Third Annual Real World Hero Charity Drive!




The Wentworth Country Club and its many friends and supporters proudly announce the

We invite the City of Heroes community on all servers to come together
once again this holiday season in support of this player created charity drive.

Friday, November 18, 2011
- through -
Friday, December 30, 2011

Please join us for a variety of fun events aimed at promoting awareness of the charity drive
within our City of Heroes community and beyond. A list of these events is included below
and will be updated as new events are added. Visit
for additional updates and information throughout the charity drive.

Yes, we will be awarding special gold titles to donors again this year!

Over the last two years, City of Heroes players have donated over $22,000 to charity through the Real World Hero charity drive! We're very excited to see the community come together for the third time to help those in need, and judging from an onslaught of emails we've received, you're just as excited as we are! Not familiar with Real World Hero? Well, read on heroes!

With your support, will aid the following charities this holiday season and 100% of your donations will go directly to these non-profit organizations.

  • Operation Gratitude - Sending over 100,000 care packages annually filled with snacks, entertainment items and letters of appreciation to U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions, their mission is to lift morale, bring a smile to a service member's face and express to all our armed forces the appreciation and support of the American people. (Tax ID 20-0103575)
  • Donate Games - Founded upon the belief that people can change the world by simply donating their unwanted video games, Donate Games is a charity dedicated to funding research and support for children and their families of “orphan” diseases and the millions of Americans affected by them. Donate Games collects new and used video game donations and then resells them online to help the millions of young people suffering from these neglected disorders. (Tax ID 26-3438815)
  • Child's Play - A community based charity grown and nurtured from the game culture and industry. Since it's founding by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins of the online comic strip Penny Arcade in 2003, Child's Play has donated more than $9 million dollars in toys, games, books, and cash for sick children in hospitals across the U.S. and the world. (Tax ID 20-3584556)
  • Heifer International - Heifer International works to end the cycle of chronic world hunger and poverty and protect the earth. Through gifts of livestock, training and "passing on the gift," Heifer has over thirteen million families in more than 125 countries around the world improve their quality of life and move toward greater self-reliance since 1944. (Tax ID 35-1019477)

Watch this thread for updates about various contests, parties and other in-game events held throughout the drive.
  • 2011 Real World Hero Kick-Off Party
    • Date/Time: Friday, November 18th, 2011 from 9:00pm EST to 11:00pm EST
    • Location: Wentworth's Consignment House on Exalted server
    • Come to show your support as we kick-off the charity drive. Get inspired, get informed and get back to your home server to spread the word! There will be a costume contest for 1 billion inf and other special goodies, trivia to keep us entertained, and lots of excitement!
  • Online Charity Auction
    • The auction last year was a very popular event and helped raise over $3,000 while generating additional interest in the charity drive.
    • If you are a person or business interested in donating items to the auction, please contact
    • We are shifting the dates of the auction to allow some very special items to be included. To allow for their arrival, bidding dates are revised below. Thanks! It'll be worth it!
    • Bidding opens at 9:00pm EST on Friday, December 2nd, 2011
    • Bidding closes at 9:00pm EST on Friday, December 9th, 2011
  • Level-a-Thon
    • Make a new character, enter them into the 48 hour Level-a-Thon, and ask friends and family to pledge a donation amount per level you earn.
    • We'll count the levels you earn from 9:00pm EST on Friday, December 9th, 2011 through 9:00pm EST on Sunday, December 11th, 2011. That's a full 48 hour weekend of possible playtime.
    • Play as much as you choose. participants are not required (nor expected) to play continuously during the Level-a-Thon
    • At the end of the weekend, we'll let your sponsors know how many levels you earned and give them a link to make their donation to their choice of the charities supported.
    • The Titan Sentinel badge-tracking utility from the awesome folks at Titan Network will be used to track and record your level progress in real time.
  • Concluding Celebration
    • As always, we will celebrate this wonderful gaming community of ours with a big bash to be held on the server which generates the most in donations.
    • You can bet there will be contests and prizes, too!
    • Date/Time: Friday, December 30th, 2011, from 9:00pm EST to 12:00am EST

There are a lot of easy ways you can support Real World Hero and help make this our best year ever!
Help raise awareness of the charity drive both in-game and elsewhere.

  • Add a Real World Hero banner to your website, forum sig, etc.
    Several sizes are available here.
  • Mention Real World Hero in your Supergroup or Global Channel MotD.
    It's easy to do!
    • To change your Channel MOTD use something like:
      /chan_motd "Channel Name" Make a heroic donation at
    • To change your SG or VG MOTD use something like:
      /sgsetmotd Make a heroic donation at
  • Mention Real World Hero at an event you are hosting.
    It doesn't have to be an event specifically for Real World Hero. You can always give a shout out for the charity drive! Want to host an event just for Real World Hero? That's great, too! Post your event in this thread to let us know.
  • Talk about Real World Hero on Facebook and Twitter.
    Follow RWH on Twitter
    Like RWH on Facebook

Please contact with any questions, suggestions, comments, etc.
We would love to hear from you!

[Disclaimer: This is not an NCsoft event, but one created by players and members of the City of Heroes community.
Please contact the event creators @Mr. Wentworth and @Sultry Siren via with any questions]



We're so excited! As always, if anyone has questions, they can hit us up in game via our globals: @Mr. Wentworth and @Sultry Siren and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!

