Alpha Incarnate: Shards or Thread?

Agent White



Recently, I commented on a global channel that it looks like Shards are being phased out now that the "solo Incarnate path" of Dark Astoria isn't going to drop Shards or Shard components, but it was explained to me that there would still be plenty of things to do that still drop those that I'd want to do despite chasing Incarnate progress. Morality and Alignment tips were brought up, which is a very good point, as were most non-Incarnate TFs.

So, since I'm learning new stuff recently, I wanted to ask this in plain text: Come I22, will there be any point in Shards at all, or should I just try creating Alpha stuff with Threads, instead?

Now, what prompted me to ask this question was I finally did run an iTrial - Behaviour Adjustment Facility (confused the hell out of me, in case you're curious) and left with two rare thread components, around 5 Threads, an Astral Merit and an Empyrean Merit. This caused me to finally check out what the Empyrean and Astral vendors are actually selling, and to my surprise, they do sell "Shard Vouchers" that can be redeemed by any character, I'm assuming including the one who purchased them. These seem to be a 1-to-1 conversion.

So this got me thinking... I already have an Uncommon Alpha enhancement slotted (just now, after tonight's ITF), so what would it take to make a Rare level-shift one? Well, using Shards, a Notice of the Well, which is either a WST or I believe 56 Shards. What would it take to make one using threads? Well, four Uncommon components, each 60 Threads in cost, so 240 threads. One of my concerns about Dark Astoria was that Alpha was getting punished since Thread components are five times as expensive as Shard components, and I'm not sure Thread drop rates are five times as common as Shards are in the normal game, but here's the thing...

I have about 5 threads. If I dump that Astral to 4 Threads and that Empyrean to 20 threads, that'll give me around 30 Threads, give or take. If I then cross those over to Shards via Vouchers, that's already half a NotW... Or, like, 3/4 of one, I can't say off-hand. Now, granted, an Emp merit isn't something I expect to see in Dark Astoria since I don't believe those drop out of anything, but my point is that if we really CAN turn Threads into Shards at a 1-to-1 basis, then isn't it far smarter to disassemble disassemble my components to threads and then turn them into Shards since that's much less expensive in terms of total number?

Again, I want to stress that I truly and honestly do not know what I'm talking about. I checked the in-game conversion interface, I looked at ParagonWiki and I'm inferring the rest. So seriously - is it better to work with Shards or Threads when working on your Alpha stuff?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



i personally think that shard method is a lot easier and deterministic to craft higher tiers, to get the rare or very rare thread components it will either A) require a lot of luck on the trial reward table, or B) a LOT of inf, threads and other components

to get rare/very rare shard components the rare is simply a notice of the well which can be gotten from the weekly tf, the very rare just requires 2 notices and 32 shards which can be gathered over time through all non trial/non DA content

using threads it *can* be faster for the common/uncommon, to get the higher than uncommon tiers it usually requires a lot of luck or a lot of time saving emp merits (8 emp merits for 1 rare and 30 emp merits for a very rare which i feel is very disproportionate compared to the shard conversions)



I almost always get the t3 via shards using the WST or Mortimer Kal for the rare. Otherwise trials are faster for getting it to t4.

It also depends on what you have access to. If you run TFs on a regular basis and have components/shards just lying around, then use those up.



How about earning threads, but turning those into Shards and gaining components that way? I mean, I know that pure Thread/Shard paths aren't ideal... And are pretty much rock bottom the slowest, but if both of those actually are viable, wouldn't Thread->Shard be the better option?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
How about earning threads, but turning those into Shards and gaining components that way? I mean, I know that pure Thread/Shard paths aren't ideal... And are pretty much rock bottom the slowest, but if both of those actually are viable, wouldn't Thread->Shard be the better option?
i wish there was a thread to shard option, personally i like how shards work but shards are only good for getting alphas

once i finish my tier 4 alpha i just start converting all my shards into threads since shards are pointless at that point, but i personally wish we had a shard and thread version of all incarnate slots



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i wish there was a thread to shard option, personally i like how shards work but shards are only good for getting alphas
Isn't there? Let me check.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
but my point is that if we really CAN turn Threads into Shards at a 1-to-1 basis
You can't unfortunately.

What you saw was a 1-1 conversion from astrals to shards.
A single astral merit is worth either 4 threads or 1 shard on any character. Threads themselves cannot be converted to shards at all.

