Is anyone surprised we haven't seen more use of Doppelganger technology?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Darkness Control's Posses is just like Decieve or Confuse, only with cooler graphics. It is a long ST confuse on a low recharge.
Yes, yes, but I mean conceptually. If a Dark Controller can take over an enemy and use that enemy as a pet in concept, then an NPC spawning a dopelganger of the player isn't so out of the the question.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Darkness Control's Posses is just like Decieve or Confuse, only with cooler graphics. It is a long ST confuse on a low recharge.
It also messes with the doppelgängers technology used in that hero TF... if you successfully confuse one of the shadow doppelgängers, once it ends, they un-shadow!

It would also make an interesting player power... use it on an enemy to summon a clone of your target (except at one rank below their natural rank). Might be a bit OP when used against enemies with cheat-powers (I'm looking at you, Hamidon!).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I'm sure Hamidon would be immune, since he's immune to everything else.



Surprised, no. Grateful, yes.

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I'm disappointed we havent had a mission where we have to fight dog versions of ourselves. :P



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I always thought Illusion control's graphics should've been changed to dopplegang you. Same 'powers' as they use now and all, just they look like copies of you.
Please. This. This would be so coooool.



Originally Posted by venture View Post
surprised, no. Grateful, yes.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by houtex View Post
THAT is what I'd like to see them use it for... lettin' me battle my own alts to see who'd win... and awesome screencaps.
It would be fun if your alts could show up randomly as the boss encounter in Safeguard/Mayhem missions.

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As an aside, I did the hero morality mission where you fight your doppleganger the other day, and after she was dead, I noticed that my pets were still attacking something.

My plant/fire doppleganger had managed to summon carrion creepers during the fight. As had I, and I had two pets out (plant pet and my Arachnos toxic spider pet) And... you can't really kill off carrion creepers, it just summons more tentacles until the power is done. So my carrion creepers and my two pets spent the next 2 minutes or so fighting my doppleganger's carrion creepers, in a rather pointless but amusing battle. ^_^

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I'm just picturing this:

Cold Domination superteam, 4 Sonic/Cold Corruptors, 2 Fire/Cold Corruptors, 2 Mind/Cold Controllers.

(Statesman Task Force, Lord Recluse cutscene triggers)

"Bow before my power! I have cloned each of you and powered them through the WEB. None shall pass!"

Everyone gets hit with Heat Lossx8, Benumb to taste and then Confused.
On the other hand, that might be the kind of goofy, innocent hijinx this game has needed for some time!

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
I'm just picturing this:

Cold Domination superteam, 4 Sonic/Cold Corruptors, 2 Fire/Cold Corruptors, 2 Mind/Cold Controllers.

(Statesman Task Force, Lord Recluse cutscene triggers)

"Bow before my power! I have cloned each of you and powered them through the WEB. None shall pass!"

Everyone gets hit with Heat Lossx8, Benumb to taste and then Confused.
On the other hand, that might be the kind of goofy, innocent hijinx this game has needed for some time!
What better way to deal with over the top badass characters than make them fight something equally over the top and badass?



I've always been a little disappointed that the fight with Protean doesn't end up using the Doppelganger tech, since he is a shapeshifter. Maybe you get halfway through the fight and he decides to mock you by taking your form, so he escapes in a smoke cloud (despawning the Protean model) and respawns as a doppelganger.

Considering the character, it just seems like it would make so much more sense that his fight's gimmick would the tech that they introduced in that arc rather than some not particularly thematic out-of-the-blue annoying super energy drain.

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The devs should have separated out the image and power aspects of doppelgangers, and added them - along with costume change emotes - to the list of actions available in AE and their own toolset.

That way, you could have a character like Protean change costume to look like the player's character when at - say - 50% health, in order to mock them.

Costume change emotes came after AE, but as soon as we got them I wanted to write arcs where a villain uses a costume change emote to reveal his true identity, or to morph into something different. Or perhaps when the monster NPC is defeated, what's left lying on the ground is the human who became the monster. Those are all classic scenarios.

Inserting costume change emotes that could optionally swap to a different NPC, or swap to a player clone image, would be great.

The devs should also have kept the ability to clone a player's powers separate. This way, you could set up situations where a NPC who looks different from the player's character acts like it absorbs or copies a player's powers. Essentially, that's what Darrin Wade did to Statesman. The devs hard coded that, but it seems to me that provisions could be made in AE to allow anyone to do it.

Taking the opposite action, you could have NPCs who bear the image of the player's character, but who have different powers, like what you would expect if - say - Malta, Nemesis, or the Family, was impersonating a hero.



For that matter, if costume change emotes were inserted along with NPC summoning code (to spawn additionally, instead of replace), in AE you could imitate Trapdoor's bifurcation power, in part, by pairing the Dimension Shift costume change with spawning an identical NPC.

Imagine a fight in which you get the boss down to 75% and he spawns a clone of himself. Or, possibly, he spawns a clone of you. Or something completely different, like a demon.

The fight could start off easy but become tougher if the boss were to spawn buffing allies, as the Devouring Earth do.