One Ouroboros too many?




A friend had a bug crop up yesterday, and it got me thinking about the overall design of Ouroboros. I'll start with the bug for some background.

My friend had started out a hero (mind/kin controller) but wanted access to patron epic powers. So he used tips to cycle thru vigilante to villain to rogue. A "funny" thing happened on the way back to hero though. He reached level 50 while doing the Lady Gray TF with our SG Saturday night. After we completed it, he asked me if he should focus first on finishing his hero tips or do the incarnate arc. I told him I'd go with incarnate arc first, to more quickly begin receiving shards. I had to log, and could not help him with either.

Well, the next day we teamed again. He had started the incarnate arc and had the Trapdoor mission ready to go. He had also already converted back to hero. So he, another SG mate, and I all met in Ouroboros, teamed, and were going to do Trapdoor. The crystal wouldn't let us in, telling us that we had to complete the selected mission first. We had no idea what the problem was so we tried different things to get in -- pass the star, select a different mission then Trapdoor again, etc. Nothing worked; we got the same message every time. He eventually realized he had started the incarnate arc in the "villain" Ouroboros, and we were in the "hero" Ouroboros now. Mender Ramiel wouldn't even let him drop the mission.

Wrong Ramiel. Wrong Ouroboros. Phooey! He petitioned for a GM and we went off to do some missions in FBZ. A GM showed up during our second mission there, and spoke with my friend for a couple minutes. The GM was unable to fix the problem. (I have no idea why he couldn't even just drop the mission/arc from my friend's task list, but he apparently could not.) My friend was told there were two ways to proceed. He could run another set of vig-->villain-->rogue->hero tips, and complete the incarnate arc while he had access to the "villain" Ouroboros. Or he could run incarnate trials, and gain the alpha slot that way.

It occurred to me after the GM left was, hey, now there are alignment-change tokens available! Since this issue is a design bug, they should just grant my friend a couple of the tokens so he could quickly become villain, complete his incarnate arc, and quickly become a hero again. I suggested my friend email support and request this, and I hope he does.

Perhaps you can see (or already knew) that the existence of two separate Ouroborosses, with the same contacts, etc, is a confusing design with unanticipated bugs just waiting to happen. It doesn't even make sense in internal logic. I suppose one could throw up smoke and mirrors and claim <cough> time paradox <cough>, but that's pretty hollow reasoning.

As the title to this thread suggests, there is one Ouroboros too many. I suppose they created two because it was the easiest way at the time to allow the same contacts to offer different missions. It also made it easy to insure that players only had access to the right set of flashback missions. CoH game technology has advanced since then, and context-sensitive interaction with contacts is already happening. So here is an overview of how a better Ouroboros could work:

1) One "neutral" Ouroboros. Heroes, vigilantes, villains, and rogues, could all co-exist there. I say neutral (like Midnight Club) instead of co-ed (like Cimerora) because no co-ed missions would be available. Players could remain on co-ed teams, but co-ed teams could not do Ouroboros contact missions, flashbacks, or TFs. (Heroes and vigilantes would be treated as one alignment though, as would villains and rogues.)

2) Contacts would have their logic enhanced to recognize the alignment of the person speaking to them. What they offer would vary accordingly, and no missions would be offered to co-ed teams. If Ouroboros content has already been selected, players of the opposite alignment could not join the team.

3) The main exit portal would have its logic enhanced as well. Heroes could only access Paragon City destinations. Villains could only access the Rogue Isles. However, both rogues and vigilantes would be allowed to travel to all zones. (If you've ever played a Rogue and gone to the "wrong" Ouroboros, you know how much a boon this item would be.)

4) The echo portal would ensure only those eligible could travel to its destinations (which is currently only Echo Galaxy City).

5) This one is probably not necessary, but it might reduce confusion. The large room with flashback crystals would gain doors. A player entering would essentially go to one of two places, where the "hero" crystals are, or where the "villain" crystals are. Entering the room would not split a pre-existing co-ed team. Flashbacks would only be offered to the team leader of a team with just heroes and/or vigilantes, or villains and/or rogues.

