SSA not working properly.




The SSA reward system is not working even though it says you need to be a confirmed hero and I played with a confirmed hero, it would not reward an A-merit

This is very stupid and frustrating.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Apprently the reward mechanic was altered with todays patch.

It reset everyone to zero. You are going to have to run an additional Morality mission now, which will give you regular merits. Then you can start earning A-Merits again.


Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Apprently the reward mechanic was altered with todays patch.

It reset everyone to zero. You are going to have to run an additional Morality mission now, which will give you regular merits. Then you can start earning A-Merits again.

Really, that has to be a bug...
That cant be right.

I mean okie I make vociferous complaints about alot of things, but reseting work youve already done to zero is so insanely insane that it makes mad scientists cry.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Something I just thought of

This is analogous of setting a player back 10 levels to fix a bug or an exploit, do you honestly think any player would tolerate that sort of behavior from an MMO

Resetting work a player has already done is not tolerable.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Something I just thought of

This is analogous of setting a player back 10 levels to fix a bug or an exploit, do you honestly think any player would tolerate that sort of behavior from an MMO

Resetting work a player has already done is not tolerable.
10 levels? Its bad but thats just reching waaay too far. its 10 short missions that apparently everyone but me stealths and gets done with in 10 minutes.and an 11th longer one. Still, the resetting is not a nice aspect and hopefully whatever reason this was done was ont that only could be remedied in this manner.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
10 levels? Its bad but thats just reching waaay too far. its 10 short missions that apparently everyone but me stealths and gets done with in 10 minutes.and an 11th longer one. Still, the resetting is not a nice aspect and hopefully whatever reason this was done was ont that only could be remedied in this manner.
Analogy, not direct comparison.

Its not the amount of work thats taken away, its that they are taking away players work to correct what they consider an overrewarding situation.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Something I just thought of

This is analogous of setting a player back 10 levels to fix a bug or an exploit, do you honestly think any player would tolerate that sort of behavior from an MMO

Resetting work a player has already done is not tolerable.
It's annoying, but that's hyperbole and a half.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
It's annoying, but that's hyperbole and a half.

You didn't have anything taken away, you just have to redo it (annoying still).
Taking away levels isnt actually taking them away, you just have to redo them.

Its taking work players have done and nullifying it.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Taking away levels isnt actually taking them away, you just have to redo them.

Its taking work players have done and nullifying it.
Oi, took the last part out because I knew you'd go there :P 11 missions isn't 10 levels what so ever. Plus what do you lose from having/while doing them again? Losing 10 levels+powers+ios+time > losing nothing except a little bit of time.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Oi, took the last part out because I knew you'd go there :P 11 missions isn't 10 levels what so ever. Plus what do you lose from having/while doing them again? Losing 10 levels+powers+ios+time > losing nothing except a little bit of time.
If I reach into your pocket and take a penny or a dollar or a hundred dollars or a million.

Its still stealing even if its a penny.

Levels is nothing but time.

The devs in this case are stealing time, weather it is a little or alot.

I might be overstating the case, but the developers are CLEARLY in the wrong here.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



So more hyperbole. You need to add a slap in the face.

It's annoying, not game breaking or news worthy. I'll be happy if they can fix it though.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Analogy, not direct comparison.

Its not the amount of work thats taken away, its that they are taking away players work to correct what they consider an over-rewarding situation.
analogy so excessive it breaks any real relevance to the situation. we have no stated reason why this happened, no proof it was because of over rewarding, that is simply a wild guess, Lets try something and actually wait till we have some facts on the topic before assigning blame to any particular motivation.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
analogy so excessive it breaks any real relevance to the situation. we have no stated reason why this happened, no proof it was because of over rewarding, that is simply a wild guess, Lets try something and actually wait till we have some facts on the topic before assigning blame to any particular motivation.
your right if it is all a bug.

BUt I have no objections to the reward being availible to confirmed hero's only.

But taking away confirmed hero's already existing confirmation.

THats the problem.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
If I reach into your pocket and take a penny or a dollar or a hundred dollars or a million.

Its still stealing even if its a penny.

Levels is nothing but time.

The devs in this case are stealing time, weather it is a little or alot.

