Any non-melee powersets in the pipeline?




Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
I think Storm Summoning is supposed to count as this.

I'd bet that Empathy and Pain Domination are supposed to fill the buff/debuff slot on this, and I don't think you could do much about claiming we need another Psi control set other than Mind unless you go the 'telekinesis' route, which is already filled by Gravity; I think there's already a power called Telekinesis. My Dom has it.

Get the feeling Dark Control is in the pipe for I22.

Energy Blast fills the ranged slot, pretty sure. I know doves ain't flyin' out of the attacks or anything, but it's hard to think of something different that doesn't step on Energy Blast or Radiation Blast's toes. Same goes for Energy Melee, Energy Manipulation, Energy Aura, and Energy Assault.
I have to agree with DeepBlue many powersets can fill a variety of roles especially now that you can customize them. The only thing that holds people back is their imagination. Just because it isn't called Electric or Mind doesn't mean the set can't be used as a Electric or Mind set by YOU. My toon Cheap Pirate Santa is a corruptor with cold powers but I didn't like the cold sets so I made my own. Energy recolored white works very well for this for example.

Don't let the Devs tell you what you can and can't do!

It appears there will be a lot of new powersets and costume sets released now that the game is "free". So the wait for new sets will apparently be shorter. What I wonder is if the port say Time Manipulation to another AT would you get it with the purchase you already made or would it be an additional purchase?

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
I have to agree with DeepBlue many powersets can fill a variety of roles especially now that you can customize them. The only thing that holds people back is their imagination. Just because it isn't called Electric or Mind doesn't mean the set can't be used as a Electric or Mind set by YOU. My toon Cheap Pirate Santa is a corruptor with cold powers but I didn't like the cold sets so I made my own. Energy recolored white works very well for this for example.

Don't let the Devs tell you what you can and can't do!

It appears there will be a lot of new powersets and costume sets released now that the game is "free". So the wait for new sets will apparently be shorter. What I wonder is if the port say Time Manipulation to another AT would you get it with the purchase you already made or would it be an additional purchase?
Time Manipulation was free, and nowadays they always give access to a new set to all the ATs where it makes sense (Shield Defense is the last exception I can think of off the top of me head).



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
I was thinking the same thing and illegitimate is even tame in this sense.

How fast can the devs release sets at a time to make everyone happy? The answer is, "not fast enough"
I just want to say I'm not complaining, I'm not being overly dramatic and saying "devs hate non-melee", I'm not calling doom or anything like that. I'm a fairly universal player, and I play melee characters too - in fact the only powersets I have no characters for are certain Blaster and Dominator secondaries. I bought Street Justice on day one, and I'm still looking forward to both of the upcoming melee sets.

It's just an odd situation in my eyes when we've had information about five new powersets (Time, Beam, Street Justice, Titan Weapons, Staff Melee) and over half of them fall into the same category. You might say it's illegitimate to look for a trend in only five powersets, but when I consider that Going Rogue had four brand new powersets then nothing for a year, five powersets seems a lot more significant to me.

All I'm really asking is whether I missed any information, or whether they're focusing more on the melee ATs. It does make business sense to focus on the most popular ATs, and the point that melee sets reach more ATs than any other type (besides their defense counterparts) is legitimate. If you have limited resources it's clearly the easiest option to make the most people happy. It's just that you can't assume that X new powersets will make everyone happy regardless of their type.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Beam Rifle and Time Manipulation just came out, we're only 1 month into Freedom and so far melee has only received 1 out of the 3 new power sets. I think the claim that one group is being ignored over the others is illegitimate.

I wouldn't expect too much news about other powersets until the Player Summit in a month. Since the Devs skipped NYCC I'm hoping many exciting new things will be announce next month.
OK, presumably the OP meant offensive sets - non-melee - so Beam, Street Justice, Titan, and Staff (confirmed enough given the powers are visible in game for review) gives us 3 of 4 offensive sets. Melee is definitely getting the love. (There are perfectly legitimate reasons for why, I understand that, but still true.)

Time would go in the support side of things, and a different discussion. I'd like to see new support or melee defense/protection sets too. But I would agree that on the offensive side, melee is definitely king of the new sets at present.

And the OP was just asking if there was anything they were missing. ANSWER: AFAIK - nope.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
And the OP was just asking if there was anything they were missing. ANSWER: AFAIK - nope.
Mind you, given the frenzy and "When is it coming" and "Want nao" posts which StJ, Titan Weapons and Staff Melee have generated I can understand them being a bit low key with anything else they might have planned.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's what I mean - melee don't NEED other people, so you know that every time you log one in, you can play come hell or high water. "Squishies" can often do better, but they're dependent on who's available to do what at the time. In essence, I can play melee all the time or squishies some of the time, and that makes for lopsided popularity.
I had the opposite experience. If I'm playing melee on a group, I tend to start thinking of whether there will be enough buffs/debuffs etc. to get past problem spots, and if not, whether I can power the through said problem spots while the team flops about uselessly and dies. This isn't a problem on easier content (ITF, Lambda etc.), but then on things like Underground which is beyond the ability of most melees to solo I find that support squishies give me more peace of mind, since they're better prepared to shepherd subpar teams through hard content. I spend 90% of my time in PuGs, so YMMV.



They should make a blast that's all interacting with the physics and models. Like lift from grav but different ways of throwing them around. Like mind blast or something.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
If I'm playing melee on a group...
But that's the catch right there. If you have a guarantee that every time you may up and decide to log in, a group will be available to take you in at your own convenience, then that is where melee characters get overshadowed by support. However, the catch is that this is a very big IF. If you can snag a group, support shines but melee still works. If you CAN'T get a group or just don't feel like teaming at the time, however, support drags while melee doesn't really suffer much.

Simply put, not having a team is guaranteed. Having a team isn't always. What that means is a good experience with melee is guaranteed, but with support this is not always the case. That's what makes melee characters more popular - they're just easier to pick up and go.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mokalus View Post
I just want to say I'm not complaining, I'm not being overly dramatic and saying "devs hate non-melee", I'm not calling doom or anything like that. I'm a fairly universal player, and I play melee characters too - in fact the only powersets I have no characters for are certain Blaster and Dominator secondaries. I bought Street Justice on day one, and I'm still looking forward to both of the upcoming melee sets.

It's just an odd situation in my eyes when we've had information about five new powersets (Time, Beam, Street Justice, Titan Weapons, Staff Melee) and over half of them fall into the same category. You might say it's illegitimate to look for a trend in only five powersets, but when I consider that Going Rogue had four brand new powersets then nothing for a year, five powersets seems a lot more significant to me.

All I'm really asking is whether I missed any information, or whether they're focusing more on the melee ATs. It does make business sense to focus on the most popular ATs, and the point that melee sets reach more ATs than any other type (besides their defense counterparts) is legitimate. If you have limited resources it's clearly the easiest option to make the most people happy. It's just that you can't assume that X new powersets will make everyone happy regardless of their type.
Sorry if I jumped the gun and "got all up on you" in your thread.

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



What there is no love for Carp Melee?

How about Shark Summoning where you summon sharks with F'n lasers on their heads?

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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