As for which is best, that's down to personally preference. Shards are probably slower if you've got good access to trials though.

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Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
You can't unfortunately.

What you saw was a 1-1 conversion from astrals to shards.
A single astral merit is worth either 4 threads or 1 shard on any character. Threads themselves cannot be converted to shards at all.
I just checked, and you are correct. I can't. Well, that makes the whole thing moot then, doesn't it? Since I can't make Astrals... And there wouldn't be a point even if I could, then the conversion idea goes down the drain.

Well, I guess "never mind then" is the order of the day. Aside from running the WTF if and when I feel like it, there really doesn't seem to be a point to trying to make stuff with Shards if I'm going to want to spend the majority of my time in Dark Astoria unlocking the other slots and hoping for Thread and Component drops.

Too bad.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I wouldn't discount the weekly strike target. Heck right now it's just the 2nd respec trial, requires a low amount of people, pretty easy to nab a rare, just have to pull together a group doing it. Sometimes folks will even announce here on the forums when they want to form one.

The way I did it was to craft a common from Shards (+1 from the Alpha unlock arc, +3 from farming Peregrine, 1 Gr'ai matter from doing the 35 - 50 Vanguard arcs, +4 shards from joining in on a hamidon raid). crafted an uncommon with thread stuff, then made a rare with shard stuff and a notice from the WST. Went pretty quick. But Victory has a pretty active community for doing end game stuff too



How exactly does one convert shards into threads? I have yet to find a way to do it, myself.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
How exactly does one convert shards into threads? I have yet to find a way to do it, myself.
theres a conversion tab in the incarnate menu, you can do 10 shards for 10 threads for 1 mil inf every 20 hours or 10 shards for 5 threads for free unlimited times per day



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
theres a conversion tab in the incarnate menu, you can do 10 shards for 10 threads for 1 mil inf every 20 hours or 10 shards for 5 threads for free unlimited times per day
You have to pay the inf either way.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



I find the best way to do it is this.

T1 Alpha, shards (a total of 12 merits turned into shards if you are doing it just via merits)

T2 Alpha, threads (10 merits and a bit of luck, as opposed to 20 merits)

T3 Alpha, shards (WST and 8 merits)

T4 Alpha Threads (Getting lucky)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So, since I'm learning new stuff recently, I wanted to ask this in plain text: Come I22, will there be any point in Shards at all, or should I just try creating Alpha stuff with Threads, instead?
As said: all the non-Incarnate task in City drops shards and this was expanded to include exemping for tasks. So everything that you can do as a 1-49 can contribute to your Alpha stockpile or they can be converted at a 10:10 ratio plus inf every 20 hours for more threads or a 10:5 ratio cost-free for as long as you have multiples of 10.

For me: shards are a steadier way to gain the Alpha. Shard runs of TFs tend to net you 3-5 shards which is enough for one component you want and if you do one of the big 4s a component you might need. For the big 4s; you will get a common component (other 2 being the CoP and the Gr'ai Matter which is a VG merits purchase), doing a WTF will net you a Notice which means in 4 weeks you will have all the rare parts needed to make a T4 Alpha, guaranteed.

It should also be noted that the Incarnate shifts do work in new Dark Astoria both in-zone and in-mission so threading up the other shifting abilities would be a better option given they only have thread recipes to make them. Shards save having to build your alpha with threads allowing you to get the other powers first.

Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
You have to pay the inf either way.
Not anymore. They removed the cost for the 10:5 conversion rate.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
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I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
T1 Alpha, shards (a total of 12 merits turned into shards if you are doing it just via merits)
Wait... What Merits turn into Shards and how does one do that?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wait... What Merits turn into Shards and how does one do that?
Astral Merits can convert to shards on a 1 to 1 basis, go talk to Astral Christy. They also can buy 4 threads, when you get to doing the higher slots. You get them as account items in your e-mail, so this is how you can mail your alts incarnate goodies.



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
You have to pay the inf either way.
looking at it in game right now, the 10-5 conversion does not cost anything, it used to cost inf awhile ago but it doesnt anymore



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Wait... What Merits turn into Shards and how does one do that?
Astrals can be traded 1:1 for shards at Astral Christy. For the alpha slot, this more efficient than trading for threads, if you're going to be breaking down all your Astrals anyway: a t1 power is 12 shards (12 astrals) or 60 threads (15 astrals) to build from scratch, and a t2 is 20 shards (20 astrals) or 100 threads (25 astrals). If you have a Notice of the Well, it's also way more efficient to trade 8 astrals for shards and build your t3 that way, rather than break the Notice and astrals down for 72 threads, which is far short of what you need for a t3 with the thread recipe.



