New Idea: Danger Protocols
This sounds sort of like automated macros that the developers don't like, because it encourages bots and afk farmers.
Interesting idea. I think you could probably get most of the effects you are looking for here with macros. There are macros that will make insps out of other insps, and macros that will use an insp even if it is not in the F1 row, I believe. Some people even use those gaming mice with multiple buttons and tie the buttons to the macros. I don't think I would pay for something that just fired off an inspiration, though.
Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide
I have to agree with Stone Daemon, too automated.
Secondly, personally the only times I have been "surprised" by my characters face planting have been when when I just snap back after a quickie map serve or bad rubberband jam session. However, not as surprised as when I am actually still standing after one of those.
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.
Also, OP, you'll want to pitch your idea in the Suggestions and Ideas section of the forum, not here. This forum is for player questions.
When your playing the game, you will frequently be surprised when your toon goes belly up. The information is there to tell you, but your focus was on doing damage or control, and not on being damaged, or running out of endurance. More than likely you as a player had several options to prevent your death but because you didn't notice, your toon did a face plant.
I would like to see something that could help players prevent these face plants by implemting an automated solution, which means that when an event occurs, a preplanned protocol is executed. In terms of how these can fit into the business model, well they could be sold at the Paragon Market, or unlocked via a levelling like mechanism. (see below for details) Danger Protocols DP - Auto-Inspire In this case, what the protocol does is automatically use an inspiration type of your choice when it lands in you tray. The Inspiration is used in a normal fashion, so it would wait until the player has a lull in their actions. This could be set to work on any or a limited type of inspiration based on balance issues. This can be useful to remove unwanted inspirations, or to use useful ones as they drop. |
DP - Oh-Crap In this case, this is a power based protocol that is activated when your at 10-15% health or less (for example). The power, when in the Oh-Crap protocol is only available when triggered, To activate the power from your tray you would need to remove it from the Protocol (when out of combat for example). Powers that make sense here include things like Elude, Hibernate, Personal Force Field etc. You could even use temp powers that you have available (accolades etc) (If your power is recharging, you're SOL ![]() |
DP - Fatigue In this case, the protocl event is based on low endurance (say 20%), and it would use a pre-slotted endurance inspiration. DP - Injured In this case, the protocl event is based on low health (say 20%), and it would use a pre-slotted Health inspiration. |
DP - Defense Debuff In this case, the protocol event is when your defense has been debuffed, and it would use a preslotted inspiration (resist, def or health would work) DP - Resist Debuff In this case, the protocol event is when your resistence has been debuffed, and it would use a preslotted inspiration (resist, def or health would work) |
DP - Slowed The protocol even is hasten, and if available it would activate. |
DP - Mezzed The protocol event would activate a preslotted breakfree when you were mezzed. |
------ Ok, so how does one get this into the game? Here is a neat way I would consider doing it. I would make a new Story arc (level 15 or 20) which would reward the access to Danger Protocols. To get a DP as a reward, you have to spend experience. (So that means your delaying your levelling) For example: You do the arc at level 15, and unlock the acess. When you hit level 17, you call your contact, and he grants you access to choose your reward. The 'penalty' is that you have to pay X number of bubbles of experience (like a death penalty). Getting another DP is done by calling the contact, and then paying off the 'penalty'. The penalty could vary based on how the developer sees the benefit, or could be made available at certain levels etc. |
This would apply to level 50 toons as well. They could do the arc, and then as they play, they get access to the rewards based on experience gained. They could only work on one DP at a time. |
You could also pay in the market to get the DPs as well of course. |
The basic premise is interesting, but the way you've described it, it only benefits the lazy and/or incompetent, and only then for a brief moment. It might be better to have a system which explains the reason for the faceplant in a pophelp type thing, with some tips to avoid it, instead of letting newer people play badly for a few seconds longer each time. Something like an Analysis of the Previous Fight power, with statistics. Like HeroStats can do, but in-game and only for the last combat. I'd be tempted to buy something like that in the store for 200 points or so.
I do understand that most of this could be done via binds, but the point is more along the lines of 'Had I known I was about to X I would have done Y' but because I didn't I ended up faceplanting.
As noted the Inspiration ones require a lull to allow the insp to be used. That is an acceptable tradeoff between automation and normal play.
I am a returning play (was away for 1.5 years) so perhaps my face plants are me just getting reaquainted with the game, but I have noticed that my face plants seem to happen fast, and I am unsure why. Was I debuffed and didnt notice? That sort of stuff.
The objective is to help people use tools that they have available.
Do not forget that the people making replies have likely played quite a bit, so this is not necessarily directed to helping out people who play in a more controlled manner with full IOed out sets.
