enough with melle




Battle Axe and Broad Sword? "Wouldn't want to play with Shield Defense"? Really? Uhhhh, BA and BS are like half of the Shield Defense characters I see out there, LOL.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Battle Axe and Broad Sword? "Wouldn't want to play with Shield Defense"? Really? Uhhhh, BA and BS are like half of the Shield Defense characters I see out there, LOL.
Because of concept.

I was just using them as an example of ones I wouldn't play with SD, as I could care less about concept.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Because of concept.

I was just using them as an example of ones I wouldn't play with SD, as I could care less about concept.
Concept or not, those four listed are still viable choices with Shield Defense and just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you can discount them out of hand as viable choices *at all*. There are also two other archetypes that use Shield Defense, and Tanks/Brutes have four more powersets that are usable with Shield Defense, for a total of 13 powersets you can use with Shield Defense, and 6 you can't (one of which is not available yet, Staff, so really 5).

Your initial statement read like you were stating a game fact, when you were in fact stating a highly restricted opinion based on one archetype and what powersets you like.

Can't use: Claws, Spines, Dual Blades, Katana, Titan Weapons [and Staff Fighting]
Can use: Battle Axe, Broad Sword, Dark Melee, Electrical Melee, Energy Melee, Fiery Melee, Ice Melee, Kinetic Melee, Martial Arts, Stone Melee, Street Justice, Super Strength, War Mace

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Oh my! 40% of new powersets have been melee and melee AT's make up 40% of the non-EAT AT's! Conspiracy!!

Edit: Beaten to it by Tenzhi. Which sucks because I had to bust out a calculator to do that kind of hardcore mathematical calculating.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Concept or not, those four listed are still viable choices with Shield Defense and just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you can discount them out of hand as viable choices *at all*. There are also two other archetypes that use Shield Defense, and Tanks/Brutes have four more powersets that are usable with Shield Defense, for a total of 13 powersets you can use with Shield Defense, and 6 you can't (one of which is not available yet, Staff, so really 5).

Your initial statement read like you were stating a game fact, when you were in fact stating a highly restricted opinion based on one archetype and what powersets you like.

Can't use: Claws, Spines, Dual Blades, Katana, Titan Weapons [and Staff Fighting]
Can use: Battle Axe, Broad Sword, Dark Melee, Electrical Melee, Energy Melee, Fiery Melee, Ice Melee, Kinetic Melee, Martial Arts, Stone Melee, Street Justice, Super Strength, War Mace
I'll say it again. For *me* they aren't viable. For others they may be. For others, there may be sets (whether the same or different than me) that they don't consider viable choices with SD, this goes for any set too. The point is lost now though, so it doesn't matter.

Regardless of that, 40% of scrapper primaries can't be paired with SD, which is alot.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Concept or not, those four listed are still viable choices with Shield Defense and just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you can discount them out of hand as viable choices *at all*. There are also two other archetypes that use Shield Defense, and Tanks/Brutes have four more powersets that are usable with Shield Defense, for a total of 13 powersets you can use with Shield Defense, and 6 you can't (one of which is not available yet, Staff, so really 5).

Your initial statement read like you were stating a game fact, when you were in fact stating a highly restricted opinion based on one archetype and what powersets you like.

Can't use: Claws, Spines, Dual Blades, Katana, Titan Weapons [and Staff Fighting]
Can use: Battle Axe, Broad Sword, Dark Melee, Electrical Melee, Energy Melee, Fiery Melee, Ice Melee, Kinetic Melee, Martial Arts, Stone Melee, Street Justice, Super Strength, War Mace
Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I'll say it again. For *me* they aren't viable. For others they may be. For others, there may be sets (whether the same or different than me) that they don't consider viable choices with SD, this goes for any set too. The point is lost now though, so it doesn't matter.

Regardless of that, 40% of scrapper primaries can't be paired with SD, which is alot.

I swear if you two don't start behaving I'm going to turn this thread around and you can both go to your rooms and think about what will happen when your father gets home with his belt!!



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I'll say it again. For *me* they aren't viable. For others they may be. For others, there may be sets (whether the same or different than me) that they don't consider viable choices with SD, this goes for any set too. The point is lost now though, so it doesn't matter.

