**Spoilers** Why Not Revive Statesman With A Ritual?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
Go back to the comics. I mean that in two ways:
1. To illustrate point B, and
2. to see just how ridiculous "Never really dead" gets. We get ridiculously close enough to this as it is without taking the heavily pushed "Permanent change to the game world, major character dying" and longjumping past that line.
I agree. 'Never really dead' is silly, but it's also an accepted and respected trope of the genre. And as long as people want to wear their underwear on the outside and wear outfits that serve no practical purpose other than to blind those who can see them, it'll continue to be.

I'm never going to treat City of Heroes like Watchmen, because the comparison is ridiculous. If there's gizmos that can time our impending death to the nanosecond to teleport us to a hospital, then I can buy into the concept that you can journey into the afterlife to save a 'dead' teammate or other hero. The shark in this case has been well and truly jumped more than once before this with the Death of Superman particularly, but like any other story, I want it to obey its own rules and precedents. The number of times this story arc has been guilty on many points of ignoring the in-game canon and even its own internal logic (and this is not even referring to the death of Statesman) has been numerous and more thoroughly discussed in other threads than this.

From my perspective, this is another such occasion and I've been trying to say why (presumably badly).


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
Short form: What about when you're the only human left? And (assuming we don't kill ourselves off) what about when the rest of the species evolves past you?
I don't know. Vandal Savage seemed to do pretty well for himself in that one JLA episode where he caused the deaths of everyone on Earth. Sure, he he felt terribly guilty for it, but the man spent his time reading books, inventing time machines, building space ships, and he'd have gone off to explore other galaxies if only he didn't feel he deserved to be imprisoned on Earth as punishment for his actions.

Sure, you can spin it to be bad, but you can't really plan that far ahead. What if my species becomes transcendent by then and develops technologies to reshape the universe itself? Or discovers a gateway to another dimension?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I realize it is tempting to criticize this story, but keep in mind it is not done yet. It's got two segments left to go, and in many stories there is a twist at the end that makes you see things in a different light.

Now it so happens I'm generally inclined to agree with most of the criticisms offered here, and I agree that the devs don't seem terribly concerned with making their stories good, coherent, or consistent ... they just want them to be played. If the story has a depth and sophistication halfway between a Saturday morning cartoon and level 2 of Frogger, they're okay with it. If someone actually likes the story, then that's fine. And if they think the story is ridiculous and full of holes ... I think devs excuse themselves by pointing out that all superhero fiction is basically silly and nonsensical - BAM! POW! - so just lighten up, don't think too much about it, and try to enjoy it. Laugh at it, if you must.

So yeah ... I'm not expecting a clever twist in this story, I'm expecting something simplistic with big holes that breaks continuity, but to be fair we do have to wait in order to see what we really have here.

Also ... samuraiko > devs. Always. Thanks for sharing the link to that clip.



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
I realize it is tempting to criticize this story, but keep in mind it is not done yet. It's got two segments left to go, and in many stories there is a twist at the end that makes you see things in a different light.
Honestly, there's still room to salvage this. Suppose in a following story someone DOES try to resurrect the Statesman, he shows up as a spirit, but has to do something that forever revokes his ability to live again. That would be a post-portem moment of glory, and it would give us a concrete reason for why he can't come back. Obviously, we can still argue that he didn't do it to be a hero but so he could have an excuse, but that would be a weak, unsubstantiated argument.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I don't know. Vandal Savage seemed to do pretty well for himself in that one JLA episode where he caused the deaths of everyone on Earth. Sure, he he felt terribly guilty for it, but the man spent his time reading books, inventing time machines, building space ships, and he'd have gone off to explore other galaxies if only he didn't feel he deserved to be imprisoned on Earth as punishment for his actions.

Sure, you can spin it to be bad, but you can't really plan that far ahead. What if my species becomes transcendent by then and develops technologies to reshape the universe itself? Or discovers a gateway to another dimension?
Honestly, I don't think it takes that much "spin" to be bad. To me, it's - well, like testing how long someone can keep their hand in a bowl of hot water. Everyone's got different tolerances, but eventually, you're pulling your hand out.

