How do YOU slot Dark Servant?
I think answers are going to vary with the amount of slots one allocates.
On my Dark/Sonic/Leviathan whose slots are tight I have Fluffy slotted with
One Lysosome HO, one Endoplasm HO, one generic level 50 THD IO and one generic level 50 heal IO.
My Necro/Dark Mastermind uses a full set of Lockdown. Does this make fluffy a hold spamming crowd control machine? No, not really, but I wanted the ranged and AoE defense bonuses.
My Dark/Dark Defender uses Cloud Senses for the recharge and defense bonuses, which is probably the more practical choice, in spite of being a level 30 set. To-hit debuffs and high defenses are an effective combo that I try to maximize with Dark Miasma.
I have to find a reason to NOT slot Cloud Senses, that's my default, 4-6 slot.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
4-slot Cloud Senses (making sure one of them is the damage proc).
Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars

Going for soft-capping: 6-slot Siphon Insight for the 3.7% Defense for S/L/AoE and the 1.88% Defense for Cold/Fire/Melee. This also hits ED capping for -ToHit for Fluffy so he's a virtual Tanker.
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I go with either Cloud Sense or Siphon Insight based on what I need defense wise or the recharge bonus. Either way your getting a hit debuff over 40 as well.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
Accurate tohit debuff is the way to go for sure. I would use those sets even if fluffy only had one power, Chill of the Night, that could use it. From my recollection, fluffy's Chill of the Night is the second strongest persistent -tohit AoE right behind hurricane.
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HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Accurate tohit debuff is the way to go for sure. I would use those sets even if fluffy only had one power, Chill of the Night, that could use it. From my recollection, fluffy's Chill of the Night is the second strongest persistent -tohit AoE right behind hurricane.
However, Fluffy can throw on Darkest Night for another -30% ToHit (and about another 15% from stacks of Twilight Grasp and Tentacles). So, that's -75% ToHit which can be Enhanced to about -120% ToHit.
So, even against AV resistance, you're getting about -18% ToHit, which is roughly equal to +18% Defense.
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The other nice thing about the Accurate ToHit Debuff sets is that they effect almost all of its powers. Pets' powers only inherit enhancement values (and procs) from sets that could be slotted into those powers.
@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30)) Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.
-120 tohit debuff will bring you nothing useful. mobs without debuff resistance will die anyway, mobs with tohit resistance will be capped somewhere by 30-40%.
so, what can fluffy do?
1. -tohit. hardly worth the effort. all dark skills have -tohit anyway. darkest night -20, fearsome stare -13, twilight -5. and even base -tohit on all fluffy skills are 2x -30 and 2x -5. that more then enough to do the job.
2. hold. 2-3 sec longer hold is nothing useful too.
3. heal. now we talking business. 238.81 unsloted, twice the number if sloted. other healing skillsets dream about such numbers.
therefore 5 touch of the nictus and one recharge reduction.
-120 tohit debuff will bring you nothing useful. mobs without debuff resistance will die anyway, mobs with tohit resistance will be capped somewhere by 30-40%.
so, what can fluffy do? 1. -tohit. hardly worth the effort. all dark skills have -tohit anyway. darkest night -20, fearsome stare -13, twilight -5. and even base -tohit on all fluffy skills are 2x -30 and 2x -5. that more then enough to do the job. 2. hold. 2-3 sec longer hold is nothing useful too. 3. heal. now we talking business. 238.81 unsloted, twice the number if sloted. other healing skillsets dream about such numbers. therefore 5 touch of the nictus and one recharge reduction. |
First, the heals: They go off whenever Fluffy feels like it and more often than not, not when you need it, and when you do need it, you're not in range. Since the heal is just one of the powers, slotting for heal is slotting for a part time benefit. And if you have Fluffy, well, you have a better heal than Fluffy does in your own Twilight Grasp which goes off when you want it to.
Second, the -ToHit. If you think -120% ToHit isn't worthwhile... you just don't understand the game mechanics. That amount of ToHit Debuff automatically floors the chance-to-hit of foes that don't resist it. So, it's like having Soft Capped Defense. For foes that do resist it, you're down to about -20% ToHit, which is roughly equivalent to +20 Defense, which is nothing to sneeze at, and when combined with other Defenses could very well get you to a Soft Capped Defense position.
Also, since each power of Fluffy can take -ToHit, then any Proc from a -ToHit Set has a chance to go off with every power activation. A Healing Proc will only go off intermittently.
Fluffy slotted for -ToHit is a black hole of accuracy and can comfortably tank two EBs for ya.
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first - fluffy heals so much and so good that i can mostly forget about having my own heal and concentrate on proactive debuffing of the mobs. in usual mission i don't even touch my heal, fluffy is more then enough.
more then that, you can be mezzed while fluffy will be your backup healer.
second. yeah yeah yeah. go try to tell that some one who never killed an AV or GM solo. you can NEVER debuff them that high so they never hit you. and when they DO hit you - you will need all the healing available to get whole your army back at full health.
and before you start munching with numbers - figure out ho much -tohit will produce nekro/dark combo. and then face the fact, that you still getting hit, regardeless of your precious numbers.
K, enjoy your healbot. You'll be needing it.
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4-6 slot cloud senses. Accurate to-hit debuff is king in fluffy.
The heal is just icing on the cake; good to have but you can't count on it.
The heal is just icing on the cake; good to have but you can't count on it.
what you can't count on - is to debuff everything around you to the limit.
you still get hurt, your pets still get hurt. additional heal makes the difference between "barely healed" and "back at full health".
its about 500 health we talking about, with 1 blast of 20 feet every 10 seconds. nothing to sneeze at.
There is no wrong way to slot it but not getting hit trumps a heal any day. Especially when you are getting healed whether you are getting hit or not...
I hadn't thought about how much to-hit debuff he throws out, so thanks for making me re-think Fluffy!
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Yeah, Chill of the Night is excellent. I always advise anyone looking for Dark Servant slotting advice to max out the ToHitDebuff aspect first since 1) it's very strong on the Dark Servant and 2) he's always doing it. Slot for heal or hold if you have room left over after you max out the debuff.
Twilight Grasp is a powerful heal and it's nice to have a pet that can use it along with yours, but as others have said you can't control when or how often Fluffy will use the heal, so slotting predominantly or exclusively for heal is not the best approach in my estimation. I don't prioritize slotting on the hold for the same reason - sure, in theory I could stack holds with Fluffy, but he may not use Gaze when I want him to. That said I usually try to spare the slots to put at least one set IO in to partially enhance the healing as I'm fond of resummoning Fluffy in the middle of mobs to help out a struggling Tanker or Brute. Even then, Chill of the Night is likely more helpful than the heals.

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Having trouble deciding, so what IOs do you put in it and why...?
Thanks for sharing.