Gauging Any Interest in a Hellboy / Frankenstein / Pulp-esque RPSG




Hey gang,

Is there interest in a roleplaying supergroup that would fill a niche in the RP community along the following lines:

I've recently returned to City of Heroes after several years away. Although I'm having a blast being back, truth be told, I'm still fairly burnt out on traditional capes-and-spandex archetypes (I spent a lot of time, mental energy, and art commissioning moolah on my namesake hero back in the day).

That said, the intersection of monsters, creepy creatures, and fantasy figures with the modern world and heroic stories has always excited me, and since I've returned I've been spending the majority of my time playing as and trying to develop an IC feel for the Strange Siberian Snowman. In my opinion, the game setting supports such an RP angle, especially when you consider Croatoa, (Dark) Astoria, the Circle of Thorns, and other types (ie I'm not trying to break the setting by bringing in other games' canon such as the World of Darkness and such).

Would anyone be interested in collaborating together a building an RP supergroup along these lines? I think it could be both a fun break from the norm, a chance to really foster an underdeveloped niche in the RP community (if I've missed some big SG, please let me know), and do some fun storytelling at the same time.

But like I said, I'm really interested in collaborating here. I'm a stereotypical ENFP (for those Myers-Briggs geeks out there) insomuch as I'm pretty damn fantastic coming up with ideas and concepts and getting folks exited about them, but need some balancing help when it comes to follow through and organization.

So, sales pitch over. Anyone interested in something like this?




that does sound pretty fun! I'm up for it but I might not be a steady player at first.



id be up for it too =) pm me ingame @cien fuegos

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



These seems right up my alley. Count me in! I do have a fish character I've been trying to get off the ground, with little luck on the name. But I love Hellboy, classic movie monsters, and interesting species.

Feel free to hit me up at @Vyver and I'll contribute what I can.



would be great to start a paranormal sg and make AE missions that we adventure on once a week ( or twice) as a static team. maybe have each of the sg members think up a ae arc. I dont know if anyone read planetary but its amazing work as well

ill add link to planetery

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Even though I don't have the time to participate, I think it's a great idea.

Another comic inspiration, Proof.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I have a cyborg minotaur that would look good with this...soooooo I'm interested......



This is a great idea though, unfortunately, after 2 years, I haven't really been able to find much in the way of this type of RP, or at least with people who think similar to myself. Almost all of my characters are loosely based on not only COH canon but also Lovecraft, Gaiman and Mignola among others. Originally, the Unforsaken, my SG, was based on a Lovecraftian-styled order of protectors of balance from pre-human times. The problem always lies in every individuals style of RP as well character development and just overall personality which is why I never was able to get it quite off the ground.

If/when you do get together or begin forming this group, your more then welcome to use the Unforsaken base which is a steampunk/arcane/realistic styled underground lair of sorts.



Originally Posted by TheElFlamingo View Post
that does sound pretty fun! I'm up for it but I might not be a steady player at first.
No worries! If this thing gets off the ground, I'll give you a holler. Keep your eye on the thread here.

Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
id be up for it too =) pm me ingame @cien fuegos...

would be great to start a paranormal sg and make AE missions that we adventure on once a week ( or twice) as a static team. maybe have each of the sg members think up a ae arc.
Will do. I've added your global, so let's chat soon.

I'm all about AE arcs, just haven't had the time since I've returned to really dig into the posibilities there.

Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
These seems right up my alley. Count me in! I do have a fish character I've been trying to get off the ground, with little luck on the name. But I love Hellboy, classic movie monsters, and interesting species.

Feel free to hit me up at @Vyver and I'll contribute what I can...

This is from the same creator as Hellboy, but The Amazing Screw On Head is pretty interesting as well.
Very cool. Any broad stroke ideas of what your interest/involvement level might be, hypothetically?

Screw On Head is great. Really, I think most of the Mignola-verse would probably work just fine for this sorta thing. Maybe not Lobster Johnson, and probably not Baltimore, himself, but all the weird monsters he fights would do quite well.

Originally Posted by firecracker View Post
I have a cyborg minotaur that would look good with this...soooooo I'm interested......
Cool! Add me in-game as @TheImperial if you want to chat or reply here. Looking to doing some RPing with your robo-taur or help out on a more volunteery-ish level (either works)?

Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Even though I don't have the time to participate, I think it's a great idea.

Another comic inspiration, Proof.
Another Sasquatch/Bigfoot/Yeti hero? Gah!

Thanks for the show of support!




Originally Posted by Straenge View Post
This is a great idea though, unfortunately, after 2 years, I haven't really been able to find much in the way of this type of RP, or at least with people who think similar to myself. Almost all of my characters are loosely based on not only COH canon but also Lovecraft, Gaiman and Mignola among others. Originally, the Unforsaken, my SG, was based on a Lovecraftian-styled order of protectors of balance from pre-human times. The problem always lies in every individuals style of RP as well character development and just overall personality which is why I never was able to get it quite off the ground.

If/when you do get together or begin forming this group, your more then welcome to use the Unforsaken base which is a steampunk/arcane/realistic styled underground lair of sorts.
Well, if I may throw my two cents in, part of the problem may be, as well, that you guys run with a fairly strict background and setup for the SG that would seemingly - at least from first glance - require potential members to rework some of their characters or create a new one from scratch. Not to mention that you "follow majority of the City of Heroes Canon and Timeline with only a few minor differences," which could be a bit of an impediment from any in-depth RPing with non-SG individuals and other groups, if the continuity changes are big and/or prominent enough. Both of those could be impediments to bringing new folks on board.