Besides, the human mind isn't really designed (so to speak) to grasp time on that sort of scale. If I say the Earth is (roughly) 4.6 billion years old, what does that mean to you? You can look at the number and its meaning, sure, but it doesn't *mean* anything to you. If I say the light from a certain star or galaxy we see *now* left there "when dinosaurs walked the Earth," you can kind-of-sort-of picture it, but do you really get a *feel* for that sort of time? (And we're only talking millions of years, there.) Even if I say "we're about 26,000 light years from the galactic center, meaning light we'd see from that is 26,000 years old or so" it's not a time scale most people will *really* grasp (even though it's within the timeframe our species has existed in or near how we are now.)

Frankly, if I wanted to experience the changes in "long time," I'd rather do so with a normal (or slightly extended) human lifespan as a time traveller, hopping through and sampling, rather than living through millions of years... much less eternity.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Like I said, we just disagree on the subject.

Every once in a while, a thread pops up asking what powers you'd like to have. Many people have many different ideas, like x-ray vision so you can see through women's clothing, teleportation so you can explore the world in a day and someone even asked for "an extra life" which was quite creative.

Me, though, I've always asked for what is pretty much the very basics - invulnerability. That's not just immunity to damage, it's also immunity to disease, mental illness, ageing and so forth. If I could only have one, that's what it'd be. There's so much stuff to do that it always feels like isn't enough time for it all, yet they say you learn as long as you live. What's better for it, then, than infinite time?

I like my characters to have depth, but "depth" and "humanity" are not the same thing. Even human characters in stories don't have to be exact representations of humans in real life, because I don't exactly have a very high opinion of humans in real life as a general thing.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Everyone seems to be handily forgetting the parts where;

1) Marcus doesn't want to give up.
2) He does NOT get a lot of choice. You know, that powerful, Incarnate killing Ritual that Wade spent all this time setting up, one that was designed specifically to kill an Incarnate exactly like him?
3) Not everyone has the power to bring someone straight back from the dead. And if people are saying their characters can? Well...I'd say canon disagrees, but I would need to get some reasonable citation.

I really think this has gotten a little past honest story discussion, myself.
Didn't Numina bring Statesman back from the dead once before?

And why would canon disagree when there's powers such as "Power of the Phoenix" "Ressurection" ect?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
i agree with most of the thread really :/

and i like this lol.

and i saw this:


and LOVED it and feel it would have been a PERFECT ending to the arc, and a better cutscene than what we got. i almost forget it isnt canon.

:shrug: they should hire samuraiko.
Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Also ... samuraiko > devs. Always. Thanks for sharing the link to that clip.
Read this thread I dunno how many times and realized I'd missed these. Before I forget my manners, thank you both very much for the compliment.

And I'm not trying to one-up the devs, honest.

Well, maybe just a little.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
Course this might just lead up to Lord Recluse and Emperor Cole fighting it out, so the two Incarnates have their evil empires bashing each other while the heroes aid the rebels.
This is something I've been thinking about for a while that might end up happening.



Very nice discussion so far, I even was inspired to start a thread telling my own Lore inspired RP ideas around it on a seperate thread that has been lets say interesting and leave it at that.

Pretty much I can understand that those who are pro statesman whom I do hope understand are likely a real minority and its the overwhelming bitterness that jack and this his virtual avatar have left in so many mouths that I feel prompted the less then truly iconic death some felt he deserved.

I despite being happy statesman is gone offered up in my thread a valid improved version of the new ritual that I felt could bring back marcus, I felt bringing him back as a mortal man to live out a final mortal life would be a honorble enough retirment of the character and leave him no longer a overwhelming force who many felt kept thier best efforts at characters in an eternal shadow.

Pretty sad by the way that with all the talk of in game lore heroes with longevity one of the oldest in lore and the basis for my beloved blaster, none other then Bentley Berkeley, specifically noted to be an immortal whose secret is sought after by nemesis, who has been an active enemy of Requiem, a founder of the Midnighters, an accomplished wielder of the arcane, and at least active since the early 1900s with some suggestions he could be much older and has been actively fighting the Cult of the Dark who most I know feel refers to Rularuu and the whole ending existance by devouring the entire dimension thing.

