Staff Secondary: Elec, Fire or Dark?




Hey all! New to the brute forums, so I apologize for any ignorance in advance.

When Staff Fighting comes out, I'm hoping to roll my first ever brute. I've played an invul tank to 50 and I've done shield, reflexes, regen and willpower on scrapper. Frankly, I'm sick to death of those powersets and I'm hoping to try something a bit new.

Has anyone tried elec, fire or dark with staff? I've been told all three can be challenging, costly or squishy but I'd love some more opinions on what would work best.

Any and all thoughts are appreciated!



I think Im going with SF/Ela.
For Titan weapons I went /Invul when going /Ela was the trend and most common combo because its powerful.
Since SF hits hard too for AoE, I will give it a try.



Staff/Fire Brutes rock at farming if that is something that interests you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Staff/Fire Brutes rock at farming if that is something that interests you.
How comparable to ss/fire?

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Don't discount /Regen either. Staff has the ability to increase both defense and resistance. That should make it an optimal pairing for /Regen which is great at healing but lacks both of those things. A softcapped Staff/Regen will be a force to be reckoned with.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I couldn't answer the OP's question until Mids is updated. But for a first staff build, I would go Fire just so you could farm it up to 50 ASAP and expore the powers. After that build, who knows what synergies people will discover.

I am still holding out for Psionic Armor/Melee.



I'm going to do a SF/WP myself. WP is like peanut butter. Goes with everything.



Looking like /Dark to me, I had to pick /Elec with TW because it needs the endurance, but /Dark is just a more survivable version of /Elec assuming Staff isn't to endurance hungry.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
How comparable to ss/fire?
I don't think it will surpass it, but it was fun as heck.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I've been playing a Staff/Ela Brute on Beta to try to decide whether I want that combo or a Staff/Ea Scrapper. I am really enjoying it so far. Especially with Form of Soul for early leveling (to combat blue bar issues), Ela is a lot of fun.

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



I've decided on a Brute Staff/Electric Armour char and have absolutely enjoyed playing it so far! Can only recommend that.

..:~"Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith!"~:..



My top 4 recommendations (in no particular order):

Regen - Regen is amazing when well built, and it's even more potent on a Brute...more HP is more Regen at the same percentages as a Scrapper...a Regen Brute capped out can match AV regen numbers...(In panic mode that would put you around 340-350 HP/sec!!!)

Dark - Dark is an amazing powerset, it has a built in defensive power, strong resists to many things most notably psionics where it has more resistance than any other set, and a powerful heal that can be made available every 10 seconds. It needs KB protection so slot at least 8 points 12 if you can find room for it.

Invuln - Invuln is the original survivability set, it gets defense bonuses, it has strong resists to the most common damage types, and gets a heal that boosts your Max HP.

Super Reflexes - SR is a great set and gets overlooked sometimes, it has resists built in as your HP drops your resists get stronger. It has the highest Defense Debuff Resists in the game. It is easily built on the cheap to softcap, and if you want to put some money into it, you can even softcap to incarnate content. It also has some built in recharge, which means you attack even faster. It does benefit from a heal, and it likes some endurance recovery because it doesn't have a tool to help with that.

my 2 cents

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Xyzor View Post
I've been playing a Staff/Ela Brute on Beta to try to decide whether I want that combo or a Staff/Ea Scrapper. I am really enjoying it so far. Especially with Form of Soul for early leveling (to combat blue bar issues), Ela is a lot of fun.
Staff/EA could be a great choice, but more for a brute IMO. I'm thinking with all the recharges you can pile up between hasten, entropic aura, Agility Core Incarnate, the rech toggle from staff and maybe a Forced Feeback proc or two you should be running very high recharge. Which with careful slotting would put you (with Overload) at HP cap while running softcapped to most every position (sans Psi) and mostly decent resists. OH yeah, regen running at about 400% (with slotting work) and drain happening approx every 12-15 seconds.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
My top 4 recommendations (in no particular order):

Regen - Regen is amazing when well built, and it's even more potent on a Brute...more HP is more Regen at the same percentages as a Scrapper...a Regen Brute capped out can match AV regen numbers...(In panic mode that would put you around 340-350 HP/sec!!!)

Dark - Dark is an amazing powerset, it has a built in defensive power, strong resists to many things most notably psionics where it has more resistance than any other set, and a powerful heal that can be made available every 10 seconds. It needs KB protection so slot at least 8 points 12 if you can find room for it.

Invuln - Invuln is the original survivability set, it gets defense bonuses, it has strong resists to the most common damage types, and gets a heal that boosts your Max HP.

Super Reflexes - SR is a great set and gets overlooked sometimes, it has resists built in as your HP drops your resists get stronger. It has the highest Defense Debuff Resists in the game. It is easily built on the cheap to softcap, and if you want to put some money into it, you can even softcap to incarnate content. It also has some built in recharge, which means you attack even faster. It does benefit from a heal, and it likes some endurance recovery because it doesn't have a tool to help with that.

my 2 cents

I think I'm going SR for the cheapness and recharge, but I never had a /Fire toon so that sounds tempting although I hate spending time on a costume just fo rit to be obscured (So no more /Dark toons for me)

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



If you don't want your costume obscured then turn off pulse/fade in the power color customized at character creation...issue solved.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I just can't decide between elec or dark.