------ added ----
I will move this to the Suggestions forum as ummmm suggested
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As noted the Inspiration ones require a lull to allow the insp to be used. That is an acceptable tradeoff between automation and normal play.
I am a returning play (was away for 1.5 years) so perhaps my face plants are me just getting reaquainted with the game, but I have noticed that my face plants seem to happen fast, and I am unsure why. Was I debuffed and didnt notice? That sort of stuff.
The objective is to help people use tools that they have available. Do not forget that the people making replies have likely played quite a bit, so this is not necessarily directed to helping out people who play in a more controlled manner with full IOed out sets. |
Also, you can keep track of debuffs and stuff by monitoring your combat attributes, which can be found and displayed on screen via your power tray.
I have to agree with Stone Daemon, too automated.
Secondly, personally the only times I have been "surprised" by my characters face planting have been when when I just snap back after a quickie map serve or bad rubberband jam session. However, not as surprised as when I am actually still standing after one of those. ![]() |

You guys don't faceplant anymore?
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, The Beta Tester
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It's almost always:
- I get too ballsy and get in over my head, and pay the price
- I'm locked in a long animation when I knew I should have used the skittle first.
- I fail to notice and eliminate a trouble mob (Sapper, Tarantula Queen) first.
... at least not in the same day. No guarantees about tomorrow!

Ok, so you do faceplant. When you do so, did you have any means to prevent the faceplant? As in a T9 defensive power, or perhaps an Accolade, a temp power or an Inspiration?
I bet you do virtually every time. This idea is suppose to help, and the up front cost is debt, so it has a symmetry that way.
The question is: If this was available in some fashion, would you want it?
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, The Beta Tester
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Learning how to survive and stay upright is a huge part of the game.
Implementing what you suggest would remove that part of the skills/knowledge learned about the game.
I've been playing the game for many years, often on the most fragile AT out there (see sig). I learned to keep an eye on my green and blue bars and the foes who will mez me. I learned to keep break-frees and blue and green skittles in my inspiration tray. I learned aggro range to keep from biting off more than I culd safely defeat.
None of this was hard to learn. The game is relatively easy - no need for twitch reflexes, which is why I am still here. No need to remove some of the rudimentary challenges (monitoring your own status in order to mitigate damage, etc.) left.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
You know how some players put hasten or clickie mez protection (ex: Practiced Brawler) on auto? Not me, I like clicking my own powers.
As for the prospect of 'Danger Protocols', I don't think it's a bad idea, just maybe not exactly as described. Would I want the game to use a purple inspiration just because some guy capped me with a pistol and debuffed me by a tiny bit? Or even if it was a significant amount, I carry a specific amount of inspirations (or try to) and use them by weighing the situation...the game won't be able to do that for me.
Now some possible protocols I *would* like?
Target mezzed allies. Target allies with a certain amount of health. Target allies (nearest or farthest) that do *not* have buffs by me.
Target nearest boss. Target nearest Lt. Target the foe who last attacked me.
Basically, give me auto options for targeting my powers to better fight or support. But if you find yourself dying very quickly, most likely it isn't something you can prevent with a click of a button. Powers and things still require activation to take effect and if the damage you receive is *during* that activation, most likely it's too late. Basically, to prevent such from happening, you have to actively take measures *beforehand* either through preparation or predictive actions. You'll have to click that respite *before* the foe queues up their next volley and the only way to know that is to know your character as well as the game.

Pay more attention.
Don't get in over your head.
If you do faceplant, accept that it happens, take the rez or go to the hospital. Get back in the game, rather than taking it as a Failure Oh Noes.
If you're rusty from not playing for a while, get your skill back up.
Don't ask for the game to play itself for you.
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
You guys seem to be much better players than me then, because I die, and it is because I didn`t notice something. Like the other day when I was doing the Save Lady Jane for the Midnighters.
You know that she draws a lot of aggro and tends to wander and get in trouble, so off she runs and I go chasing, trying to keep her alive, and I end up faceplanting. Of course my Inspirations tray had a number of useful inspirations, and as I was runnign around there was time to use them, but I was concentrated on tyring to keep her alive. Had one of the Protocols been available, I would have known I was in more trouble that I thought.
It just seems strange that My toon would not notice she was near death.
Perhaps what we need are better ways to indicate low health low endurance than just a little bar. Other games do this now, so why not here?.
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, The Beta Tester
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 2, The Robot Mystery
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Try Menu > Options > Windows > Reticle, and set Player Health Bars to 'Show Always'. Your character will then have health/endurance bars above their heads.
Alternatively, try moving the Status Bar to somewhere where you can see the bars easier.
The game doesn't -need- to be any easier than it already is, infact quite the opposite.
