Badges and RP

Blood Red Arachnid



My Invulnerability/Ice melee/Ice Master tank uses Cold Warrior (or cold as ice, I don't remember which now).

My Dual Pistols/Storm just picked up Eye of the Storm last night.

Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
And I only wish that Mender Lathrop
Antlered Morp?
Motherland Rep?
Trampled Heron?
Harden Melt Pro?
Hatred Elm Porn?
Hard Lemon Pert?



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Antlered Morp?
Motherland Rep?
Trampled Heron?
Harden Melt Pro?
Hatred Elm Porn?
Hard Lemon Pert?
Okay, that last one is downright scandalous, but he - like many of the Menders who are not Silos - isn't an anagram, but a reference to an outside character.

{}... .-



Nonsense. Everything is an anagram. I'll go with Harden Melt Pro and decide that Mender Lathrop is an Ice Control/Fiery Assault dominator.



I often get lots of badges and get and use accolades that don't make a lot of sense for my character concepts (which do exist, even if I don't usually RP them out), because I mostly ignore the badge meanings, except for the ones I choose as a titles, like many others said. And sometimes the title will be not only appropriate but funny, too: my Dark Armor scrapper, for instance, has "Midnight Dodger What Dodges at Midnight" as a title... Funny, appropriate and I'm actually proud to have that one.

And now for a minor nitpick:

Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
But I want a 'Can Breathe in Space' badge from the SSA1 Finale.
If you couldn't before the arc, you probably still can't after it's done, I don't see Lady Grey spending the energy to make her spell permanent when a shorter duration would do, to me she seems rather efficient... Of course, if you wanna RP that it WAS permanent in your case, I'm not the spell-efficiency police!

Playing CoH with Gestures



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Nonsense. Everything is an anagram. I'll go with Harden Melt Pro and decide that Mender Lathrop is an Ice Control/Fiery Assault dominator.
Time/Elec defender, duh.

{}... .-



I completely ignore the descriptions that come with Accolade powers, especially Demonic. Its up there with buying Cyberhearts and Telescopic Eyes from the shop.

I got Demonic on my Fire Scrapper and Electric Tanker while I was redside - both just toughened up a bit from living in the Isles for a while and could focus their power for short bursts.
When Dr Harmony got it, it was just another use of her transmutative powers and invulnerability.

If I've got a character where bursting into flames for short periods of time really doesn't make sense, I'll probably skip the accolade, or maybe only use it if no-ones looking.



Personally when I use badge titles it is for character flavor. Like others I ignore the description when choosing one for a title. For me a badge title is used the same way as listening to a music song/artist that fits the concept to get into that specific alt's mindset.

The exception is my main badger who usually displays the last major badge earned.



Originally Posted by DrGamma View Post
If you couldn't before the arc, you probably still can't after it's done, I don't see Lady Grey spending the energy to make her spell permanent when a shorter duration would do, to me she seems rather efficient... Of course, if you wanna RP that it WAS permanent in your case, I'm not the spell-efficiency police!
I'm aware of this fact. I still want the badge.



I tend to do this where there's a badge which fits my chars' concepts. For a time, my celibate succubus strutted around Unabashed, and my catgirl doc wore Physician or Thief depending on whether she was at work or "at work." I had one char who came back from death and sported Reborn for a time. It's all highly situational.

When I look at other players' characters and their badge titles, if they've chosen something cryptic, it'll make me curious. If it fits what I understand about that character, I applaud the clever badge use.



It's fun seeing people use badges in a clever way. I always liked on my mini-Godzilla (as in he's only 8 feet tall), Kid Kaiju (he wants to stomp Tokyo when he grows up), the title "The Next Big Thing."

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
What I want to know is how many roleplayers presume that their character is actually receiving badges from some sort of municipal authority.
The exploration badges I see as part of some GPS game that someone started. Your radio/comm/ect keeps track of any badge "beacons" you get close to. When you get close to one, it marks it off on your list.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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