Winter event and the Usual!




I still hate sking! I never even competed the track even let alone gotten a metal badge it far to east to fall off the Expert track, I hate it every years and it remain something I hate.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
I still hate sking! I never even competed the track even let alone gotten a metal badge it far to east to fall off the Expert track, I hate it every years and it remain something I hate.

I have no idea how people can complete those tracks. I try and i try and i try yet i suck so badly at them. I somehow got the bronze medal on my main a few years back but since then . . . not even close!

I've come to accept they're the few badges i'll never get no matter how hard i try!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I find having a lot of jump control really helps. Powers like [Ninja Run] and [Beast Run] are great, and have even gotten me within just a few seconds from Gold on my Bane Spider (who only uses NR, Fitness, and a passive speed boost) and I just started seriously doing the ski thing this year.

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Yeah, the secret that I learned last year is that running speed does not really help but boosting your jump speed makes you go fast. And jump control helps quite a bit too.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



its been years since i actively did the skiing lol, one time though when i was randomly doing it on my stone brute (not in granite), i managed to get 42 sec on the big slope thanks to several SBs, IRs, and ninja run (was at speed cap jump speed cap and had lots of jump control lol)

the ski slopes can be pretty tough though if your reaction times are not the best



I really struggled initially - it is a challenge but I agree, jump control can help a lot. I found speedboost wasn't a huge help.

These are my tips for a successful ski run on both courses:

  • Know the course. There are places I consistently screw up if I get it a bit wrong but being able to anticipate helps a lot.
  • Don't be airborne unless you need to be. Skating is faster than flying.
  • Stay in the centre of the track as much as possible. On the bob-sleigh track, the sides slow you down.
  • On the Bob-sleigh track take the left fork on the lower half. The ice is faster.
  • Make sure you've got good twitch control. Personally I use my mouse to control my direction. Fine accuracy is your friend.
  • Keep trying: Once you've learned the track you'll find yourself shaving seconds off and that helps.
  • Don't let frustration beat you. It's still only a game and keeping relaxed about it will also help keep your time low. If you're worried, you'll be tense. You're doing this for your own personal satisfaction, and nobody else need worry about your performance.
  • Have a lot of fun doing it.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
its been years since i actively did the skiing lol, one time though when i was randomly doing it on my stone brute (not in granite), i managed to get 42 sec on the big slope thanks to several SBs, IRs, and ninja run (was at speed cap jump speed cap and had lots of jump control lol)

the ski slopes can be pretty tough though if your reaction times are not the best
A stone tanker in granite armor with IR should be able to do it, or so I've been told. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



With my peacebringer, I've discovered it's possible to cheat and get at least a bronze medal on the big slope, and a silver on the "expert" slope, using Flight and Quantum Acceleration (Afterburner for you non-Kheldian types). Being able to cut corners through the air comes in quite handy.

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Originally Posted by Organica View Post
A stone tanker in granite armor with IR should be able to do it, or so I've been told. ^_^
maybe the short course but not the long course since there are parts you have to jump lol



I can't do ANYTHING! It so frustrating! Oh it would be really nice if there some form of manual restart.


It near impossible! I don't know how anyone does if I wanted a Twitch game I play on a CONSOLE!!!!!!!

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Try using your second build - just fill it up with all the travel and movement pools, except teleport, and then add as many slots to them as they need.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I really struggled initially - it is a challenge but I agree, jump control can help a lot. I found speedboost wasn't a huge help.

These are my tips for a successful ski run on both courses:

  • Know the course. There are places I consistently screw up if I get it a bit wrong but being able to anticipate helps a lot.
  • Don't be airborne unless you need to be. Skating is faster than flying.
  • Stay in the centre of the track as much as possible. On the bob-sleigh track, the sides slow you down.
  • On the Bob-sleigh track take the left fork on the lower half. The ice is faster.
  • Make sure you've got good twitch control. Personally I use my mouse to control my direction. Fine accuracy is your friend.
  • Keep trying: Once you've learned the track you'll find yourself shaving seconds off and that helps.
  • Don't let frustration beat you. It's still only a game and keeping relaxed about it will also help keep your time low. If you're worried, you'll be tense. You're doing this for your own personal satisfaction, and nobody else need worry about your performance.
  • Have a lot of fun doing it.
It is impossible ! I tryied with doesn't of different characters I never maged to do it on Any Slope! It impossible for me! I don't know why but I really don't get why the bobsled BS was added!

