Why F2P Chat woes make me so angry...

akarah the hunter



Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
No it won't, that's RMT paranoia talking. Spending 5 minutes a day (less than that after the first few days) to unsilence new people in the channel is not going to cause a cascade failure. It's called responsibility, and if people don't take it, we get petty threats like this as a facade for the real issues.
No, it's experience talking.

And it's not 5 minutes a day to unsilence people that's the problem, it's having to silence people who cause problems that's a problem. That's continuous ongoing enforcement. MMO companies can't afford the cost to moderate their channels - asking volunteers to shoulder the burden is ridiculous.

Fact: I can spend $5 and create a program that sends RMT mail to every person in the game. Really, just $5, no joke. Premium members get in-game mail. I can also spend $5 and spam messages to everyone.
Fact: it's proven that *any* monetary barrier to entry is extremely effective in stopping RMT spam.

I just can't join a channel with MUCH less people in it and spam them because it's $45. Then again I couldn't do that in the first place if channel moderators owned up to their responsibilities and checked my name before unsilencing.
I see, so the problem is that channel moderators aren't owning up to their reponsibilities. Got it. Refresh my memory and tell me how you're contributing to the community?

RMT is a facade, a long past event that still grips people with paranoia and allows Paragon to get away with taking away a well nigh essential part of the game experience. Free players shouldn't get squat, but premium players that pay when they can? They deserve respect.
DEAD WRONG. RMT is a business that has grown every year. If you don't realize that it's a clear and present danger, then you just don't understand anything about MMOs.



Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
Can't take the responsibility? Don't host a channel. You created it, you are labelled as a moderator, it is your responsibility. You unsilence people all the time, re-silencing them is just part of being a moderator.
No, I don't unsilence people all the time. The channels I'm a moderator on are not auto-silence channels. This was a choice to limit how much time is eaten from the moderator's play time.

Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
That attitude will result in there being only two types of channels. The spam-filled and the dead.

People who moderate the globals take some of their play time to try to provide a better environment for the rest of us. Unless you're willing to do the same, your appropriate responses are either gratitude or silence.
I fully agree with this.

Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
No it won't, that's RMT paranoia talking. Spending 5 minutes a day (less than that after the first few days) to unsilence new people in the channel is not going to cause a cascade failure. It's called responsibility, and if people don't take it, we get petty threats like this as a facade for the real issues.
5 minutes? What a laugh. I do agree that I have responsibility, just not to the group you think. I have the responsibility to the other players on the channel that are paying subscribers, not to some F2P player. I think I can safely say that you do not understand what I'm saying.

Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
Fact: I can spend $5 and create a program that sends RMT mail to every person in the game. Really, just $5, no joke. Premium members get in-game mail. I can also spend $5 and spam messages to everyone.
And get your account banned. Do that too many times and you'll not be out however much money you've spent, but your IP address will be banned as well. Try harder and I'll assume that legal action would be taken.

Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
I just can't join a channel with MUCH less people in it and spam them because it's $45. Then again I couldn't do that in the first place if channel moderators owned up to their responsibilities and checked my name before unsilencing.
What, exactly, are you arguing here? First you are going on about how all free players should be allowed to join and be auto-silenced, and now are going on about people of a set reward tier being shut out of global channels.

To be clear as to where I stand:
  • F2P ($0) - Deserve what they pay for: No access to tells, broadcast, super groups, global channels, and global tells. Throughout this thread (and elsewhere) when I say "free player" I mean this group.
  • Starter Premium ($5-$40) - Completely acceptable that they get access to tells, broadcast, and super groups, but no access to global tells or global channels. I call this group "new users" or "basic premiums".
  • Tier 3 Premium and above ($45+) - Completely acceptable that they get access to tells, broadcast, super groups, global tells or global channels. I call this group premiums.
  • VIP - Completely acceptable that they get access to tells, broadcast, super groups, global tells or global channels. I call this group subscribers.
I have no problem what so ever if a Tier 3 Premium or VIP having global channel access. That is what they have paid for or are paying for. They will get access as the channel allows (auto silence on join or not as the channel mods see fit, if the channel is public or private as the channel mods see fit).

