leprechaun, y u so expensive?




Wow... I could spend a third of that on Super Packs and make more influence than that death prone bugger could earn me in my hero's career.



As much as a power set? Did a Dev spend a thousand work-hours on this?

Yeah, pass for me, too.

Dear War Witch, you're in charge of Production now. Pricing of many Market items is seriously broken. There is an inconsistency which makes Paragon Studios look bad in my eyes. You and Brian seriously need to look into what the Market-team is doing and come up with a consistent pricing policy. I'm still waiting for at least one official feedback thread on pricing or how the Market is going -- what works for development of the game can work for the store. Maybe then you won't get surprised by war path threads over a particular price point like what's happening now. -ZM

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It can die? **** that. Pass, especially not for ten bucks.



400pp yes. 800pp hell now.


(and I was looking forward to getting this too)



wouldn't be worth 800 points even if it was untargetable and I regret buying the damn dog -_-



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
So instead of Staff Melee, they release this piece of rubbish.

My sentiments exactly.
Could have had Staff Melee and Dark sets for 2XP but instead we get a useless pet...not spending 800 points on this junk.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Why don't folks y'know actually try the Leprechaun out before assuming it can be killed? I bought it because I like supporting PS and *gasp* It can't be targeted and cannot be killed.



Originally Posted by knightofrage View Post
Why don't folks y'know actually try the Leprechaun out before assuming it can be killed? I bought it because I like supporting PS and *gasp* It can't be targeted and cannot be killed.
So your suggestion is to spend an unrefundable 800pp to see if it is targetable/killable first?


However some have posted it is targetable and killable and you seem to be saying it is not.

I'm not willing to risk 800pp on which forum poster is correct on that.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I will simply pass of this.
And for the record, would not buy it if was cheaper but it is too damn expensive.
Agree with ZM, some prices need to be re-evaluated.



If someone has a character on virtue I'll be more than happy to prove it, sides I trusted the dev's enough that they wouldn't make a purchasable pet able to be killed especially given the price.



Seriously, there are some things that are WAY over-priced. This is only one of them.

Devs, you guys do an awesome job. This is a game that I love and I will happily spend what little money I have on it, but really; when a vanity pet (regardless of how quickly it dies or whatever) is the same price as a power set, you're doing it wrong.

"Don't go away mad, just go away..." The best line Clint never said.

#406785 - Assisting the PPD



it DIES!?


In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by knightofrage View Post
Why don't folks y'know actually try the Leprechaun out before assuming it can be killed? I bought it because I like supporting PS and *gasp* It can't be targeted and cannot be killed.
I had to go back in and see this for myself. At 1am PST last night they were able to be targeted and killed. Just checking now and it looks like that isn't the case now. Well thats something

But 800pp....still too high.

Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
it DIES!?


Not as of 7am this morning no, it doesn't die. They made a change throughout the overnight it looks like.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Now that I look back at my earlier post I should apologize for coming off more crude than intended, my wonderful people skills are shining through again -_-.



Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
I had to go back in and see this for myself. At 1am PST last night they were able to be targeted and killed. Just checking now and it looks like that isn't the case now. Well thats something

But 800pp....still too high.

Not as of 7am this morning no, it doesn't die. They made a change throughout the overnight it looks like.
Good to know. It can't be killed.

Still. No. Not at 800pp. Just no.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by knightofrage View Post
Now that I look back at my earlier post I should apologize for coming off more crude than intended, my wonderful people skills are shining through again -_-.
I don't see you being crude. But then my people skills are pretty horrible too.

I appreciate your getting the correct information out and TA's re-checking and verification.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Well, if it is immortal now.. even with the wacky price point, now I do have something to consider.Thanks!
But, if it was changed overnight, then I have to assume it was the intent all along to make it inuvlnerable and so to the persons who let it get to Live in the initial state.. yea, be more vigilant and tighten up on your information chains.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Making it immortal *might* make it worth 200-300 PP. 800 is a ripoff even at 10x the buff.

Especially considering no hero or villain that wants to be taken seriously is going to let, as another poster put it, the Mayor of Munchkinland follow him around.



Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post

Not as of 7am this morning no, it doesn't die. They made a change throughout the overnight it looks like.
I feel much better. I was already feeling dumb for not looking at the price.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Black Zot View Post
Making it immortal *might* make it worth 200-300 PP. 800 is a ripoff even at 10x the buff.

Especially considering no hero or villain that wants to be taken seriously is going to let, as another poster put it, the Mayor of Munchkinland follow him around.
That's what killed it for me. I don't think I have a single character whose style would be enhanced by a little green sidekick.




Yay! You only have till March 31st to spend your 800PP.

Hurry hurry get your own Pot O Gold™ before time runs out!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



this has got to be some kind of early april fools joke, no staff or beast mastery in time for double xp but a 800pp leprechaun



I think I see how they came up with the 800 point cost. They took the 500 points that people paid for the other recent novelty pets, and added 300 points because of it's 10% Influence bonus.

Still, I have Zero interest in this pet. I have no need for an Inf boost, and I've found the 500-point vanity pets a little overpriced.

I'm all for people paying to support this game, but don't throw money at them for poor and/or overpriced products. It'll only encourage them to further overprice things, which could work negatively towards the overall game if the prices drive people away.



Even the pet being immortal still wouldn't get me to buy it, especially not at 800 points. And the pet has to be out for this buff to be given, right?

So essentially, you're stuck with a tiny green man following you about. That won't go with any of my character concepts.



Here's my solution. Gonna forego the store, but DEfinitely gonna drink a tonne of beer on St. Paddy's day that I'll see my own leprechaun and maybe he can buff my drinking skills, ha ha ha ha ha. I hope that didn't violate anything.

But that is a lot of points.