So, this remind anyone of Red Dawn?




Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
Hmmm...from what I've read about the Tomorrow series this movie is based on, the author never gives the nationality of the invading forces.
I might have to check it out then. Sounds like my kind of book.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Kid says (yells) it himself during the clip. "It doesn't matter what army they are, they're here now."

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Oh hey, it's that book us Auskids all had to read in school!

In case anyone's wondering, no, they never really give a reason for the invasion in the books or identify the invaders, though in retrospect I find it hard to imagine they're anyone but China. And yes, it's basically Australian Red Dawn mixed with good ol' teen romance instead of 80s cheese, and bland as hell. I dunno how a movie will work, though I cba watching the trailer at the moment. (connection is treacherous)



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Oh hey, it's that book us Auskids all had to read in school!

In case anyone's wondering, no, they never really give a reason for the invasion in the books or identify the invaders, though in retrospect I find it hard to imagine they're anyone but China. And yes, it's basically Australian Red Dawn mixed with good ol' teen romance instead of 80s cheese, and bland as hell. I dunno how a movie will work, though I cba watching the trailer at the moment. (connection is treacherous)
Considering it came out already and bombed miserably, Im guess the movie didnt work.

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I thought this thread was a bit late, though with Hollywood development hell you never know. Speaking of which, the actual Red Dawn remake has also been in development hell for a while, especially since they pulled a Homefront (also written by the writer of Red Dawn!) and hastily changed the Chinese to North Koreans at the last minute.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I thought this thread was a bit late, though with Hollywood development hell you never know. Speaking of which, the actual Red Dawn remake has also been in development hell for a while, especially since they pulled a Homefront (also written by the writer of Red Dawn!) and hastily changed the Chinese to North Koreans at the last minute.
Would anyone even believe that North Korea could pull off a semi-successful invasion of the United States though?

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
In Red Dawn, we never got a reason for the Russian Invasion (it was just assumed), the point of the movie wasn't why they were invading but why the kids were fighting back. "Because we live here!" was the catchphrase for the original Red Dawn trailers...that and "WOLVERINES!"
You also have to realize Red Dawn was released during the Cold War. We had not just the Russians but the Cubans and a few other client states invading. "They were the communists, and the commies are evil and want to destroy America, God, Apple Pie and money!" was pretty much all the reason needed. It didn't even need to be *said.*

Darn commies.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I thought this thread was a bit late, though with Hollywood development hell you never know. Speaking of which, the actual Red Dawn remake has also been in development hell for a while, especially since they pulled a Homefront (also written by the writer of Red Dawn!) and hastily changed the Chinese to North Koreans at the last minute.
Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
Would anyone even believe that North Korea could pull off a semi-successful invasion of the United States though?
Wull, no, but maybe instead of successfully invading, conquering and occupying the ENTIRE United States, maybe the camn dommies just invade, conquer and occupy a small part of the United States?

Like...ummm, maybe ... Pocatello, Idaho?

Instead of "Wolverines!" it'd be all "Spuds!!11!!" and "Taters!!11eleventeyone!!11!!"

The DPRK could pull off Pocatello, Idaho, rite?

And, as for what the rest of the US would be pre-occupied with such that they let the DPRK occupy Idaho?

Wull, they'd be doing what they always do when nothing exciting is going on, watching American Idol....

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Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post
And, as for what the rest of the US would be pre-occupied with such that they let the DPRK occupy Idaho?

Wull, they'd be doing what they always do when nothing exciting is going on, watching American Idol....
Nah, I'm sure someone will welcome the new neighbors with a pie. It would be unneighborly not to do so.



Red Dawn...Aussie style....go Underoos! err Kangaroos!

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The book this is from came out in the early 90s I think. Still post Red Dawn which came out a decade before.

I heard the movie was popular in it's Australia, #20 back in 2010.

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I was about to go all patriotic and say "nonsense" but looking at the plot on Wiki it does seem very similar. Red Dawn was not released here at the time and the book came out 7 years after so... I'm going to stop typing now.