[SPOILERs] Phalanx Filled out? Arachnos elections? Praetoria?




I know it's still a little early but I wanted to see more speculation others had for the future and organization of the signature characters. Based on the new lore/Arcs given in DA, SSA's, and iTrials. I'm not caught up on all the juice, and cant find the thread from a little while back that had other's ideas, so I'd like to start a new one and see if there's any new ideas or information. so correct me if im wrong, and please fill out what's been made known to players even if subtly

ok so Two out of the Phalanx [or three?], means two new folks? States and Sissy kaput, and Manti might need some time to mourn, means someone else will rise to become the new leader and two new faces will fill out the roster. will it still be sort-of Archetype based?

-Posi promoted?
-Des joins? - maybe not cuz she has the Carnival
-a Vindicator is upgraded? [...leaving a hole in their roster...]

-1-player's character that is voted for will join the Phalanx. right?
[any more information about this?]

-Miss Lib takes over state's TF, and BaB mecomes atlas trainer?

-Recluse's lady is back and ready for some villany. Ghost Widow is now Lady #2.
-Scirocco and Ice Mistral return from DA changed and Mu'Vorkan wants to become the Patron of Mu Mastery over Scirocco and the other Mu Mystics.

-Will Arachnos become more involved in the coming storm and rise in number of incarnates? there are a number of events in the new content that show them becoming increasingly intertwined with what's going on...

-how many big baddies are left? How many Itrials can be squeezed out still?
Cole - the big one. [and didnt they mention one more incarnate slot before the end of praetoria]
also, was Prae-Hami taken care of?
What happenes to Praetoria once Tyrant is defeated?

? [cant wait for #SS7]

what else is epic via storyline that has had hints of upcoming changes?



Flambeaux becomes leader of Phalanx( not rly, but she does join as a member)
Ghost Widow gets all jelly and quits Arachnos, along with Scirrco(after failed attempt from Mu Kron to assassinate him). Both replaced by Mu Kron and Reculse's woman

COLE can never be defeated. He can polly take the Phalanx single handed. Dominatrix gets a crush on the player character. COLE flips and kicks her out of Pietoria, Metrognome becomes the newest Praetor her place. COLE then hooks with MM.

Growned up Yin gets tooled by either Arachnos or Pietora. Which causes Clock King to do a heel-face turn.

When Pietoria invades again all the factions of Prime Earth band together, led by Recluse. When they all get spanked, and all hope seem lost, Stateman shows up to reveal he is infact not dead, and was saved by Mister Dream. And spent all this time training his incarnate powers. Then he has a show down with COLE.



Infernal, Black Swan, and Cole are the only ones left I think, if we're going to count Apex and Tin Mage as a suitable encounter of Neuron, Bobcat, and Battle Maiden.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
Infernal, Black Swan, and Cole are the only ones left I think, if we're going to count Apex and Tin Mage as a suitable encounter of Neuron, Bobcat, and Battle Maiden.
You forgot Chimera.... And there's a hint here and there that he'll be showing up soon.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



There's still the Praetorian Hamidon to deal with, too. He's kind of a problem since he's, y'know, a walking shoggoth apocalypse. Shogalypse? Hm...

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Penny replaces Sister Psyche in Independence Port.
Manticore keeps his role, though quieter after his wife's death.
Back Alley Brawler gives out States TF (was fishing for someone).


Recluse is really "Might Makes Right", so he'll probably try to venture deeper into Paragon City. Skyway or Steel are next.


Duncan has been absorbed by Mot but if Scirocco and Ice Mistral could be saved, maybe she can too.
Diabolique is part of Dark Astoria/Mot now.
Chimera is still plotting, maybe more in a level 30 Praetoria update?
Bobcat is in Studio 55 being a catgirl.
Battle Maiden has been freed by Malta so she can help them with nanite technology.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Considering I don't trust Posi, Des, or Penny to lead me to lunch...

Lord Recluse: The death of his BFF left him unwilling to settle for underlings that "almost succeed," and just generally weary of everything. Red Widow's revival further spurred the need for change in his life.

Stuff happens...life's a gift, reflections, regrets, high res upgrades, belly shirts, new pants optional dress code, whistle while you work, etc, etc... all leading to Recluse taking over Statesman's revamped task force in which we face off against a empowered Black Scorpion and the new and improved Web.

Recluse: UH, my bad guys. I totally forgot about those blue prints I left lying around while running all those tip missions... and then, my alignment changed and my keys won't work in the door. So, go...gut..er, no!.. yeah, totally gut him and destroy the Web. Yeah, but like I'm saying... if Scorpion loses a limb or something, I'm not going to fuss.

Red Widow: Recluse's sidekick with benefits. Ghost Widow fears she's about to be replaced as patron, plots against Red Widow. The result of which backfires and binds Ghost Widow all the tighter to Arachnos.

Aurora: Takes over for Psyche. They only shared a body once, and it's not like Aurora hasn't been Psyche's student and sidekick for years now.

Cole: Is defeated, finally, along with Praetorian Hamidon. We get curb stomped by the Coming Storm at the victory party. The Well "dies" in the initial strike, but instead of being devoured by the Battalion it's dispersed between all the incarnates on both Earths, opening the path to the next rung of incarnate slots.



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
-Posi promoted?
You know, I'd personally like to see the role of top character in the game NOT played by the lead developer's self-insert character for a change. It's bad enough they killed States because of Jack Emmert. It just seems gratuitous to promote Positron because of Matt Miller.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know, I'd personally like to see the role of top character in the game NOT played by the lead developer's self-insert character for a change. It's bad enough they killed States because of Jack Emmert. It just seems gratuitous to promote Positron because of Matt Miller.
What, you think the whole giving Positron a physical body and making his tragic condition utterly moot and giving him a ghostly girlfriend was a coincidence? This has been in the making for a while.



I've got a feeling that Statesman isnt actually dead. Sure we all saw him die, but I dont think the figurehead of CoH is gone for good.



Originally Posted by Rewhire View Post
I've got a feeling that Statesman isnt actually dead. Sure we all saw him die, but I dont think the figurehead of CoH is gone for good.
Well. There's the Statesman Robot from the Maria Jenkins arc...

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
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Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age