STAFF you all!




Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
While the weapon selection does seem a bit small there are some nice staves in the lot. The high tech blade still hits sideways, but many heroes do tend to smack with the flat of a blade to reduce lethality against softer targets, so i guess there's that explanation. For villains i guess it's because it hurts more? i guess.
It does mean, however, that we'll never see any bladed weapons for that set, or shouldn't at any rate. The Vanguard Staff doesn't really look like a bladed weapon, so it's easy to miss what it does. Stick in a Halberd with a broad head and a long blade, though, and this WILL become painfully obvious.

This is precisely why I've been arguing that we can't have a single set that covers staffs, spears, halberds and poleaxes - accounting for all the ways these weapons should and SHOULDN'T be used is impossible. For what it's worth, Staff Fighting looks decent for a staff and a spear, but that's about it. Halberds, scythes, poleaxes and probably even pikes will have to wait for another set. Just sticking them into Staff Fighting will not work with those animations.

That said, there's still plenty of room for other types of staves in there. We could use a spear, probably one with a mace head, a crooked shepherd's pole and even that "lantern on a stick" as used by I-can't-say. There are a ton of magic staves that could be used, as well, like jewel staves, serpent head staves and... What was that Indiana Jones was using to find the Arc of the Covenant? And that too

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I want a hammerhead staff.



Originally Posted by Hqnk View Post according to the description in game, Serpent's Strike is a targeted aoe for tanks. Is that a typo?
I think you're seeing Gauntlet information, the AOE is a taunt I believe.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
She's is way too skinny to be used as a staff!
reminds me of
warning: ponies.
also technically not a staff.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Talkin' 'bout magical girls with staves and not talkin' 'bout Nanoha?




Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Time to say what we want for staffs:

-Spear (w/ tassel as a option, heck you could probably have an "option" with a bunch of variants like prongs, tassels, different spearheads, etc.)
-Halberd (although that could be used with the Titan's Weapon as well...)
(Okay, I'll stop there or it'll start sounding like 2nd. ed. D&D's weapons inventory)
-Runestaff (with glowing runes!)
-Ornate staff (gold, with gems and such)
-Both of the above should have the option of a knob in the end.
-Natural staff (rougher than the "polished wood" look we have)
-Energy Staff.
-Icicle (stalactite as alternate skin)
GREAT, great powerset! I agree with this list of weapon customization alternatives though - particularly the Icicle. That's just brilliant. Hopefully the Devs can find time in the schedule to make this happen.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Talkin' 'bout magical girls with staves and not talkin' 'bout Nanoha?

Raising Heart isn't a staff. It's a device for befriending people via the use strategic level beam weaponry.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Well they did it for TW there is hope they will do it for staff. I mean there has to be a reason to have held it back for so long beside the set schedule deal.
The weapons in the tw pack were showcased in pc gamer months before tw was available live. outside of the naginata for the tsoo, there has been no art seen for more staves.

It could happen, would be nice if it were like the tw one and was free for early adopters, but I'm just pointing out that there are key differences between the tw situation and the staff one.



I've managed to make a nice set of characters so far for staff. Using the trident (atlantean), the metal pole (streetfighter), the wooden pole (for a scarecrow), and the wrapped wooden one (The Phantom-esque Chinese folk hero).

It kept my mind off my exams for a while, at least.

Although, god help me, since part of the exam is logical fallacies my hobby of looking at forum arguments isn't helping.

But at least it's shutting me up when I realize I can't stop doing them myself.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Question: Does anyone know what the flying Staff animations look like?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
It could happen, would be nice if it were like the tw one and was free for early adopters, but I'm just pointing out that there are key differences between the tw situation and the staff one.
The controversy surrounding the TW pack is probably exactly why we won't see a Staff weapon pack for a while, even if hypothetically speaking the models were already made.

Remember that we got that one for free after people made a huge ruckus about them selling a weapon pack on day one for a newly released set -- one that some people felt didn't come with enough customization options in the first place.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Remember that we got that one for free after people made a huge ruckus about them selling a weapon pack on day one for a newly released set -- one that some people felt didn't come with enough customization options in the first place.
The pack was free the moment it was released and stayed free for a week or two. Then it was sold for 400 points for about a day, after that it was taken off the Market for something like a week, then sold for... What was it? 240 Points?

If we got a Staff Pack for free for a while, then it was made purchasable, I'd be all for it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The pack was free the moment it was released and stayed free for a week or two. Then it was sold for 400 points for about a day, after that it was taken off the Market for something like a week, then sold for... What was it? 240 Points?

If we got a Staff Pack for free for a while, then it was made purchasable, I'd be all for it.
Yes, when TW came out, the pack was free for a while. I think partly because of all the noise people made on beta when they put the pack up for testing there.

Which is precisely why I think a staff pack might be in the works but delayed a bit, so they don't end up having to give it away for free to placate everyone like they did with TW.