Is the Winter Event really enough to hold customer's attention?

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Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
People who were going to leave are going to leave regardless. Releasing rushed, incomplete, and unbalanced content would just make people dissatisfied with the game, not make them want to stay.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Of course not. I'm not sure why you think it would. Luckily, there's a whole other game there to hold people's attention and that seems to be doing reasonably well, I'd say. Hell, I'm still messing with Titan Weapons.

Both of them.

Winter Event isn't the only thing going on.

Also, there is a RL Winter Event going on right now that is taking people's attention as they get ready to travel to spend time with RL family....

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



If someone needs special events or a "keep your account active during Period X and get a Shiny" incentive just to stick around, that person probably would jump ship anyway. If the regular content doesn't sway them, nothing temporary will.

I don't think Paragon is sweating about those people.

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Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I think there's this misguided notion that the folks at Paragon Studios hate all other games. It's simply not true. They are gamers just like a lot of us are. I'm almost certain that most of them will be spending some time in a place "far, far away," as you put it.
That's why they're taking a 2 week holiday over Christmas.

Anyway, the idea of an X-killer is old-school thinking when it was all about the $15/month sub fee. Most people aren't going to and can't afford subbing to a large number of games at once, and so, they were all fighting over a limited number of possible subscriptions.

The F2P and hybrid models throws most of that out the window.

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Originally Posted by Hqnk View Post
I'm not touching that "other game" until it's ah...relationship patch...goes live. CoH, the Distinguished Competition, and various offline rpgs, are more than enough to keep me occupied.
The game about Saints fighting in a row, the Elders writings, and the Asylum that became a city are all offline things I'm enjoying right now.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



This thread needs more:

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
The game about Saints fighting in a row, the Elders writings, and the Asylum that became a city are all offline things I'm enjoying right now.
The Elder's!

I'm trying to work up enough courage to start trying to become a serial marryier by sending my husbands into doom, taking their stuff and redawning the Amulet of Mara and doing it again.

But...I feel guilty just thinking about it.



Eh, it's not the Winter Event that's keeping my attention. It's my new Titan Weapons Tanker, plus the usual day-to-day gameplay of CoH. Do I play other games? Yeah, but none that require a subscription. And I'm keeping it that way. Any new subscription based game has to argue well and hard on why I should give up CoH to play it, and none so far have done that.

As for the new kid on the block? I got burned by its predecessor, I am not buying another MMO in that galaxy.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
This thread needs more:



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Yes, because a pastiche of Marvel and DC comics tropes. set in a generic city, using mechanics 100% derived from fantasy MMOs is incredibly original.

There are a lot of good things about CoH. Originality isn't even a quality it possesses at all, let alone one of the good ones.
Half of City of X is what the players bring to it, whether that means original character concepts or original story arcs (so I've got to make the assumption you're speaking for yourself here). But even if this weren't the case, it's not difficult to outdo George Lucas and Co. for originality, and Marvel and DC (and Top Cow, Image, Dark Horse, Dynamite Entertainment, Vertigo, IDW, Icon, the dev team's own imaginations, and a dozen other small and independent publishers that have inspired the content in City of Heroes) each have more originality in their pinky fingers, too. As for using mechanics 100% derived from fantasy MMOs, City of Heroes arrived on the scene BEFORE any of those fantasy MMOs we now take for granted. Yes, even before that one.

Stop advertising for Electronic Arts/Lucas Arts on the City of Heroes forums, just because you know it's the weekend. Don't be a square. Those companies are both massive marketing behemoths, whose target audience is an average audience, the lowest common denominator, a very broad and unspecialized niche. I can't believe you used the term "generic" while defending them against City of Heroes.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Half of City of X is what the players bring to it, whether that means original character concepts or original story arcs (so I've got to make the assumption you're speaking for yourself here). But even if this weren't the case, it's not difficult to outdo George Lucas and Co. for originality, and Marvel and DC (and Top Cow, Image, Dark Horse, Dynamite Entertainment, Vertigo, IDW, Icon, the dev team's own imaginations, and a dozen other small and independent publishers that have inspired the content in City of Heroes) each have more originality in their pinky fingers, too. As for using mechanics 100% derived from fantasy MMOs, City of Heroes arrived on the scene BEFORE any of those fantasy MMOs we now take for granted. Yes, even before that one.

Stop advertising for Electronic Arts/Lucas Arts on the City of Heroes forums, just because you know it's the weekend. Don't be a square. Those companies are both massive marketing behemoths, whose target audience is an average audience, the lowest common denominator, a very broad and unspecialized niche. I can't believe you used the term "generic" while defending them against City of Heroes.
Yes, because I don't bow down slavishly worshiping everything that comes out of Paragon Studios I MUST be Lucasfilm spy!

Grow up. It's possible to like something AND be able to see its flaws at the same time.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
This thread needs more:
Unfortunately all I have is:

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Yes, because I don't bow down slavishly worshiping everything that comes out of Paragon Studios I MUST be Lucasfilm spy!

Grow up. It's possible to like something AND be able to see its flaws at the same time.
I was inferring that you're a square, not a spy. If you were a spy, you'd be getting paid. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure you're advertising for Star Wars: The Old Republic totally for free.

Your thread has nothing to do with constructive criticism. It's a thinly veiled advertisement for Star Wars: The Old Republic. You know this. It's why you posted on the weekend. To dodge the forum moderators. Looks like we both have some growing up to do.

Something new and shiny is out, and you're all atwitter over it. That's great. Good for you. I should probably apologize for putting Star Wars down, it's an entertaining franchise with lots of rabid fans. But it has nothing to do with City of Heroes, and comparing and contrasting the entire Old Republic offering to City of X's winter event is unfair and unsportsmanlike. And this forum is for City of Heroes, City of Villains and Going Rogue game-related discussions ONLY.