-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection



The Dev's have said before that Ouroboros is a dirty hack and that at present it's not possible to combine them.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
The Dev's have said before that Ouroboros is a dirty hack and that at present it's not possible to combine them.
Yep in an ideal game there would be only one Ouroboros implemented as a co-op zone. It would have a pair of TP portals just like that area that exists just outside the First Ward door where there are portals leading to Paragon City and Rogue Isles respectively.

Unfortunately when they first coded Ouroboros they didn't envision a game where side-switching would become so common and routine. Sadly it would probably take a huge update to untangle the knot of code to make that work better.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Unfortunately when they first coded Ouroboros they didn't envision a game where side-switching would become so common and routine. Sadly it would probably take a huge update to untangle the knot of code to make that work better.
So just do it, devs: Budget and allocate the coding resources with the long-term goal of untangling the spaghetti code behind Ouro and revising it so that it's a full-fledged co-op zone. Players have been asking for this ever since Going Rogue promised side-switching. If this had been started around that time, we'd likely be fairly well along.

This would be an enormous quality of life improvement, especially if there were the option to stage iTrials from Ouro instead of/in addition to Pocket D and RWZ. Perhaps if enough people let them know in person at the next Player Summit, the message would sink in.



Fixing Oro would also make cross-faction teaming easier in the revised Dark Astoria.

Currently, after your initial run-through, the DA arcs (Which are clearly intended to be repeated regularly as the solo/small team Incarnate path) are only available via Oro. That makes it absolutely impossible to run them with a "mixed" group more than once... Not good when DA is supposed to be both a cross-faction co-op zone *and* one with content that's intended to be run many times over on the same characters.

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I don't think a co-op Ouroborus is worth it if allocating those resources means cutting other new content or revamped older content. Their resources and time are finite, and the QoL benefit of a new Ouro isn't worth, say, throwing away new content.

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My question would be, when I switch from villain to hero, all of my other unfinished missions disappear, unless they are co-op missions. Why should the Mender Ramiel arc be any different?

It doesn't seem so much an Ouro problem as a side-switching problem. You shouldn't have any outstanding villain missions after you switch to hero. The Mender Ramiel arc should reset, since it treats the v-side as v-side only and h-side as h-side only.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Well, that is why I don't even bother to /petition and I just fix issues that crop up myself (restart arcs, drop the mission, or move on and do sometime else). Unfortunetly, support's hands are usually so tied they can't do anything.

Last time this happened to me, I just spent some astrals from an alt and mailed myself an incarnate unlock token.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
I don't think a co-op Ouroborus is worth it if allocating those resources means cutting other new content or revamped older content. Their resources and time are finite, and the QoL benefit of a new Ouro isn't worth, say, throwing away new content.
All the more reason to budget out resources with "big picture" goals in mind instead of making everything an either/or proposition by jerry-rigging for the short term. Letting a kuldgy pile of code sit around for years will only cause more and more problems down the line. Moreover, fixing Ouro eventually may very well open up new possibilities for content later.

EDIT: This issue was brought up when Going Rogue was in beta, and it got shoved aside with the explanation that renovating Ouro was too big a project for the expansion. Well, it's been almost a year and a half since Going Rogue was successfully launched, so how far down the back burner is this?



I had the same thing happen to me. I just left the arc there and did iTrials. It would be nice if side switching would give a warning and an opportunaty to abandon it.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
All the more reason to budget out resources with "big picture" goals in mind instead of making everything an either/or proposition by jerry-rigging for the short term. Letting a kuldgy pile of code sit around for years will only cause more and more problems down the line. Moreover, fixing Ouro eventually may very well open up new possibilities for content later.

