Customizable MM Minions For VIP Players




So would everyone else that's been asking for this since the day we learned about MM's. We're still waiting.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
I would also like to have fully customizable minions,but then the server would have to track that many more costume files. SCR would apply. I would settle for having choices and color-tinting for critters.
I'll sign for this ... colors and tinting.

I how would you be able to re-dress demons or robots. changing some would not be fair to all.



The easiest would be to just have alt models to summon in different styles maybe letting you top color them. Like gangsters for thugs, police or long bow for mercenaries, demons maybe some other less evil looking humanoid or more evil looking ones Cthulhu like ones, and for undead maybe Frankenstein monster types or some thing you get it. Would be the easy way and i think most would like it they could add more latter on.

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Originally Posted by dbhellfist View Post
The easiest would be to just have alt models to summon in different styles maybe letting you top color them. Like gangsters for thugs, police or long bow for mercenaries, demons maybe some other less evil looking humanoid or more evil looking ones Cthulhu like ones, and for undead maybe Frankenstein monster types or some thing you get it. Would be the easy way and i think most would like it they could add more latter on.
i wonder if it will be possible to have BADGES to UNLOCK the potential other ALT MODELS that can then be customized for what type you want to summon. there are plenty of different demons/thugs/zombies/mercs/bots/ninja-esque villain groups in the game and it could make sense that after enough power, influence, control and defeats you would be able to summon them for good or evil. this might even be more rewarding or easier[?] for customization than simple color changes. and have these alt models have the group's skins but the traditional powers of the MM powerset. To name a few potentials [im sure im forgetting a bunch]:

other demons: CoT [cold ones even!], rularuu? succubus

other thugs: hellions, trolls, destroyers

other zombies: banished, CoT ghosts, vhaz, plenty from hallo events, gouls

other bots: :O so many! clockwork, other clockwork, council bots, crey bots

other mercs: resistance, wyvern, knives

other ninjas: tsoo

along these lines it would also be cool to customize the Control Pets a little more, particularly the plant. Make devouring earth unlock Razorvine and Deathcap pet alt-skins. i wouldnt mind the customization mentioned being limited to VIPs.



Thugs looking like those Crey black suits would be peachy. I don't really like the motard look, especially after lvl 20 when a Mastermind should have been moving up in life.

The thing that bugs me the most, however, is that even if you name (rename) a minion, his appearance is dramatically altered every time you resummon them. Worse, once you get the 3rd minion (say, the flamethrower guy from Thugs or the medic from Mercs), you have no way to ensure that the minion's name is tied to his special abilities. Naming the medic Mr. Patch-it is useless, because the next time you resummon your minions there's a 2/3 chance that the name Mr. Patch-it will be given to a regular rifle-wielding merc instead.

The ability to lock a minion's appearance and special abilities to his name would be a start.



Ninjas Options:

Optional Theme: European Style Highwaymen (a la Musketeers or Comte de Monte Cristo style), Assassins (as in Middle East style)...other stealth types like

Boss levels: Oni, Sorcerer, Dervish...etc

Mercs: Police is probably the best other option

Thugs: Mafia, Yakuza/Triad

Robots: Rock golems, 50s style robots, anime style robots

Undead: Oriental Undead (green skin, long talons, etc), Spectres, Nazghul-style wraiths

Demons: Luciferians (more humanoid and sinister), Cthulhu-esque has been mentioned

That said, I'm hoping we get an animal mastermind soon and would like to see:

Aquatic (Black lagoon, aquatic elves, etc), Beastmen

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Someone asked that question at the Pummit and I think it was Second Measure who answered that considering the number of crime fighting strippers we already have running around, the Devs are kinda nervous allowing us to fully customize our minions and end up with hordes of crime fighting strippers.

But they could allow us to choose from ready-to-order-around set of minions.

So it's possible, not promised or even in the works...

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



Originally Posted by Hobbes View Post
Someone asked that question at the Pummit and I think it was Second Measure who answered that considering the number of crime fighting strippers we already have running around, the Devs are kinda nervous allowing us to fully customize our minions and end up with hordes of crime fighting strippers.

Does, uh . . . does anyone else feel like that answer is kind of a cop-out? And not just for the obvious reasons, but also to hear that they don't want "crime fighting strippers" from the same development team that consistently brings us costume packs full of high heels, leather corsets, and high-res cleavage?