If you want Better resists and more defense go Dark...if you want less resists and no defense...but an endurance drain power...go electric...

If I am considering electric at all for a build, I go with Dark armor everytime...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
If you want Better resists and more defense go Dark...if you want less resists and no defense...but an endurance drain power...go electric...
Electric has better resistances than Dark across the board (sans neg, psi, tox), most importantly it has 90% energy resists which is an extraordinarily useful resist. Energy is the third most common attacking type (right after S/L), and is especially common in incarnate trials.

ED capped resist slotting:

Dark has: 35.7% resist to S/L/F/C, 23.8% to Energy, 47.5% to negative, 23.8% tox, and 59.4 psi.

Elec has: 41.6% S/L/F/C, 90% Energy, 32.3% Neg, 0% tox, 41.6% psi.

Toxic resistance is largely irrelevant, so basically what you're looking at is 15% more negative resistance and 18% more psi resists for dark. Elec has 6% more S/L/F/C, and 66% more energy resist.

Also, Dark only has ~6% more defense than Electric (cloak of darkness), however both sets can easily softcap S/L defense.

To further break it down:

Elec advantages:
capped energy resists (biggest advantage)
slightly higher s/l/f/c resists
perma endurance discount
end refill
+20 rchg
Slow resist
KB protection

Dark advantages:
Dark Regeneration (biggest advantage)
higher neg and psi res
easier softcap
soft control
strong rez



6% is alot...think about it this way...that's 1 bil inf worth of IO's if you did it with 2 slots in other powers...

Because of Dark's inherent defensive power, I was able to softcap all positional defenses with my Kat/Dark brute after 1 divine avalanche cannot do that with any other resists set, with the exception of perhaps invuln...though you lose your damage aura that way.

Also, I consider the control aspects of Dark Armor to be far more useful than many give credit for...the enemy flat out will not hit you if he is cowering in fear...Oppressive Gloom, I don't personally care for because of the incessant wandering it causes...but I suppose if you built for the 2 running at once...that would be mighty potent.

You also mentioned the Rez, being a Mag 30 stun is extremely useful if you just died in the middle of a mob...

-E- 59.4% Psi resists? What AT are you using for these calcs? My psi resists are into the 60's on my brute...63% iirc...and I know I don't have any extra psionic resists slotted... They are right at 79% on my Dark/Fire tank...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
6% is alot...think about it this way...that's 1 bil inf worth of IO's if you did it with 2 slots in other powers...
6% is alot. It doesn't change the fact that Elec can still softcap S/L quite easily. As for softcapping M/R/A on a Dark Armor, I'll put it this way, for brutes with that much resistance, it is nice to have that much covereage, but is for the most part more than you would need.

Also, I consider the control aspects of Dark Armor to be far more useful than many give credit for...
Unless you're stacking it with a power from your primary, stunning/fearing minions just isn't that productive. Especially on an AoE heavy set like Staff all the minions are going to die before the softcontrol really actually helps you survive. Unless you are using a primary like Earth, Energy, or MA, OG isn't that useful. Similarily Cloak of Fear doesn't really stack well with anything, the tohit debuff is resistable, and the end cost is quite high.

-E- 59.4% Psi resists? What AT are you using for these calcs? My psi resists are into the high 60's on my brute...68% iirc...and I know I don't have any extra psionic resists slotted... They are right at 80% on my Dark/Fire tank...
This is a brute thread, I'm using Brute numbers. ED Capped Obsidian Shield is 59.4. I assume you have cardiac, which boosts it to 64.8. If you're using a Shield Wall proc that bumps it up another 3%, and with Barrier that's another 5-6%, however Shield Wall and Barrier aren't integral advantages of the set.



No, I am using Agility, not Cardiac, don't have the SW unique and I don't count Barrier in base resist numbers.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
No, I am using Agility, not Cardiac, don't have the SW unique and I don't count Barrier in base resist numbers.
Then you should have ~59.4 psi resist.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Unless you're stacking it with a power from your primary, stunning/fearing minions just isn't that productive. Especially on an AoE heavy set like Staff all the minions are going to die before the softcontrol really actually helps you survive. Unless you are using a primary like Earth, Energy, or MA, OG isn't that useful. Similarily Cloak of Fear doesn't really stack well with anything, the tohit debuff is resistable, and the end cost is quite high.
OG would be quite useful for a staff fighter. The Staff Tier 9 has a mag 3 stun to it allowing for mag 5 with OG running. Not to mention OG pulses every two seconds allowing you to actually stun those minions before you kill them all... assuming you're not nearing full fury.

Actually, one other power from Staff has a stun component too, but I forget which one.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
If you don't want your costume obscured then turn off pulse/fade in the power color customized at character creation...issue solved.
I don't see such a setting or I should say I'm not seeing that setting

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575