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Originally Posted by Hqnk View Post
The Elder's!

and the modding tools are coming out in january, Im just about done with the main quest, but modding is the heart of those game sand their post-apocolyptic bretherin. but i also have improperly illuminated metaphysical manifestations and the story of f. Scott Fitzgerald's wife to finish too. improperly illuminated metaphysical manifestations is really freaking hard... putting off entering blighttown, doing a dex/faith build with pyromancery as a backup damage dealer.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I was inferring that you're a square, not a spy. If you were a spy, you'd be getting paid. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure you're advertising for Star Wars: The Old Republic totally for free.

Your thread has nothing to do with constructive criticism. It's a thinly veiled advertisement for Star Wars: The Old Republic. You know this. It's why you posted on the weekend. To dodge the forum moderators. Looks like we both have some growing up to do.

Something new and shiny is out, and you're all atwitter over it. That's great. Good for you. I should probably apologize for putting Star Wars down, it's an entertaining franchise with lots of rabid fans. But it has nothing to do with City of Heroes, and comparing and contrasting the entire Old Republic offering to City of X's winter event is unfair and unsportsmanlike. And this forum is for City of Heroes, City of Villains and Going Rogue game-related discussions ONLY.
It's sad that you're so pathetically devoted to the game that you have to see any criticism of it as trying to harm it in some way. However the thread was designed to discuss City of Heroes, so I won't get into that...except to note that I will never play that other game, for a variety of reasons.

Fact is that there are a lot of gaming options out there now, more than a few have been hinted at in this thread. It looks to me like Paragon isn't even trying to compete...jsut sitting back and letting their customers go elsewhere...whether that's a good idea or not is the point of the thread...not how you got all butthurt over my pointing out how wrong you were about CoH's lack of creativity (Or maybe you're just one of those "Lucas Ruined my Childhood!" freaks)

Either way...if I wanted to play that other game, I'd be there, not here (Just resubbed for 6 months) so yo should probably go back to mind reading school since you couldn't be more wrong.

TL;DR: Stop being a fanboy and kneejerking every time someone posts something that isn't 100% positive about your beloved game. You didn't make the fame, and a criticism of it is not a criticism of you. Detach your ego from the things you like.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Is the event enough to hold customer attention from other pursuits which may or may not include activities that take place far, far away from here?
I really fail to see why some people think COH has to keep my attention all the time or it's doing something wrong. I take breaks from COH frequently (I didn't even log in for two months recently) and I'm still here after 6 years. Yes, I'd like it if new content were released more frequently, but I also like the quiet times so I can work on all the other games I have on Steam that are begging me to play them. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
It looks to me like Paragon isn't even trying to compete...jsut sitting back and letting their customers go elsewhere...whether that's a good idea or not is the point of the thread...not how you got all butthurt over my pointing out how wrong you were about CoH's lack of creativity (Or maybe you're just one of those "Lucas Ruined my Childhood!" freaks)
Exaggerating the severity of my position (to take your crude pun even further) doesn't increase the poignancy of your argument, and it doesn't mitigate your error in comparing and contrasting Star Wars: The Old Republic with the winter event in City of Heroes. You shouldn't have done it (and your emotional outburst here makes me think you've realized that), but I never expected you to acquiesce-- it's an Internet forum, after all. I've seen three, maybe four members here openly buckle in the face of reason with any regularity, including myself. Out of 200,000 forum members. So, it's only ordinary, you get a pass.

City of Heroes doesn't need me to defend it against the competition, when critics, reviewers, and awards do a fine job annually. I could compare and contrast features and costume packs from more than one competing game with recent additions to City of Heroes (that are clear reactions to similar features among their competition). If you're not aware of this reality, that's fine, but I'm not going to expound on it here. I'm going to treat my membership on these forums with the respect and responsibility I agreed to when I signed up. It has nothing to do with my ego (or not as much as you think it does, at least).

You can't do what you're doing with your OP and its title, and expect a reasonable discussion based on the merits. This thread won't even survive past Monday. It has no merits. You created this thread in the spirit of cheap shots. The worst thing I've done here is, well, reply at all, now that I'm thinking about it ("Oh, look, an Internet argument. How noble a cause!").

I'm going to go play the game. I declare Judas Ace the winner of this argument. It's not that important to me, suddenly.

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
I really fail to see why some people think COH has to keep my attention all the time or it's doing something wrong. I take breaks from COH frequently (I didn't even log in for two months recently) and I'm still here after 6 years. Yes, I'd like it if new content were released more frequently, but I also like the quiet times so I can work on all the other games I have on Steam that are begging me to play them.

People pop in and out of games all the time, even those that love said games. Breaks can be something much needed at times before burnout and the inevitable apathy that comes with it sets in.

I took a 3 year break myself to play the Big MMO with my family and in fact am still playing and subbed for the next year there. I appreciate and love both games, each for very different reasons. (Frustrates me to no end to see people on either game acting childish and insulting other games and people that actually enjoy them. What this does is gives a bad impression of the community and players and fosters others to start acting in the same way. Cuz it's cool these days to hate things, ya know? )

I'm not as enamored of the Holidays this year. The raid style trials really don't appeal to me, sadly. It's just not my thing at all, so I haven't been really into either Halloween or Christmas stuff.

Doesn't mean I'm quitting though. Just means I'll log on and do the same stuff I do on non-holiday logins. Puttering around solo and having fun.

People who will quit to play the Far Away game will do so anyway, either to see how it is, or because they love the franchise/games. I know my husband is going to play it along with the Big MMO.