Extra Power Tray




Since Issue 23 went live, I've had an extra power tray sitting above my normal power trays when I shift to Nova and Dwarf. It's of little use to me because I can't adjust it, hide it or do anything with it, and my powers are even in the wrong order! How do I get rid of it? Or am I just being particularly dense here?



You don't, yet.

Already requested, don't know if they're working on it or not. (If they are, you'll still see it pop up for things like itrials and the panther travel power.)



The extra tray is of no use to me. I find it very annoying and believe it should be removed immediately.

At the very least, we should have the option of turning this new "feature" off.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
The extra tray is of no use to me. I find it very annoying and believe it should be removed immediately.

At the very least, we should have the option of turning this new "feature" off.
/sign, would be nice to hear from a dev to see if this is indeed being looked at or not!?

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Shadow Sorceress - Dr Doom and Gloom - Rob Rubble
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There should be a way to either customize it (only pop up when temp powers are relevant), or turn it off altogether.

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Originally Posted by AIB View Post
The extra tray is of no use to me. I find it very annoying and believe it should be removed immediately.
I wouldn't go that far. I see it as being *really* nice for new bi or triform Khelds, quite honestly. They won't *have* to learn about keybinds and such. They should, IMHO, but they won't have to - which will make the AT more accessible.

At the very least, we should have the option of turning this new "feature" off.
This, however, I agree with - or setting it to "just temporary powers" as someone else mentions, as it'll make trials a bit nicer.



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
The extra tray is of no use to me. I find it very annoying and believe it should be removed immediately.

At the very least, we should have the option of turning this new "feature" off.
The former point is bloody stupid. Some of us are really damn glad that our trays are no longer a cluttered, crowded mess, thank you very much, and would be very hacked off if this useful feature got taken away just because it's not useful to everyone.

The latter point is a better idea, since I CAN see why people would like the choice to not have it if they work powers in a different way. And that's fine, and will hopefully be on the cards.

But, please, avoid blanket statements and changes, thanks.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



If I can't control it, I don't want it. It's that simple.

If other people like it, good for them.

A lot of my characters have that extra tray taking up space because I have left over charges of a power after running a TF or trial.

If I could turn it on and off or control what went in it I would call it a great quality-of-life addition. As is . . . me no likey.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
The former point is bloody stupid. Some of us are really damn glad that our trays are no longer a cluttered, crowded mess, thank you very much, and would be very hacked off if this useful feature got taken away just because it's not useful to everyone.

The latter point is a better idea, since I CAN see why people would like the choice to not have it if they work powers in a different way. And that's fine, and will hopefully be on the cards.

But, please, avoid blanket statements and changes, thanks.
My point was concisely worded. However, due to your reaction, which conveys volumes I might add, I will expand with commentary.

"The extra tray is of no use to me." -
It is of no use to me because for years I have been able to switch to Nova and Dwarf form with the touch of a button (i.e. a keybind). The tray in the bottom right corner of my screen gets replaced with either tray 2 or 9 which contain my Nova and Dwarf form powers respectively.
"I find it annoying..." -
that whenever I enter into Nova or Dwarf form an unnumbered tray is forced upon me. This tray duplicates the powers that I am planning to use, powers that, upon changing, have already appeared in my bottom right tray. It is unnecessary, it takes up space and I find its appearance and disappearance distracting.
"...and believe it should be removed immediately." -
Clearly you do not because, in your own words, "Some of us are really damn glad that our trays are no longer a cluttered, crowded mess, thank you very much, and would be very hacked off if this useful feature got taken away just because it's not useful to everyone." To borrow your format and vernacular, I am "hacked off" because this useless feature is getting thrust upon me because some find it useful.
While it seems that all who have chimed in, including you, agree with the, "We want to be able to control this feature sentiment," at the end of the day either the Devs will allow us to control it or they will not.

But if they do not allow us to control it, then I say that this "feature" should be removed.

You are more than welcome to say that it should remain.

Just know that I disagree.



Then the way to deal with it is to ask for the Devs to fix it so that everyone wins. When there is a readily available and obvious option that can please everyone, I see no reason to be thinking in absolutes.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I'm with AIB on this one: I don't like, I didn't ask for it, and I don't want it. If I could turn it off, I would. I can't. That's the problem really. As a QoL improvement during trials, it's very useful. I just don't want it popping up, unwanted and unasked for, whenever I'm shifting; and since I'm a Tri-form MFing Warshade, I shift... A LOT. Yes, I'm sure it might help noobies get to grips with the AT, but frankly, if they can't work out keybinds and tray management, then the AT is going to frustrate them mightily anyway (assuming they're Bi/Tri-formers of course).