Regardless of that, 40% of scrapper primaries can't be paired with SD, which is alot.
And *I* will say it again. Your initial statement:
A new armor set is long overdue. The last was shield defense and you can't pair it with half the sets.
WAS NOT presented as an opinion, nor did it say anything about Scrappers or your dislike of a few of the powersets. Try to be more careful next time if you mean one thing but say something completely different.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
So, of the 10 new sets, 40% have been melee attacks...
Damn it, thats a mega majority in my melle book!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
Ok i got ti post in here. My suggestion...:P

Radiation Melee (Yes Melee not Melle) and Radiation ARMOR! have fun.

does that mean I get to post my versions of Rad. Melee and Rad. Armor as well?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
And *I* will say it again. Your initial statement:WAS NOT presented as an opinion, nor did it say anything about Scrappers or your dislike of a few of the powersets. Try to be more careful next time if you mean one thing but say something completely different.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
And *I* will say it again. Your initial statement:WAS NOT presented as an opinion, nor did it say anything about Scrappers or your dislike of a few of the powersets. Try to be more careful next time if you mean one thing but say something completely different.
It wasn't specifically presented as a fact, either. It was merely presented. After which assumptions were made, reactions were disgorged, and a wacky time was had all-around.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Keep this up and I'm going to tell Melle.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
A new armor set is long overdue.
Confirmed, approved, stamped, signed, and signed again!




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Interestingly, though, 40% of the basic ATs use melee sets...




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Did a little fixing.

And that's not counting proliferations, of which there have been bajillions.
If you're not counting Proliferations, then you need to leave out Dark Affinity/Assault, as well.

That said, I have no real complaints about what we've seen thusfar.



I know I've said it before, but -

This is an online, text-only medium. If you want to be taken seriously (and you're posting an idea, so I'm assuming you do,) run things through a spell checker first.

Not saying this to say I'm perfect at spelling and grammar - I'm not - but look at how many responses are making fun of "melle." Presentation means a lot.

As far as the OP's suggestion - I feel like we've had a fairly good mix.



Melle jokes aside...

I understand the OP's point that there have been a number of melee powersets developed in the recent past. While melee sets can (for the most part) be proliferated amongst the four melee archetypes, thus getting more bang for the development buck, these four AT's already have the largest variety of powersets to choose from, while other AT's are highly limited in variety.

Brute 16 primaries
Scrapper 15 primaries
Tanker 15 secondaries
Stalker 12 primaries

Blaster 12 primaries
Corruptor 12 primaries
Defender 12 secondaries
Controller 9 primaries
Dominator 8 primaries
Mastermind 7 primaries

The support sets (Defender primary, Controller/Corruptor/Mastermind secondaries) still have some opportunities for proliferation, which would put the total number of support sets at 14 (of which Masterminds currently only have 10). I would say that they are already well represented.

There are three unique powerset groups: Blaster secondary, Dominator secondary, and Mastermind primary. Assault sets (currently 8) are relatively easy to assemble, being mostly parts and pieces of melee and ranged sets that already exist. Manipulation sets (currently 7) are a little harder, needing to mix elements from melee, support, armor, and control sets together, but most of the abilities are pre-existing and just need to be assembled and tweaked. The only excuse to be made here is that a "new" set would only benefit one AT at a time.

Pet Summoning sets are another matter entirely - pets have got to be a complete PITA to design, code, and balance, and often the four remaining powers (beyond the Tier 1 and 2 upgrades) don't exist elsewhere (Pulse Rifle, Fire Whip, Summon Swarm/Eagle/Ravens). However, the advantage with Masterminds is that they are for VIP's only, i.e., paying customers in an otherwise F2P game. And the customers would really like some new sets for the AT's they're paying for (including Controllers).

Yes, melee powersets are low-hanging fruit, and do appear to offer a good return on the development investment. But many of the other AT's are still underserved, sometimes without legitimate reason. A bit more balance in the sets available to each AT, both primary and secondary, is in order.

@NC Thunderbird, @Last Kid Picked
HELP! I can't stop making Alts! Up to 175 now, including: Lutadora, Tess LaCoille, Not Of This World, Lies Behind Stars, Redshift Monk.
Campaigning for title of official "Thread Killer" of the Suggestions & Ideas forum.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
If you're not counting Proliferations, then you need to leave out Dark Affinity/Assault, as well.

That said, I have no real complaints about what we've seen thusfar.
Darkness Affinity/Dark Assault are paid-for sets (free for VIPs), so they get counted. They're also not just proliferations - they're using the new dark effects, so 90% of them are new...effects and animations are not entirely repeats (10% is the old numbers, either directly via the AT modifiers or after being tweaked for a different AT).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Returning player's quick 2ยข:

I have played off an on, resubbing to check out new content usually, and continue to be surprised by the unbalanced number of power sets available to the AT's. It's silly to me to see this thread talking in such short terms. This issues goes back to game launch and has only gotten worse with time. Melee always comes out ahead, and they launched the new AT's with really short power set lists.

Kinetic Melee really surprised me. Someone had the devs sit down and make a brand new melee set from scratch. All new animations and everything... just to end up with another nondescript melee set using no weapons or new game play mechanics. At least dual blades and TW added something.

If I were in charge, after beasts/staff/dark c. we'd see three new MM sets free to all players before anything else came out.