Which is why once again I feel rather happy myself about my choice to make lore based characters as the content made by the devs once again feels almost custom tailored to some of my favorite characters and I myself have no trouble using abit of imagination here and there to spicen it up further.

Happy of sad to see him gone, all views are really valid on this one as its a pretty open to interpretation story atm. I think thats good because there are those who really do like to just imagine him being a half hearted hero or a would be tyrant in the making.



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Very nice discussion so far, I even was inspired to start a thread telling my own Lore inspired RP ideas around it on a seperate thread that has been lets say interesting and leave it at that.
You mean you getting rightfully torn apart for god-moding game canon itself?
Yeah, lets leave it at that.

Pretty much I can understand that those who are pro statesman whom I do hope understand are likely a real minority and its the overwhelming bitterness that jack and this his virtual avatar have left in so many mouths that I feel prompted the less then truly iconic death some felt he deserved.

I despite being happy statesman is gone offered up in my thread a valid improved version of the new ritual that I felt could bring back marcus, I felt bringing him back as a mortal man to live out a final mortal life would be a honorble enough retirment of the character and leave him no longer a overwhelming force who many felt kept thier best efforts at characters in an eternal shadow.
A 'valid' version that featured your canon god-moding character as the main centre of attention, you mean? A version that any Dev writer would likely, with good reason, laugh right out of the office?

Pretty sad by the way that with all the talk of in game lore heroes with longevity one of the oldest in lore and the basis for my beloved blaster, none other then Bentley Berkeley, specifically noted to be an immortal whose secret is sought after by nemesis, who has been an active enemy of Requiem, a founder of the Midnighters, an accomplished wielder of the arcane, and at least active since the early 1900s with some suggestions he could be much older and has been actively fighting the Cult of the Dark who most I know feel refers to Rularuu and the whole ending existance by devouring the entire dimension thing.

Which is why once again I feel rather happy myself about my choice to make lore based characters as the content made by the devs once again feels almost custom tailored to some of my favorite characters and I myself have no trouble using abit of imagination here and there to spicen it up further.
...How many Canon based NPCs have you 'spiced up' and god-moded, exactly? Do you even have any idea of what you are doing, or are you genuinely convinced what you are doing is somehow 'right'?
Or have I just been very successfully trolled? I would almost rather it were the latter.

Fecking hell, I am NEVER going on Virtue, if that's where you spend your days...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
You mean you getting rightfully torn apart for god-moding game canon itself?
Yeah, lets leave it at that.
I wouldn't say rightfully torn apart for it. As others have done it and people say "make it canon"!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



[QUOTE=Techbot Alpha;4113205]You mean you getting rightfully torn apart for god-moding game canon itself?
Yeah, lets leave it at that.

Not one thing god mode about my concept characters I have seen far more so called original concept characters who border on god mode then my lore based characters based on research of the game and a desire to actually be a part of the game world we love.

A 'valid' version that featured your canon god-moding character as the main centre of attention, you mean? A version that any Dev writer would likely, with good reason, laugh right out of the office?

Really and why would they laugh at a story using all thier own content in an imaginative way? I may be rusty and wasnt there but I seem to recall devs having so much love for us players they even hosted an in game wedding for a pair. Yes I made a character named Bentley Berkeley directly inspired by the npc hostage from two old story arc missions who in game lore has just enough interesting tidbits about him I felt compelled to try and breathe some further life into him. Sorry if that hurts your feelings so much bud.

...How many Canon based NPCs have you 'spiced up' and god-moded, exactly? Do you even have any idea of what you are doing, or are you genuinely convinced what you are doing is somehow 'right'?
Or have I just been very successfully trolled? I would almost rather it were the latter.

I have an entire SG devoted to Crey with every character I and anyone else running in it drawn from game lore based on crey, starting with my character count alphonse crey aka the invisble falcon who many wrongly beleive was murdered by crey. Crey ofcourse in our RP view is the most noble and heroic organization on earth and Statesman a tyrant in the making we have long fought to disrupt the rise of.

Fecking hell, I am NEVER going on Virtue, if that's where you spend your days...

