How did Bio get nerfed?
soloing +2/x6 CoT with nothing but lvl 35 common IOs (sorry for the resolution, and for the sudden FPS crash at the end, but don't let that mislead you on its performance)
@ORACLE, any reports of Bio being nerfed are greatly exaggerated. The set was balanced and is more than playable. While it hasn't been finalized, you can probably get a decent idea off of your Mids build if you're using the most recent update.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Sweet...I usually don't use IO sets until lvl 50 and just go with common IOs for all my toons.
This makes me happy(ier) to see that it's still good I haven't touched Bio Armor or Nature Affinity since they first came out. :|
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Keep in mind, there have been changes since then. Mainly that Offensive mode was boosted on its damage, and Efficient mode was given more recovery. Parasitic Aura had it's recharge time shortened, but I can't recall if I even used PA in the video.

it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Defensive also had the heal procs reduced in effectiveness. At least according to the patch notes: I ended up trying the Stalker version and didn't get Adaptation before I got tired of soloing. Although according to global chat on beta the Stalker version probably offers more survivability than the Scrapper and Brute versions due to being able to slot the chance for Placate proc, although you lose damage because you don't have the -res.
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Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
You obviously have misunderstood what has been written so far, probably my fault as I could have been more clear. "I" have not mentioned any specific nerfs etc... I advised you to PM Reppu because she probably knows the exact state of the set right now and what she campaigned to have changed.
If they had been listening to people that rolled them and had them on the server SO'ed up in the 30's and above there is no way they would have nerfed the set so hard...
...Yes, it is overkill, the same overkill people who were playing the set told people that had not and were arguing nerf nerf nerf based on numbers alone. |
I am no longer interested in Bio armor since the nerf herders are being listened too by the devs,...
DNA Siphon was taken out behind the woodshed and beaten mercilessly into a bloody pile of bio mass.
What was that you were saying about revisionism?
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Does anyone know the numbers for s/l def for bio armor is it like Fire and starts with 0 s/l def?
Does anyone know the numbers for s/l def for bio armor is it like Fire and starts with 0 s/l def?
So it's more like building S/L defense on Dark Armor instead of Fiery Aura.
Edit: I finally got to check on beta; the S/L Defense I was thinking of is part of Defensive Adaptation only and doesn't exist in the other forms.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
thxs rylas was just curious of the numbers guessing ill need a couple sets of KC in my SS/BIO brute after all lol.....
You said we could thank her for working to get the set "nerfed into oblivion." A sentiment that is matched in your other posts here:
Clearly, you thought it was nerfed into oblivion. What was that you were saying about revisionism? |
I stand by each and every statement I have made including the one where I said the current state of the set is "ok" and that many would like it. It is obviously not going to be anything more than slightly below average to average and while I was looking for more from this paid set than that, the majority of people are fine with it as is and that is more than fine with me.
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
PM Reppu since she is on record for working to get the set nerfed into oblivion.
Edit -> And if you're saying that we're reading that into your post, then you are also reading into your own post that she would know the current state of the set, because you also didn't say that.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
First and foremost there is no reason for you to lie and say I said we can thank her for anything since I did not say that.
And you're certainly entitled to the opinion that the set is below-average to average, but the fact that a lvl 44 Bio tank with nothing more than level 35 Common IOs can stand in the middle of a +4/x8 CoT group and stop to do its taxes while it waits for them to do anything impactful would argue much to the contrary. That's far above average.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
thxs rylas was just curious of the numbers guessing ill need a couple sets of KC in my SS/BIO brute after all lol.....
That's actually pretty decent in a group of 10.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
You are correct, I misread your post and my memory inserted the word "Thank". My sincerest apologies. You're still strongly implying that it was nerfed horribly, which it was not.
And you're certainly entitled to the opinion that the set is below-average to average, but the fact that a lvl 44 Bio tank with nothing more than level 35 Common IOs can stand in the middle of a +4/x8 CoT group and stop to do its taxes while it waits for them to do anything impactful would argue much to the contrary. That's far above average. |
It's a good set, especially in defensive, but it's hardly unkillable and has its flaws - lack of comprehensive mez protection, a staple since Willpower despite some ridiculously stupid justifications to shoehorn it into both WP and SD, is one of them. Lacking defense debuff resistance - and lethal defense, since lethal damage is the source of most of those debuffs that you'll run into - are the ones most people will notice.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Darth, this post right here is in direct contrast to your latest post in this thread. "Nerfed into oblivion" does not mean "okay" in any sense of the word. While you may not have said that we can thank her for it, there is really little reason to call her out specifically unless that is what you meant to say.
