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So most of you have no idea who I am! WOOT! Alright well I'm Brad and was hoping as a community we could get my friend some help spreading his new PnP RPG around the 'net. My buddy and I started it back when we were young and he continued it throughout the time I left. It's pretty awesome, has rules to run as a half-Cthulhu guy weilding Cloud's Sword and includes a pretty awesome set of rules. I think it's pretty swell myself and I hope you do too.
If anyone of you decides to run it and wants some answers to any questions contact me at my Steam name Johnny Mustache and I'll contact him with your question. Sadly this game is sunsetting, surely we're all broken up. (I know I am.) But maybe we can start a good future for someone else huh? -
Hey gang. Sad news. We almost started up this awesome SG! We totally could have done it too, great idea and most of all great people. I don't want to lose all of you like this so if you wanna change to CO with me I'd love to hear some contact from you! Other than that I'm going to be on some forums with friends if you want to keep the SG going that way.
Thanks for the interest and thanks for...well...everything. -
Also I will be unveiling our new Base ICly! Spent some time building it and I feel pretty well prepared to show it off now!
Hey there friends and fellows! I just wanted to make a somewhat official thread for our SG till we get someone to make a website for us, if that ever does happen.
I really only have one order of business and that's to invite you all to the First AE RP Event Saturday! Wooo! *firecrackers and such*
All right now that the jubilation is over here's a few guidelines. First off all of the Founders are up and around most of the time, if you have an AE you'd like to join our little event just find them and get them to approve of it (Just make sure it isn't too silly/out of character for the sg/doesn't have any bugs and such). I'll be running one myself and the event will start around 5:00 Pacific Time. If anyone has a problem with that I'm more than willing to talk about it. -
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I wasn't doing near enough with my current build!
I am current-sort-of-de-facto-leader of The Strange and I'm all for making a coalition with your SG! @Mentolar is my global and Sir Headless is my toon!
heh that sounds boss. I wouldn't say we're a "shade of grey" 90s style group...ew...more Man-Thing and Ghost Rider style group, so meet-ups with other heroes is cool and encouraged. After all Ghost Rider was part of the Defenders for a good few years!
Hey pretty much what it says on the title. heh. Right now I'm eating end like a beast, I've five slotted Recovery in Fitness and that has to be a bad idea right? Please help me out! I have no idea where to go from here!
RPSG The Strange is now recruiting on Virtue! We're just starting so base building is at the first stages, but we do have AE's and an easy to follow Story Arc for any members to join!
The story of our sg starts with 3-6 monstrous individuals who all have been in contact with Frankenstein's Monster. Each of their lives were changed by this meeting for the better, some turning to heroics others to peaceful existence. Upon the mysterious murder of their mutual friend they each went to Paragon City to attend his funeral. Seeing each other in the small but beautiful church they agreed to meet after to discuss what could have led to the death of such a powerful friend.
That meeting was much longer than planned. Much more passionate than any thought could have been. At the end they formed The Strange. To protect the strange from the wary!
Or something like that. We currently have three people willingly to be Founders! We're looking for a few more to round it out and would really like it if Imperial would be one also! Thank you! Right now @Nevius Prime and @Odegra are the tow other founders other than me and also can invite!
All we ask is for a good focus on protecting each other compared to heroics. Not that we don't want "super-hero monsters" in the sg, just that they should be in the minority. If you feel like you might enjoy this or have a toon that fits contact us! Thank you! -
RPSG The Strange is now recruiting! We're just starting so base building is at the first stages, but we do have AE's and an easy to follow Story Arc for any members to join!
The story of our sg starts with 3-6 monstrous individuals who all have been in contact with Frankenstein's Monster. Each of their lives were changed by this meeting for the better, some turning to heroics others to peaceful existence. Upon the mysterious murder of their mutual friend they each went to Paragon City to attend his funeral. Seeing each other in the small but beautiful church they agreed to meet after to discuss what could have led to the death of such a powerful friend.
That meeting was much longer than planned. Much more passionate than any thought could have been. At the end they formed The Strange. To protect the strange from the wary!
Or something like that. We currently have three people willingly to be Founders! We're looking for a few more to round it out and would really like it if Imperial would be one also! Thank you! Right now @Nevius Prime and @Odegra are the tow other founders other than me and also can invite!
