Idea: Inherent for each powerset.
For Fun's Sake:
Energy Melee: Energy Transfer: If you use this power on an enemy that has already been defeated- you have a 90% to go into "Instant Depression". Instant Depression is a new mez which leaves your hero or villain crippled with the inescapable fact that their power is a husk of its former self and unable to take action for 30 seconds.
Gravity Control: Each time you use any power in this set, you get a 45% chance to be saddled with "Crushing Reality". Much like Instant Depression, this is a new mez that takes hold when a player faces the reality that this set is broken and will likely never be fixed. *Propel gives a 53.5% chance for Crushing Reality*
Empathy: Each time you neglect to use Fort, Regen Aura, or Recovery aura and instead use Healing Aura or Heal Other, you increase your likelihood of becoming a healzor by a weighty 80%. If you use Absorb Pain 2x when there are other buffs available, you are instantly granted the badge of Healzor.
Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.
"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality
Shove: Super Strength: After a power is used, for the next 3 second, the player will be able to run through enemies or shove them aside allowing for a quick escape.

For Fun's Sake:
Energy Melee: Energy Transfer: If you use this power on an enemy that has already been defeated- you have a 90% to go into "Instant Depression". Instant Depression is a new mez which leaves your hero or villain crippled with the inescapable fact that their power is a husk of its former self and unable to take action for 30 seconds. Gravity Control: Each time you use any power in this set, you get a 45% chance to be saddled with "Crushing Reality". Much like Instant Depression, this is a new mez that takes hold when a player faces the reality that this set is broken and will likely never be fixed. *Propel gives a 53.5% chance for Crushing Reality* Empathy: Each time you neglect to use Fort, Regen Aura, or Recovery aura and instead use Healing Aura or Heal Other, you increase your likelihood of becoming a healzor by a weighty 80%. If you use Absorb Pain 2x when there are other buffs available, you are instantly granted the badge of Healzor. |
For Fun's Sake:
Energy Melee: Energy Transfer: If you use this power on an enemy that has already been defeated- you have a 90% to go into "Instant Depression". Instant Depression is a new mez which leaves your hero or villain crippled with the inescapable fact that their power is a husk of its former self and unable to take action for 30 seconds. Gravity Control: Each time you use any power in this set, you get a 45% chance to be saddled with "Crushing Reality". Much like Instant Depression, this is a new mez that takes hold when a player faces the reality that this set is broken and will likely never be fixed. *Propel gives a 53.5% chance for Crushing Reality* Empathy: Each time you neglect to use Fort, Regen Aura, or Recovery aura and instead use Healing Aura or Heal Other, you increase your likelihood of becoming a healzor by a weighty 80%. If you use Absorb Pain 2x when there are other buffs available, you are instantly granted the badge of Healzor. |
Also, my friend wanted me to add these ones.
Fire Melee: Conserve Heat: Every 30 seconds, for every enemy within a set distance of you with any fire DoT on them from your power set, you get an endurance reduction to all powers.
Time Manipulation: Is this how time passes normally? Really really slowly: If you haven't used a time manipulation power in 30 seconds, you get a recharge bonus. Extra bonus for fez wearers.
Crab Spider Training: Scuttle Away: If you are the last player alive on your team, super speed for 10 seconds.
Crab Spider: Pincer Attack: If another player is attacking from the opposite side of the enemy as you, 25% damage bonus.
Bane Spider: Knock some sense into ya: After an attack, gain a bonus chance for any attacks that mez or debuff, such as stuns or -def
Bane Spider Training: Hit them with the spikey end!: After using any of the secondary powers from this set, you gain a 5% bonus to hit.
Dark/Dark: Goose - every time you hit a foe with a dark power there is a chance of the goose proc which taunts them to chase you
So if my Dark blaster steals aggro from the tank I can Blame it On the Goose?
Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.
Your goose is as good as mine
Necromancy: Defeating several enemies in a row will summon a large number of lesser zombies along with a major singing pop zombie. Zombies will then do a PBAoE of Thriller. Enemies who do not faint on instance will be held....then eaten.
So I got a PM from a red-name saying that it is a nice idea and they think it is cool, but it is unlikely to ever become a reality, which is nice to hear, at least the cool bit :P
Anyway, some more.
Stone Armour: Blood from a Stone: DoTs gain a small damage reduction to their last tick
Stone Melee: Strength of the Earth: Small damage bonus then in contact with the floor. Jumping or flying removes it for 10 seconds.
Dual Pistol: Count the Shots: After 5 attacks, the enemy will receive a small defence debuff at they wonder whether or not they feel lucky.
Kinetics: Don't stop moving: If a kinetic moves slightly between each of his kinetic abilities, they become 5% more effective (so any bonuses are increased by 5% of their base)
Fire Aura: Fire Farming: Small damage bonus agaisnt mobs with fire aura or fire melee.
Won't work, due to the "the server's data wins" setup for the positioning system in the game. Having the power somehow reset it to "client side position wins" would create a potential exploit.
I always wondered what 'game breaking exploit' required that change.
Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.
Current Team Project: Pending
Kinetics: Don't stop moving: If a kinetic moves slightly between each of his kinetic abilities, they become 5% more effective (so any bonuses are increased by 5% of their base)
I could see putting that on SR and a few others - give you a bonus for moving (which means of course a penalty when not moving).
I was thinking that maybe an inherent power for EACH powerset might be alot of work to ever implement... so what if we take this more general? Just group all the powersets into "types" and give them the same inherent and then say this only applies if the powerset is your primary (So a Fire/Kin would have a fire inherent, while a kin/fire would have a kinetics inherent)...
