Could anyone explain
If everyone bids 10,000,000, they buy the recipe at 10,000,000.
Potentially there could be 50 people offering them for, I don't know, 5,100,000. If every bid over 5,100,000 is for a minimum of 10,000,000, then they will always be sold for 10,000,000.
The only way you really know what the minimum bid is is to bid creep in incriments of 1 until you succeed in purchasing the product. But most people can't even be bothered to bid creep in incriments of 1 million. (Me included, usually!)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
A couple of previous threads on the subject:
wont sell
Market Bug?
Basically, someone is undercutting your minimum sell price. Because the highest bid goes to the lowest seller, as long as someone is putting up stuff for less than you, you won't sell yours.
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I have noticed this before on other items but recently it is realy bad. I have had a recipe listed at 9,000,000 for over a week. Every time I check that toon's listings I see that recipe sold 5 times that day at 10,000,000.
Now having bought and sold a boatload of stuff on real auction sites, that just makes NO sense. Every person that paid 10,000,000 was potentially gipped by 1,000,000. Who is to say that there are not 30 more people sitting at 9,000,000 just like me? This is apparently a high volumn recipe with some 200+ listed and well over 100 bids evey time I check. Is the Auction house WIA, or is this a bug? If WAI what is the screwball explanation of what seems to be a system that will guarantee artifically supported prices? Jak |
There were 30 people with lowball bids of below crafting price that will probably never fill. And 50 people with unknown prices. Someone could have gotten mine for just 1m, but most bidders were blindly following the last 5 and just bidding 4m because all the other prices were 4m.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
My own method for items I'm working that are priced around 10,000,000 +/-, I will usually list my inventory for 8,123,456. I do this purposely to undercut the 9 mil or 8.5 mil sellers, yet avoiding the 8 mil buyers. If someone figures out my sell price and I start to see my stuff going for 8.25 mil, I'll take a week off to see if the price will float back up. If not, I'll sell off the rest of my inventory and then give it some more time.
Note: I'm currently not working on anything that has 200 items for sale, so I don't know which one you're talking about. I usually avoid anything that has more than 80+ for sale because I feel that if someone comes in to dump, it will take a long time for the price to recover and I might get stuck with unsold inventory.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Now having bought and sold a boatload of stuff on real auction sites, that just makes NO sense.
Originally Posted by StarGeek
Because the highest bid goes to the lowest seller
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
This may be your misunderstanding. The Auction House in this game is not like eBay. In this game:
In a way, this system pits sellers against sellers trying to underprice each other, instead of pitting buyers against buyers trying to outbid each other.
I have noticed this before on other items but recently it is realy bad. I have had a recipe listed at 9,000,000 for over a week. Every time I check that toon's listings I see that recipe sold 5 times that day at 10,000,000.
Now having bought and sold a boatload of stuff on real auction sites, that just makes NO sense. Every person that paid 10,000,000 was potentially gipped by 1,000,000. Who is to say that there are not 30 more people sitting at 9,000,000 just like me? This is apparently a high volumn recipe with some 200+ listed and well over 100 bids evey time I check. Is the Auction house WIA, or is this a bug? If WAI what is the screwball explanation of what seems to be a system that will guarantee artifically supported prices? Jak |
This lazy factor is then combined with the auction house's lowest seller to highest bidder arrangement. This means that if someone bids 10 million and you have 2 sellers one listing at 9 million with the other at 8,999,999 , the 9 million listing isnt going to sell, ever.
I can also about guarantee that if the IO you are trying to sell is a numina's, performance shifter or positrons blast, then I'm the guy undercutting you and you wont be able to beat my prices and profit at the same time.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
Ok, for some reason I forgot all my buyer knowledge when I flipped my mind to seller mode and looked at my listing. I forgot that when you bid 10 mil you are going to PAY 10 mil, period. A 10 mil bid is not a "Secret Maximum" bid, and the auction house is not really an Auction. If everyone is just auto bidding the last 5 price then it can stay exactly 10 mil indefinitely. Duh.