A true shame Id be happy to have you come meet any of my characters so you could at least judge them based on personal knowledge but to each thier own. And yes I am Virtue Forever as most of us who RP there are. Not like we all get along, hell I hate them damn WOD vamps beyond all reason. Maybe thats just what I am to you, your WOD vamp. If so again sorry bud but sometimes thats just the way it is.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I wouldn't say rightfully torn apart for it. As others have done it and people say "make it canon"!
I am reasonably sure many tend to apply a certain unofficial canon status to Devs Choice AE arcs. At least most I meet who will touch AE at all. Rather amazing how much the Love/Hate thing where AE is concerned still rages on.



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
I am reasonably sure many tend to apply a certain unofficial canon status to Devs Choice AE arcs. At least most I meet who will touch AE at all. Rather amazing how much the Love/Hate thing where AE is concerned still rages on.
Wasn't think of AE story arcs. I was thinking more of players written stories.

And really, you're right, the devs have no problem with you using their canon the way you have. So any player saying otherwise is lying.

I've known more than one person who's asked if they could make so and so's child as a character and been given the affirmative (and why wouldn't they, the devs want you to play).

What you don't seem to understand (or refuse to), is from a community RP standpoint, your idea fails. Which is what I've been trying to tell you.

You could of wrote the best storyline ever and left people in tears or livid with joy, but trying to make it part of everyone's canon in open RP community fails.

Now, while I'm not sure if they're still around, and I don't recall the SGs, I do believe there was a coalition of SGs on Blueside, that only RPed within their collective, very likely so they could do stories such as yours, and also keep out the stories they as a group didn't care for.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



[QUOTE=Demetrios Vasilikos;4113231]

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
You mean you getting rightfully torn apart for god-moding game canon itself?
Yeah, lets leave it at that.

Not one thing god mode about my concept characters I have seen far more so called original concept characters who border on god mode then my lore based characters based on research of the game and a desire to actually be a part of the game world we love.

A 'valid' version that featured your canon god-moding character as the main centre of attention, you mean? A version that any Dev writer would likely, with good reason, laugh right out of the office?

Really and why would they laugh at a story using all thier own content in an imaginative way? I may be rusty and wasnt there but I seem to recall devs having so much love for us players they even hosted an in game wedding for a pair. Yes I made a character named Bentley Berkeley directly inspired by the npc hostage from two old story arc missions who in game lore has just enough interesting tidbits about him I felt compelled to try and breathe some further life into him. Sorry if that hurts your feelings so much bud.

...How many Canon based NPCs have you 'spiced up' and god-moded, exactly? Do you even have any idea of what you are doing, or are you genuinely convinced what you are doing is somehow 'right'?
Or have I just been very successfully trolled? I would almost rather it were the latter.

I have an entire SG devoted to Crey with every character I and anyone else running in it drawn from game lore based on crey, starting with my character count alphonse crey aka the invisble falcon who many wrongly beleive was murdered by crey. Crey ofcourse in our RP view is the most noble and heroic organization on earth and Statesman a tyrant in the making we have long fought to disrupt the rise of.

Fecking hell, I am NEVER going on Virtue, if that's where you spend your days...

A true shame Id be happy to have you come meet any of my characters so you could at least judge them based on personal knowledge but to each thier own. And yes I am Virtue Forever as most of us who RP there are. Not like we all get along, hell I hate them damn WOD vamps beyond all reason. Maybe thats just what I am to you, your WOD vamp. If so again sorry bud but sometimes thats just the way it is.
You RP on Virtue but you represent the bad roleplayers of Virtue.

Count Alphonse Crey is in a COMA. A FEFFING COMA. He is in NO CONDITION to be running amok the city.

The hosted wedding? Two CANON characters that are NOT played by some 12 year old with some godmodding fantasy to be a big name.

City of Heroes's lore was NOT created just for fething idiots like you to come in and RUIN IT with your horrid fan canon. If you RPed within a close knit circle of friends and kept the fan canon off the forums? This sort of thing wouldn't happen, just saying.

If you want to be a part of the game? BE ORIGINAL.

The Devs love us, yes. But they love the SUBSCRIBERS, not us as Roleplayers. They look to make the PAYING SUBSCRIBERS happy with content. Yes, a number of the subscribers are roleplayers. But the Devs look to keep us in the game with content.

