So, apparently Monte Cook is working on D&D 5th Edition...




Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
On one hand I'm glad D&D didn't come to an end when TSR died. On the other hand I haven't played a newer version of the game since TSR died. We gave up at 3rd Edition the way you stopped at 4th Edition. *shrugs*

That being said it's interesting they're actually pumping out new versions (and sub-versions) every few years. That's pretty much what we expected them to do with it to maximize profits. I figure the lines between PnP and MMO will keep blurring until D&D basically becomes like a specialized version of Second Life. Not sure if that's completely good or bad, but it does seem to be its destiny.
Well let's face it. TSR was essentially bought by a collectible card company. Churn and burn is all they know.

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I've heard that 4E has underperformed financially for WotC/Hasbro, and their "D&D Essentials" didn't do much to improve things. You can also find sales numbers online that suggest Pathfinder exceeded 4E in sales (

So, naturally, they think a new edition will fix things. It all comes down to money in the end. If Fifth Edition doesn't pan out, then who knows what will happen? Probably they'll either sell the brand name or just nix the RPG and focus on board and card games (like the Wrath of Ashardalon and Castle Ravenloft board games).

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Whups, sorry about that!

Member of the OMNI SuperGroup!
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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Well let's face it. TSR was essentially bought by a collectible card company. Churn and burn is all they know.
wouldn't knock WotC too hard. TSR was crashing and burning when WotC picked them up. so if not for them there wouldn't have been any other editions of DnD to gripe about.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
wouldn't knock WotC too hard. TSR was crashing and burning when WotC picked them up. so if not for them there wouldn't have been any other editions of DnD to gripe about.
Is I stopped my AD&D addiction at 2nd Edition, I fail to see where there's a downside here.

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Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
wouldn't knock WotC too hard. TSR was crashing and burning when WotC picked them up. so if not for them there wouldn't have been any other editions of DnD to gripe about.
TSR had plenty of problems from a business point of view and probably should have failed years before it actually did. But as I implied earlier the fact that D&D could apparently only survive under the control of the likes of WotC was a bittersweet outcome at best. *shrugs*

Besides nothing stops me from playing 2nd Ed games today so the -need- for WotC to produce anything newer is questionable at best.

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Originally Posted by Psyguard View Post
not advertising a set of non-existant digital tools at the back of every copy of the new books would at least seem like a reasonable idea.
Hey...wait...slow down there. We don't want to start bucking a trend here.

Edit: On second thought, that kind of outside of the box thinking might be just what PnP books need!



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
Still, as long as i can find people who will play Pathfinder, it does't really matter what WotC does.
Quoted for truth.

I was very displeased by the 4th Edition rules. Gave them a fair shot, and while I know some folks that love it, it just wasn't for me. Then I found Pathfinder. Very happy with it.

Monte has done some really good stuff (his take on the World of Darkness was very interesting.....not as good as oWoD, but far better than nWoD, in my opinion. A very interesting take on the subject matter though), so I'll probably take a peek at 5th when it comes out, but I don't see it replacing Pathfinder for me.

Just my thoughts.


Lightning Rod

"I am certain that all CoX will be humbled by the might of the Lightning Rod." -Lady_Sadako



Hehe, I remember talking around the D&D table (I stopped at 2nd Edition... some of my friends like the Skills & Options addition) about how we wanted individual computer screens in the table at each seat, all with each book and resource in its database...
Haha... Even better now, I suppose, we can have iPads or laptops with it all.

I've managed to find most of the books and modules, over the years, but I haven't looked in quite some time. I've sadly stopped playing for a few years.
It's hard to develop a new group when you've played for so long with a certain style... and you discover that pretty much nobody else plays that way, hah.

Being adaptive is one thing, but finding nothing but munchies-munching, soda-drinking, lovers of the my-legendary-character-could-beat-your-legendary-character argument all gathered together for a weekly session in the basement style of players has made my wife and I stop looking!
Zero offense to such players... keep on enjoying it! (I just felt like poking fun a little!)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



One serious thing that I meant to mention is that 2nd Edition (and some 1st Edition, beyond the DM's Guide... Unearthed Arcana, Oriental Adventures - to name two) had sooooo many resources (especially for the Forgotten Realms).
Dropping that stuff for a new edition just was not an option for some of us with the bookshelves stacked with resource after resource after resource!
Sure, you can convert it... but, it wasn't broken, so we didn't need to fix it (not with their new books, at least).
I think the new spell names irked me the most.
I don't even care if they were better spell names for some of them... Some of us long-timers are just not going to relearn new spell names for ones we've been reading, using, saying for so many years.