Originally Posted by MrMountie View Post
Does, uh . . . does anyone else feel like that answer is kind of a cop-out? And not just for the obvious reasons, but also to hear that they don't want "crime fighting strippers" from the same development team that consistently brings us costume packs full of high heels, leather corsets, and high-res cleavage?
truth. i mean it makes sense but still... the reason given for the female versions of recent packs was that "it's what's expected" basically, nevermind that conan the barbarian is the one wearing the leather codpiece and my lady-barian wants to live on a mountain-top but has no mountain-top clothes. and to be honest, just because the thug pets are male doesnt stop plenty of players from making pimps anyway.

so again, i say give us badges that unlock alt models to customize individual pets [i.e. zombie 1: - banished pantheon, zombie 2: vhazilok, zombie 3: default] from in game villain groups. CoT demons, clockwork bots, tsoo ninjas, banished zombies, knives of artemis mercs, destroyer thugs, and so on. again, so many to choose from that are safe yet allow for customization, and probably less info than complete customization which is obvi has a lot more requirements. and the idea of locking a name to a pet also would be nice.



I guess I just don't like the idea that the Developers are so terrified of a few players using such character options in ways that they don't approve of, that they affectively lock out the entire idea of MM customization. As has been said, there are already a lot of superhero strippers and worse out there . . . . and yet? Remarkably, the world continues to turn, and powersets and costumes continue to be used for other purposes.

I don't know. Part of me is beginning to suspect that they jsut don't know how to make it happen, and the above is simply their excuse du jour.



I can already see the pimp on virtue with a horde of fembots/strippers doing various /em dance as part of their own ERP fantasy LOL!

I am all for variations created by the Devs for each set of the mm category.

Attacking the devs and stating they don't know how to do it is laughable at best...they know how to do it but it is a decision of time versus cost. If it costs x amount of hours for pre-created dev choices for MM and 10x for player based costuming.. I will definitely go with the dev created ones.

HINT: Attacking the intelligence/capabilities of the Dev team doesn't make people think you are smart... quite the opposite actually.



Originally Posted by Fixxer View Post
I can already see the pimp on virtue with a horde of fembots/strippers doing various /em dance as part of their own ERP fantasy LOL!

I am all for variations created by the Devs for each set of the mm category.

Attacking the devs and stating they don't know how to do it is laughable at best...they know how to do it but it is a decision of time versus cost. If it costs x amount of hours for pre-created dev choices for MM and 10x for player based costuming.. I will definitely go with the dev created ones.

HINT: Attacking the intelligence/capabilities of the Dev team doesn't make people think you are smart... quite the opposite actually.
It wasn't an attack. At all. Lots of people don't know how to do a great number of things, and I'm not attacking anyone by saying that. The Devs themselves often admit to the inability to make the game/engine do certain things, or to the immense difficulty in working with it. In short? Some things are hard. And anyone who finds that insulting is being too sensitive.

Seriously. Drama it down a notch, there.



I am not the one who said the devs were making excuses......

Originally Posted by MrMountie View Post
It wasn't an attack. At all. Lots of people don't know how to do a great number of things, and I'm not attacking anyone by saying that. The Devs themselves often admit to the inability to make the game/engine do certain things, or to the immense difficulty in working with it. In short? Some things are hard. And anyone who finds that insulting is being too sensitive.

Seriously. Drama it down a notch, there.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Thugs looking like those Crey black suits would be peachy. I don't really like the motard look, especially after lvl 20 when a Mastermind should have been moving up in life.

The thing that bugs me the most, however, is that even if you name (rename) a minion, his appearance is dramatically altered every time you resummon them. Worse, once you get the 3rd minion (say, the flamethrower guy from Thugs or the medic from Mercs), you have no way to ensure that the minion's name is tied to his special abilities. Naming the medic Mr. Patch-it is useless, because the next time you resummon your minions there's a 2/3 chance that the name Mr. Patch-it will be given to a regular rifle-wielding merc instead.

The ability to lock a minion's appearance and special abilities to his name would be a start.
Dunno about you but on my two thugs masterminds, my arsonist is always named the same thing. He's the third thug, always. The names are in order.