Extra Power Tray




This "feature" has moved beyond being merely useless, annoying and distracting.

I have found it to be detrimental as well.

You see, for years I have been able to use the mouse to click inspirations while in the process of shifting. Now, whenever I shift, my inspiration tray gets moved. Because of this, I have, on a couple of occassions, wasted inspirations and have even died.

All of this I find gravely offensive.

I am in favor of a compromise. A compromise, wherein Kheldians have control. In fact, it appears that all are in favor of such. However, until that compromise is reached, I say that we, who have grown accustomed to playing our Kheldians in certain ways for years should not be the ones who have to adapt.

Therefore, I demand that this encroachment be removed immediately.

And I call upon all of like mind to do the same.

My fellow citizens, until a compromise is reached either you are for or against this new "feature."

I am firmly against it.

Here I stand. I can do no other...




Originally Posted by AIB View Post
This "feature" has moved beyond being merely useless, annoying and distracting.

I have found it to be detrimental as well.

You see, for years I have been able to use the mouse to click inspirations while in the process of shifting. Now, whenever I shift, my inspiration tray gets moved. Because of this, I have, on a couple of occassions, wasted inspirations and have even died.

All of this I find gravely offensive.

I am in favor of a compromise. A compromise, wherein Kheldians have control. In fact, it appears that all are in favor of such. However, until that compromise is reached, I say that we, who have grown accustomed to playing our Kheldians in certain ways for years should not be the ones who have to adapt.

Therefore, I demand that this encroachment be removed immediately.

And I call upon all of like mind to do the same.

My fellow citizens, until a compromise is reached either you are for or against this new "feature."

I am firmly against it.

Here I stand. I can do no other...

Oh stop with the histrionics, already. There's a little button on the right hand side of the inspiration window's "grab-bar." Click it - and in so doing detach the inspiration window from the top of your powers tray - and move it somewhere where the offending tray won't interfere with your pointer. I put mine center-bottom, to the left of the power tray.

The bar isn't useful to me at all. I've kept all my tray-swapping binds intact, and in fact having the form powers appear up there sort of interferes with using temps like Quills of Jocasta or Grenades/Acids, because it moves them over when I shift.

Big deal. Adjust. Not too recently I wasn't happy with something done to Peacebringers, and was guilty of a little histrionics myself. I adjusted. So can you.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
What I'm looking at doing is migrating the tray-swap binds I have now to simply load in bind files that map my number key binds to powers for the specific form I'm switching to. That way I can keep my main (1 through 3) trays loaded with a mix of human form "primary" powers and other pool/accolade powers, which better matches what I do with other characters. Yes, my human form powers will disable and become slack space in those trays, but now I no longer have to dedicate an entire tray to just my human or form powers. I use a lot of trays around my screen, so I am pleased by this.

I agree it needs an option to be disabled for those that dislike it, but I am pleased to have it.
This is what I have in mind, as well. But what name in the bind do you use to refer to the "server tray?"

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Sorry, AIB, but I have to stand on the other side of this one. This will help new kheldians who may not know of binds and tray swapping way too much to be removed. The tray should be accessible via keyboard, though.
For the moment I recommend detaching and slightly moving your insp tray if this causes you problems.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



If you are going to play a Kheldian who uses shifting, which is more and more going to become popular with the insta-shifts, then I'm sorry but you're going to have to learn to make keybinds. From level 6 when you first take nova, suddenly you have an entire new power tray with which to play. I find this out way back when. Then I looked up the Kheldian guides and low and behold I found out all about keybinds. It took all of about an hour to find a set of keybinds that I liked and to set them up for keys I preferred to use. Sure, if you want to clicky all your powers, then go right ahead. You'll be as inefficient as all hell,especially on a triform warshade, but if that's your playstyle then go for it, have fun; it's your gaming experience after all.

This alleged QoL improvement is no such thing in it's current form. If it was a genuine QoL improvement then this thread wouldn't exist. It would just be a lot of *thumbs up to the devs* comments. It is a divisive subject, ergo it's a problem. Make it optional, and I'm pretty sure everyone will be happy. Make it compulsory and only some will be happy. Personally, I want the former.



That power tray is about more than kheldians. Remove the power tray and you're removing the QoL change that kept players in the middle of a large trial from having to sift through their powers list and drag temp powers down to their tray.

Compared to the number of people running trials, kheldian players with complaints about the tray are a distant minority.

It's not going away any time soon. Anyone with a problem with the tray would be far better off arguing for the option to turn it off ala the pop help dialogues.

If they hadn't decided to "throw us a bone" by putting our form powers in that tray as well, would there be an issue at all?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I must say on trials, this bar is awesome. I wouldn't mind much if they took the kheld powers out of them, since they aren't really temp powers, but it sure is nice not having to hunt down nades, quills or acids through mountains of temp powers I'm sure a lot of us have. I really think it ought to be a setting you can remove though through options on a per character basis. That way those with their keybinds can forego the change and those who prefer to clicky powers (the minority on the forums, but likely the majority of newer players, since you know the tutorial tells you that's how you use powers) can still use the new tray. I tend to agree it'll likely see more players trying out khelds which isn't a bad thing since we can all concur they are supremely awesome.