I might be overstating the case, but the developers are CLEARLY in the wrong here.
one is a misdemeanor one is a felony,and the penny you are likely to get laughed at for reporting, magnitude IS important when assessing harm. again, do you have any actual facts suggesting that this was done for a specific reason.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
one is a misdemeanor one is a felony,and the penny you are likely to get laughed at for reporting magnitude IS important when assessing harm. again, do you have any actual facts suggesting that this was done for a specific reason.
Im not sure the reason is important, because im not objecting to the reward being changed to confirmed only. Im objecting to stripping confirmed status from characters.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



My toons still have their alignment powers and their hero/vil merits. I'm not that angry, especially since it hasn't even been 24 hours since the patch.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
My toons still have their alignment powers and their hero/vil merits. I'm not that angry, especially since it hasn't even been 24 hours since the patch.
Yes but you will have to reconfirm to get alignment merits and when you do run you will get normal merits.

They stripped your confirmed status from you.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Yes but you will have to reconfirm to get alignment merits and when you do run you will get normal merits.

They stripped your confirmed status from you.
Which will be a pretty big annoyance but not the end of the world. I do hope they can fix it, even though I mainly buy them with normal merits/inf.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Let's not blow this out of proportion...oh wait

It's an annoyance...we get that, but equating it as some sort of crime is tomfoolery



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Let's not blow this out of proportion...oh wait

It's an annoyance...we get that, but equating it as some sort of crime is tomfoolery
I wasnt...

I was just point out that magnitude is irrelevant.

Just because its a short amount of time... still equates to reseting player work.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



so would deleting 100 inf from them, so would deleting a 7 year old character, those two would not be equitable in any way, and would be entirely different in terms of reasonable reaction. magnitude is entirely relevant. however, that is all in relation to your initial screwed up analogy. the whole point is this is likely a bug and will be fixed, so premature assumptions that the developers are changing this because of prior overrewarding is baseless and needlessly inflammatory. Shubbie, can we please wait till we actually get some sort of actual facts about the case before we start calling "wolf"?



No longer am I tempted to join a friend on SSA's on newer characters because I don't want to 'waste' that First Time Completion Reward Table on 20 Merits.

No longer do I want to run the first arc in the level range it appears due to getting penalized on my choice of rewards.

No longer do I want to run SSA arcs at all, because I know if I don't do all the leg work of getting to 20, getting tips (which sometimes just do not drop at all for a while) and keeping track on which characters I've affirmed hero status on.

I already don't really run my Rogue and Vigilantes through them due to the lack of reward choice. Now I'm going to run them even less, and team less with friends running them.

I feel sorry for anyone who's wasted 400pp on them. They're nothing that special, and now they're even less so, with an added dollop of hassle.



This is what the patch notes said:

Signature Story Arcs

  • Players must now be confirmed as Heroes or Villains (i.e., their most recent Morality Mission confirmed their alignment) in order to claim Alignment Merits as rewards from Signature Story Arcs.
The problem seems to be, that this reset everyone back to neutral. Can't tell from the wording if that is a bug, an unavoidable result of the change or a wanted addition.

I hadn't been running tips in ages, just recently started doing them regularly with a duo partner. I wish I'd run the morality I've been sitting on since Sunday before now though... That would've been the 2nd A-Merit for that toon and he'd planned on slotting a -KB with the profit. To someone like me, as a casual player, this is a delay of weeks before I can be earning A-Merits again.
(I usually have time to run 4 or 5 missions total during a session. Playing for 3 hours or less.)

Le sigh, not the end of the world I suppose, just makes me frown.

Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I feel sorry for anyone who's wasted 400pp on them. They're nothing that special, and now they're even less so, with an added dollop of hassle.
This I don't worry about so much, as from the looks of it, only the 1st part will be below 20 anyways. The remaining arcs I expect will continue to inch up in levels. With SSA1.7 being levels 20-50+.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
This I don't worry about so much, as from the looks of it, only the 1st part will be below 20 anyways. The remaining arcs I expect will continue to inch up in levels. With SSA1.7 being levels 20-50+.
Unless the Premium Player who bought the SSA hasn't also got the Alignment System, meaning that if they want the reward they now have to do an extra purchase.



Well, that I can't really see a problem with. If you don't have the alignment system, you shouldn't be able to get A-Merits. Those that bought the SSA without having it should've known going in. 22 regular merits isn't trivial.

I figured it was a bug my tier 3 premium friend could even claim it.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!