So, the solution to redirect old missions away from old Dark Astoria




I think it'd be pretty cool if I23 had a revamp of all the Freedom Phalanx TFs to reflect the new situations in the game world - Positron takes over a revamped STF, Penny Yin gives a new TF in the same range as Sister Psyche's TF, Citadel's TF deals with the Council-5th Column war, and so on.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
So is it just kill banished pantheon in Talos now? Is BA totally taken out of the TF all together?
No BP at all.

Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Does it really matter? 90% of that TF is hunting down grey cons to waste time. It really needs a revamp.
At least there's a story reason for it (and I have to admit my lower power characters like "wiping out" piles of greys.) Though it could use some trimming.

Originally Posted by danomal
on an organized team it takes less than 10 minutes.
On an organized team, Numina takes less than an hour

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's be pretty cool if I23 had a revamp of all the Freedom Phalanx TFs to reflect the new situations in the game world - Positron takes over a revamped STF, Penny Yin gives a new TF in the same range as Sister Psyche's TF, Citadel's TF deals with the Council-5th Column war, and so on.
Yes, please.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's be pretty cool if I23 had a revamp of all the Freedom Phalanx TFs to reflect the new situations in the game world - Positron takes over a revamped STF, Penny Yin gives a new TF in the same range as Sister Psyche's TF, Citadel's TF deals with the Council-5th Column war, and so on.

Those tfs need to be changed to reflect what is going on NOW!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
Do the zombie invasions happen in the Galaxy Echo too? It seemed weird since everything else is gutted from the echo zones, so I figured that would be as well.
"Zombies" was unclear. DA always had zombies in it. I didn't realize you meant an invasion. If it had an invasion, I'd agree that's a bug.

The Echo zones still have their standard spawns that appeared in them when they were normal zones. So there are still zombies in Echo: DA ... they're just BP ones.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I had a sense that for some time mission arcs requiring Echo DA might be a problem. After installing the hacked TP units, I attached echo DA's beacon and the new DA's beacon after obtaining all the exploration badges. I find that having to go to Ouroboros all the time gets a bit tedious in my opinion. I do love these new TP units. Now we can get to any location in the city in seconds instead of long minutes of traveling normally required to get around.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
... synapse is my host hated TF in the game and it's need for the accolade which makes me hate it even more cause I can't ignore it.

On the contrary, Synapse is one of my favourite TF's. I just wish for the day people fight through instead of speeding so that they could enjoy it.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
And to make things even better.

Echo is accessible from ouroborus, the hero one. Rogues are sent to villain ouroborus and therefore cannot get to echo: dark astoria.
Well thought out there

Found that out yesterday doing Citadel TF. Thankfully they had mission TP so could get there anyway, but poor design.
I got bit by this same bug the same day, and had the same work-around. How did you get out? I tried using Pocket D Teleport, and it errored out. I was worried that Ouroboros would kick me off of the team. I went out the exit portal and got kicked all the way back to Mercy Island, and it took me an uncomfortably long time to get back to my team for the last mission.

(Although the good news was that it let me grab those exploration badges on a rogue.)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it'd be pretty cool if I23 had a revamp of all the Freedom Phalanx TFs to reflect the new situations in the game world - Positron takes over a revamped STF, Penny Yin gives a new TF in the same range as Sister Psyche's TF, Citadel's TF deals with the Council-5th Column war, and so on.
I don't have a real problem with the current Phalanx TFs, for the most part. They're vanilla, but so is the vast majority of teamed content, just by its nature. And they tend to be good for XP and badges for whatever group you're up against.

But if it takes a revamp to all of them in order to finally fix Numina's stupidly motivated stupid hunts ("I have no idea what we're doing anymore, so just go beat people up until that machine goes ding."), then bring 'em on.



And to think I raced an Astoria-themed character through the Miriam Bloechel arc on the night before i22, thinking it'd be gone that morning. Still, I'm glad I got it done that night instead of after the change: "go to Dark Astoria and stop the Banished Pantheon from breaking the seal" just has a better ring to it than "go to the echo of what Dark Astoria used to be and stop the Banished Pantheon of the past from breaking the seal that's going to break anyway, except even earlier, so, you know, time paradox."

Having just gotten another arc that referred the player to Echo Astoria, what worries me is that it's not going to make any sense for new players. There's no in-game explanation of what the term means, so anyone who hasn't already found Ouroboros, which is easy to miss if they skipped Faultline and haven't been taken there by another player, is going to get stumped when they see "Echo: Dark Astoria" as the destination. And when they ask around, find out about Ouroboros and i22 and how they have to go to the echo version now, it's going to snap the narrative immersion for them like a rubber band.

The most immersive solution, as someone else said, would be to have old Dark Astoria at Talos Island for most of the game, and then it gets sealed off at level 50 and new Dark Astoria kicks in as the events there unfold during the player's personal timeline. The only problem there is that, since high-level players might still want to go back to old Dark Astoria, the developers would probably need to create an echo entrance for them that opens up at level 50. It'd be a lot of work, but it'd be great if the messy in-game referrals to Echo: Dark Astoria right now are just a stop-gap while something along those lines is worked out.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Or they could just move the missions to another rundown trial/hazard zone. Y'know, like they said they would.



A few of them wouldn't make sense anywhere else, though. Miriam's Scroll of Tielleku arc hinges pretty strongly on old Dark Astoria and thwarting a BP plan to free Mot; without the personal timeline effect that having both zones open would allow, her story just doesn't make much sense anymore.

But yeah, some of the others needed to be moved to more appropriate zones long ago. There's at least one non-magic, 20'ish-level mission that sends you there to a fully staffed, ordinary office building to rescue hostages and recover some files. I just boggled for a moment, fighting the urge to shout "who's crazy enough to still be commuting there?!" before rushing off into the fog to go save them.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
A few of them wouldn't make sense anywhere else, though. Miriam's Scroll of Tielleku arc hinges pretty strongly on old Dark Astoria and thwarting a BP plan to free Mot; without the personal timeline effect that having both zones open would allow, her story just doesn't make much sense anymore.
That's when an arc needs a Tina Macintyre/Maria Jenkins treatment.



I would honestly rather run a Synapse, Sister Psyche or Manticore than a Numina. Yes, "defeat all" missions beating the same foes up in basically the same maps is tedious, but it's combat. Blowing away spawns of grey-con critters for 15 minutes hither and yon across the game zones is a version of tedium I am much less tolerant of.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA