The New 52 - Second Month Sales More Impressive Than First
Trying to post the top 25 books but having issues. Here is the link to the Top 100 - perhaps someone more clever that me can get that info into this
JUSTICE LEAGUE #2$3.99 DC23100AUG110186-M
BATMAN #2$2.99 DC3289.23AUG110179-M
ACTION COMICS #2$3.99 DC4582.55AUG110202-M
GREEN LANTERN #2$2.99 DC5866.19AUG110167-M
FLASH #2$2.99 DC6764.25AUG110190
DETECTIVE COMICS #2 [*]$2.99 DC7661.75AUG110584-M
INCREDIBLE HULK #1$3.99 MAR8955.59AUG110653-M
WOLVERINE AND X-MEN #1$3.99 MAR9455.44AUG110568-M
FEAR ITSELF #7$4.99 MAR101054.65AUG110182
SUPERMAN #2 [*]$2.99 DC111152.45AUG110191
BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #2 [*]$2.99 DC121251.57AUG110194
BATMAN AND ROBIN #2 [*]$2.99 DC133845.85AUG110166
WONDER WOMAN #2$2.99 DC141343.63AUG110195
BATGIRL #2 [*]$2.99 DC154543.14AUG110196
BATWOMAN #2$2.99 DC164841.82AUG110226
TEEN TITANS #2 [*]$2.99 DC175041.59AUG110206
AQUAMAN #2 [*]$2.99 DC191740.97AUG110205
GREEN LANTERN CORPS #2 [*]$2.99 DC202038.71AUG110207
RED LANTERNS #2 [*]$2.99 DC212338.13AUG110200
NIGHTWING #2 [*]$2.99 DC221434.92AUG110662
UNCANNY X-MEN #544$3.99 MAR232734.5AUG110164
FEAR ITSELF FEARLESS #1$2.99 MAR251534.46AUG110597
Go Team Venture!

More insight into sales from October 2011 - truly a historic month for the entire industry.
Originally Posted by Bleeding
Back in March this year, Marvel Comics had a 40% share of money spent on comics through Diamond Comic Distributors, and a 45% share of the number of comics sold. DC had only 27.62% and 31.5% share respectively. Well what a change half a year can make. After taking Marvel on marketshare for the month of September, albeit only by half a percent in dollar marketshare, in October DC Comics has soared ahead, buoyed by sales of second prints from Septembers issues, and from many of their October titles maintaining or surpassing their initial order numbers for September. Which means in October DC Comics has 42.47% of dollars spent on comics, to Marvels 29.1% share, turning that half a point gap into thirteen and a half points. And on actual numbers of products sold, DC has taken 50.97% of sales to Marvels 20.29%. Which means more than one in every two comics sold by Diamond in October was a DC comic. And overall comics sales that were up in September continue to rise in October, by just under 7%. To a figure that is over 30% what is was October last last. Thats right folks, in one year, comics sales have risen by a third. The last two months performance has seemingly done the impossible and turned the tanker right around, to the extent that in August, overall comics sales of the year were well below that of 2010 at the same point. Now they are above where 2010 was at this point. Its an incredible performance that can be laid at the feet of DC Comics, and specifically that they havent increased their sales at the expense of other publishers, rather everyones sales have either been maintained or are rising, as the DC promotional plan have brought in new readers or brought back lapsed readers who have then gone on to try other non-DC comics. |
Go Team Venture!

