every Korean company is expected to talk like they care more about making the world a better place than making money, even if noone really believes that. Nevertheless, considering what's happened recently, you can't blame people from finding that statement of company philosophy a bit ironic.



Even if that's correct, any semi-professional company would be aware of cultural differences, and create variations on their mission statement for their various markets, not just for their customers, but for any potential investors.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork