Player Summit Ustream Highlights: Lore Panel

Agent White



Writing panel with Positron, Protean, Dr. Aeon, and Ryan "Viridian" Green.

Posi: "Tell us about Praetoria."

Protean: "Praetoria, f*** yeah!"

Posi: "There are words on the screen here, but for some reason I have trouble focusing."

First Ward is just a start of the story about Tyrant wanting to stamp out any magic not under his control.

Dr. Aeon didn't realize the guy in the SSA looked liked Penn Jilette until someone on the forums said it. "Hey he doesn't like Penn... oh, yes he does."

Posi: "And he does illusions! We didn't even realize that!"

Some confusion of comic book companies. "Top Horse" and "Dark Cow."

Praetoria's story will end

Batallion is most definitely the Coming Storm and it will be the next threat after Praetoria.

More on Prometheus, Ouroburos, and time travel will come in the future.

They've had over 20 people writing for CoH over the years.

Posi: "We've had Sean McCann trying to tie up loose ends..."

Viridian: "Kill everyone."

Aeon: "I'm going as fast as I can! I can't kill them fast enough!"

State of defeated Praetorians: Defeated and contained, comic book dead, and outright dead. They have a list.

"We have a list of who Sean is allowed to kill."

Aeon: "It keeps getting shorter by the day."

Samuraiko: "I was about to cry when you put up the slide about Dark Astoria. I thank God..."

"You'll want to thank Mot for it."

"I will worship Mot if it gets I22 out quicker."

She wants to see the Revenant Hero thing continued and more Crey.

"Don't assume that Crey hasn't gotten into Praetoria. Heroes tend to face Crey tech once they've got it perfected."

AE lore has to be handled with care so players don't go "Well, AE is evil. I feel stupid for using it."

"Didn't Crey invent MARTy?"

There are no 5th Column plans at the moment. There is some 5th column lore in revamped DA.

Praetorian Stephan Richter.

Posi: "Two fates, either really dead, or something else. I know that's lame. But we did write ourselves a back door if we want him to appear in Praetoria, even though we wrote him as dead."

"The Power of Tartarus DOES reside in someone in Praetoria."

If/when they look at Shadow Shard a revamp Darren Wade would likely be involved.

Viridian thinks that the Goldbrickers are the awesomest, least utilized villain group and wants to use them more.

Protean wrote a story arc involving the Zig during his interview, it's still sitting around waiting to be used.

Eventuallly they will conclude the story of Hero 1.

Arbiter Fabulous asks about Weaver One and dubs him "Nightmare Fuel."

Posi: "That's fertile ground for development. As far as I know, you know everything about him that we've wrote."

Brass Monday and similar time travel things are kind of hard to do, since they would have to make whole new cars, architecture, etc.

Zwill will be putting the powerpoints online next week.

Hero Corps was before even Positron's time. Posi has never been interested in the mercenary, heroes for hire type of thing. Hero Corps does have a shady side, being sponsored by Crey.

There are two timelines in the game 2004-now and the 7 years of game-time, and the timeline of your levelling. They try and unveil information keeping the world in your levelling path.

There's a story they want to tell with the Galaxy City Shivans that they have planned.

Malta lore

"What, do you hate your endurance bar?"

"I'm an Empathy Defender. I want people screaming for Recovery Aura."

The Knives of Artemis has some stuff coming up in content.

"Terrible Volta" needs to be looked at.

"So you want Johnny Ambush here to go over that?"

Talk about how TV.

Posi: "I want to make it like an Incarnate Trial. But I think Tim Sweeny's head just exploded because he doesn't know how to code handing out Respecs."

Talk about character interacts that would like to see. Ghost Widow and Belladonna. You've got Ghost Widow wanting to bring herself back to life, in a living body, and what better body than one that is essentially her own.

The writers seems to like the idea.

There have not been many mirror matches regarding Primal and Pratorian versions meet. They've discussed several pairings.