EDIT: This issue was brought up when Going Rogue was in beta, and it got shoved aside with the explanation that renovating Ouro was too big a project for the expansion. Well, it's been almost a year and a half since Going Rogue was successfully launched, so how far down the back burner is this?
Well, you can either spend a lot of finite resources fixing something that isn't broken, or you can use them for other stuff. Ouroborus in it's current form isn't broken, and works most of the time. Perfectionism is a bad thing.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
All the more reason to budget out resources with "big picture" goals in mind instead of making everything an either/or proposition by jerry-rigging for the short term. Letting a kuldgy pile of code sit around for years will only cause more and more problems down the line. Moreover, fixing Ouro eventually may very well open up new possibilities for content later.
Depends on the cost. Would fixing it cost "one mission with custom mechanics", would it be "Dark Astoria makeover", or would it be "Ultra Mode"?



So long as there are two Ouroboroses anyway, it seems a shame not to play the divide up for all it's worth, with the villainous version having dark storm clouds instead of a tranquil sky, and an openly evil group of Menders from a different future recruiting villains to change the past and thwart time-traveling heroes enlisted by their hero-side counterparts.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Well, you can either spend a lot of finite resources fixing something that isn't broken, or you can use them for other stuff. Ouroborus in it's current form isn't broken, and works most of the time. Perfectionism is a bad thing.
Functionality is a good thing, in the first place. In the second, Ouro is now technically broken since it no longer works as well as it did now that side-switching and incarnates are part of the game. And in the third, reducing this to an either-or proposition is a poor method of business planning. The devs have let us know that they work several issues in advance, so fitting in a renovation for Ouro into the long term plans shouldn't automatically preclude releasing new content. Besides, as I said, renovating old content can also provide the opportunity for unexpected directions for the new.

Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Depends on the cost. Would fixing it cost "one mission with custom mechanics", would it be "Dark Astoria makeover", or would it be "Ultra Mode"?
Certainly, and that would factor into the scheduling. If it were simple (and it's not, from what the devs are telling us), then it would be easy to slot in sooner rather than later. Since it will have to be later - and it's already almost a year and a half after Going Rogue's launch - then figure out if it should be Issue 24 or 26 or 30, etc.

Otherwise, Ouro is just another example of CoH legacy code no longer working quite as it should but well enough for the devs to ignore, despite players' requests for revision.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
The Dev's have said before that Ouroboros is a dirty hack and that at present it's not possible to combine them.
Any idea how long ago a Dev said that? I sort of remember someone saying something like that soon after its release. But in the years since then, I believe a lot of the infrastructure has already been built which would allow a non-hacked Ouroboros to exist. Am I wrong about the following?

* context sensitive dialog with contacts
* context sensitive destination lists
* more mature management of co-ed teams (eg players don't get auto-kicked while zoning)
* alignment-specific contacts in neutral and co-ed zones

I'm not saying everything has been done, or that these specific capabilities won't need further tuning in applying them to Ouroboros. It's quite possible, though, that the Devs have already been working on a well-designed Ouroboros, right in front of our noses.

-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
Any idea how long ago a Dev said that?
Second Measure said it back in November 2011 at the Player Summit in response to this very question, using the exact words of "Because Ouroborus is a dirty, dirty hack." The other devs nodded in agreement.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
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I asked a few Ustreams ago about Vig/Rogue at least being given a way to visit the other side's Ouro, and they seemed to partially dodge the issue, again stating that basically "Ouroboros is an awful hack.", so that's still their official position as of earlier this month.



I agree that it needs to be fixed.

It'll take a lot of work but Ouroboros is a huge deal and it keeps getting bigger with every patch that adds missions.

Leaving it as-is is like fixing something in your car with duct tape. It may work, and nobody might notice it now, but when they do notice it, it really breaks immersion.