Basically, like most triform incarnate Warshades, my trays are very cluttered with icons. The difference is that I put each and every one of those icons there; I know where they are and I know what they do and I know how and when to use them. This tray is less than useless to me since it's distracting and irritating and adds nothing to my gaming experience. To echo sentiments said earlier; if I can't control it, I don't want it. Period.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I wouldn't go that far. I see it as being *really* nice for new bi or triform Khelds, quite honestly. They won't *have* to learn about keybinds and such. They should, IMHO, but they won't have to - which will make the AT more accessible.
The problem for new Khelds is that by default that power tray has no keys bound to it, so the only way to activate skills from there is to click them, which is awkward during combat. Sure they could go into the keybind settings and assign keys to the tray, but the question is what keys do you bind to that tray to make it useful? Also the tray is listed as "Server Tray" so it may be tricky for people to figure it out at first. All said, it's not actually that much harder to learn about tray swapping macros/binds.



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
The problem for new Khelds is that by default that power tray has no keys bound to it, so the only way to activate skills from there is to click them, which is awkward during combat. Sure they could go into the keybind settings and assign keys to the tray, but the question is what keys do you bind to that tray to make it useful? Also the tray is listed as "Server Tray" so it may be tricky for people to figure it out at first. All said, it's not actually that much harder to learn about tray swapping macros/binds.
This is true.

Bleh. I don't know. *shrug* It does need fixing.



This is partly why I quit playing SWTOR. The smuggler tray thing drove me crazy, and you couldn't fly, and I hate looting, and you can't fly...

I don't mind it they tray itself, however since it appeared, it seems like I can't keep anything docked, between load screens.

I would like to disable it, if possible.

Just Lucky that way...



Ì had do a few adjustments, but so far, its been great for me. Rather have it then not. But an option for those who do not want it, I guess couldn't hurt. But I cannot imagine not having it myself. It beats manually putting up trays for my other forms like I have been doing before.



Also would like an option to disable it please.



Originally Posted by _gyyv_ View Post
This is partly why I quit playing SWTOR. The smuggler tray thing drove me crazy, and you couldn't fly, and I hate looting, and you can't fly...
The funny thing about you mentioning that?

You can disable the cover bar in SWTOR. Always have been able to - it was one of the first things I did. (Meanwhile, it seemed my friends and I would say "I wish they had X like COH" pretty much any time we logged in...)



Originally Posted by Visthera View Post
Ì had do a few adjustments, but so far, its been great for me. Rather have it then not. But an option for those who do not want it, I guess couldn't hurt. But I cannot imagine not having it myself. It beats manually putting up trays for my other forms like I have been doing before.
Just out of curiosity how did you end up setting it up so it would be useful?



Actually, I'm kind of wondering about the "manually putting up trays" - were you using a tray for each form's powers and leaving them up, or setting up binds?

I think the biggest complaint - other than it being duplicated, and unable to be turned off - is that you can't activate it (readily) with the keyboard. I know that's an issue for me, as (say) with Nova I can just target and 4-3-1-2-1-2-4-next spawn (or something similar.)



I rather like it, since I don't use keybinds like at all. I click on all my powers to use them. Terribly inefficient and it prolly makes me a bad player, but I like to play that way. I do wish it were more customizable and agree that it ought to be something that can be enabled/disabled from options.

Edit - And I know this wasn't directed at me, but before this change, I had two free floating trays with each forms respective powers. Now I just have the shift powers in my main tray and when I hit them, I have the new tray full of form powers



I don't really mind the tray, personally, though i can see how it might be less than stellar for others. Like a lot of other tri-formers, i used binds to hop forms...but for power activations, i've always used the mouse. I've never really used the numbers to use powers as it's pretty awkward for me. So for me...it works. Others...maybe not so much. I'll still use my binds, but i can probably now reduce the number of trays on my screen since i won't have one that constantly switches as i change forms.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



I honestly didn't realize there was anyone that used mouse clicks to activate all their powers rather than the keyboard. Color me surprised. In that case I can see how the tray can be very useful for some people. I still want to be able to turn it off though.



I wish to turn it off, or be able to use the keyboard to activate powers. As it is, I still have to use my binds to switch the tray, so I have one tray on top that I use 1-4 for (nova only) and then a fourth tray on top that just mirrors what I do. Kinda dumb.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



What I'm looking at doing is migrating the tray-swap binds I have now to simply load in bind files that map my number key binds to powers for the specific form I'm switching to. That way I can keep my main (1 through 3) trays loaded with a mix of human form "primary" powers and other pool/accolade powers, which better matches what I do with other characters. Yes, my human form powers will disable and become slack space in those trays, but now I no longer have to dedicate an entire tray to just my human or form powers. I use a lot of trays around my screen, so I am pleased by this.

I agree it needs an option to be disabled for those that dislike it, but I am pleased to have it.

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Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
I honestly didn't realize there was anyone that used mouse clicks to activate all their powers rather than the keyboard. Color me surprised. In that case I can see how the tray can be very useful for some people. I still want to be able to turn it off though.
Well... then the spouse and I are rarities as well... The mouse to activate, keyboard to drive. Course we have macros for certain things but I rarely use binds (read...um...once in 4 years of playing)