# rank $ rank description 1 1 justice league #2 2 3 batman #2 3 2 action comics #2 4 5 green lantern #2 5 8 flash #2 6 7 detective comics #2[*] 7 6 incredible hulk #1 8 9 wolverine and x-men #1 9 4 fear itself #7 10 10 superman #2[*] 11 11 batman the dark knight #2[*] 12 12 batman and robin #2[*] 13 38 wonder woman #2 14 13 batgirl #2[*] 15 45 batwoman #2 16 48 teen titans #2[*] 17 50 green lantern new guardians #2 18 16 aquaman #2[*] 19 17 green lantern corps #2[*] 20 20 red lanterns #2[*] 21 23 nightwing #2[*] 22 14 uncanny x-men #544 23 27 justice league international #2[*] 24 37 fear itself fearless #1 25 15 amazing spider-man #671 26 18 avengers #18 27 58 swamp thing #2 28 19 amazing spider-man #672 29 28 catwoman #2[*] 30 29 justice league dark #2[*] 31 22 x-men regenesis #1 32 21 new avengers #17 33 30 supergirl #2[*] 34 24 x-men schism #5 35 31 red hood and the outlaws #2[*] 36 32 green arrow #2[*] 37 25 ultimate comics spider-man #3 38 26 uncanny x-force #16 39 35 superboy #2[*] 40 49 ff #10 41 51 ff #11 42 42 animal man #2[*] 43 41 birds of prey #2[*] 44 79 stormwatch #2 45 47 suicide squad #2[*] 46 33 ultimate comics x-men #2 47 34 mighty thor #7 48 36 secret avengers #18 49 52 savage hawkman #2[*] 50 53 legion of super heroes #2[*] 51 39 x-men #19 52 40 ultimate comics ultimates #3 53 54 deathstroke #2[*] 54 55 fury of firestorm the nuclear men #2[*] 55 67 daredevil #5 56 44 wolverine #17 xregg 57 46 invincible iron man #509 58 57 batwing #2[*] 59 59 legion lost #2[*] 60 69 legion secret origin #1 61 71 x-men legacy #257 62 60 demon knights #2[*] 63 62 dc universe presents #2[*] 64 72 btvs season 9 freefall #2 65 64 frankenstein agent of shade #2[*] 66 74 huntress #1 67 65 grifter #2[*] 68 43 all star western #2[*] 69 66 blue beetle #2[*] 70 68 resurrection man #2[*] 71 70 captain atom #2[*] 72 56 astonishing x-men #43 73 75 hawk and dove #2[*] 74 122 avengers 1959 #1 75 76 mister terrific #2[*] 76 85 venom #8 77 86 captain america and bucky #623 78 84 walking dead #90 (mr) 79 87 walking dead #89 (mr) 80 77 voodoo #2 81 78 i vampire #2[*] 82 90 shade #1 83 63 batman odyssey vol 2 #1 84 82 omac #2[*] 85 83 static shock #2[*] 86 88 blackhawks #2[*] 87 61 men of war #2[*] 88 91 aquaman #1 89 92 journey into mystery #629 90 95 journey into mystery #630 91 94 deadpool #45 92 73 moon knight #6 93 96 green lantern #1 94 97 hulk #42 95 98 deadpool #44 96 99 penguin pain and prejudice #1 97 102 superior #5 (mr) 98 100 detective comics #1 99 104 punisher #4 100 106 superior #6 (mr)
For **** sake people quit encouraging them.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
trying to post the top 25 books but having issues. Here is the link to the top 100 - perhaps someone more clever that me can get that info into this
: top 25 books by total unit sales justice league #2$3.99 dc23100aug110186-m batman #2$2.99 dc3289.23aug110179-m action comics #2$3.99 dc4582.55aug110202-m green lantern #2$2.99 dc5866.19aug110167-m flash #2$2.99 dc6764.25aug110190 detective comics #2 [*]$2.99 dc7661.75aug110584-m incredible hulk #1$3.99 mar8955.59aug110653-m wolverine and x-men #1$3.99 mar9455.44aug110568-m fear itself #7$4.99 mar101054.65aug110182 superman #2 [*]$2.99 dc111152.45aug110191 batman the dark knight #2 [*]$2.99 dc121251.57aug110194 batman and robin #2 [*]$2.99 dc133845.85aug110166 wonder woman #2$2.99 dc141343.63aug110195 batgirl #2 [*]$2.99 dc154543.14aug110196 batwoman #2$2.99 dc164841.82aug110226 teen titans #2 [*]$2.99 dc175041.59aug110206 green lantern new guardians #2$2.99 dc181641.32aug110165 aquaman #2 [*]$2.99 dc191740.97aug110205 green lantern corps #2 [*]$2.99 dc202038.71aug110207 red lanterns #2 [*]$2.99 dc212338.13aug110200 nightwing #2 [*]$2.99 dc221434.92aug110662 uncanny x-men #544$3.99 mar232734.5aug110164 justice league international #2 [*]$2.99 dc243734.49aug110582-m fear itself fearless #1$2.99 mar251534.46aug110597 amazing spider-man #671$3.99 mar |
price vendor item code ~ desc $3.99 dc aug110160-m ~ justice league #2 $2.99 dc aug110186-m ~ batman #2 $3.99 dc aug110179-m ~ action comics #2 $2.99 dc aug110202-m ~ green lantern #2 $2.99 dc aug110167-m ~ flash #2 $2.99 dc aug110190 ~ detective comics #2[*] $3.99 mar aug110584-m ~ incredible hulk #1 $3.99 mar aug110653-m ~ wolverine and x-men #1 $4.99 mar aug110568-m ~ fear itself #7 $2.99 dc aug110182 ~ superman #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110191 ~ batman the dark knight #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110194 ~ batman and robin #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110166 ~ wonder woman #2 $2.99 dc aug110195 ~ batgirl #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110196 ~ batwoman #2 $2.99 dc aug110226 ~ teen titans #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110206 ~ green lantern new guardians #2 $2.99 dc aug110165 ~ aquaman #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110205 ~ green lantern corps #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110207 ~ red lanterns #2[*] $2.99 dc aug110200 ~ nightwing #2[*] $3.99 mar aug110662 ~ uncanny x-men #544 $2.99 dc aug110164 ~ justice league international #2[*] $2.99 mar aug110582-m ~ fear itself fearless #1 $3.99 mar aug110597 ~ amazing spider-man #671
Honestly I don't think these numbers mean much of anything. They are revamping their whole line. A lot of people who are otherwise not interested are going to pick up comics just to see what they have done. If they still have a big uptick 5-6 months in, then it might be worth talking about.
So let's try some maths...
Let's assume a base of $100 at the earliest thing stated.
in march
Marvel = $45
DC = $31.5
Other = $23.5
After DCnU the base rose to $130
DC = $66.26
Marvel = $26.37
Other = $37.37
So Marvel lost $19 and Other gained $14. I don't think any or much of that new $30 went to Other so Marvel is just sucking and DC is just getting the benefit of the advertising it did. without attracting much of the older readers.
So let's try some maths...
Let's assume a base of $100 at the earliest thing stated. in march Marvel = $45 DC = $31.5 Other = $23.5 After DCnU the base rose to $130 DC = $66.26 Marvel = $26.37 Other = $37.37 So Marvel lost $19 and Other gained $14. I don't think any or much of that new $30 went to Other so Marvel is just sucking and DC is just getting the benefit of the advertising it did. without attracting much of the older readers. |
1) LOTS of new folks in their stores over the past two months
2) LOTS of old faces that gave up on comics returned to see what was going on
3) The return policies DC put in place for the reboot/relaunch took a lot of the risk away from the retailer and encouraged them to order heavily
4) The Green Lantern movie did not scare away readers or deter new readers from their stores
This is extremely positive news for anyone that enjoys comics. The industry is in a downward spiral, and it is very encouraging to see news like this. There are LOTS of folks that want to read comics, but for some reason do not. Great to see that this reboot/relaunch speaks to both parties.
As I said earlier, the real results will be after a year. However, a strong start like this on such a risky proposition puts a smile on my face.

EDIT: D, your comparison is not working because you are not comparing the same items ($$ or unit sold) across comparable times (March to October change and October 2010 data).
Go Team Venture!

I've enjoyed a few of the titles in the restart with DC, and think they didn't do too bad overall. Marvel sales might be slipping more and more because they continue to do these big crossovers across numerous books. People are tired of this style of storyline, especially with the price of books these days.
Don't I know you???
I don't mind if they do well overall, so long as Red Hood and the Outlaws is axed before it gets six issues in.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
EDIT: D, your comparison is not working because you are not comparing the same items ($$ or unit sold) across comparable times (March to October change and October 2010 data).
The thing is we're supposed to get out of this is that there has been 30% increase in business due to DC's relaunch and that DC is now somehow better than it was 2 months ago, but given the number and how it's read it just looks like exactly what everyone predicted and there will likely be a fall to pre-relaunch numbers soon enough.
Further, the fact is DC is seeing a boom because people are trying out new comics and people are also getting easier access via the net. As much as I'd like to say this is new readers I doubt it. We won't know that until the long term, because the store ordering patterns haven't changed yet and those numbers are likely based on distributor numbers, not store numbers.
Also with the reports of all the new people coming in it's hard to believe there was a such an insignificant change without realizing these are distributor numbers. What people are making out is that they aren't getting the issues they want because they're sold out and there are a lot of new people coming in. It's not like stores don't take this into consideration when ordering new books so first month is faith that the stores have in DC. Second month is based on how many people came in and how many said they think would come back. 3rd month will be based on how many people came back for a 2nd go. While the fourth month will show a likely drop due to people not buying after the 2nd issue, believing that they gave them two issue to impress them and they either did or didn't...and considering what i've been reading, they didn't.
I'll bet the 4th month numbers are down, but higher than the month before DC relaunch.
And if it is like that then the reason is what we all know it is right now... It's not how easy or hard it is to get into the book it's that the writing/art of most of these books is just garbage with only a few good ones well done or piquing the interests of certain readers.
D - I will dig into the units sold and $$$ sold a little more as I am curious about this.
However, I have to ask, do you even care that the industry could turn around? I get the impression that you read a lot of DC, however you seem to be rooting for things to fail.
Go Team Venture!

D - I will dig into the units sold and $$$ sold a little more as I am curious about this.