The worst is when you try to get into a cross-alignment group through Ouroboros not realizing that it's a faction-specific zone. There's NOTHING IN GAME TO SUGGEST THAT! Not even a loading screen tip! The zone appears the same across factions (which is a huge mistake btw, it doesn't matter if it's supposed to be super-neutral ground, there should be something to show you that it's different, even if all it does is enhance the "heroic" nature of the ui when you're blue). Even if all you do is have random heroic or villainous dudes and chicks standing around drinking tea, it'd go a long way to illustrating that the zones are different (which you need to do).

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Functionality is a good thing, in the first place. In the second, Ouro is now technically broken since it no longer works as well as it did now that side-switching and incarnates are part of the game. And in the third, reducing this to an either-or proposition is a poor method of business planning. The devs have let us know that they work several issues in advance, so fitting in a renovation for Ouro into the long term plans shouldn't automatically preclude releasing new content. Besides, as I said, renovating old content can also provide the opportunity for unexpected directions for the new.

Certainly, and that would factor into the scheduling. If it were simple (and it's not, from what the devs are telling us), then it would be easy to slot in sooner rather than later. Since it will have to be later - and it's already almost a year and a half after Going Rogue's launch - then figure out if it should be Issue 24 or 26 or 30, etc.

Otherwise, Ouro is just another example of CoH legacy code no longer working quite as it should but well enough for the devs to ignore, despite players' requests for revision.
Build a NEW, third Co-OP only oroborus that is activated when on a mixed team and you drop the O-portal. The misison arc is the only one runnable while folks are on the mixed team. That Oroborus is also the only one accessible while everyone is on the mixed team. The "contact" will be the crystal directly available across from the entrance portal (the one in front of the pool). You can't call the contact, you can only zone into the Co-Op o portal to continue the arc with your mixed team. The contact next to the crystal will only buy and sell insp, and is the only contact that can be clicked on in the temporary mixed team o-zone.. While on the mixed team your O-portal Will ALWAYS take you (and team mates)into the mixed o-zone. It has no timer and is 0 recharge unlike the original o-portals.

The travel list back out will list all the appropriate zones everyone has access to. Villains and rogues can only go to zones they have access to. Heroes and Vigs can only go to zones they have access to. The badge that grants access to the original o-portals will NOT existence in this mixed o-zone, in order to avoid an possible bugs.

No need to copy contacts over, no need to copy over missions, no need to deal with spaghetti code. Once everyone disbands (and everyone MUST quit team until there is no team for access to the original o-zones to return) everyone gets access back to their original O-zone portal and abilities back.


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Originally Posted by Organica View Post
My question would be, when I switch from villain to hero, all of my other unfinished missions disappear, unless they are co-op missions. Why should the Mender Ramiel arc be any different?

It doesn't seem so much an Ouro problem as a side-switching problem. You shouldn't have any outstanding villain missions after you switch to hero. The Mender Ramiel arc should reset, since it treats the v-side as v-side only and h-side as h-side only.
It used to, and then people were switching over and finding that they had to start over and complaining about it, so they merged the two Ramiels into one - with a new set of bugs, apparently.




I'm curious if this:

Alignment Change

  • Fixed an issue where Villains and Rogues could retain active status on some Broker contacts when changing alignment.

fixes this problem.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I'm curious if this:

Alignment Change
  • Fixed an issue where Villains and Rogues could retain active status on some Broker contacts when changing alignment.

fixes this problem.
One dev - either Castle, BAB, or Black Scorpion; can't remember which - basically said that to make Ouroboros co-op would require rewriting numerous game systems, including the contact system. So methinks that this particular patch note wouldn't be sufficient to magically clear the path to a co-op Ouroboros.

When devs say something is a dirty hack, they mean it.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Depends on the cost. Would fixing it cost "one mission with custom mechanics", would it be "Dark Astoria makeover", or would it be "Ultra Mode"?
I'd imagine Ultra Mode since all the essential modelling work like the zone and contacts are all done and the contact mechanics have improved immensly since then. They can give out multiple dialogues depending on badges and the doorways from co-op zones have warnings for 'crossing over'.

Seems like the mechanics are there but putting it all together will be the tricky part.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.