Mysterious mysteries of the mysterious: The Access Computer

Adeon Hawkwood



I tried looking information up on Paragon Wiki, nothing conclusive appeared. Just recently I was on my favourite brute on Virtue and jumping around Atlas Park like the happy oversized superdine troll I was and I spotted a bunch of Hellions by a sewer entrance. I remember that before there was a DFB, there was the original sewer network and lo and below, the entrance still exists!

I went in and looked to my right, there's a inspiration vendor there too, and also the door to the Abandoned sewer network.

"I'll try to be hardcore and fight through the abandoned sewers", I thought, not having ever been inside for more than a second in the past. I was disappointed I out-leveled most of it, but it only made my journey in easier. Got a few explore badges with some interesting bits of lore written in them (all on paragon wiki I'm sure)

But right near the Hades Aspirant badge there was a unique room geometry located down a short slope. And an old computer system with a NPC bound box calling it the "Access Computer". I tried clicking it, nothing happened, I looked around, seemed like I was in the centre of the map.


Having not found any information on Paragon Wiki I thought I'd ask.

What is the Access Computer? Is it used for a special taskforce or mission? Or is it like those strange contact NPCs that say something but otherwise don't give missions out. Do you think something interesting could be made to use it someday?

I think it would've been cool if it was literally a computer that controlled the server, enabling you to trigger all kinds of events, change variables summon entities. A computer that controlled Paragon City or the whole game. It's certainly out of the way enough, having to be around Lv36 to even-con enemies on the outer ring. But naturally that would be overpowered to the max, funny to think about though.

So yeah, did anybody even know about this?

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Ah I see! The computer lets you enter that door I saw to the left that leads to the Hydra, okay cool.

I'll have to try to organise that trial sometime, confuse the DFBers :P

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Since they "improved" the trial no one does it now.

It used to be the way to get from 35-40. With that being a nice way to run it 4 times and you are 40 pretty much.

The old way if you spammed enough Holds - you could hold the Hydra and defeat him. Now with faster recharge time on the healing towers, no XP on the Krackens and no way to hold the instant death Hydra head - no one bothers and in fact it shows as you had no idea that a computer was even down there.

Believe it or not we tried it the other night and I still have the way down memorized and haven't tried it in 2+ years! This was another case of Nerf Rage. The Devs said my god they are having fun! Stop that immediately! So now the "content" sits unused.

All the wonderful content isn't really content if players no longer use it.



I used to enjoy the old Sewer Trial

I also used to enjoy running round after carry a PANCAKE big gun

Haven't touched it since the Kraken xp nerf. I never used them to power level but at the same time I wasn't interested in doing a mission where I got nothing from the toughest enemies.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
Since they "improved" the trial no one does it now.

It used to be the way to get from 35-40. With that being a nice way to run it 4 times and you are 40 pretty much.

The old way if you spammed enough Holds - you could hold the Hydra and defeat him. Now with faster recharge time on the healing towers, no XP on the Krackens and no way to hold the instant death Hydra head - no one bothers and in fact it shows as you had no idea that a computer was even down there.

Actually the big problem was that you would have everything con grey to you since you were well above level 40 when you ran it with a bunch of 50s...since all you needed to do was kill 100+ RIkti and then go.

It was a Pool C (?) recipe in 10-15 minutes, much like the Eden trial.
Sadly, both of these are unplayed since the (justifiable) change.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
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I used to run the current version of the Abandoned Sewer trial from time to time pre-incarnates. The rewards:time ratio sucks but it's a fun fight in a unique map so I used to run it for that. It actually plays a lot like a single-team Incarnate trial and I always kind of hoped they'd make a level 50/Incarnate version of it but oh well.



The silly thing is the nerf was completely wasted. You Nerf content and then it is never played and so it is no longer content.

The old sewer trial was FUN.

The new and improved Abandoned Sewer trial is so much fun - no one plays it. Sound like some of the new content? The old Reactor trial that was fun and a challenge that now spawns even level or even -2 foes and is a boring wait for the time to run out?

I recall my most fun experience of all time in that trial. We got to the reactor and it was already spawning Freaks. We were barely defeating the waves before the next spawned. It got down to everyone on the team was wiped except for 2 fire tanks. The other tank was dying faster than I was he didn't have Weave and the rest of the team was passing purples, oranges and greens to us and we slowly died.

Everyone was dead but me as the last waves hit. I held my ground healing the reactor with my last gasp and the last Freak tank died as I did at the same time. We won the trial and everyone was screaming and shouting we had done it!

Now you are bored to tears for 20 minutes.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
I used to enjoy the old Sewer Trial

I stumbled on to a Sewer Trial team accidentally shortly before they nerfed it. Ran it a few times and had to call my brother when we were done to tell him I had just made 6 million inf, a sum so vast you could never spend it (long, long before the market and IOs).

Good times.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
It was a Pool C (?) recipe in 10-15 minutes, much like the Eden trial.
Sadly, both of these are unplayed since the (justifiable) change.
I still run both of them. And the Abandoned Sewer trial is easy if people pay even a little attention. I routinely complete it in under half the allowed time.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Actually the big problem was that you would have everything con grey to you since you were well above level 40 when you ran it with a bunch of 50s...since all you needed to do was kill 100+ RIkti and then go.

It was a Pool C (?) recipe in 10-15 minutes, much like the Eden trial.
Sadly, both of these are unplayed since the (justifiable) change.
However now with the new auto Side kick/Ex you would not have the Grey issue.

The trial should be reset to give XP for the Krackens and I would just lower it some with a bonus at the end for mission completion. It is the issue of getting no reward for a failure - sound like one of the new trial issues?

I don't agree the change was justified. You took fun and fast paced Content and turned it into a plod. The plod is not fun and so rightfully and justifiable isn't played. Eden Trial, Sewer Trial, Respect Trial all once fun and now a plod.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I still run both of them. And the Abandoned Sewer trial is easy if people pay even a little attention. I routinely complete it in under half the allowed time.
Ditto, I've run both multiple times in the last year or so.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Forum regular, Zamuel, is actually well-known for running this sewer trial on his home server of Victory. He still runs it regularly on many diff servers, you may want to hit him up sometime and learn all the tricks!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



I met Zamuel character to character one time! Sure, would be nice!

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11