Sultry Siren - The Cape Radio
Infinity - Sultry Siren, Mrs. Wentworth & more (5th Element, The Wentworth Country Club)Virtue - Lydia Chapman, Mrs. Wentworth, Anguisette., DJ Sultry Siren



Been anticipating this all year!

Looks like there will be many fun and creative community activities. Plus shiny gold titles, yay!

Here's hoping we top the goodwill of previous years again.



I have participated all the years they did it, and I will do it again!

And I will pester everyone on FB and Twitter too!

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



And I will be contributing vid work once again for you guys!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Ulysses_Dare View Post
Where can we get more info on the Level-a-thon?
We'll be posting full details for the Level-a-Thon this coming Monday. Mrs. W. and I are away at a conference until then.

Essentially, there will be a signup form on the Real World Hero website and each participant will have a special url that will allow friends and family sponsor an amount per level. That page will also display your level progress during the event. And sponsors will receive an email afterward with your final level, their pledged amount, and a link to Real World Hero to make their donation.

Hope that helps for now!



Quick update on the Level-a-Thon for interested folks.

We've got everything ready to go, but there was a temporary snag with the Titan Network that they've been recovering from (read thread) and we want to be sure we've re-tested our Level-a-Thon code before we open it up for signups. So, please continue to save the weekend of December 9-11 and spread the word among the community.

You're awesome and thanks!



What do we need to get mentioned on Child's Play like the first year? I think we missed out being a Bronze Sponsor last year.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
What do we need to get mentioned on Child's Play like the first year? I think we missed out being a Bronze Sponsor last year.
The first year we were listed as a silver sponsor for raising over $2500 for Child's Play. Gold sponsorship was over $5000 and I don't know the amount for platinum. We hit $4380 for Child's Play last year as well.

The Child's Play website has recently undergone a revision and their new FAQ lists the silver, gold and platinum as 'corporate' sponsorships, so it may be that we don't fit the criteria for placement there. We'll just have to see about that!



We are shifting the dates of the auction to allow some very special items to be included. To allow for their arrival, bidding dates are revised below. Thanks! It'll be worth it!

  • Bidding opens at 9:00pm EST on Friday, December 2nd, 2011
  • Bidding closes at 9:00pm EST on Friday, December 9th, 2011
The auction will be here before you know it. Please come join us this Friday as we kick-off the charity drive with excitement and fun. We're throwing a party on Exalted sever this Friday from 9-11pm EST. Join us in the Atlas Park Wentworth's Consignment House.

Will we see you there?



Nice kick-off party, Wentworths! It was fun promoting Real World Hero via costume and bio contests, trivia, Q&A, and, of course, a dance.

While I miss the club (and grand piano!) from last year, holding the party at Wentworth's Fine Consignments in Atlas Park was a good choice. It gave a greater chance for more players to drop in. The only down side was how it limited angles for screenshots.

Here are a few of said screenshots from the night.

A good turn out for the costume contest:

Contestants for the Real World Hero-themed background/bio:

Hanging out in the dance corner:

Thank you again for organizing the Real World Hero charity event for the third year, Mr. & Mrs. Wentworth!

I am looking forward to your other RWH events this season, too.



We've got the perfect topic of conversation for your
Thanksgiving Day table! Although, any table will do nicely.

It's time to sign up for the...

We've tried to make it easy to participate.
Just click on the banner above to get started!
If you have any difficulty or questions,
please let us know.

Would you like to sponsor one of the participants?
Here's a button to take you right to the sponsor page.



Current donations have reached $1062.00 plus an early $300 contribution not listed on the widgets, for a total of . . .


Happy Thanksgiving!



Originally Posted by Ulysses Dare View Post
Anyone else having trouble setting up their character for the Level-a-thon?

I haven't been able to access My Data Feeds for a week now.
Yes, even though it is working fine for me, I've been hearing that from a few people and saw the thread you posted on the Titan website.,4475.0.html

I don't know the solution either, but one thing TonyV had me do was clear my and cookies in my browser. You might try that, then restart your browser and see if it helps. I'm definitely anxious to get people signed up for the Level-a-Thon.



I have heard from TonyV that this issue should now be fixed. Please try signing up for the Level-a-Thon again and let us know how it goes.



Wow! There are some great items up for auction this year! I'll try to spread the word.

... after I finish placing my bids, of course.



Yep, bidding is now open for the auction!
Everyone has one week until bidding closes at
9:00pm EST next Friday, December 9th, 2011.



Beginning my daily mention of RWH in my Twitter feed to spread the word... AND I'm contributing to this year's auction!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Wait.. where?? I triple-checked every item looking for which item/service you were contributing, D_R, and didn't see anything. What did I miss?

*edit* Nevermind, I found it. ;->



Just got a few pictures in and had to share.

Once again at the Festival Of Trees several bidders used the name "Real World Hero" instead of Anonymous to help spread the word; both about the CoH charity event and about the principle of being super-purposed in real life.

The biggest display so graced was a HUGE double space featuring teddy bears collected from around the world in 2011:

(Looking from the right front corner.)

(Looking at the right corner.)

(The SOLD sign.)

Another Real World Hero success!

Now time to return to the Real World Hero Charity Auction and the 50+ goodies there.