Every time a new 10 mil bid comes in, the system awards that 10 mil to the cheapest listing below 10 mil. If there are none below then the = to 10 mil listing sells. In the event of a tie on the listing price, it either breaks the tie randomly or gives it to the oldest listing, or uses some other method. As long as there are ANY listings below my 9 mil listing my recipe will Never sell.
Finally, does this also explain why some people gamble on listing stuff at 1. Does the system take the next bid in the bid queue that exceeds your listing and give it to you. So if, for example, you were to list the same item for 1, one at a time, ten times, you might see sales at 1000, 1 mil, 10 mil, 500K, 18000, 200, 2.5 mil etc. ?
Edit: I see above that some are referring to Highest offer to Cheapest lister as 'the rule' but since I do dump excess common salvage at 1 and often see patterns like 10, 1000, 100, 10 that does not seem correct. If that were the case the pattern should be 1000, 100, 10, 10 assuming those were the 4 hightest bids out there when I listed.
Have I correctly stated the functionality of the market house now?
If so I will have to totally rethink how I list stuff, but will lose a lot of frustration.
Finally, does this also explain why some people gamble on listing stuff at 1. Does the system take the next bid in the bid queue that exceeds your listing and give it to you. So if, for example, you were to list the same item for 1, one at a time, ten times, you might see sales at 1000, 1 mil, 10 mil, 500K, 18000, 200, 2.5 mil etc. ?
Edit: I see above that some are referring to Highest offer to Cheapest lister as 'the rule' but since I do dump excess common salvage at 1 and often see patterns like 10, 1000, 100, 10 that does not seem correct. If that were the case the pattern should be 1000, 100, 10, 10 assuming those were the 4 highest bids out there when I listed.
Also, there seems to be some lag in the system. When I was trading Silver back and forth with someone to help them get the WW sales badges (we were both buying stacks for 10 each, listing for 1), we noticed that several times WW would 'freeze'. We'd both have stacks of bids up and stacks of Silver for sale, but nothing moved for several seconds. Then sales would start transacting again.
However, if you tried listing the pieces of salvage one at a time, I predict that you'd see the sales go through according to the highest bid to lowest listing rule (allowing, of course, for any bids being placed between your sales).
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
In the event of a tie on the listing price, it either breaks the tie randomly or gives it to the oldest listing, or uses some other method.
- If you have completely controlled circumstances with no items initially for sale and a group of coordinated bidders to test the system, then it's not really random and you can reproduce the results.
- Under normal circumstances, with bids and sales going in constantly, it's EFFECTIVELY random.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Oh! And here I was... well, everythin's goin' on for 1 inf from here on out.
/gonna make me some DOUGH, werd.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Thanks all.
I had two items in the limbo area I first described and relisted them last night at lower prices. This morning, both had sold at the kneejerk window price.
Now I just have to decide if I want to eat the lost listing fee and relist a 300 mil purple or be patient and hope the supply contracts till it is alone.
Very glad to get the advice here,
Listing stacks sometimes leads to slightly odd results, as the market UI doesn't always seem to report transactions in the exact order they happened, and sometimes doesn't report every transaction at all. For example, I've regularly seen that I listed, say, three Alchemical Silvers, and all three sold for the same price, but only one 'sale' popped up in the list.
For example, if you sell three pieces of Alchemical Silver to three different buyers, you will see three reports. But if somebody is looking to buy more than one piece of Alchemical Silver, and her bid is matched with your offer, all three pieces could be sold in a single transaction. Hence, you would only get one single report.
This way you can see whether your buyer was buying in bulk. For example, if you're flipping recipes and someone bought a whole stack of ten from you in a single transaction, your asking price almost certainly was too low.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I have noticed this before on other items but recently it is realy bad. I have had a recipe listed at 9,000,000 for over a week. Every time I check that toon's listings I see that recipe sold 5 times that day at 10,000,000.
Now having bought and sold a boatload of stuff on real auction sites, that just makes NO sense. Every person that paid 10,000,000 was potentially gipped by 1,000,000. Who is to say that there are not 30 more people sitting at 9,000,000 just like me? This is apparently a high volumn recipe with some 200+ listed and well over 100 bids evey time I check. Is the Auction house WIA, or is this a bug? If WAI what is the screwball explanation of what seems to be a system that will guarantee artifically supported prices?