And my shade sure ain't inefficient



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Oh stop with the histrionics, already. There's a little button on the right hand side of the inspiration window's "grab-bar." Click it - and in so doing detach the inspiration window from the top of your powers tray - and move it somewhere where the offending tray won't interfere with your pointer. I put mine center-bottom, to the left of the power tray.
Or, for that matter, use F1-F5. No mouse issue at all.
Admittedly, my Kheld keybinds put the powers on 1-4 (or 5) on the bar, so it's just nudging my finger up a tiny bit to hit the function keys, but still.

Originally Posted by AIB
My fellow citizens, until a compromise is reached either you are for or against this new "feature."
Only a Sith deals in absolutes. So if you're dealing in absolutes such as this, TOR is that way ------------------------->

Me, I'm against this feature *for my use* *for my Kheldian form powers.* I look forward to not having to dig through the list for batteries, acids, grenades, etc.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Or, for that matter, use F1-F5. No mouse issue at all.
Admittedly, my Kheld keybinds put the powers on 1-4 (or 5) on the bar, so it's just nudging my finger up a tiny bit to hit the function keys, but still.
You know, funny you should mention the function keys. In the keybinding section of the game options I bound my temp power tray to F1-F10, thinking I'd just move my fingers up one row and hit those when I swapped forms (I use the top number line instead of the numpad ordinarily)

Didn't work so well for me, but someone else might make use of it.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Bright_Tempest View Post
Well... then the SPOUSE and I are rarities as well... The mouse to activate, keyboard to drive. Course we have macros for certain things but I rarely use binds (read...um...once in 4 years of playing)

...for the record...that ain't me. LOL!

But I'm also one of the rarities.

Binds on the other hand...i do use a good number of those. Usually for things like travel powers and/or mastermind pet commands....and a few other odds and ends.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



[For many months, the War and Peace has sailed steadily and swiftly toward the Kheldian promised land. But with progress the waters have grown more shallow; dangerous reefs have sprang forth and mutiny is clearly afoot. Captain AIB, no longer content with confering with his crew from the confines of his quarters, has come forth. At his righthand stands Serene Servant, a statuesque beauty. At his lefthand stands another, faithful and true, and who that alien is, well, perhaps it is you. With a refined and authoritative voice the captain begins...]

Friends! Kheldians! First, I wish to thank you for your kind suggestions. I appreciate your willingness to render assitance unto me in the form of friendly, though, I might add, unsolicited, advice.

That being said, know that I had already considered, and rejected each of your proposed solutions.

It is said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." I say, it's altogether impossible to teach an old sea dog new tricks. I have no intention of adapting or changing. We should not have to.

Whether due to ignorance, or idiocy, or some combination thereof an egregious effrontery has been perpetrated against our noble species. To a lesser extent it has been perpetrated against all who navigate these beautiful waters.

I care not why it was done.

I simply demand that it be undone.

And I urge each of you, not to acquiesce to those who would dare to harm us. Stand your ground. Ready the cannons! And give a full broadside! Let us send this demon to the deepest depths of Davey Jones' locker!

And speak not to me of "histrionics" or your absolute lack of faith in "absolutes."

What I say to you, I say to all, "I'd strike the sun if it insulted our race."

Who's with me?!



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
Who's with me?!
*hands over a lance*

Windmill's that way. Have fun. *gets out camera, prepares youtube account.*



Originally Posted by AIB View Post
It is said, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
Mythbusters busted this myth.

I have no intention of adapting or changing.
"Evolution has it's dead ends."

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
*hands over a lance*

Windmill's that way. Have fun. *gets out camera, prepares youtube account.*
Can't... stop... laughing...



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
*hands over a lance*

Windmill's that way. Have fun. *gets out camera, prepares youtube account.*
Silly Sancho, I tell you that those Windmills are giants. And giants need to be slain. And they need to be slain by my sword.

Come, follow me, fulfill your role as my simple minded servant and I am certain that we shall succeed.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Ironic, given the archetype you're playing.
Contextually speaking, know that I have no intention of changing or adapting to this gross imposition which has been placed upon Kheldiankind.

What will be ironic (situational irony) is when the Devs learn that this so called improvement that they have enacted, for the purpose of encouraging people to play, backfires.

I am in favor of the compromise. But until it is enacted, until we are given control, the proper thing for the developers to do is to eliminate the offending tray.

I, nay, we, have vetoed their proposal.

Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
Mythbusters busted this myth.

"Evolution has it's dead ends."
1. Perhaps that is why I said, "It is said..."

