Help me to like Titan Weapons




Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I would actually say titan weapons is one of the sets that least needs to stress about accuracy due to the fact that if you keep defensive sweep in your build it will almost always succeed at hitting at least one thing on one side of you, building momentum. This is helped by the fact that if you have kept it, you probably want to be using it approximately once every ten seconds. If we break approximately ten seconds down into two approximately five second momentum intervals, this means that defensive sweep used only once per ten seconds will keep you regular, as it were, half of the time. That's better than Activia! It's also better than dual blades, for example, where the best combo is mostly single target and therefore very prone to breakage via miss.
I see where you're going with that vis-a-vis DS, but I'm always keen to give end-heavy melee sets plenty of accuracy. Think of it as indirect endurance management. Every swing costs big chucks of blue bar, ergo I want to waste those chunks as little as possible. I've also noticed the rate at which TW/ burns end during momentum, all those rapid swings drop your bar fast. EndRedux slotting definitely helps, but I find that minimizing misses is great for conserving endurance (and shortening fights)

YMMV and all that.



Originally Posted by that_darn_lurker View Post
Between the recharge issues of TW and endurance issues of my build in general
What recharge issues?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Meh. It was pretty cool for a while but doesn't really feel that titanish. I mean I expected bodies flying everywhere, but apparently when you get hit by a rail road sign at full swing it just passes through you and you just keel and fall over.



Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
I see where you're going with that vis-a-vis DS, but I'm always keen to give end-heavy melee sets plenty of accuracy.
Oh yeah, as far as I'm concerned getting adequate accuracy is as necessary as it is implicit in the concept of properly IOing a character, I was just saying that TW doesn't suffer any more than any other sets in low accuracy situations.

Dz131, am I remembering wrong or weren't you one of the guys arguing that KB is almost always bad?



Yeah, and if I remember correctly. It was in the Null the Gull ability to turn off KB thread. which I agree with.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
What recharge issues?
This is more of a problem in early levels, I imagine, and seems to be worse on a Brute since Build momemtum comes before Follow Through. Here's the scenario: take all the primary powers up to Build Momentum, don't slot for recharge or get jump in a mob. It goes like this: Sweep-> sweep -> crush -> follow through -> sweep. Now wait forever for your powers to recharge while your Build Momentum is wasting away.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Meh. It was pretty cool for a while but doesn't really feel that titanish. I mean I expected bodies flying everywhere, but apparently when you get hit by a rail road sign at full swing it just passes through you and you just keel and fall over.
Try fighting -2 or lower enemies. I wound up doing that when badge-hunting. At that level difference, the KD becomes KB.

I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to scatter everyone with Titan Sweep and Whirling Smash. It utterly destroys the rest of that Momentum and it's a pain to gather everyone back into the AOE zone again. It may be less Titanish, but I guarantee you KD instead of KB is vital to making the set work.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Meh. It was pretty cool for a while but doesn't really feel that titanish. I mean I expected bodies flying everywhere, but apparently when you get hit by a rail road sign at full swing it just passes through you and you just keel and fall over.
I assume you didn't get one to 26 yet...

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Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
Yeah, and if I remember correctly. It was in the Null the Gull ability to turn off KB thread. which I agree with.
Good news! You have the ability to turn off KD. Just put a single knockback enhancer into any of your TW powers and behold its knocky backy glory.



Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
That explains so much.

My Stone/WP brute that i don't even have softcapped, but pretty good defenses, can handle quite a lot of stuff at /x8 and not even break a sweat. But those blasted Arachnos give me utter Hades.
What a lot of people don't realize is that those pesky Tarantula Mistresses have a HUGE -def/-percep debuff that's... autohit.

(Remember when autohits were going to be removed from mobs?)

I always hold/stun/kill the TMs so they can't get their debuffs off first thing fighting Arachnos.

It's really kind of stupid how much stacking -def there is in the game anyway, but to throw autohit LARGE -def is bordering on the idiotic.

Especially when only one set gets enough def debuff resists to be useful in the face of it.