Some of them may like the RPers, but they didn't exactly go about saying 'Hey, go **** with the CoH's lore!'.

It is people like you, DV, that make me lose hope for humanity.




Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post

You RP on Virtue but you represent the bad roleplayers of Virtue.

Count Alphonse Crey is in a COMA. A FEFFING COMA. He is in NO CONDITION to be running amok the city.

The hosted wedding? Two CANON characters that are NOT played by some 12 year old with some godmodding fantasy to be a big name.

City of Heroes's lore was NOT created just for fething idiots like you to come in and RUIN IT with your horrid fan canon. If you RPed within a close knit circle of friends and kept the fan canon off the forums? This sort of thing wouldn't happen, just saying.

If you want to be a part of the game? BE ORIGINAL.

The Devs love us, yes. But they love the SUBSCRIBERS, not us as Roleplayers. They look to make the PAYING SUBSCRIBERS happy with content. Yes, a number of the subscribers are roleplayers. But the Devs look to keep us in the game with content.

Some of them may like the RPers, but they didn't exactly go about saying 'Hey, go **** with the CoH's lore!'.

It is people like you, DV, that make me lose hope for humanity.
Other players post or link to their fan canon without the flak.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Good fan canon that makes sense and is well written.

Like DarkRespite's Nerd Romance story (Positron x her own character)

His (DV's) is bad fan canon.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
Good fan canon that makes sense and is well written.

Like DarkRespite's Nerd Romance story (Positron x her own character)

His (DV's) is bad fan canon.
DarkRespites's story still does what everyone was complaining about.

Whether it's good or not, is going to be a matter of opinion.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



The thing is.

DR isn't forcing it on us or acting like DV is.

DV is acting like some pompous kid who thinks his fan canon is the best and thinks he has any right to manipulate lore/canon to HIS needs/desires.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
The thing is.

DR isn't forcing it on us or acting like DV is.

DV is acting like some pompous kid who thinks his fan canon is the best and thinks he has any right to manipulate lore/canon to HIS needs/desires.
Now thats true. DR's lore seems to be solely based in her own private RP. The type I suggested to DV to keep that type of storyline in.

Though DR has seemed to try to make her's canon.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Wasn't think of AE story arcs. I was thinking more of players written stories.

And really, you're right, the devs have no problem with you using their canon the way you have. So any player saying otherwise is lying.

I've known more than one person who's asked if they could make so and so's child as a character and been given the affirmative (and why wouldn't they, the devs want you to play).

What you don't seem to understand (or refuse to), is from a community RP standpoint, your idea fails. Which is what I've been trying to tell you.

You could of wrote the best storyline ever and left people in tears or livid with joy, but trying to make it part of everyone's canon in open RP community fails.

Now, while I'm not sure if they're still around, and I don't recall the SGs, I do believe there was a coalition of SGs on Blueside, that only RPed within their collective, very likely so they could do stories such as yours, and also keep out the stories they as a group didn't care for.
One of them is on Justice - the Star Patrol (and its nemesis, the Nova Dominion) are RP-friendly where several of us have interweaving storylines. Some of the characters are related, some are 'involved', some were 'created' or 'came about' as the results of another's actions, etc. If another person's character is involved, we get the permission of the player first. Some storylines we RP as we run missions, others are more personal.

Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
Good fan canon that makes sense and is well written.

Like DarkRespite's Nerd Romance story (Positron x her own character)

His (DV's) is bad fan canon.
Admittedly, THE COURSE OF SUPERHERO ROMANCE is sort of a weird one. I got hold of Matt Miller (as well as Joe 'Hero 1' Morrissey) to get some canon info on Posi and his background and whatnot LONG before I ran with that notion. I'm sure NOW Matt's regretting ever saying "sure, go ahead" but that's his problem, not mine.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
DarkRespites's story still does what everyone was complaining about.

Whether it's good or not, is going to be a matter of opinion.
True - that's why it's (largely) kept in the Roleplaying section. I reference it regularly, sure (oh come on, it's in my job description to make Matt's life miserable), but I don't post huge swathes of it everywhere and insist that it's The Way Things Should Be (tm). At least I try not to.

Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
The thing is.

DR isn't forcing it on us or acting like DV is.

DV is acting like some pompous kid who thinks his fan canon is the best and thinks he has any right to manipulate lore/canon to HIS needs/desires.
"Manipulating" lore/canon? Yes, any of us who set our characters solidly in the world of COH and its timeline are doing that. It's how "gross" (size, not nausea) the change is that snaps the suspenders of disbelief. At this point, the events of TCOSR (and its sequels) take place one year PRIOR to current events. When TCOSR's timeline catches up to approximately whenever it was declared that NumiTron became a couple, then SOMETHING will happen to Tava and Posi's relationship, freeing him up for Numina.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
True - that's why it's (largely) kept in the Roleplaying section. I reference it regularly, sure (oh come on, it's in my job description to make Matt's life miserable), but I don't post huge swathes of it everywhere and insist that it's The Way Things Should Be (tm). At least I try not to.
See. That's the difference I spoke of.

You're story is one people accept because it's not trying to make it part of a giant RP community. Which DV was trying (or seemed to be) to do.

If it was tried, I'd expect it to be laughed out, unless it's just a matter of "Well we like this person" then it's just being silly and they might as well accept all fan lore as canon when used in the open RP community.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I just realized, and correct me if someone has said this, but....

You CAN resurrect Statesman.

Botching the Ritual, though, forces your character to be deleted.



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Not one thing god mode about my concept characters I have seen far more so called original concept characters who border on god mode then my lore based characters based on research of the game and a desire to actually be a part of the game world we love.
Then you genuinely do not understand the concept of god-modding canon.

Saying "I am the son of Recluse" is god modding canon. That is twisting the game world and lore to suit you.
Saying "I am the Prince of all Demons who empowered the CoT" is god modding canon. That is saying that anything you write for that character should be treated as lore, and thus effects every NPC and PC CoT or CoT related cahracter EVER.

Really and why would they laugh at a story using all thier own content in an imaginative way? I may be rusty and wasnt there but I seem to recall devs having so much love for us players they even hosted an in game wedding for a pair. Yes I made a character named Bentley Berkeley directly inspired by the npc hostage from two old story arc missions who in game lore has just enough interesting tidbits about him I felt compelled to try and breathe some further life into him. Sorry if that hurts your feelings so much bud.
Because the Devs are the writers. This is THEIR story, THEIR canon. We get to play in it, and Manticore and Psyche's wedding was a part of THEIR writing that we got allowed to partially participate in, because it was mechanically possible and they obviously thought it would be cool.

This has nothing to do with 'hurt feelings' and everything to do with your apparent ignorance of that fact you simply do not mess with canon to the extent you apparently try to.

Bentley is a bit character, sure. He's also a Dev written bit character. In their story, he is MEANT to be a bit character. To continue the theatre analogy, this is like Bentley being a two liner member of the chorus in a major production, who you then suddenly take the role of and start interacting with the main characters with total disregard for the script. Do you simply not get that?

I have an entire SG devoted to Crey with every character I and anyone else running in it drawn from game lore based on crey, starting with my character count alphonse crey aka the invisble falcon who many wrongly beleive was murdered by crey. Crey ofcourse in our RP view is the most noble and heroic organization on earth and Statesman a tyrant in the making we have long fought to disrupt the rise of.
Count Crey is in a Coma, you nonce! Fecking hell, for someone so 'immersed' in canon you sure are ignorant of some rather important things, aren't you?

Like the fact Invisible Falcon has nothing to do with Count Crey, other than 'maybe' falling prey to the Revenant Project?

Or did you think you would 'spice it up' a bit instead, and have your own version be a 'better' canon than what the Devs said?

A true shame Id be happy to have you come meet any of my characters so you could at least judge them based on personal knowledge but to each thier own. And yes I am Virtue Forever as most of us who RP there are. Not like we all get along, hell I hate them damn WOD vamps beyond all reason. Maybe thats just what I am to you, your WOD vamp. If so again sorry bud but sometimes thats just the way it is.
No, not WOD.
Twilight, maybe.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.