I Want a Color Wheel!




Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
And, again, you can already make "nude" characters if you want with the colors that we have. Adding more color options doesn't affect that, just gives people more nude color choices. But the Mods would still need to go after everyone anyways, and immature people can already make nude characters that the Mods need to chase down.

Adding a color wheel doesn't make the game suddenly enter the "mature" category.
Not a true nude. For example, the White skin color and the white used for clothing has enough of a noticeable difference that it is not truly nude.



I can get behind this. No idea what it means to the system but if can be done without slowing things down it would rock.

I don't think we will ever get back full control over skin/costume color again (or nipples again lol) because children just waste too much of everybody's time and money enforcing decency laws.

UNLESS....they start instituting FINES. You violate naming/costume/chat rules you get fined X points from Paragon Market. If you don't have points your account gets closed and banned. Charging money might actually get people to police their own behavior a bit.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



I think we all know how arbitrarily the rules are enforced. For example, my gargoyles are nude (thanks to there not being a loin cloth option ), but being non-human, the GMs let it slide. Have a naked flesh-colored woman running around the city, though (nipples or no), and out come the torches and pitchforks

(Must remember to suggest pitchfork emote, and perhaps an angrier torch emote.)

That being said, there's still a noticeable seam between his hands / feet and his legs / torso. I can only get so close to matching the skin color options and the costume color options.

I'd love a color wheel, don't get me wrong. I just don't think we'll ever see one because of the rapid increase of GM costume petitions.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Not a true nude. For example, the White skin color and the white used for clothing has enough of a noticeable difference that it is not truly nude.
Right you can't make a nude character with any color that's roughly close to real human flesh tones. But you can use a few other colors (like one of the reds for instance) to make color-matching Ken/Barbie dolls like that. *shrugs*

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Epic Nude Fail
Pure White Skin with Pure Clothing White (costume set: BARE) equates to Not Truly Nude.

Covering your character in spandex and a white mask also does not equate to "nude."

Giving players access to a Color Wheel or RGB color picker could allow people to create potentially absolutely nude looking characters, which would be against the T for Teen rules.



Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
It's a primer. Calm the frack down.
I am calm. And I'm calmly pointing out that it's *wrong*. Maybe you with the feaux f word should calm down.

The color theory is wrong. The terminology is wrong.

It's not that it's not comprehensive, it has bad information. It serves no purpose for a 'primer' to have wrong information. A primer could just as easily have correct information rather than false or misleading information.

If you or anyone you know doesn't know why your printer's color cartridges come in Red, Yellow, and Cyan; rather than "the primary colors" of Red, Yellow, and Blue... then your 'primer's knowledge' of colors is seriously outdated.

It's the equivalent of a grammar primer rehashing all the old 19th century rules of never splitting infinitives or never ending sentences with a preposition. Or a science primer presenting atoms with electrons orbiting like planets. It's not good information to know.

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Giving players access to a Color Wheel or RGB color picker could allow people to create potentially absolutely nude looking characters, which would be against the T for Teen rules.
Absolutely flesh coloured is not absolutely nude in such a way that violates a T for Teen rating. The absence of certain details sees to that. Which is to say it does not qualify as the 'graphic nudity' that requires a higher rating.

In other news, a reptilian character can wear nothing but their skin if they so choose. No masks, no clothing.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you or anyone you know doesn't know why your printer's color cartridges come in Red, Yellow, and Cyan; rather than "the primary colors" of Red, Yellow, and Blue... then your 'primer's knowledge' of colors is seriously outdated.
Don't you mean Magenta rather than Red? And in any case, aren't they sometimes referred to as Process Red, Process Yellow, and Process Blue? Neither of which is particularly relevant to the typical RGB method used in displays, which, IIRC, is an additive method as compared to the subtractive method typically used in printing (well, inkjet anyway, I can't vouch for any processes beyond that).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Very true that light color theory and pigment color theory vary greatly.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Pure White Skin with Pure Clothing White (costume set: BARE) equates to Not Truly Nude.
I'm just going to say that even if they matched seamlessly, it would still never be "truly nude." Not until you find a way to put the "goods" into the mix.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I want to see neon colors. I want to see dingy colors. I want to see an orange-red every once in a while! We don't even get orange-red!! It's just red or orange! But we get 3 variants of purple!? Who am I? Prince??

*tries to calm down*
^THIS Rylas, was worth the price of admission! Thank you!



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Exactly, that means we should at least have a few teens running around here.
Now, please tell me how mature you were as a teen.
I, for one, was possibly more mature twenty-ish years ago than I am today.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



You can make technically nude people already, just use the Bioluminescence set.

Alternatively, you could do this

And yet you don't see random blue skinned space dudes running around Paragon City all day.

Give us a Color Wheel.

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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
You can make technically nude people already...
Give us a Color Wheel.
People have been trying to use this reasonable argument to justify getting more color options for years...

As several of us have already mentioned in this thread that you can easily make "non-human flesh tone" nude characters with the options we've had available for years in this game. But as soon as you let someone make a Ken/Barbie doll with normal human skin tones then all bets are off. As I mentioned the Devs specifically nerfed that early on in the game.

For some reason the Devs have decided that being able to do that is too "naughty" for a Teen Rated game. So this means they'd never just give us a standard color wheel because they'd have to spend the time and effort to figure out how to block out all the unacceptable colors. The fact that doing that would not be a trivial effort has likely kept it from happening for the last 7+ years.

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The Biolum set essentially is naked flesh tones with a few glowie skin bits. You still don't see all that many people with the Biolum stuff though.

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#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
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Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
The Biolum set essentially is naked flesh tones with a few glowie skin bits. You still don't see all that many people with the Biolum stuff though.
The stupid thing is, according to a dev response I got from PAX, they initially didn't give females the "with skin" version of bioluminescence because of their stupid outdated Barbie Doll nudity rules (my terminology, not theirs ). They have it now, and I have no idea when they added it in, but it wasn't there initially.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.