Heartbroken I lurked a lot but I'll miss you all

Alpha Team sg, Pinnacle server
Black Citadel vg



Arachnos and Longbow are NASTY, unless you are a SR or SD character with maxed DDR. The key is simply to zerg the lts before they can debuff you, pop inspirations liberally, and be ready to break line of sight if things get too hairy.

TW/Elec Optimization



My TW/EA Brute just got Whirling Smash and when I first used it I swear I wet myself.
It is the BEST looking power in the game IMHO.
I use it whenever I can - even to kill the single Lt/Min hanging around.

Im running at +0/x3/Bosses (level 26??) and find that my blue bar at the end of each mob tends to have approx 25% remaining. This is only an issue if there are 2 mobs very lcose by (hello Taunt) or I get an ambush (like in the Crazed Wardens Villain tip [Longbow]).
But as others have said as soon as I get Energy Drain this will become much more managable.
Also if I turned off the bosses would be less of an issue.



yessh, love that power, can't wait till 32 only 4 levels to go!



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Try fighting -2 or lower enemies. I wound up doing that when badge-hunting. At that level difference, the KD becomes KB.

I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to scatter everyone with Titan Sweep and Whirling Smash. It utterly destroys the rest of that Momentum and it's a pain to gather everyone back into the AOE zone again. It may be less Titanish, but I guarantee you KD instead of KB is vital to making the set work.
Also I think Clockwork tend to have low protection against KB so they fly everywhere.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
What recharge issues?
Originally Posted by that_darn_lurker View Post
This is more of a problem in early levels, I imagine, and seems to be worse on a Brute since Build momemtum comes before Follow Through. Here's the scenario: take all the primary powers up to Build Momentum, don't slot for recharge or get jump in a mob. It goes like this: Sweep-> sweep -> crush -> follow through -> sweep. Now wait forever for your powers to recharge while your Build Momentum is wasting away.
Oh. Curiously, my first TW character is a Brute, currently level 12, without Hasten. I do have a period after my initial chain while waiting for the primary powers to recharge. But I thought of that as "the problem of being low level," not as a Titan-Weapon-specific problem.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Are you sure that is auto hit?

I always thought it was just psi typed with no positional tag.
Absolutely. It doesn't roll a hit check.

I just used Power Analyzer:

it's typed psionic, positional ranged, autohit

Heartbroken I lurked a lot but I'll miss you all

Alpha Team sg, Pinnacle server
Black Citadel vg



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Oh. Curiously, my first TW character is a Brute, currently level 12, without Hasten. I do have a period after my initial chain while waiting for the primary powers to recharge. But I thought of that as "the problem of being low level," not as a Titan-Weapon-specific problem.
It's actually kind of a "both" issue. At the lower levels when you don't have many attacks, you can just about burn through all of your attacks when momentum kicks in. Higher up, when you can get a few more attack under your belt, this is a bit less of an issue as momentum doesn't last quite long enough for you to fire everything off. But, with Build Momentum, can cycle through every attack before something recharges, save for maybe Defensive Sweep.

Hasten does help with this, but i don't really think it's a necessity. I've got it on my TW/EA brute, and had it set to auto-fire, but turned it off for a screenshot and forgot to re-engage the auto-fire on hasten. It actually took me a mission or two before it hit me that i wasn't getting stuff back as fast as i should...but all in all it didn't really slow me down...much.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
My TW/EA Brute just got Whirling Smash and when I first used it I swear I wet myself.
It is the BEST looking power in the game IMHO.
I use it whenever I can - even to kill the single Lt/Min hanging around.

Im running at +0/x3/Bosses (level 26??) and find that my blue bar at the end of each mob tends to have approx 25% remaining. This is only an issue if there are 2 mobs very lcose by (hello Taunt) or I get an ambush (like in the Crazed Wardens Villain tip [Longbow]).
But as others have said as soon as I get Energy Drain this will become much more managable.
Also if I turned off the bosses would be less of an issue.
"This." Once my TW/ELA obtained Whirling Smash it became a game changer for me. I was on an 8 player team with another TW one day and as we played the other TW kept sending me /tells saying "Dude, this is insane!" The AOE's had us cracking up. TW is not for everyone, but I do think you should at least get Whirling Smash before making a final verdict first. Good luck ya.

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ENG/ENG: 50th Dr. Fear