I HATE CONES! Skipping cones w/o gimping?




All but one of the primary powersets seems to have a cone attack. I have to either choose elec or skip the cone powers in the other sets. Is is viable to skip the cone attacks ever? Are there any powerset which have more skippable cones than others? And last but not least if I were to be forced to take a cone which would have the least penalty if used like a single target attack? (meaning pretty much end cost...etc in case I only hit one mob.)

My problem is that a lot of times due to lag I hit the cone at the wrong time or i mis target or a mob runs behind me and botches the whole cone. I'd rather just spend my end on other attacks.



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
All but one of the primary powersets seems to have a cone attack. I have to either choose elec or skip the cone powers in the other sets. Is is viable to skip the cone attacks ever?
Of course. I don't think you'll find many powersets with so many cones that you'd be short on attacks without them. On the other hand, you might take the cone as a set mule, and just not use it.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
Of course. I don't think you'll find many powersets with so many cones that you'd be short on attacks without them. On the other hand, you might take the cone as a set mule, and just not use it.
Well, I'm particularly interested in Ice/.



Radiation Blast's cone does good damage, but has a long animation time and low %age knockback.
The set also packs a PBAoE and a ranged AoE, so you could skip the cone easily enough.

You're then left with a fairly standard blast set with low damage fast-cycling single target blasts (bad) that accept a lot of procs (good), with the status attack built into your attack chain (good) and a fairly lacklustre secondary effect of -Def (bad).



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
Well, I'm particularly interested in Ice/.
Ice Blast only has one cone attack.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Fire Blast only has one cone attack too, and it's relatively terrible power anyway, so you won't be gimping yourself by skipping it.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Fire Blast only has one cone attack too, and it's relatively terrible power anyway, so you won't be gimping yourself by skipping it.
How is it a terrible power? It deals 40% more damage than Fireball with the same recharge and has higher than normal accuracy.

Basically the only downside to the power is that it's a pretty narrow cone. That doesn't make it "relatively terrible."

(That said, I did skip it on my Time/Fire defender, both because I don't like "breath" powers aesthetically, and because cones conflict with the PBAOE nature of Time's Juncture.)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Don't we have the choice for other animations for the breath powers now? I thought so.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



The only set where you are probably gimping yourself by not taking cones is Dark. Pretty much all of it's AoE is contained in Tenebrous Tentacles and Nightfall. Other than Dark (and possibly Psi, it's two cones are pretty good), they are probably not essential.



Most cones in blast sets aren't very good due to horrendous cast times and can be considered skippable, some are still good situationally despite their cast times.



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
How is it a terrible power? It deals 40% more damage than Fireball with the same recharge and has higher than normal accuracy.

Basically the only downside to the power is that it's a pretty narrow cone. That doesn't make it "relatively terrible."

(That said, I did skip it on my Time/Fire defender, both because I don't like "breath" powers aesthetically, and because cones conflict with the PBAOE nature of Time's Juncture.)
Fireball has a 1 second activation time, Firebreath has a 2.67 second activation time, so while Firebreath might be doing more damage per activation, it is not doing more damage per second. Firebreath also only hits 10 targets while fireball hits 16. Aannnndddd fireball is typically a staple part of your single target attack chain, especially if you are a corruptor, where as if you used fire breath on a single target you would be hurting your dps unless you were recharge debuffed and had nothing else to use.

I'm not saying it's bad, You can get good mileage out of fire breath in many situations where you need a follow up aoe to your fireball, but Fire Ball is your staple go-to aoe for its ease of use and activation time, not the ever slow fire breath.



Well, for Beam Rifle, the cone is actually fairly well marked (you get a beam-sweep describing the entire arc). That right there makes it slightly more visible (and therefore useful) than some of the cone attacks in other sets.

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Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
How is it a terrible power? It deals 40% more damage than Fireball with the same recharge and has higher than normal accuracy.

Basically the only downside to the power is that it's a pretty narrow cone. That doesn't make it "relatively terrible."

(That said, I did skip it on my Time/Fire defender, both because I don't like "breath" powers aesthetically, and because cones conflict with the PBAOE nature of Time's Juncture.)
It's a done to death argument, but basically the activation time is too long for the damage it does, and the range is too short to take advantage of the cone in order to hit many enemies with it (it has a hit-cap of 10 enemies anyway vs Fireball's 16) while simultaneously forcing you to move up closer to your enemy in order to use it which wastes valuable blasterin' time. Numerically, Fireball comes out ahead both in its' ease of use, DPS, and ability to hit numerous targets.

Also I think it looks dumb :P



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Most cones in blast sets aren't very good due to horrendous cast times and can be considered skippable, some are still good situationally despite their cast times.
AR has long animation times with the cones Full Auto and FT. But then again those hit hard, and then AR can mop up with Buckshot/GL in scourge territory.

I can't imagine trying AR without cones...you used to be able to do it back in the pre-ED days of AR/Dev though.



Isnt flamethrowr suppsed to be really good?



You're only complaining about cones. I find that funny as someone that's been playing a long time. Do you just hate cones?

There's nothing wrong with a cone if you stick and move, unless you don't slot for acc, then it's your problem.

I find a lot of people in game want to stand in one place and attack. Guess what, you're not gonna hit the maximum number of targets without setting it up!

I don't mind cones at all, as I play aggressive, and I'm willing to move into a good position for max effect.

You limit yourself by your lack of flexibility.