However, I have to ask, do you even care that the industry could turn around? I get the impression that you read a lot of DC, however you seem to be rooting for things to fail. |
That the main difference with Manga vs Comics... Manga you get a piece that once you find something you like you'll likely have it get better over time in solid, consistent, world that doesn't overlaps with other stories. Comics you get a piece once you find something you like you never know whether it will get better or worse or if anything will ever be resolved all in a massive world.
In other words... Story continuity + Contiguous Quality vs Crossover Continuity + incongruous quality.
I would say that Comics have better overall quality, but that's not true. The vast majority of art styles in comics aren't styles, but rather people with poor drawing ability that don't know the basics. The writing has not been honed for the most part and you are left with people who either have no clue how to write (Mister Terrific, Justice League Dark, Stormwatch, Nightwing) or Overly wordy (pick up any old superman title)... or they don't know the character well or don't identify with them so they get many things wrong (Batman and Robin, Redhood, Teen Titans, Superman) or they are probably a really good writer and get the characters but hate them and/or are forcing themselves to write a 4-6 issue story when it really should be 1 or 2 so they employ a lot of tricks that or spend most of the time ripping on things (Geoff Johns).
I love seeing colors, but they're expensive and most barely can do anything beyond basic photoshopping. Then there are inkers that most have the basics down, but to ask for anything beyond that isn't going to happen... and sometimes they ruin books by blacking everything out.
Letterists are fortunately generally decent, with very few that are horrendous... about the worst lettering I've seen is in the Legend of the Dark Knight and shadow of the bat series when they tried to get fancy while the worst in the new52 right now is in Hawk and Dove #3 which isn't all that bad, which is good, because that's the worst imo.
I don't know why there are editors in for these companies though because I spot mistakes all over the place and if I were paying the prices these guys are I would demand so much more and I'd never allow Bedard and whoever is responsible for the problem with sequential art in Animal Man to be on mainstream comics. Animal Man isn't mainstream and the overall writing compensates for the book's bad art, but Bedard is on a title like Green Lantern and he does things poorly all the time. That to me is unacceptable.
Basically Comics are sloppy wrecks that are expensive to produce and have a poorly thought out publishing system that promotes poor writing, poor art, lack of creativity, and generally do a disservice to the medium.
Their strength is in a contiguous world with characters that grow and change over time as people read through their adventures. You can get away with all the problems above because people are willing to pay for a sloppy product because they grow attached to characters and worlds. When you kill that you're pretty much telling people we'll give you worst quality product we can and you'll eat it up just because you're attached to this IP like an addict.
I'd be more psyched about this, but I honestly couldn't tell how this was a "reboot" or "relaunch" of anything. (Yes I mentioned this in another thread.)
I read GL #1, Batman #1, Superman #1 and Wonder Woman #1. They all seemed to be carrying on the same stories and characters of the other comics. In GL There were references to the war of light, Sinestros Lantern corps was still running amok. What's-her-face referenced being one of the Star Sapphires.
In Superman they make it sounds like he already has years and years of experience being superman and working at the daily planet, Lois is past the point of being a simple reporter anymore.
In Batman, We're on Damien Wayne as Robin with NightWing and Red Robin already trained and in the picture.
Wonder Woman - Still has referenced being fairly well known as Wonder Woman, but they didn't outright reference past stories (yet) so it's the one that came closest and still didn't feel new.
Honestly, I don't get the relaunch, it seems like DC said, "We need sales to go up, how can we do it? Ohh, let's continue the same comics and stories we have now, but put a #1 on the cover and people will buy it!"
Maybe I'm missing something, but to me it seems like just a change of number to get people to spend.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
Because the Bat books and Green Lantern were doing rather well for themselves, they weren't affected too much by the relaunch, you have to see the other titles to see the big differences. Most of my titles were hit, and for the most part I've enjoyed most, despaired others. Superman was hit pretty hard in that DC retconned Lois and Clark's marriage out of existence.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Because the Bat books and Green Lantern were doing rather well for themselves, they weren't affected too much by the relaunch, you have to see the other titles to see the big differences. Most of my titles were hit, and for the most part I've enjoyed most, despaired others. Superman was hit pretty hard in that DC retconned Lois and Clark's marriage out of existence.
Batman's continuity looks like it wasn't hit, but that's only on the surface and it's the bat family books that decimates a lot of the rest of the universe and the statements that certain events did not happen completely kill off a lot of things and makes the current affairs of the universe completely non-sensical.
They deleted Cassandra and Stephanie, and they turned Harley Quinn into Prostitute-Joker.
Not cool, DC. Not cool.