Edit -> And if you're saying that we're reading that into your post, then you are also reading into your own post that she would know the current state of the set, because you also didn't say that. |
There were in fact "portions" of the set that were heavily nerfed which is what each of my quoted comments were dealing with and not the set on the whole. When commenting on the set on the whole is where you see the comment "ok".
I already said that the original post was not as clear as I wanted it to be and then made it clear, so there is no gotcha in pointing out something I already acknowledged several posts ago....
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
You are correct, I misread your post and my memory inserted the word "Thank". My sincerest apologies. You're still strongly implying that it was nerfed horribly, which it was not.
And you're certainly entitled to the opinion that the set is below-average to average, but the fact that a lvl 44 Bio tank with nothing more than level 35 Common IOs can stand in the middle of a +4/x8 CoT group and stop to do its taxes while it waits for them to do anything impactful would argue much to the contrary. That's far above average. |
The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.
It's a good set, especially in defensive, but it's hardly unkillable and has its flaws - lack of comprehensive mez protection, a staple since Willpower despite some ridiculously stupid justifications to shoehorn it into both WP and SD, is one of them. Lacking defense debuff resistance - and lethal defense, since lethal damage is the source of most of those debuffs that you'll run into - are the ones most people will notice.
And that's defense to Smash and Lethal in defensive mode. So there is some protection there to avoid DDR from lethal. It's not awesome protection, but there is some. Also, this isn't the only set lacking full mez protection. I don't think it bears scrutiny as that's not a standard to go by for all armor sets.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
There were in fact portions of the set that were beaten up pretty badly.
If you're description of the nerf is anywhere near accurate, how much stronger could it have been?
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I never claimed it would be unkillable. And a lack of DDR is an intended weakness of the set. Would you blame someone for not using Psionic Clockwork to show off the strengths of Inv? And since I wasn't using any attacks, it's hard to see how much impact the heal procs could have had, or might have had in a debuffed situation.
And that's defense to Smash and Lethal in defensive mode. So there is some protection there to avoid DDR from lethal. It's not awesome protection, but there is some. Also, this isn't the only set lacking full mez protection. I don't think it bears scrutiny as that's not a standard to go by for all armor sets. |
The lack of DDR and only having S/L defense while in Defensive means that you either start in Defensive and deal with the damage penalty or you don't have any defense against the enemy groups that debuff heavily because you'll be negative and in cascade failure even before you switch to enable the defense.
And I bring up the mez protection since this is the first armor set since issue 7 that didn't have comprehensive protection. Yes, every set prior to that had a mez hole of some sort, but there was a serious cave for little to no good reason and they set an expectation with Willpower and Shield Defense.
Willpower was given immobilize protection due to frequent complaints while it was in beta despite Combat Jumping being available to easily cover the gap. I still have no idea why Shield was designed without a hole since the concept doesn't cover any means of mez protection unless it's because it was the set after Willpower and they remembered all of the complaints.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
You're showing a video "to show off the strengths" or to show how the set performs in general? Because those are two vastly different things and one is far more valuable to the discussion than the other. As for it being "unkillable", you mentioned that it's far above average... when average is fairly close to being unkillable for most sets on a decently-built level 44 Tanker.
Clearly, I wouldn't be just showing off the strengths alone if I bothered showing the Tank faceplant at the end after a minute and a half of being out of Defensive mode and without even using the T9 power.
Is average SO level performance considered to be nigh-unkillable? I guess we'll have to call it a difference of opinion then.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
The amount of shitposting in the official topic is the reason information is so hard to find, and when a topic is made with a simple question, people nitpick over terminology rather than answer... Nerfing is balancing, balancing is nerfing, let's move on.
I have mids with bio-armor and before I waste time on planning my next brute, I wanted to know what aspect got nerfed from mids. Words I have read to describe the nerf are "huge" and "massive" nerf.
If someone could kindly point me to the thread with the nerf details, I would appreciate it. I can find threads with people alluding to it but no specific details. Maybe I am blind...