If you want to stand still, roll a melee toon!

I'm not saying all cones are good, I'm just saying you have work sometimes

If you have problems with cones, don't blame it on lag, ungrade to a better ISP.

And you're not complaining about any other lag than with cones, that's wierd.

Edit: Do you have this lag solo or just on teams?

@MARTy McFly



Originally Posted by Bubblerella View Post
I find a lot of people in game want to stand in one place and attack. Guess what, you're not gonna hit the maximum number of targets without setting it up!

I don't mind cones at all, as I play aggressive, and I'm willing to move into a good position for max effect.
If you're the type that likes to play a softcapped Corruptor in melee, setting up a cone is easy. When you're surrounded and have one targeted, take a short hop backwards and fire away.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Bubblerella View Post
You're only complaining about cones. I find that funny as someone that's been playing a long time. Do you just hate cones?

There's nothing wrong with a cone if you stick and move, unless you don't slot for acc, then it's your problem.

I find a lot of people in game want to stand in one place and attack. Guess what, you're not gonna hit the maximum number of targets without setting it up!

I don't mind cones at all, as I play aggressive, and I'm willing to move into a good position for max effect.

You limit yourself by your lack of flexibility.

If you want to stand still, roll a melee toon!

I'm not saying all cones are good, I'm just saying you have work sometimes

If you have problems with cones, don't blame it on lag, ungrade to a better ISP.

And you're not complaining about any other lag than with cones, that's wierd.

Edit: Do you have this lag solo or just on teams?
Actually my complaint stems from a bug in COH, where using the right+left click to move and then hitting a power causes you to autorun and youll just keep running all over the place. This problem makes it a pain in my *** to be super mobile. I've missed plenty of cones and such for due to this problem. I've moved with the keyboard AND mouse since my Everquest days, I'd rather form the characters to work in the style I prefer than deal with their shortcoming and be frustrated with the character.



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
Actually my complaint stems from a bug in COH, where using the right+left click to move and then hitting a power causes you to autorun and youll just keep running all over the place. This problem makes it a pain in my *** to be super mobile. I've missed plenty of cones and such for due to this problem. I've moved with the keyboard AND mouse since my Everquest days, I'd rather form the characters to work in the style I prefer than deal with their shortcoming and be frustrated with the character.
Are you sure that's a bug? I know if you hold the left and right buttons down for a certain amount of time, you'll stay running. I think that's a feature...



Originally Posted by Wyatt_Earp View Post
Are you sure that's a bug? I know if you hold the left and right buttons down for a certain amount of time, you'll stay running. I think that's a feature...
I think Sony might be hiring a new marketing rep soon.



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
Actually my complaint stems from a bug in COH, where using the right+left click to move and then hitting a power causes you to autorun and youll just keep running all over the place. This problem makes it a pain in my *** to be super mobile. I've missed plenty of cones and such for due to this problem. I've moved with the keyboard AND mouse since my Everquest days, I'd rather form the characters to work in the style I prefer than deal with their shortcoming and be frustrated with the character.
I think the auto-run condition happens when you hold down both mouse buttons for a couple seconds. The only way I've found to deal with it is to disable two-button run altogether. You won't accidentally go running into the next group of enemies anymore or mess up your angle for a cone attack, but you also won't be able to use two-button running for quick, intuitive movement.

It's idiotic. I dunno if the auto-running is a bug or not, but I always thought I was the only one bothered by it.. maybe I should start writing tickets.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



Auto-running is not a bug, although you're not the only person who dislikes it. Fortunately, you can change that behavior with a simple bind. I believe it's

/bind mousechord +forward

Hopefully someone who knows for sure can confirm or correct that for me.



EDIT: I'm wrong, and an idiot.



Originally Posted by icemanstryketh View Post
All but one of the primary powersets seems to have a cone attack. I have to either choose elec or skip the cone powers in the other sets. Is is viable to skip the cone attacks ever? Are there any powerset which have more skippable cones than others?
Your reason for asking this question may be gone now (not sure), but it's still a valid question. Some folks just don't enjoy lining up cones and prefer targeted AoEs or PBAoEs.

The sets do vary quite a bit. Setting aside nukes, Dark Blast is dependent upon cones for its AoE, and as Gemini_2099 pointed out, Assault Rifle really would be much weaker if you didn't take the cones. Psychic Blast's cone is the better of its two non-nuke AoEs, and not taking it would cut into your AoE quite a bit. I also find that Archery's cone is the better of the two non-nuke AoEs in that set (or the least annoying, anyway). Sonic's only real damaging AoE is a cone.

Other sets don't rely on cones so much, or the other AoE attacks in the set are "good enough" without the cone attack. Radiation offers a cone, a targeted AoE, and a PBAoE. I find that cone skippable, particularly with the knockback aspect. I also find Dual Pistols, Fire, and Ice to have cones I'm comfortable skipping. My main is a Ice/Cold corruptor, and I've never felt I needed Frost Breath for adequate AoE on him. Your mileage may vary, of course.

And Electric's got no cone at all.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Auto-running is not a bug, although you're not the only person who dislikes it. Fortunately, you can change that behavior with a simple bind. I believe it's

/bind mousechord +forward

Hopefully someone who knows for sure can confirm or correct that for me.
Man, I hope that the solution is that easy. I'll definitely try it when I get home. It just never occurred to me to try to re-bind the Left+Right button combination. Even if this bind isn't right, thanks for the idea.

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