A Question for the RPers out there




Hey y'all

While this question is a little late (my RP Peacebringer already being max level) I wanted to know because, well, it's apparrent that it can potentially be a sensitive topic, and not just among the kheldian players.

What's your opinion on players using the AT, but not being a Kheld in-characterly?

I ask because, well, I do this. I've been given flak before because of it, despite a lot of time and effort being put into the concept. That's not to say I dislike kheldian lore. I wanted to make a 'true to lore' nictus for a while, though, I've been suffering from Altitis, so no progress has actually been made as of yet.

I picked the AT because, when the build was finished, it played and looked the way I envisioned my character. The concept was based somewhat on the Paladin class from Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition. While, backstory wise, it's been adapted to follow the lore, he's not a kheldian at all.

To counter this, I have specified that he's not a part of the Peacebringers, and that his official 'Archetype' on his ID card has either yet to be filled in, or that he's been put in the Tank section.

People have also asked why i didn't just pick another AT and coloured the powers white. I responded that it wasn't just down to the visual stylings, though, they do help a lot. The AT had the capabilities to be the class, such as:

An ally heal

A defensive focus, but offensive capability

both ranged and melee powers, with a melee focus

add in a taunt from the presence power pool and you're good to go.

I will admit, as the class has to work heavily to a concept (there are a lot of powers, especially the form changing ones, that I can't use) it can seem crippled compared to other kheldians. Hell, if I can't use Light Form, I'm screwed.

From what I can gather, the Devs used a similar technique with Darrin Wade, as he uses Warshade powers, but gets his abilities from a magical background.

So, all in all, I'd say I'm ok with it (I do it, why wouldn't I be?), but there has to be some limitations that need to be made, the biggest one being that only kheldians can be a part of the peacebringer army.

With the costume change option for Light Form to be the 'Light Wisp' form once again, there's an additional ability to make actual Peacebringers distinct from non-kheldian ones.

What're your thoughts on this? I'm curious to see what the discussion can be.



I feel that any character you're invested in and enjoy playing is a character you're likley to play well and a character that other players may enjoy interacting with (whether this is in the form of roleplaying or just playing the game alongside your character).

When a concept build requires significant deviations or concessions, I do feel it's only fair to inform one's team upfront about those concessions. This is not to defend or apologize for them - it's your character and you should absolutely build and play it in the way that is consistent with the concept if that is the focus. However, it is a courtesy to other players who may not share a roleplaying focus. I've known several min/maxers who called all their characters 'toons' and had names like FireKinMan and while these players weren't necessarily hostile to roleplaying as a concept it simply wasn't part of their approach to the game, so what they saw was a subpar build rather than a fully realized concept character.

So, the simple upfront courtesy of a disclaimer whenever you're at significant variance from the norm (in this case, that might be if you didn't have Light Form, for one) is all I'd say you owe anyone. After that you either go forward or if the group can't accept that then you part ways, likely save both parties some frustration, and everyone's happy.

I allow concept to rule my character builds to varying degrees depending on what the concept is and what the powersets in question are, but every character of mine has some kind of backstory and identity which his/her powers and appearance must match or else I really can't get invested in playing the character. I don't roleplay as such all that often, mostly because I'm not terribly good at thinking up dialogue on the fly, but all of my characters are just that, characters, and I make decisions based on what is consistent with their narrative as I've envisioned it.

I realize that for some players this is completely alien, and I have no problem with that (well, to be completely honest, it does grate on my nerves a bit, but I try not to allow that to color my interactions with the player in question just because the 'toon' before me is named TitanWeaponGuy). I would humbly suggest that you present yourself in a similar light if you should find yourself not in an obviously role playing-friendly environment.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



So, the simple upfront courtesy of a disclaimer whenever you're at significant variance from the norm (in this case, that might be if you didn't have Light Form, for one) is all I'd say you owe anyone. After that you either go forward or if the group can't accept that then you part ways, likely save both parties some frustration, and everyone's happy.
Wouldn't the best solution be to have one monologuing build and one playing the game build?



Well someone already said that but its up to you to decide whatever you want to play and if you are enjoying it than you are doing a good job.

But if you are asking for personal opinions;

1) If you are an rper you shouldn't be disregard game world rules. For example on a table top game you don't bring a Mage:the Ascension character to a AD&D second edition game (or a Dragonlance Elf to a Darksun Campaign) or make a character that GM doesn't allow (like an orc paladin in a game where only PHB races are used) so making a game specific race as your own is not a good point especially if there are other choices that you may used for same character.

