SSA not working properly.




Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
So if you lost half your levels but it was for the good of the game you would accept it?

Earth and Beyond was doing level drops because of exploits with ammo. I know there was at least one other that did rollbacks, I think it was shadowbane but I cant be sure, I never played it.

Now admittedly that game had alot of problems also.

BUt when you take away a players work, you undermine the confidence of your playerbase.
I just want to point out that City of Heroes, itself, has had rollbacks a few times in its lifetime. Most of the time it was only a few hours, but it certainly has happened here. So getting up in arms about THIS rollback (which isn't even a blanket rollback of the entire game, just a partial rollback for a few characters, of a few missions) is kind of hypocritical.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



So, I'll just run my toons that do the SSA for Alignment Merits through the reaffirmation process again and pick up easy Merits and an Alignment Merit along the way to making them eligible again for the easy once-a-week Alignment Merits.

I'm not upset. Easy A-Merits is easy A-Merits regardless of source.

If I was exploiting this with disposable toons, I guess this would be upsetting. But I wouldn't be so stupid as to publicly complain my obvious exploit was shut down.

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Anyone else reminded of the AE fix threads by this one? You know the ones where the devs closed an exploit and all the exploiters came in yelling and screaming about it?

your being intentionally thick

We arent talking about the changing the system, if they want to require people to confirm alignment thats fine, I may not like, I may think that this is going to hurt casual players, but thats fine if they want to change it.

What we are talking about here is ERASING already existing confirmations.


The change to the system is akin to requiring everyone to do the tutorial mission before being able to earn experiance again

The bug or deliberate rollback is akin to taking levels off an already existing character.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
You can still get A-merits without running tips by using merits and inf. This changes was justified by the fact they decided that unless you're alignment is confirmed, you need to spend inf and merits to get A-merits. If you run a morality mission while unconfirmed, you don't get A-merits. You do get your alignment confirmed, but you don't get the blue/red shiney. People were getting the merits with less effort and time, without needing to use inf and merits, that needed to be changed.

Like I said, it sucks, but dems da breaks.

We are talking about them erasing already existing comformations.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So, I'll just run my toons that do the SSA for Alignment Merits through the reaffirmation process again and pick up easy Merits and an Alignment Merit along the way to making them eligible again for the easy once-a-week Alignment Merits.

I'm not upset. Easy A-Merits is easy A-Merits regardless of source.

If I was exploiting this with disposable toons, I guess this would be upsetting. But I wouldn't be so stupid as to publicly complain my obvious exploit was shut down.
IM going to say this very slowly so the entire class can understand.

A level 50 who recomfirmed hero 2 weeks ago, can NOT EARN A-MERITS.

The characters alignment was erased.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
IM going to say this very slowly so the entire class can understand.

A level 50 who recomfirmed hero 2 weeks ago, can NOT EARN A-MERITS.

The characters alignment was erased.
Yes, I know.

That's why I said I'm going to reconfirm *again*.

Or should I say that more slowly?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yes, I know.

That's why I said I'm going to reconfirm *again*.

Or should I say that more slowly?
Yes but you were making this out that its only affecting people who were using disposibles to farm.

Thats a legitimate fix.

The loosing the comfirms is a ROLLBACK, clear and simple, the devs either didnt test it well or they said the heck with it players work doesnt matter, we will just erase it. This is NOT closing an exploit or mistake, this is taking what players have done and just erasing it.

You dont mind if we just erase a few of your levels do you, its for the good of the game.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Anyone else reminded of the AE fix threads by this one? You know the ones where the devs closed an exploit and all the exploiters came in yelling and screaming about it?
Be a man. Don't be passive aggressive. I don;t know what exploit this fixed, I haven't been ingame since Monday (monday I played a total of 2 hours, weeeeee).

I'm upset because I have spend my time in game possibly running characters through the alignment system AGAIN when they have already done it previously.

I asked for clarification on this from a redname but I haven't seen an update. I don't want to re-run 11 missions.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So, I'll just run my toons that do the SSA for Alignment Merits through the reaffirmation process again and pick up easy Merits and an Alignment Merit along the way to making them eligible again for the easy once-a-week Alignment Merits.

I'm not upset. Easy A-Merits is easy A-Merits regardless of source.

If I was exploiting this with disposable toons, I guess this would be upsetting. But I wouldn't be so stupid as to publicly complain my obvious exploit was shut down.
Except if you really had your hero/villain status reset you WON'T get A-merits, you will get the 50 reward merits they give out for the first alignment confirmation - so in reality this is potentially costing you up to 2 A-merits.

And like clouded, I really don't have the time to run 11 missions on all my alts, not with 2 accounts. So it looks like I may not ever be running the stupid SSA's again except on selected characters since I now have no easy way to remember which of my toons have re-confirmed and which haven't.

Seriously - I don't get the dev love here. They screwed us over to fix something they messed up on their part and then patched with a half-***** easy fix. Considering that all existing characters already HAD flags set to determine if they had confirmed their alignment there was NO reason to reset it.

EDIT: sorry to be so snippy Zombie - not directed at you specifically - just annoyed at what seems to be a hurried fix that impacts players a LOT more than it should.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Rednames are still being rather silent on this, if its a bug or intentional.

Though I tend to believe that silence means intentional since they usually ackowledge bugs and put them on known issues very quickly.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



So if you lost half your levels but it was for the good of the game you would accept it?
If there was a good reason -- yes.

Earth and Beyond was doing level drops because of exploits with ammo. I know there was at least one other that did rollbacks, I think it was shadowbane but I cant be sure, I never played it.
Both of those games had massive problems aside from rollbacks. Try again.

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
If there was a good reason -- yes.

Both of those games had massive problems aside from rollbacks. Try again.
I think if you asked most players if they would accept level rollbacks for the good of the game their answer would be no.

I could put up a post on this topic.

Its just that people are accepting this because its not levels, its just a status rollback. Developers of major mmo's do not get the otpion of a do-over or a giveback.

And I cant understand that attitude, a rollback is a rollback.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



I just ran a test on a couple of my characters who had never run the SSA's before but I have used as alignment merit grinders, although not since the last update. So both of them should have already confirmed their alignment and should be eligible for the alignment merit reward from the SSA's, assuming their confirmation flag has not been reset.

I ran SSA #2 with both of them and was offered the alignment merit option in both cases. So it appears at least in those two cases they did NOT have their confirmation flag reset. Now, both of my test cases are heroes and I don't have an easy villain to test with (I usually do my AM grinding on heroes) so I can't say if a villain would be different, but based on my test results it doesn't look like a global 'confirmation' flag reset was done, which makes sense as the simplest fix for the AM exploit would be to put a test on the SSA award table for the confirmation flag - actually resetting that flag on exisiting character makes NO sense.

If folks are running the SSA's with characters that they KNOW have confirmed their hero/villain alignment and are NOT offered the AM reward, I would say thats a bug and should be reported as such and/or petitioned.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
I just ran a test on a couple of my characters who had never run the SSA's before but I have used as alignment merit grinders, although not since the last update. So both of them should have already confirmed their alignment and should be eligible for the alignment merit reward from the SSA's, assuming their confirmation flag has not been reset.
I ran the SSAs on two characters today and both were offered the Hero Merit reward. The first one I did before I saw this post, so I can't swear I actually got the the Hero Merits (I think I did -- I went to Fort Trident and immediately spent them), but the second one I watched as the counter for the Hero Merit in the Salvage window went up as I took the reward. I haven't run the morality mission in months on that character.

I was afraid that the morality on all my characters was erased like it was several months ago (giving me the annoying 50 reward merits instead of alignment merit the next time after that patch). That does not seem to be the case across the board like it was then.

There must be some more complex set of factors causing people to not get the Alignment Merit reward offer.



Finnally tested on a third character, my blaster, and it worked, I got a hero merit, needed to wait for the timer to clear.

So it goes to show, never chalk up to maliciousness what can be attributed to incompetence.

So its a bug, but they need to get this on known issues and get it fixed and not just sweep it under the rug and ignore it.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Finnally tested on a third character, my blaster, and it worked, I got a hero merit, needed to wait for the timer to clear.

So it goes to show, never chalk up to maliciousness what can be attributed to incompetence.

So its a bug, but they need to get this on known issues and get it fixed and not just sweep it under the rug and ignore it.
Well, it's always possible that the bug is that you were able to get an AM without rerunning the morality mission.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Well, it's always possible that the bug is that you were able to get an AM without rerunning the morality mission.
Too late t consider it now, the man says we need it patched as of yesterday. Come on Devs fix that bug...whichever of the two it is.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Finnally tested on a third character, my blaster, and it worked, I got a hero merit, needed to wait for the timer to clear.

So it goes to show, never chalk up to maliciousness what can be attributed to incompetence.

So its a bug, but they need to get this on known issues and get it fixed and not just sweep it under the rug and ignore it.
I suspect the bug is on a per character basis, so it might actually not be all that prevalent and will probably be hard to track down - so I would just bug/petition it on the characters that had trouble, hopefully they will be able to tell from the logs what happened or at least do something about the missed merit.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
This is what the patch notes said:

Signature Story Arcs
  • Players must now be confirmed as Heroes or Villains (i.e., their most recent Morality Mission confirmed their alignment) in order to claim Alignment Merits as rewards from Signature Story Arcs.
This would have been awesome if it happened when the first SSA was released...*sigh*



Here's a data point - after running 8 SSA's:

5/5 Heroes that started as heroes and had run one and only one hero morality mission (hero -> hero) were able to get a hero merit.

3/3 Heroes that started as villains and had run one and only one hero morality mission (rogue -> hero) were unable to get a hero merit.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
Except if you really had your hero/villain status reset you WON'T get A-merits, you will get the 50 reward merits they give out for the first alignment confirmation - so in reality this is potentially costing you up to 2 A-merits.
I'm quite OK with putting in the work that is a third of the time and effort of a Sister Psyche TF, which gives 50 Merits, and still getting 'only' 50 Merits out of it instead of a A-Merit.

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Ok, ran the SSA's last night with a character who last did an alignment mission probably 2 months ago and selected 2 Hero Merits. So frankly it is looking more like a quirky bug that strikes some but not others. I'll give it a try with my mastermind later but expect I'll be able to blow through it just fine with him as well and get merits.

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Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
You will never know because I am certainly not interested in informing posters like you and the others.
You succeed incredibly well.



Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
No kidding, this games been on it's deathbed since the GDN, and ED, and the reduction of Hami enhancement values, and the EM nerfs, and the Botz nerf, and the Meow farm nerf, and the Monkey farm nerf, and the regen nerf, and hami damage that made Phantom army and phase shift pointless, and the purple triangles, and the purple patch, and the Items of power/Original Cathedral of Pain. Man, they've changed so much stuff that players have completed and earned this game should shut down any day now.

There's the ncsoft financials. 2nd quarter 2011 is the report you want to look at and for craps and giggles you can also look at 2Q 2010.

Now not that I think you are the kind of guy that will actually look at them*, but they show city of heroes as a franchise has been doing really really really poorly.

A reasonable person might connect the dots with the way the management has handled that problems that you list and others like insane levels of downtime, telling people if they pre pay they will get their tokens up front, in general taking actions that are annoying and bothersome to the players to "protect the integrity of the game" and then turning around violating that integrity for anyone willing to pony up cash in the store.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

There's the ncsoft financials. 2nd quarter 2011 is the report you want to look at and for craps and giggles you can also look at 2Q 2010.

Now not that I think you are the kind of guy that will actually look at them*, but they show city of heroes as a franchise has been doing really really really poorly.

A reasonable person might connect the dots with the way the management has handled that problems that you list and others like insane levels of downtime, telling people if they pre pay they will get their tokens up front, in general taking actions that are annoying and bothersome to the players to "protect the integrity of the game" and then turning around violating that integrity for anyone willing to pony up cash in the store.
I think you missed the sarcasm...

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