A short Public Service Announcement for our new players




Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i personally dont like speed tfs either, but i do know that most of the hero tfs are boring awful slogs that need to be revamped so missing a few mobs wouldnt hurt if it saves a few hours
My feelings as well. I'm a go-with-the-flow type and whatever the leader wants works for me. Though, honestly, the speed-at-all-cost mentality that some people have adopted plays havoc on the "Enjoy the journey" mentality that is the core of my playstyle.



Originally Posted by Kaiser_Soze_NA View Post
Two questions:

1. Do you find that you run Sister Pysche often as an optimal leveling tool? If so I have several suggestions of alternatives to improve your xp/hr rate.

2. Do you find that you get a lot of shards when running Sister Psyche? No? See question number one.

I run Sister Pysche for the required acca badge. I like that it helps me level along the way, but having leveled in excess of thirty toons past that point, I prefer to complete it in an efficient manner and move on. Sorry you find that pointless. YMMV.

One final point, as previously stated by numerous posters, what Wrend and I were doing was NOT a speed run, merely a more efficient approach than kill em all let Posi sort them out.
Why exactly do you bother to play the game any more? Why do you bother to ever make a new character?

You're clearly not interested in progressing a new character in power slowly while fighting greater and greater threats. You just want all the levels and all the badges as efficiently as possible.

Where's the fun in that?

When one of my characters has Sis P's badge, it's because that character actually helped her out. Not because they exploited game mechanics to get the badge as quickly as possible.

What exactly do you do with the character once you've efficiently gotten all the levels and all the accolades? Do you efficiently start a new character? Or efficiently grind the incarnate trials?

What great great fun.

Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.

BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"



Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
Why is it their responsibility to preemptively speak up about something they might not be aware of? Here's a better idea - if you're doing a speed run, announce that when forming.
I didn't read all the posts but this one is the most proper advice.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
Please note the difference between a Speed Run and a quicker run. The former being an attempt to run the content as fast as humanly possible, the latter being an attempt to skip unnecessary parts of the content. This is the difference between a 15 minute ITF, a 45 minute ITF and a 2 hour ITF.

For example, the "Defeat Security Chief And His Men" missions on Manti are on gigantic maps that can take upwards of an hour to clear if you kill everything. Stealthing to the Named Boss (if not to TP the team then at least to locate him) does not make it a speed run, it makes it an "I don't have 4 hours to dedicate to this TF" run.

A lot of the old TF content is like this (don't let's get started on the Shadow Shard TFs ) and so even for new players it's often beneficial to run them in an "optimal" way, that isn't speed running. *Explaining* this to new players goes a long way towards helping the situation.

That said, if you're doing a "real" Speed Run, say so upfront.

Ahh a voice of reason.. The OP is not referring to the classic "Speed Run" you see on an ITF where the Brute/tank run ahead ignoring everything attacking them and destroy crystals in mission 2. then jump from General to General on mission 3 and I have even seen ones where they aggroed Romulus and Requieum while we were still trying to take out the Phallanx control. He's talking about using stealth to shorten a few missions to lower the required time to under 2 hours. Almost every single one of the old TFs has a number of defeat alls that offer up plenty of xp. The worst being Synapse with its 3 straight defeat alls followed by a patrol and then a 4th defeat all before anyone sees a single mission they can use stealth on to shorten. Here's another little tip... there is absolutely nothing that says just because you have someone stealthing ahead its a requirement to sit like a lump at the front door doing nothing. On a recent Manticore TF while the stalker was searching for Security chief Manning the rest of us started attacking mobs.. By the time our objective was located and we were all teleported into position to get a mission complete ... we'd cleared 3 floors.

Speaking as someone who has, as mentioned in the quote, spent several HOURS laboring to complete Doc Q in the Shard.. I do NOT mind one bit if we skip a little xp so I can go do something else. LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Seriously, just look at the avatar.

Would she steer you wrong?
That's a she?
I always assume dit was Ed form Fullmetal Alchemist...

Based on previous posts to the thread I know some posters will disagree with me, but it is my honest experience that this is the "typical" way tf's get run at this point. As always YMMV, but I'm not the only one. My attempts at education were met with insults, hostility, and the underlying attitude that WE were doing something unusual and had wronged HIM and his fiance by not making our plans clear up front. This was plainly not the case. Communication might be key, but when the star holder and six of the eight team members automatically expect something to be done in a way they all consider default, to argue that the onus was not on the minority to make their own wishes clear is pushing things a bit.
Communication might be key, but when the star holder and six of the eight team members automatically expect something to be done in a way they all consider default, to argue that the onus was not on the minority to make their own wishes clear is pushing things a bit.
six of the eight team members automatically expect something to be done in a way they all consider default
Multi-quoting this part, to point out the root of the problem here. If the Team Leader hasnt made things clear upfront, and just "Automatically Expect" everyone is on board with how the TF is being run, then wether or not anyone specifically says it, the message you are sending new players is "This is the way it's done, get with it or get out"- and thats a crappy message to send at any point, but especially now with the particularly high influx if new players everyone hopes FREEDOM! is bringing.

(On the other hand, yes, its possible that those players were jerks too)



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
Why exactly do you bother to play the game any more? Why do you bother to ever make a new character?

You're clearly not interested in progressing a new character in power slowly while fighting greater and greater threats. You just want all the levels and all the badges as efficiently as possible.

Where's the fun in that?

When one of my characters has Sis P's badge, it's because that character actually helped her out. Not because they exploited game mechanics to get the badge as quickly as possible.

What exactly do you do with the character once you've efficiently gotten all the levels and all the accolades? Do you efficiently start a new character? Or efficiently grind the incarnate trials?

What great great fun.
Because some people get bored out of their minds unless their toon is lvl 50 and IO'ed out?

Some people like farming (either doing AE missions over and over or what have ya), some like roleplaying, some like setting the diff. at -1x0 and solo'ing the whole game like that and some even like to PvP....

What's the issue here?

As others have said, if the leader says "this is a speed run" and you don't want to do a speed run (and everyone else on the team does) then either "get over it" or quit and let them know why.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
Dude, look at the dates. This thread died in December 2011. IT'S FROM THE FUTURE.