I'm not sure if Dark Astoria even offers Astrals (I suspect it does), but I do know it drops threads, so doesn't that just divide your efforts between two no-cooperative modes of progression? For instance, say I only have 9 Astrals, in obtaining them, I've also earned around 30 Threads? Would it be smarter to go with Threads, then?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure if Dark Astoria even offers Astrals (I suspect it does), but I do know it drops threads, so doesn't that just divide your efforts between two no-cooperative modes of progression? For instance, say I only have 9 Astrals, in obtaining them, I've also earned around 30 Threads? Would it be smarter to go with Threads, then?
You'll be able to get Astral Merits from Dark Astoria. And don't forget the SSA goodies, 1 astral and 10 threads a week.

And it depends on what you're building. If you're going for a T3, then you just need to run a WST for the Notice and you can use the astrals for the commons you'll need.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure if Dark Astoria even offers Astrals (I suspect it does), but I do know it drops threads, so doesn't that just divide your efforts between two no-cooperative modes of progression? For instance, say I only have 9 Astrals, in obtaining them, I've also earned around 30 Threads? Would it be smarter to go with Threads, then?
the story arcs in DA give reward tables at the end where you can get either an astral or an emp the last time i checked



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure if Dark Astoria even offers Astrals (I suspect it does), but I do know it drops threads, so doesn't that just divide your efforts between two no-cooperative modes of progression? For instance, say I only have 9 Astrals, in obtaining them, I've also earned around 30 Threads? Would it be smarter to go with Threads, then?
In a majority of situations, yes. It's also likely through DA progression that you will have earned thread-based components, which makes the threads even more of an attractive option.

The one fringe case I can think of is creating a tier 1 alpha directly from Astrals with no threads, shards, or components. Common shard components cost 4 shards, and you need 3, which totals to 12. Common thread components cost 20 threads, still needing 3, totaling to 60. With 12 Astrals, that'll either get you the needed 12 shards or 48 threads, leaving you short.

Of course, that's entirely redundant considering any avenue that nets you Astrals is going to give you components or threads anyway, and that you can only use shards with the Alpha slot. So unless you really freaking hate trials and really hate Dark Astoria for some reason, threads are the way to go.

edit: Or maybe some strange setups where you end up with a Notice from the WST. Unlocking the tier 3 and 4 alphas is less RNG based when you do it with shards, and more "do this very specific thing". Still, this all only applies to 1 of 5 incarnate slots.



Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
The one fringe case I can think of is creating a tier 1 alpha directly from Astrals with no threads, shards, or components.
This is indeed a fringe case if you're talking about a single character. However, if you're using astrals to jump-start a fresh 50, it becomes an important thing to consider.



I find shards are the best route to go when it comes to getting the Alpha.

I can then save the threads for the other four Incarnate powers. If I get in on some itrials, I may use the common thread components to craft the lower tier alpha abilities to help speed along my way to tier 3 Alpha. However, after getting the level boost, imo, it's better to just play the waiting game and work your way up to tier 4 with shards and saving the threads for Interface, Judgement, Destiny and Lore.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I always get my alpha slot with shards. Not necessarily because I think it's faster, but because I don't feel like I'm really contributing when I bring a plain 50 on a trial. With DA coming this won't be as big of a reason to use shards, but for now I would always get a rare alpha via shards before I do anything else incarnate.

And it doesn't actually take that long to get a tier 3 with shards, either. You need 7 commons, an uncommon, and a notice. That's 40 shards and a notice if you build that way, but it gets easier if you can arrange things so that you can use grai matters and ancient nictus fragments for a couple of the components. For example, to get a spiritual partial core requires 2 grai matter, 3 ancient nictus fragment, an essence of the incarnate, a penumbra of rularuu, and a drop of the well. Most of my characters reach 50 with a healthy stockpile of vanguard merits, and ITFs are run all the time and usually garner a healthy amount of shards. I could see a wtf and 3 itf runs getting you your rare. Sure, you won't be getting it in a single night like you could through trials, but it definitely wouldn't take more than a few days - assuming, anyway, that you can get the task forces going. That would be the big advantage of doing it in DA; that you don't need anyone else's cooperation.

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