maybe someone could answer my question about back pieces :)




"Why are there no quivers yet?" was going to be my actual thread title, but i know it's a complicated issue that the Devs are well aware of. And the answer has been: "Because right now it's complicated to have pieces like holsters or scabbards that would have weapons in them when not being used."

which is an ok answer but...

plenty of NPC's have quivers already, see: Wyvern. a quiver of all weapon related pieces, would be the least neccessary to have the bow stuck on there. and i dont see an issue with having some back options available [like the Wyvern quiver] long before they figure out the pieces with animations for drawn/undrawn weapons comes around, if ever.

Also, plenty of combat-active things exist already, and im not a coder/dev so i dont know how the mechanism works exactly, but rocket boots work only while flying, and the auras all have combat options, so why cant there be a quiver with an 'combat aura' of an absent bow, thereby having a bow while 'not-in-combat' and as the auto setting.

also, i wouldn't want a bow on my quiver. and if i had dual pistols, it would make absolutely no difference to me if my holsters were pernamently empty or permanently with guns. some holsters even have flaps over where the gun goes and you dont really see the gun either way... but maybe that's just me...


but mostly i just dont understand completely and was wondering if someone could shed light on this matter for me. and maybe a quiver will FINALLY happen with the chainmail/leather armor set... but i dont remember seeing on on the black knights. :shrug:

any ideas?



Forget quivers for a moment, why the heck do we STILL not have the Vanguard Back Details, despite them being already made pieces that have no additional work needing doing and are simply solid, one-piece parts that should have been out as soon as the back details slot was made to work properly. I'm honestly quite hacked off that this one piece is taking so damn long ¬¬

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Forget quivers for a moment, why the heck do we STILL not have the Vanguard Back Details, despite them being already made pieces that have no additional work needing doing and are simply solid, one-piece parts that should have been out as soon as the back details slot was made to work properly.
How do you know the backpack is a separate piece and not part of a one-piece top for the NPC rig?

How do you know that the backpack 'fits' onto a PC rig the same way it fits onto an NPC rig? For all you know the NPC backpack is attached to a chest detail node. Which means that the backpack would have to be reoriented in how it attaches to put it on a PC rig.

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my assumption is that quivers would be a bunch of work to make a piece that only archers would use and many probably would not.

there are very few archers, so why spend dev resources making a piece that is so limited in its use?

the devs want to add everything to the game, but dev resources need to be spent where they are most useful



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
How do you know the backpack is a separate piece and not part of a one-piece top for the NPC rig?

How do you know that the backpack 'fits' onto a PC rig the same way it fits onto an NPC rig? For all you know the NPC backpack is attached to a chest detail node. Which means that the backpack would have to be reoriented in how it attaches to put it on a PC rig.
I cannot say that this experience/account answers any of those questions solidly...
In the past, there was some sort of bug that allowed a player character to wear the Vanguard back item.
I honestly don't recall the details, but I think that Tech is getting these thoughts/beliefs from that.
Possibly also from some demo-editing or something...
I, however, have zero firsthand knowledge about the validity of what tech has said.

I do remember seeing pictures and reading accounts of someone (at least one person) saying that the back packs seemed to fit fine in action.

No idea what the reality is though!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I firmly believe if porting backpacks was easy, it would have been done 3 years ago. The Devs have no reason to hold it back and they've consistently maintain there were engineering problems with making backpacks happen. Fortunately, they seem to have recently solved that problem and they are starting to give us backpack items.

We're getting a trickle now, and by this time next year, I predict someone will complain about too many backpack costumes and not enough of X.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
my assumption is that quivers would be a bunch of work to make a piece that only archers would use and many probably would not.

there are very few archers, so why spend dev resources making a piece that is so limited in its use?

the devs want to add everything to the game, but dev resources need to be spent where they are most useful
This is subjective. Quivers would be useful even to the non archers because they would make the game look better. Which means even the non archers would find enjoyment in them.