2) For Darrin Wade I can't talk for sure but just because it looks similiar doesn't mean he is using Warshade powers especially there are alot of darkness concept powers in the game and a few newer ones are coming in.

3) For your points on why not using another AT and color it;

An ally heal : Can be done with medicine pool or rebirth destiny incarnate power.

A defensive focus, but offensive capability: Brute or tankers have this.

both ranged and melee powers, with a melee focus. You can get range powers from epic pools and from judgement incarnate power.

add in a taunt from the presence power pool and you're good to go. Both brutes and Tankers have taunt integrated to their character.

4) Like I said before if you are enjoying your character in the way you are playing than go ahead noone has any right to tell you how to play.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
4) Like I said before if you are enjoying your character in the way you are playing than go ahead noone has any right to tell you how to play.
Holy hell a lot of this.

I have a PB that, while he's still a kheldian, it goes in a different direction than the lore. He's a light based alien, right? So I figure he can merge with a fiber-optic based computer system.

I play Dark Armor as sand, I play Spines as a whole bunch of little knives, and I play a Demon/Thermal as if the Demons do all the work. Nothing says you can't play a PB however the hell you want.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Holy hell a lot of this.

I have a PB that, while he's still a kheldian, it goes in a different direction than the lore. He's a light based alien, right? So I figure he can merge with a fiber-optic based computer system.

I play Dark Armor as sand, I play Spines as a whole bunch of little knives, and I play a Demon/Thermal as if the Demons do all the work. Nothing says you can't play a PB however the hell you want.
Right on.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Do you enjoy it?

If yes: Don't worry about other people. If they whine, stick 'em on ignore.
If no: Why are you doing it, then?

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
4) Like I said before if you are enjoying your character in the way you are playing than go ahead noone has any right to tell you how to play.
So true! I play my kheldian completely immersed into the lore actually. I actually went through the time to make costume change, and tray shift binds so that I can use the appropriate powers in the appropriate "form" (I'm currently using four "forms" :P)

As long as you're having fun with your character, be it mix/max or purely concept, that's all that matters



By all means do it.

Its not hard to come up with an alternative idea for a character who (possibly) changes shape and uses light as a weapon.

If you enjoy it, play it. Roleplaying is not about telling other people they are wrong, so my advice is to ignore those who tell you that you shouldn't play a (conceptually) non-Khelidan Warshade or PeaceBringer (game mechanic archetype).



It's interesting though how many looked down on my playing my first WS as a non-kheldian. Basically, I played the powerset as a nightmare/dream based magical power that was given to the character by Morpheus as a gift.

Not enjoying the powerset as much as I thought, I scrapped that idea until I recently started another, this time keeping to the Lore to some degree. I decided that while I am using Kheldian energy, the character itself is not a true Kheldian, having accidentally fully consumed both Kheldian and host's lifeforce to save his own life which the final result being a Nictus-infused Dhampyr (yea, I know but I don't play him like your typical emo vamp). For myself, I don't have a problem with anyone playing what they love. It's usually the one's that play their characters as god-like immortals that I have an issue with but I suppose that's just personal preference.



Personally? I loathe non-kheldian characters with kheldian AT. So many other ATs to do non-kheldian concepts with and do it better. But really, its up to you how you want to role play it. I just really dig the lore of the AT and find it a shame that it is not taken advantage of by the player of an AT that does not play a kheldian as a kheldian.



Like many of the other people here in this thread, I'll say the same thing; do what you find most fun.

On a personal level, I see any SHAPESHIFTING Kheldians locked into the "Kheldian Roleplay" style. Otherwise, if the Kheldian has no forms, I don't see any issues with roleplaying that you aren't that AT.

Roleplaying is about being creative while immersing yourself into the universe around you. Simply be creative while still abiding by the lore of the game to a certain extent

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



As long as you're having fun, it doesn't matter.



Depends on who you're playing with -- I've seen lots of characters that are played differently than the AT would dictate -- The blasters trying to play scrapper a bit too often for instance. The biggest problem with Kheldians is they have too many roles -- human form blaster, squid blaster, tank form, etc. Some players focus on one or two roles - and even that will drive some players nuts because it is not how THEY would do it.

Even if you have the details in your bio -- chances are some PLAYERS won't read it. Thats where you get caught in the players who think of the game as statistics, damage per second, etc. Some people just play the game and enjoy it. Others go nuts with it.

I'd say if its that big of an issue, chances are you're playing with the wrong type of players. Keep looking -- There is all types out there.

But the Pick-up groups will probably always be a problem, because the wrong type will always be pestering you. And sometimes they frequently find their way into those groups.

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