I do sometimes miss my interface from the old three-letter-acronym MMO, where you could put your health and endurance in the dead middle of your screen so you could always see it. Otherwise, CoH's formula seems fine to me.
You guys seem to be much better players than me then, because I die, and it is because I didn`t notice something.
It sounds to me like you're not a terribly aware person, at least in picking up the cues that the game is already giving you. Either that or you don't do a good job of making decisions on when to spend your inspirations and powers in order to mitigate beatdowns upon your characters.
Like the other day when I was doing the Save Lady Jane for the Midnighters. You know that she draws a lot of aggro and tends to wander and get in trouble, so off she runs and I go chasing, trying to keep her alive, and I end up faceplanting. Of course my Inspirations tray had a number of useful inspirations, and as I was runnign around there was time to use them, but I was concentrated on tyring to keep her alive. Had one of the Protocols been available, I would have known I was in more trouble that I thought. |
It just seems strange that My toon would not notice she was near death. |
Perhaps what we need are better ways to indicate low health low endurance than just a little bar. Other games do this now, so why not here?. |
@NC Thunderbird, @Last Kid Picked
HELP! I can't stop making Alts! Up to 175 now, including: Lutadora, Tess LaCoille, Not Of This World, Lies Behind Stars, Redshift Monk.
Campaigning for title of official "Thread Killer" of the Suggestions & Ideas forum.
Curious, are you always this 'nice'?
Other games do in fact have much better ways of indicating health status. I was suggesting something that would be useful, fits well into the gameplay and the business model.
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, The Beta Tester
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 2, The Robot Mystery
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Macros to play your character for you, auto-potion, etc are a bit beyond "better ways of indicating health status", don't you think?
My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
I was thinking about some potential ideas for COH:F. Here is one I think would be fun, and would fit well into their business model.
The Issue to be Addressed
When your playing the game, you will frequently be surprised when your toon goes belly up. The information is there to tell you, but your focus was on doing damage or control, and not on being damaged, or running out of endurance. More than likely you as a player had several options to prevent your death but because you didn't notice, your toon did a face plant.
I would like to see something that could help players prevent these face plants by implemting an automated solution, which means that when an event occurs, a preplanned protocol is executed.
In terms of how these can fit into the business model, well they could be sold at the Paragon Market, or unlocked via a levelling like mechanism. (see below for details)
Danger Protocols
DP - Auto-Inspire
In this case, what the protocol does is automatically use an inspiration type of your choice when it lands in you tray. The Inspiration is used in a normal fashion, so it would wait until the player has a lull in their actions. This could be set to work on any or a limited type of inspiration based on balance issues. This can be useful to remove unwanted inspirations, or to use useful ones as they drop.
DP - Oh-Crap
In this case, this is a power based protocol that is activated when your at 10-15% health or less (for example). The power, when in the Oh-Crap protocol is only available when triggered, To activate the power from your tray you would need to remove it from the Protocol (when out of combat for example). Powers that make sense here include things like Elude, Hibernate, Personal Force Field etc. You could even use temp powers that you have available (accolades etc)
(If your power is recharging, you're SOL
DP - Fatigue
In this case, the protocl event is based on low endurance (say 20%), and it would use a pre-slotted endurance inspiration.
DP - Injured
In this case, the protocl event is based on low health (say 20%), and it would use a pre-slotted Health inspiration.
DP - Defense Debuff
In this case, the protocol event is when your defense has been debuffed, and it would use a preslotted inspiration (resist, def or health would work)
DP - Resist Debuff
In this case, the protocol event is when your resistence has been debuffed, and it would use a preslotted inspiration (resist, def or health would work)
DP - Slowed
The protocol even is hasten, and if available it would activate.
DP - Mezzed
The protocol event would activate a preslotted breakfree when you were mezzed.
Ok, so how does one get this into the game? Here is a neat way I would consider doing it. I would make a new Story arc (level 15 or 20) which would reward the access to Danger Protocols. To get a DP as a reward, you have to spend experience. (So that means your delaying your levelling)
For example: You do the arc at level 15, and unlock the acess. When you hit level 17, you call your contact, and he grants you access to choose your reward. The 'penalty' is that you have to pay X number of bubbles of experience (like a death penalty). Getting another DP is done by calling the contact, and then paying off the 'penalty'. The penalty could vary based on how the developer sees the benefit, or could be made available at certain levels etc.
This would apply to level 50 toons as well. They could do the arc, and then as they play, they get access to the rewards based on experience gained. They could only work on one DP at a time.
You could also pay in the market to get the DPs as well of course.
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 1, The Beta Tester
The Hero Simulator, Chapter 2, The Robot Mystery
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