Katie Douglas stuck in First Ward was meant to be a cliffhanger, meant to make you just want to murder Mother Mayhem. But there's story coming up where you free her.

Luddites will get something soon.

"It's tough to gather them because they don't have text messaging."

"They have carrier pigeons."

Talk about the abandoned Portal Corps building in the Hive.

Positron has been trying to get an airport into the game forever.

Protean: "You don't have airplanes. You fly through Hero Air. 20 heroes with Group Fly."

"Until recently they flew faster than you."

"You couldn't have 20 Masterminds on a plane."

"You could make an arc early on in Mercy. You could have the Snakes on a plane."


Posi is fondest of Ouroburos and the 13 methods of time travel.

Aeon's proudest of the Dean MacArthur arc.

Protean likes First Ward the best, getting the Ostermann building designed. His least favorite is Dominatrix and Tyrant.

"I sense the words "Retcon" followed by" Eww, eww, eww, eww, eww."

Protean: "That is filthy Resistance propaganda."

Arc they'd like to see most:

Posi: 5th Column Moonbase.

Aeon: Rise of Dean MacArthur!

"Sean! See me in my office!"

Protean: The rise and repowering of Orenbaga.

Viridian: Allowing villain players to actually destroy the world.

Posi: "Once per server."

"Do farming Jaegers tend Nemesis plots?"

Dev panel: "ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!"

They have a rule of three for art assets, if you have three uses for it, usually it'll get a thumbs up.

Regarding Resistance slang: "What is a slippery biscuit?"

Protean: "Let me answer a question with a question, what do you think a slippery biscuit is?"

"T for Teen!"

Protean and Sean Pittman worked on resistance slang, which they dubbed "Spitspeak" due to the abbreviation of Sean's name.

They did not make a dictionary to make it seem more chaotic and leave it to each individual resistance member to determine meanings and keep it cryptic. As well as to be purposely confusing. Having someone look at Clockwork bugs and go "I don't understand this." Or having seers talking spitspeak around Mother Mayhem. "Terminate that one."

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
Protean: "Praetoria, f*** yeah!"
That bit needs to be uploaded as a little video file for various forum situations

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thank you, Von Krieger! It is great to get the other half of the story.

Zwill will be putting the powerpoints online next week.
Oh, good. That will make a lot of people happy.



A lot of this stuff has me really excited! I'm really curious as to what the "not dead" fate of Praetorian Stefan Richter is and whether it will come up.



Originally Posted by IolitePhoenix View Post
A lot of this stuff has me really excited! I'm really curious as to what the "not dead" fate of Praetorian Stefan Richter is and whether it will come up.
More curious to me is who exactly has the Power of Tartarus if it isn't him.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
More curious to me is who exactly has the Power of Tartarus if it isn't him.
Hmm I always thought Sorceress Serene had that one covered.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
Hmm I always thought Sorceress Serene had that one covered.
yeah but we killed her already, so that'd be quite disappointing if true.



Fifth Column Moon base?




Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
More curious to me is who exactly has the Power of Tartarus if it isn't him.
Tyrant has it - he took it as well as the power of Zeus.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thanks again VK, much appreciated.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Tyrant has it - he took it as well as the power of Zeus.
Source? As far as I've read, Cole and Richter found the Well like in Prime, only Richter ended up dead. No definite word he came out wielding both powers. The devs simply said 'someone' in Praetoria has it. I think if it was Tyrant I don't see why they'd bother keeping it secret



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Source? As far as I've read, Cole and Richter found the Well like in Prime, only Richter ended up dead. No definite word he came out wielding both powers. The devs simply said 'someone' in Praetoria has it. I think if it was Tyrant I don't see why they'd bother keeping it secret
What if it's the Praetorian Infernal? That would just be scary on a whole new level...