All we ask is for a good focus on protecting each other compared to heroics. Not that we don't want "super-hero monsters" in the sg, just that they should be in the minority. If you feel like you might enjoy this or have a toon that fits contact us! Thank you! -
Quote:Alright so it seems that some in our teeny tiny dash of a community are thinking that we're meeting tomorrow at 6 Pacific Time. That sounds good to me to be honest, though I might bug out during the party. Everyone whose up for showing please post up! Also the meeting will be in the largest Atlas in the Atlas Dome. If you can't find it look it up on the wiki some such sort! Toons Sir Headless and globals @Mentolar! Thanks everyone!We absolutely need to figure that out soon. Right now everyone seems to either not get on or never see each other when they do. Nevius Prime and I have been talking about the SG together since we generally get on at the same time. I would like to get a list up of times our members are usually up for RPing and generally hanging and events and such. Right now I'm Pacific Time for my Time Zone and that doesn't look like it's changing. I'm on at 6-8:00 at night to 3 in the morning. What other times do we have?
I am proposing a use out of the Atlas Dome that was totally made for rp. Like there is no other reason for it to be there! So let's use it! Virtue server I think that some time every night or so we should try to randomly meet there as a chill spot!
Screw Pocket D! I wanna dome! -
heh. That'd be fun! We could have a few college students in the sg who send us messages when a over-eager super or an evil villian is hunting it.
SO! Tonight three of our members discussed our plans for the SG and the background. Since it's been a bit I think I'm going to make this the "Hard Cannon" for our start unless you guys have a problem with it.
Our starts with 3-6 monstrous individuals who all have been in contact with Frankenstein's Monster. Each of their lives were changed by this meeting for the better, some turning to heroics others to peaceful existence. Upon the mysterious murder of their mutual friend they each went to Paragon City to attend his funeral. Seeing each other in the small but beautiful church they agreed to meet after to discuss what could have led to the death of such a powerful friend.
That meeting was much longer than planned. Much more passionate than any thought could have been. At the end they formed The Strange. To protect the strange from the wary!
Or something like that. We currently have three people willingly to be Founders! We're looking for a few more to round it out and would really like it if Imperial would be one also! Thank you! Right now @Nevius Prime and @Odegra are the tow other founders other than me and also can invite! -
Hey I am completely willing to rewrite a toon for this group, but I need to ask something quickly. I'm in this "play a insane pessimist" thing for redside and I was wondering if that could fit your SG if put into a small child. Like a young Bullseye or something...just...without that much plagiarism.
We absolutely need to figure that out soon. Right now everyone seems to either not get on or never see each other when they do. Nevius Prime and I have been talking about the SG together since we generally get on at the same time. I would like to get a list up of times our members are usually up for RPing and generally hanging and events and such. Right now I'm Pacific Time for my Time Zone and that doesn't look like it's changing. I'm on at 6-8:00 at night to 3 in the morning. What other times do we have?
Count me in! Usually a Virtue boy myself, but I'll make a MM just for this horrifying occasion.
That sounds boss. Send me a tell sometime. @Mentolar
That sounds good. A common enemy could be really useful for linking The Strange together. Like a myth arc in a tv show.
Howdy! I'm currently in the position to invite peeps to the SG! My toon is Sir Headless and global handle is @Mentolar. Remember to join the MonsterOOC channel for better communication and all!
Also we should probably get to the harder ideas about how we formed and such before we get our RP on!
I've heard a few ideas and formed my own on there corpses. Here's my idea, we formed after a large fight with a big and terrible monster (called BTM from now on). I have this image of a group of "Founders", eight or so monsters and investigators, all being helped by a common and famous monster before he died in battle with that BTM. So the "Founders" got together and decided that a network needed to be in place to keep there kind safe along with making sure that things like the BTM never got our of hand again. Like a Network of the Strange...hurhurhur pun. So the "Founders" made The Strange, a hidden network for monsters and those who would help them.
The Network part makes it so it's just as loose as everyone wants it to be, but also gives each player the ability to become "close-knit" with the community. You could have a role in the community or just use it to help yourself in tight situations ICly. Along with that having "Founders" would make it feel concrete and give us ICly toons that run the organization.
My vote for the Monster that they had a connection to be Frankenstein. It fits the whole "make sure monsters aren't hated" cause he has that tragic past thingy going on. Hopefully this sparks some conversation. -
So I propose a meet-up ICly to Rp out our toons starting or just knowing each other. I feel like this would be a good chance to have some background established before we dive in.
This sounds beautiful! I am up for it! Global is @Mentolar!
I am totally up helping out with it! My Global is @Mentolar. Hit me up!
I live near Seattle so thats my time zone, though I'm on randomely usually nighttime is when I get on. -
I'm going to try and run constant Rikti Raids for anyone interested.