I think the real answer is just that they have not gotten around to it yet. From what I gather there are 2 people Dink and a dude names Charles that never posts, and perhaps a 3rd guy they may or may not have hired at this point. There is only so much time in the day.

IMO, there should be more player costume artists than anything else working at Paragon. I also feel that any new enemy group should be designed on the player rig so the players can have access to ALL of those costumes.

David told us that Jay designed the new CoT costumes on the PC rig, so I found it very odd that we did not get ALL of the CoT parts. Honestly I was pretty ticked off at what was left out, and can only hope this will be corrected in the future.

Hey Devs, we want the CoT long skirt, big hat, belt, big gauntlets, and back detail. Just in case you didn't know, you do now. The devs need to stop holding back items we can take off of the majority of mobs on the street.

I was under the impression that going forward all of the revamped and new NPC groups were going to use the player rig. If I misunderstood it would be awesome if a red name (which includes Zwill imo) would correct me. Why? Because that would keep my expectations low, and I would not be as disappointed as I was over the CoT costume set.

I have 15 incarnate lvl 50 characters, each of which could stomp a mud hole in a CoT death mage, some in a single hit. I should be able to get me a long Cot Skirt, some spiky gauntlets, or a pope hat. Dang, just release a CoT pack 2 already so we will shut up about it.

The next issue has some beautiful costumes in it, that any VIP can log on and look at. I really hope the Devs were intelligent enough to design those with giving them to the players in mind. Character Customization is the strongest aspect of this game. I like the writing and the zones, but let's be bluntly honest for a moment. Character Customization is the strongest thing this game offers. Everything they do should in some way add to that aspect of this game. Bottom line.

If costumes are made that the players can not use, then that is a failure on the part of the art team. I love you guys (the devs) I have been a member of this community for over 7 years. This game has seen me through the loss of a lung, the birth of 2 children, and now it is helping me deal with cancer. So I feel the need to be honest and say this is out of love.

Please for the love of all that is good in the world STOP making character art assets that the players can not use outside of the signature character items, and Death Mages are NOT signature characters.

I can do the same missions over and over as long as I can look different while doing them.

Love you guys, really do.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I firmly believe if porting backpacks was easy, it would have been done 3 years ago. The Devs have no reason to hold it back and they've consistently maintain there were engineering problems with making backpacks happen. Fortunately, they seem to have recently solved that problem and they are starting to give us backpack items.

We're getting a trickle now, and by this time next year, I predict someone will complain about too many backpack costumes and not enough of X.
And ZM, those of us who love costumes will tell them where they can head straight to, and what they can kiss on the way there.

Types of Swords
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I had originaly written a rather 'snarky' reply. But then decided not to post it.

I do feel that the issue of lack of quivers for archers does need to be addressed more. Sadly by now (almost 7 years after the introduction of the powerset) most players have given up on ever seeing them ingame for their characters.

Mostly I would like to hear a straight forward answer to why it is taking so long. An answer of "We just don't care." or "You know we dropped the ball on this one and are very sorry." Just give those of us who want the costume item in game some closure.



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
I do feel that the issue of lack of quivers for archers does need to be addressed more. Sadly by now (almost 7 years after the introduction of the powerset) most players have given up on ever seeing them ingame for their characters.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
my assumption is that quivers would be a bunch of work to make a piece that only archers would use and many probably would not.
Why would he need a quiver?

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
Why would he need a quiver?
It's too dangerous to keep the arrows in my pockets.



Originally Posted by PSLAnimal View Post
Why would he need a quiver?

Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
It's too dangerous to keep the arrows in my pockets.
Nylonus: Missing the joke since 2012.




Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
my assumption is that quivers would be a bunch of work to make a piece that only archers would use and many probably would not.

there are very few archers, so why spend dev resources making a piece that is so limited in its use?
I will answer that two ways:
1) This is just my impression, but I suspect we have more people that would want quivers than want a mini volcano on their backs, yet we have the caldera back item.
2) Why spend the resources? MONEY! There are a boatload of archery based characters out there. I would sure as hell buy a quiver for mine.

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