Time for one last reveal... *pulls off the mask* This is who I really am -- The RL pic thread
Jeezus, OP is jacked. Kinda hard to follow, but I will contribute to the mask takeoffing.
Hey guys, I'm Rob. It's been fun.
This so crazy all the reveals.
I'll just re-itereate that yes, the OP is "jacked" and pretty cool he's a model and we have some celebrity rep for CoH.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Cecil Adkins, writer, office supply store assistant manager
I'm keeping my anonymity as I am ugly as hell, but I will say that I worked at WeGame and did the entire wiki for City of Heroes there (2,229 pages! good lord looking back at all that...) on top of being the person that got them to add support to the recording client way back when.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Hi, Everybody! <<Hi, Slick!>>
My name is Scott Schultz and when I'm not busy nitpicking this or that about the game, I'm a one-man IT shop for a small publishing company in the employment field.
And yeah, that Ultimus is a tough act to follow. Whodathunkit???
And yeah, that Ultimus is a tough act to follow. Whodathunkit???

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

My name is Kara and I'm an extreme introvert. This has worked out well for me though as it's allowed me to make a career as a freelance translator and now editor.
I haven't done a lot that would be known by the general populace but I helped edit and translate some poetry for Ellipse Magazine (nominally from Tim Bowling) through the Literary Translators Association of Canada (may be defunct), helped with Ralph Alfonso's website (www.bongobeat.com) to a degree, did some associate consulting on former Canadian heartthrob Lee Aaron's old website for French translation and well...our little unit also helped Terry Moore find some French swear words for one his characters, Katchoo, in the Strangers in Paradise comic strip. I've had the honour of meeting Umberto Eco in person and not having a massive panic attack and puking on his shoes and of working for Bell Canada (for Sympatico's massive outlook websites), National Defence (radiation poisoning treatises) and a bevy of other places including some law firms on Intellectual Property disputes (between booze brands) or contract issues (Air Canada labour disputes).
People always ask me if I'm a gold farmer, if I have a job and so on.
I got help incorporating myself early on and have worked from home the past five years. I ALT+TAB from my texts/lexicons to CoH for a quick gameplay session then meet a friend or two for the weekend.
Oh, I once helped stop a fight between two different native language speakers through some quick "interpretation" in a bar setting. That was stressful
Yeah, boring stuff but it keeps me busy enough...
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I'm Tim Willard.
10 year Army veteran during the Cold War. Former NATO observer/NBC expert. I worked on the MAD program, and was an honest to God Cold War Supervillain.
I ran a top secret site full of chemical and nuclear tactical weaponry. It had underground tunnels for us to ride out the nuclear strike that would hit the site in the opening of World War III. I had Rangers to provide emergency security and strikes. I had GSG-9 teams at my command. I had West German Army guards.
It was my job to make sure that nuclear fire and chemical death was brought to Warsaw Pact targets if they every jumped at us. I helped plan MAD protocol. I helped rewrite the NATO doctrine for chemical weapons use in an urban environment.
I was 18 and a supervillain.
Now, I'm old. I'm a published writer, RPG designer who has written a best selling tabletop role playing game. I work for a publishing company with the official job title of "gunslinger".
I'll miss all of you, and miss this game.
"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)
My name is Jonathan MacKay.
I.... well, it's hard to say what I am now. I've been a pastor, a guy working in customer service, an industrial painter, and..... well, I've always been an idealist. I hope to become a published author as well as a university professor, but.... well, life finds a way.
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
Its not really how we look but that we all shared the passion for this game which brings us together. I think thats cool. Maybe one day I will run into someone and be like you played COH too?!?!
My mugshots are in my CoH Faces profile in the link in my sig. Pics mainly taken at various incarnations of the Download Rock Festival in the UK (Formerly known as Donnington Monsters of Rock)
Names Matt; I'm a 42 year old Computer Infrastructure Engineer based in Sittingbourne in Kent.
Tonight is the first time I've ever gotten this emotional over a computer game.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
I'm a transsexual and a work in progress, so I don't feel comfortable posting pics, but it is nice to see you guys.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