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Try using your second build - just fill it up with all the travel and movement pools, except teleport, and then add as many slots to them as they need.
well that even help?

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
I really don't get why the bobsled BS was added!
You only need to see how popular the ski lodge is to know why it was added - it's one of the best-loved locations in the gane.

well that even help?
It's how I got them

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Last year I felt the exact same way you do about the Ski slopes. (The bobsled slopes I've always had no problem with) Then I sat down this year and my very first attempt at the ski slope earned me the gold.

No idea what changed.

I use Ninja Run.

Here's one little thing I do that might help you out a little bit... I draw the camera back to a good distance above my character. This gives me the largest field of view possible and allows me to look ahead to the next gate when I'm just passing through the current one.

Also I've found that using the mouse to steer is an absolute must.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



I pretty much only use ninja run and two slotted hurdle so the expert slope is pretty hard. I mean, silver and bronze no sweat, but I am amazingly proficient at getting 50:50 over and over and over. One thing that can help is The Fool. If you get this, tell your team you just remembered you're having your foot removed and you have to leave at once. Teleport to Pocket D and try your luck. Another thing that can help, and by "can help" I mean "guarantees gold as long as you can aim your mouse along the course," is inertial reduction. Antagonize a kin until she can no longer tolerate your pathetic bleatings and get her to sit up at the gate until you manage to get to the bottom. It should only take a few minutes.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
maybe the short course but not the long course since there are parts you have to jump lol
Yes, the slolum course. There's only one place where you absolutely need to be able to jump and can't, and for that there's the option of going down under, although it's tricky since you're going so fast that you run into the wall instead of dropping down most of the time.

Still, I'm trying to do it now on my level 33 stone tank (with the aid of my 40 fire/kin). I've hit silver medal so far, and even managed 51.50 seconds (50 is gold). I just need a perfect run and I'll do it. It's a little harder because I don't have combat jumping or ninja run for control, but IR gives you more than enough speed and the rest is falling down without stumbling.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



For me i absolutely could not beat 52 seconds on the big slope without IR. with IR I could get down to 44 seconds, which was frustrating because IMO one power set should not have a lock on being able to achieve. or assist with, a badge.




Planted level 40 fire/kin Prisstina at the top of the ramp and placed Onyx Butterfly, 33 stone tank, in granite, then hit IR and took off. Took about 10 runs to get the gold. (I've been doing this on other toons previously though, I know the course fairly well now).

Just managed to do it in 50 seconds. The trick was to brake just before that one jump or drop spot, so that I could drop properly without losing all momentum.

(The 45 second score showing is my Titan Weapons brute Megami Hime, also done using IR ^_^ ).

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Then there's always the "Cheatin' *******" method.
Teleport team!

Your team sets up on the last 7 markers of the run. You ski your *** off to get to into visual range of the first guy, he teleports you and then they cascade it by watching the endurance bar of the guy above them.

Cue ridiculously low run times once your team becomes proficient.

Click for larger version:

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Then there's always the "Cheatin' *******" method.
Teleport team!

Your team sets up on the last 7 markers of the run. You ski your *** off to get to into visual range of the first guy, he teleports you and then they cascade it by watching the endurance bar of the guy above them.

Cue ridiculously low run times once your team becomes proficient.

Click for larger version:
very nice lol



And here's a quick video of a Kheldian run.

Skiing Squiddie!

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Personally, I find it usually helps out a lot if my view is always pointing forward in the direction I'm traveling. This allows for finer side-to-side control and I don't have to 'guess' which direction to press to stay on the track.

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2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And here's a quick video of a Kheldian run.

Skiing Squiddie!
I laughed until I had a coughing fit. Thanks, Hyper. You owe me a new lung.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And here's a quick video of a Kheldian run.

Skiing Squiddie!
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... must ... breathe ... AIR ...!

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