Out with the old, I guess!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Still have my 3.5e books. Still haet 4e. I have lost my faith in WotC a long time ago when it came to D&D.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
6th Edition will be a variation on Super PSTW.
Can't wait for 6th Edition!



I DM a 3.5 game, and I hate every second of it. But that's the system the group wants to use. I would rather DM or play 4th any day of the week. Fortunately, one of the players who hates playing 4th likes DMing it because its much easier, so I have hope to work something out where I can have fun too.

That said, I'll have to see the ruleset and flavor before I decide whether or not 5th ed is any good.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Sorry Kasoh...but you're a Cat that is playing DnD judging by your avatar, I can see why you'd be annoyed at 3.5...all that dice rolling would distract your kitty mind from DMing with the urge to chase things.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
One serious thing that I meant to mention is that 2nd Edition (and some 1st Edition, beyond the DM's Guide... Unearthed Arcana, Oriental Adventures - to name two) had sooooo many resources (especially for the Forgotten Realms).
Dropping that stuff for a new edition just was not an option for some of us with the bookshelves stacked with resource after resource after resource!
Sure, you can convert it... but, it wasn't broken, so we didn't need to fix it (not with their new books, at least).
I think the new spell names irked me the most.
I don't even care if they were better spell names for some of them... Some of us long-timers are just not going to relearn new spell names for ones we've been reading, using, saying for so many years.

Out with the old, I guess!
Comic fans are seeing this with the DC "new 52" stuff now.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Sorry Kasoh...but you're a Cat that is playing DnD judging by your avatar, I can see why you'd be annoyed at 3.5...all that dice rolling would distract your kitty mind from DMing with the urge to chase things.
Actually, those damn Attacks of Opportunity keep me from randomly chasing after too many things.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



I liked certain things about 3rd edition, like the ability to tailor your fighter so that it could be quite different from the next fighter.

I hated all the subsequent character branches that while it expanded on the idea of tailoring your class, it went too far imop.

I played the red box, 1st and 2ed DnD and never once used miniatures or maps. While 3rd and especially 4th really made it practically necessary to use them and it lost a lot of immersion for me at that point. Instead of a world coming to life in my mind and the shared minds of those at the table, it was the battle map and our little figurines. Where what was positioned and how many moves it takes etc...



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
I liked certain things about 3rd edition, like the ability to tailor your fighter so that it could be quite different from the next fighter.

I hated all the subsequent character branches that while it expanded on the idea of tailoring your class, it went too far imop.

I played the red box, 1st and 2ed DnD and never once used miniatures or maps. While 3rd and especially 4th really made it practically necessary to use them and it lost a lot of immersion for me at that point. Instead of a world coming to life in my mind and the shared minds of those at the table, it was the battle map and our little figurines. Where what was positioned and how many moves it takes etc...
I found it pretty easy to avoid miniatures with 3rd Ed. Of course, one of the first things I did to the system was all but remove AoOs.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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-- The Fox and the Hound



Unfortunately, I wasn't the DM for the 3rd ed campaign as such, I had to go by the rules used. Now, I'm no stranger to modding my DnD rules, by either removing, adding or changing them. But it seemed to me that 3rd edition was designed from the outset with the use of miniatures and battle maps in mind and as such, would require extensive work in order to make use of the main books and supplements.

4th edition appears to have done even worse in that regard. I understand the business stance, design a pnp game that requires the use of miniatures, put out new miniature models that go along with the new systems in order to profit further.

It really makes sense if they plan to include current technology and make the leap from table top to something akin to tablet top gaming with this next edition. At which point if they go that route, they'll be a step away from just going pure video gaming.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I found it pretty easy to avoid miniatures with 3rd Ed. Of course, one of the first things I did to the system was all but remove AoOs.

I'm fine with or without minis, but there is one guy in our group who has spent a small fortune on the things. He loves them, so we play the game with minis.

Course when I'm dming my approach to using the Minis is "These are the right size fig, that's good enough."

Drives him nuts.
"I have tons of Goblins why don't you use those."
"These look Goblin enough."
"That one is a lizard man, and those are skeletons. And that one is clearly an imp."
"The goblins rush to attack your group, roll for inish."
"Why don't just email me a list of what you'll need, I'll set them out for you ahead of time."
"It's your attack."
"Why did you move that dice supposed to be one of the Goblins?"
"Yeah the d12 is the leader. He has a fearsome Battle Axe that is almost too large for him to handle and he is frothing at the mouth"



Palladium Fantasy RPG Second Edition FTW.

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