I'm Tim Willard.
10 year Army veteran during the Cold War. Former NATO observer/NBC expert. I worked on the MAD program, and was an honest to God Cold War Supervillain. I ran a top secret site full of chemical and nuclear tactical weaponry. It had underground tunnels for us to ride out the nuclear strike that would hit the site in the opening of World War III. I had Rangers to provide emergency security and strikes. I had GSG-9 teams at my command. I had West German Army guards. It was my job to make sure that nuclear fire and chemical death was brought to Warsaw Pact targets if they every jumped at us. I helped plan MAD protocol. I helped rewrite the NATO doctrine for chemical weapons use in an urban environment. I was 18 and a supervillain. Now, I'm old. I'm a published writer, RPG designer who has written a best selling tabletop role playing game. I work for a publishing company with the official job title of "gunslinger". ![]() I'll miss all of you, and miss this game. |
I'm Tim Willard.
10 year Army veteran during the Cold War. Former NATO observer/NBC expert. I worked on the MAD program, and was an honest to God Cold War Supervillain. I ran a top secret site full of chemical and nuclear tactical weaponry. It had underground tunnels for us to ride out the nuclear strike that would hit the site in the opening of World War III. I had Rangers to provide emergency security and strikes. I had GSG-9 teams at my command. I had West German Army guards. It was my job to make sure that nuclear fire and chemical death was brought to Warsaw Pact targets if they every jumped at us. I helped plan MAD protocol. I helped rewrite the NATO doctrine for chemical weapons use in an urban environment. I was 18 and a supervillain. Now, I'm old. I'm a published writer, RPG designer who has written a best selling tabletop role playing game. I work for a publishing company with the official job title of "gunslinger". ![]() I'll miss all of you, and miss this game. |
Yo dawgs, I posted semi-regularly around here and played on the Union server, under the global handle @Aerial Assault. I'm 19 years of age and live in the North East of England.
I was looking for a picture, and this is the most recent, non creepy one I found:
Note that i'm looking my 'best' there
I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...
*Arachnos Commander removes his helmet for the last time*
The name is Sean Godfrey. Been a player of CoH since 2004 but found my villainous calling when CoV launched. I've been playing as Arachnos Commander since the 3 day CoV headstart.
I'm been a video store manager most of my early Coh career. Now I'm a web developer and owner/admin of Daevas.com, an AION social community. I've travelled all over Europe spreading the world about AION. I just wish I had the same opportunity for CoH. I've also been writing a screenplay for the past 3 years... just keep getting distracted :P lol, I almost forgot... was, for a short time a professional wrestler.
Through my CoH "career" I've met many people. Some great friendships have been formed, broken, relationships formed and broken, but because of CoH I've met my soulmate and we've been together almost 5 years. I'd tell you her name, but she'd kill me for mentioning her. But let's just say she is the pinkest, cupcakenest, cutie-bot of Virtue United.
I want to thank all of the developers and especially the players that kept me here over the years. Without the friends I've made, the Arachnos Commander would still be lying in a grave. So thank you to Blazing Tiger, Kegan, Sandolphan, Xanthicsnow, Andra, Belle, Xad, Misfortune, Ley Line Walker, Hasdrabul Skaras and the entire cast of the Arachnos Elite from 2005-2012.
Going to miss you all.
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

We are Samuraiko/Dark_Respite and Bloodspeaker... or as mundanes know us, Michelle and John Travis.
This is us, almost exact ten years ago... our tenth anniversary is September 28th.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Not hard to find my pics if you look so

Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
My name is AJ Meleleu.

While I am a super hero in the game world, in the real world I am an actor and model. I've done runway for Reebok at international conventions, modeled on TV, and been in fashion shows. I've starred in commercials and even been in a few movies.
Perhaps one day I will get to be a super hero in a major film like Avengers, if that day comes I will be sure to do some kind of tribute to City of Heroes.
Maybe one day I will make it big but I will always be a gamer at heart
Feel free to add me on Facebook or Twitter.
So I had to take a hike today and I took this picture of how I feel my character would be gazing off in the sunset as the door on COH closes. I encourage others to post who they are or some pictures.