We have common powersets right now that could be grouped into categories... Fire, Cold, Dark, Classic Weapons (Axe, Mace, Archery), Firearms etc... Say anything with a primary of fire could all have the inherent of resist slow and -rech debuffs (This character is warm to the touch and radiates thermal energy which keeps them moving)... Just come up with a general power for each category?
I'm not sure doing power pools is really a smart idea either, but if we would I think you could maybe just have them apply to the travel power pools (only if you take 2 abilities from the pool?)...
Fly: You are light on your feet even when on the ground, so all ground based powers are less effective on you.
Jump: Your ability to jump great heights shocks your opponents when you take off and land, everytime you leap a small non-stackable -tohit is applied to these areas.
Speed: You are a blur to most enemies because of your speed... While moving a small defense buff is applied to yourself (but if you stop running you are easy to hit again)
Teleport: Your ability to instantly travel to locations has given you a special spatial awareness... Now you are more aware of your surroundings which allows you to hit your enemies more often granting you a small +to hit buff...
One thing that has bothered me about the squishy types is they have no protection from their damage type until maybe their epic. Something special based on the damage type of their attack set.
My thought on an inherent was to add some damage resistance to each ranged damage set. It would be an un enhanceable inherent. Maybe 20% scaled based on AT with Blasters having the highest?
Psi would obviously get some Psi.
Guns Lethal aka bullet proof.
Fire - Fire
Ice - Ice
Energy - Energy
Dark - Dark
Melee type inherent powers would be something more subtle.
SS gets a resistance to movement slows due to their great STR
Energy gets a small Stun Resistance
Blades get a Lethal defense debuff resistance
Fire Immobilize resistance due to burning off the Imm effect quicker
Ice Sleep resistance (on Ice).
Elec End drain resistance
Arch light L50 INV/SS
Psiberia L50 Kin/Psi
Screaming Mentallica L50 Sonic/MM
Arc Voltinator L50 SS/Elec
Mind Fire Kinesis L50 Fire/Kin
Flaming Screamer L50 Fire/Sonic
Scrapper Martial Arts: Every time you score a critical, you gain 10% defense to all damage for 10 seconds.
Stalker Martial Arts: For every dead body near you, you gain a small amount of endurance reduction as you become more focussed the less enemies there are.
Tanker Martial Arts: For every 5% health lost, you gain 1% defense to all
Tanker Stone Melee: You gain 10% +recharge and 10% +damage for 30 seconds whenever you are hit by a knocking power, whether or not it was mitigated. Stacks a maximum of 5 times.
Brute Stone Melee: You gain high movement and recharge debuff resistance while you are in contact with the ground.
Blaster Devices: You gain +5% damage for every pet or psuedopet you have summoned (this includes Trip Mines, Caltrops, Rain of Fire etc).
Corruptor Traps: You gain +5% recharge for every pet or psuedopet you have summoned.
Defender Traps: You gain +2% damage resistance (all) for every psuedopet you or your teammate/s have summoned.
Scrapper Dark Melee: Critical hits cause mag 4 fear for 30 seconds in the target.
Brute Dark Melee: Your endurance recovery and health regeneration increase for each nearby feared enemy.
Tanker Dark Melee: Damage resistance is enhanced by 10%, defense is enhanced by 5%, healing is enhanced by 10%, ignoring ED caps
Blaster Dark Manipulation: Tohit buffs increase your damage by half the buff value
Dominator Dark Assault (when it comes out): CCd enemies within a 15ft range increase your maximum health by 3% and regeneration by 10%.
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Powersets already have their own inherents. It's called secondary effects.
Personally I'd much rather they revamp the older powersets a little to give each a unique gimmick like the newer sets have - doesn't have to be (and probably shouldn't be, cottage rule and all) much. But some powers that interact with each other the way things like beam rifle's disintegrate, street justice's combos and time manipulation's accelerated and delayed effects work. Of the three I'd say time is closest to what if anything should be given to the older sets. Just a small bonus, not a major game-changing mechanic because people would very much be upset over that.
Of course, doing that to every powerset in the game would take forever. So, not likely. But it'd be nice. :P
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
So, this was a fun idea I was tossing around with me and some friends which could be fun. An inherent power for each powerset, for example:
Half-Life: Radiation Blast: On a hit, it has a 10% chance to put a debuff on the enemy that lasts for 10 seconds and only gives this effect. If the enemy is defeated, while the debuff is still on them, the radiation blaster/corrupter/whatever will regain the base endurance of their last attack.
Shove: Super Strength: After a power is used, for the next 3 second, the player will be able to run through enemies or shove them aside allowing for a quick escape.
Plant Food: Plant Control: For every defeated enemy around you (or enemy you have defeated within a set period, such as till corpse decay), you gain a bonus to damage or end regen.
Pain Aura: After using a Pain Dom heal or buff (the toggle doesn't count), you gain a 10% damage bonus for 5 seconds.
And maybe someones for extra powersets, such as Flight or Leadership?
Free as a Bird: Flight: Increases jump height.
Recognize Potential: Leadership: You get an extra 10% out of other peoples leadership base buffs, so you only get an extra 0.30% from every extra Maneuvers etc.
Ghost: Soul Mastery: You gain a small defence bonus after using any power in this set.
So what do people think? I know it isn't likely (see never will) to happen, but I like the idea for the sheer fun of making these up. And can anyone come up with their own?