That said, please don't take that as an insult or undue critisism. I like the concept quite a bit.

For me, my scattered ideas at this point are along the lines of an ad hoc "Monster House" that has been operating as contractors of sorts to various governmental and metahuman organizations on the more "weird" issues as the pop up. That should allow for the broadest base of character types and pan-RP community connections.




Originally Posted by TheImperial View Post
Very cool. Any broad stroke ideas of what your interest/involvement level might be, hypothetically?

Screw On Head is great. Really, I think most of the Mignola-verse would probably work just fine for this sorta thing. Maybe not Lobster Johnson, and probably not Baltimore, himself, but all the weird monsters he fights would do quite well.
Well, like you, I'm getting burnt out on tights and spandex heroes. And I love mystery shows, cryptids and Universal Horror monsters. So my interest is high. And I'm available pretty much any night save for thursday and sunday where I have vg meetings.

And I love brainstorming and world/character building just as much as I love actually playing.

I just need to make a character now. Too many ideas, too little time. I've got it narrowed down though. I still have that fish character, although seeing as how this is partially Hellboy inspired, a fish character might be a little too on-the-nose. I was also thinking of a female frankenstein-esque creature named something like Shelly, with Electrical Melee. Or the Flat-woods Monsters.

Or mothman....hmmm now that the shoulder fur is being added to all the shoulder options I have an idea.....



Originally Posted by TheImperial View Post
Well, if I may throw my two cents in, part of the problem may be, as well, that you guys run with a fairly strict background and setup for the SG that would seemingly - at least from first glance - require potential members to rework some of their characters or create a new one from scratch. Not to mention that you "follow majority of the City of Heroes Canon and Timeline with only a few minor differences," which could be a bit of an impediment from any in-depth RPing with non-SG individuals and other groups, if the continuity changes are big and/or prominent enough. Both of those could be impediments to bringing new folks on board.

That said, please don't take that as an insult or undue critisism. I like the concept quite a bit.

For me, my scattered ideas at this point are along the lines of an ad hoc "Monster House" that has been operating as contractors of sorts to various governmental and metahuman organizations on the more "weird" issues as the pop up. That should allow for the broadest base of character types and pan-RP community connections.
Oh that was written over a year ago and haven't updated it much since then and my views have changed a bit. I wanted it to be more open with working with other SG's while keeping to our own canon without pushing it on anyone else which is why I added that part.

Overall though, I was trying more or less the same thing, only it was a bit more underlying/secretive due to the nature of many of the SG members being darker. Something more of a haven for those considered "Evil" just by the way they look as well as a research/development society and as an organization who strives for balance. For instance, Humans can call any number of organizations to help them with fighting the paranormal. We are the ones that the paranormal/supernatural beings need help when things get too weird for even them.



do we start at level 1 or can any level join ? id prefer fresh lvl 1 characters

if start at level 1 might want to set a Death from below date to make team etc

Made a new level 1 called Question Mark? heres his background (can change it to match sg idea)

Question Mark Fire/Pain Domination corruptor
It was so angry when Portal Corp tore it from its dimension it refuse to tell them if he was a he,she or it what it was or its name..instead it burnt down portal corp. After much negotiation Question Mark ? has joined a government paranormal organization for what it calls " a **** load of money" and free prune juice for life. While Question Mark? can be abusive,annoying,whiney, and pig-headed it has a lot of knowledge about fighting and has served on the capacity of healing its teamamates. No idea what or who or even if its a He It or she.

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I haven't got the time for this, but if I did, I would completely be on board.

If anyone wants the name "Doc Golem", let me know; I always liked it for a noir/pulp monster detective (or detective monster) type.



I would totally be up for this. I've got an urban legend monstery type character guy who I've tried once or twice and lost interest in since I couldn't find a good group for him, and this could work out well for that.

@KelpPlankton in-game of course.

Animation major and old-school CoHer.

Art, Animation, and Stuff:
DA Tumblr Vimeo Youtube



I have an idea for the toon I'd wanna play in this sg! A Hydra/Humanoid mix! My Globals @Mentolar so add me man!



GAAAAAAAAAH @#^%$@%^#@$%^#$%^

I had a long reply to everyone individually... and then accidentally closed the tab in my browser.


The Too Long; Can't Read version:

I've made a channel - MonsterOOC - if you'd like to chat about this in-game. I'm @TheImperial, and those who have expressed interest will be seeing a global friends invite from me soon.




oh right...I'm @tacobill...could you send me one please?



@cienfuegos2 is where i made my toon.

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



I have a crazy idea for what our sg could be about. If any of you have ever read SCP Foundation I'll provide a link for those interested.
There we go.

Alright so my idea is that our lil' group of weirdos contains the exceedingly dangerous and nightmarish of things in CoH. Maybe we have a rivalry with the Midnighters cause we're doing the same thing.

Just an idea to think about.



sounds kind of like wherehouse 13 on sy fy...i like it but others should probabley talk about it

set up some meeting time after double xp weekend?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



It's times like this I wish I wasn't on a UK time zone.

Good luck with it though, I love the concept.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I've got a character that would work nicely here. I'd be cool to do a meet-up. At any rate I'm very interested in joining.



Not to sound like Debbie Downer, but I'm still looking for someone details-minded who'd be interested in helping me run this from an administrative side. Without that, I'm not going to launch this only to watch it dissolve in weeks or months due to my own capriciousness. That not fair to anybody and is a waste of everyone's time.