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Katie Douglas stuck in First Ward was meant to be a cliffhanger, meant to make you just want to murder Mother Mayhem. But there's story coming up where you free her.
That's odd. It had almost the exact same effect on me, only I wanted to murder whoever wrote the story and decided to leave it on a cliffhanger for another six ******* months, if not more.

That aside, that's actually all good news. It hints at some interesting lore developments, it demonstrates the team's interest in lore (at least lore since they were hired...) and it feels like there's more stuff out there that we haven't seen that I kind of wish we could. More done with Weaver One would be pretty interesting. More done with Crey would be even better. These guys are supposed to be a shady evil corporation with amazing PR. It's been a while since they've been that.

Pity about Hero Corps, though. "Heroes for hire" or not, it's an interesting idea, at least. I'd say it's worth expanding on it, but...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's odd. It had almost the exact same effect on me, only I wanted to murder whoever wrote the story and decided to leave it on a cliffhanger for another six ******* months, if not more.
That's what I thought he said, that you'd want to murder him, not Mother.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
That's what I thought he said, that you'd want to murder him, not Mother.
I really don't think the quote was ambiguous. "...meant to make you just want to murder Mother Mayhem..." Is pretty clear and "...meant to be a cliffhanger..." suggests the effect was intended. I don't think think the writers write stories with the intent of making me hate them as people. I would assume such an effect is entirely unintentional and more due to my surly nature and hatred of cliffhangers. I fully believe the intent was for me to hate the villains, not the people who wrote the story, as ended up happening when I played through it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Therw was also another small thing that might be important - when talking about Ouroboros very briefly at the start of the Lore panel, Positron mentioned the Myterious Letter Writer, and said "we haven't forgotten about him" - the "him" part being the potentially important thing.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Therw was also another small thing that might be important - when talking about Ouroboros very briefly at the start of the Lore panel, Positron mentioned the Myterious Letter Writer, and said "we haven't forgotten about him" - the "him" part being the potentially important thing.
Does make you wonder, since Ouroboros is technically already a Nemesis plot.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
I guess I misheard what he said when watching the UStream, then, because I never heard murder Mother Mayhem.
I didn't actually see the Ustream. I'm going off what VK quoted. My apologies to both of you if I misunderstood.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Protean likes First Ward the best, getting the Ostermann building designed. His least favorite is Dominatrix and Tyrant.

"I sense the words "Retcon" followed by" Eww, eww, eww, eww, eww."

Protean: "That is filthy Resistance propaganda."
Resistance propaganda is my new headcanon because omg ew.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I didn't actually see the Ustream. I'm going off what VK quoted. My apologies to both of you if I misunderstood.
That's pretty much what I was saying: VK heard one thing, and I heard something else. The thing I heard happens to be the same thing you felt.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



As always, Von Krieger, thanks so much for all the work you do in taking and posting these notes!

Regarding this (comment for the dev team of course, not VK):

Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
AE lore has to be handled with care so players don't go "Well, AE is evil. I feel stupid for using it."
I think that ship sailed the day AE was released. I know I've completely ignored the official lore since the moment I learned what it was, partly for the reasons the devs state. It would be pretty hard to justify any of my characters, be they heroes or villains, who know anything about Crey or Aeon being willing to put themselves in that position. Granted, I have a few who just don't know all that much, either because they're low level, or for some reason, just haven't done many missions involving either entity, but they're a distinct minority.



Originally Posted by Crystal_Smoke View Post
I think that ship sailed the day AE was released. I know I've completely ignored the official lore since the moment I learned what it was, partly for the reasons the devs state. It would be pretty hard to justify any of my characters, be they heroes or villains, who know anything about Crey or Aeon being willing to put themselves in that position. Granted, I have a few who just don't know all that much, either because they're low level, or for some reason, just haven't done many missions involving either entity, but they're a distinct minority.
The devs have always had a crazy fascination with explaining game mechanics in-game. Sometimes it works. The AE is a prime example of it not working.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