2. Its denotes ownership. It's is a contraction for it is or it has...sorry I had to go all grammar police on this one.

Originally Posted by Bright_Tempest View Post
Can't... stop... laughing...
Then I hope you are not one of these guys...


Later all,




yeah...one of my moments where my finger hit a key without me thinking...

more often than not i have to backspace over that accused apostrophe in "its" cuz it likes to try and sneak in on me there. i just missed it that time. ........grr


I must be one of those guys...i started laughing as soon as the clip started to play 'cuz i know that scene. LOL

...Or maybe because it was so appropriate. ...I dunno. <shrugz>

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by Bright_Tempest View Post
Well... then the spouse and I are rarities as well... The mouse to activate, keyboard to drive. Course we have macros for certain things but I rarely use binds (read...um...once in 4 years of playing)

It just surprised me because I'm the exact opposite, I try to use the mouse as little as possible. I often wish there was a way I could activate mission doors with a keyboard command instead of having to use the mouse. I have 1-0 bound to tray 1, f1-f10 bound to tray 2, and the numpad bound to movement, jumping, camera tilt, and travel power. For me the mouse is just for mission doors, inspirations, powers that need a click (like caltrops), and powers I don't use frequently (like reveal).

I think this is a carryover from back when I played Asheron's Call 2, that game had a "use" key that would perform the default action for whatever you had selected. If you had a corpse selected it would loot, if you had a portal selected it would send you through it.



As someone who just began playing a Kheldian yesterday, I actually kind of like this tray. I can see how it could get in the way for more experienced players (and as a person who does use numbers to activate her powers, it is a bit unorthodox), but for me it's a good way to kind of get adjusted to the new powers I have in my other forms. I do plan to figure out a good keybind configuration one of these days, but for now it's a "newbie tool."

I am, however, in favor of an option to turn this tray off. No need for cannons or anything, though. Violence is never the answer unless you're blasting enemies in the face with eyeball beams.



Guys, AIB's not serious. You can all stop picking on him.

AIB, look up Poe's Law, and next time you try this kind of over the top dramatization, add a smiley so you don't confuse people. Hell, you even fooled me for a while. Good show. Too good.

Anyway, I love this tray. I don't use it, but the tray is awesome for the new guys. Invaluable tool to make our beloved AT all that more popular.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Guys, AIB's not serious. You can all stop picking on him.

AIB, look up Poe's Law, and next time you try this kind of over the top dramatization, add a smiley so you don't confuse people. Hell, you even fooled me for a while. Good show. Too good.

Anyway, I love this tray. I don't use it, but the tray is awesome for the new guys. Invaluable tool to make our beloved AT all that more popular.
Yeah...I had a feeling that AiB wasn't standing on a "firm podium" with this one since he didn't seem to be getting all uppity and confrontational about stuff...that and the whole "captain ahab" schtick (tho he coulda just taken my Resident Evil: Apocalypse quote at face value instead of grammer cop'ing me...jerk... )

And i'm right there with ya, Dechs. I personally like the tray. Honestly...i kinda wish i had it when i first made my khelds all those years ago...but hey. I just "adapted" (hehehe) back then and learned keybinds. Actually...come to think of it...it was BECAUSE of playing my khelds that i STARTED learning keybinds.

That said...I can certainly get behind the stance of "make this sucker OPTIONAL!"

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



I have been using Macro's for my forms for my PB for over 5 years now and I have to say that I love the new power tray. Its one less macro I have to worry about in my trays. I did use the macro that changed my trays for me and it was very easy to use, but the new tray is easier. I just wish we can change the order of our powers in the tray.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



I have very negative feelings on the new tray.

If they give us an option to turn it off I will simply do that since I have been playing with the keybinds and such for 7 years now on kheldians.

I see its utility to new players and playstyles of some but for me it is an eyesore and a distraction. Blame it on my high functioning autism if you want but it throws off my screen view and is impairing my Nova and Dwarf play.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
1. Guys, AIB's not serious. You can all stop picking on him...

2. Good show. Too good.
1. Listen up swabbie, no one dares to pick on Captain AIB, NO ONE! Lest they be made to walk the plank.

2. But, don't you play on Virtue?

Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
Yeah...I had a feeling that AiB wasn't standing on a "firm podium" with this one since he didn't seem to be getting all uppity and confrontational about stuff...that and the whole "captain ahab" schtick (tho he coulda just taken my Resident Evil: Apocalypse quote at face value instead of grammer cop'ing me...jerk... )
Oh, well, I assure you the tale of the War and Peace will continue. Perhaps you have missed the first few parts...

Yeah, frankly I have, what I count as, better things to do than to be uppity and confrontational about stuff.

Glad you caught the Ahab nod...no one mentioned the Martin Luther nod.

You're welcome on the grammar smackage...or should that be "Your." I'll let ye figure that one out.

Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I have very negative feelings on the new tray.
I call upon all Kheldians to do everything they can to stop this terrorist threat. Thank you.

[Flashes golf club.]

Now watch this drive.