Yeah, I wasn't happy with what they did with Barbara Gordon.
Before - Despite her disability, Barbara Gordon is still crime-fighting as Oracle, giving valuable information to a lot of heroes (the Bat family, JL, Birds of Prey, etc.). She is a valued asset to heroes worldwide.
After - Yeah, let's just make her Batgirl again. Not like we already had a Batgirl or anything. Oh yeah, she was never paralyzed.
Just seems to me, DC figured that being disabled was not considered a good thing for anyone trying to act heroic, so they just retconned it out of existence. Wish more real world problems could be fixed that way...
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
After - Yeah, let's just make her Batgirl again. Not like we already had a Batgirl or anything. Oh yeah, she was never paralyzed.(
So she absolutely was paralyzed in the New DC and is only now getting back into the Batgirl routine.
I'm going to guess you haven't read it because it's made very clear she used to be paralysed. It's one of the first thing she mentions in the first comic. She talks about it while out 'back on the job'. She has a flashback to the moment when confronted with her first gun. The fact it went away mysteriously is a plot point that is bound to come up sooner or later.
So she absolutely was paralyzed in the New DC and is only now getting back into the Batgirl routine. |
I'm not saying that her paralysis defined her character; it's just that Barbara fought hard to be defined by what she could still do. To just nullify that seems pretty poor judgement to me.
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
You're right; I didn't read it. Couldn't bring myself to do so, after I saw that they removed her paralysis.
I'm not saying that her paralysis defined her character; it's just that Barbara fought hard to be defined by what she could still do. To just nullify that seems pretty poor judgement to me. |
Erased Stephanie Brown
Erased Cassandra Cain
Erased Misfit
Erased Birds of Prey
Erased her time as Oracle
Erased her mastering the escreema sticks
Erased her creating Internet 3.0
Made her like that abomination, Batgirl Special #1
Made her a weak simpering character who's a complete betrayal of her position as Feminist and Handicap icon.
I haven't been impressed with the new Batgirl myself. I was loving Brian Q. Miller's Stephenie Brown Batgirl, but Silver Age status quo is god at DC right now, so, yeah.
That said, I had high hopes for the book, as it was being written by Gail Simone, who has been writing Barbara Gordon for quite a few years now in various books. I'm fairly sure Taking her out of the chair was an editorial mandate, but I'm going to finish out the first story arc at least before I condemn it from my pull list.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Think I have my spreadsheet where I want it to be, with analysis of sales from 1/2004 (when DiDio started at DC) to 10/2011. Thanks to The Comics Chronicles website for the data they generate.
Will post some thoughts after work (later today), but it seems safe to say that the last three months of comic sales have lifted the entire comics industry and brought in new readers.
More later...
EDIT: Meant to add that The Comics Chronicle has an interesting read about this. LINK
Go Team Venture!

know what is pretty cool
Animal Man GAINED numbers between issue 1 and 2. That is freaking fantastic.
October 2011 sales info from Diamond came out today, with some very startling results. Granted that this is only month two of the DC relaunch, and true success probably can't be determined until after a year of sales, however this is an incredible and historic reboot/relaunch.
Could the New 52 save a dying comic industry by pulling in a new generation of new readers?
Superman #2 seems to the most prominent loser in October, slipping from fourth place in September to tenth place, but only because Justice League, Batman, Action Comics, Green Lantern, Flash and Detective Comics retain their dominance at the top of the charts despite two heavily hyped Marvel #1 relaunches of their own, and the conclusion of Marvels big event.
But those three titles are the only books Marvel have in the top twenty, and its only at position 22 that we see the final issue of Uncanny X-Men (before the November relaunch). This is nothing more than a rout by DC on Marvels marketshare and chart position.
At the other end of the chart, last month, we pointed out that OMAC, written by co-publisher Dan DiDio was the worst selling of them all (although still at a respectable 82nd position). Its now dropped to 84, and a few other titles have dropped further, Static Shock, Blackhawks and my favourite, Men Of War. But the fact they remain on this chart at all is a miracle, and sales have hardly slipped, in comparison with the other books from issue 1 to 2, across the board.
This is unheard of in modern comics, where a drop by 50% from issue 1 to 2 is commonplace. With the whole market rising by 7-8% since last month, that could well mean that no DC book has actually lost any sales from #1 to #2 indeed, some have put on sales .And Marvel may have lost marketshare but not necessarily sales.
As for DCs increased grab on marketshare over last month, it does seem possible this could be down to second print sales. Aquaman #1 and Green Lantern #1 both make it onto the chart for that, but odds are there are plenty of second prints from #101 down
What a world.
Go Team Venture!