However allowing F2P or Starter Premiums global channel access is a BAD THING. One global channel I moderated filled twice. It takes 2,500 accounts to fill a channel. That is far more a problem than a 10-20 player group global channel, tells, or even broadcast.

Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
RMT is a facade, a long past event that still grips people with paranoia and allows Paragon to get away with taking away a well nigh essential part of the game experience. Free players shouldn't get squat, but premium players that pay when they can? They deserve respect.
I think that your writing style is confusing people as to if you mean F2P or Premium (and what level of premium) when you are posting. Can you please be specific as to what you are saying that I'm doing or not doing?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Tier 3 Premium and above ($45+) - Completely acceptable that they get access to tells, broadcast, super groups, global tells or global channels. I call this group premiums.
The one thing that bothers me here is that a player who decides to make the jump to VIP and purchases $45 worth of game time still won't have access to global chat until the time is up, while a player who sticks to Premium and buys the same dollar value worth of points will have full access right away. In this situation, the VIP is at a disadvantage.

I really hope the devs get the whole token thing sorted out soon.



Originally Posted by Selina_H View Post
The one thing that bothers me here is that a player who decides to make the jump to VIP and purchases $45 worth of game time still won't have access to global chat until the time is up, while a player who sticks to Premium and buys the same dollar value worth of points will have full access right away. In this situation, the VIP is at a disadvantage.

I really hope the devs get the whole token thing sorted out soon.
No, that's not true - any VIP/subscriber automatically has full chat/email/channel access.



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
No, that's not true - any VIP/subscriber automatically has full chat/email/channel access.
/facepalm. You're right - I was still going off the Tiers and completely neglected to use my brain. I'll let my excuse be that I'm sick, exhausted and should probably head to bed.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
What, exactly, are you arguing here? First you are going on about how all free players should be allowed to join and be auto-silenced, and now are going on about people of a set reward tier being shut out of global channels.
My entire argument is based around global chat being a tier 3 token ($15) and not a tier 3 unlock ($45)

If ANY monetary fee curbs RMT, then this should more than suffice. Try again.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Okay, here are my reasons for not wanting a menu option to let players choose to accept free player tells:
  • Overly broad. It allows pure F2P all the way up to Premium Tier 8 players.
    • If multiple settings are allowed, then requires more interface work would be needed.
  • Slows game performance with yet another check. The current setup only requires a check at the time of sending the tell, not constantly in case a tell is received.
  • Pure F2P players do not have any investment to lose for spamming.
  • Global Ignore lists aren't effective in curbing RMTs.
  • Global Ignore lists lump people I want to ignore in with spammers.
  • Not all options are saved consistently.
  • Some options are flaky and change without user interaction.
  • Switching characters has the possibility to change even existing options. Try setting XP to be disabled or a hide setting then switching characters, sometimes the option "sticks".

None of these reasons is compelling enough to me to abandon my hope that I will be able to decide who is able to communicate with me. I certainly don't want *you* deciding that because you can't handle it, I can't either, and we pay the same monthly fee. In fact I find the idea of you being "against" paid players deciding who they receive tells from almost offensive.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
None of these reasons is compelling enough to me to abandon my hope that I will be able to decide who is able to communicate with me. I certainly don't want *you* deciding that because you can't handle it, I can't either, and we pay the same monthly fee. In fact I find the idea of you being "against" paid players deciding who they receive tells from almost offensive.
Exactly. I played WoW, I got RMT spam at least once every 3 days, you know what? Life went on. We did not have some nuclear holocaust. In fact, over time we found it pretty funny. We pointed out grammar mistakes and spelling errors for laughs.



Once every 3 days? I used to get my in-game inbox filled up everyday. Not to mention spam tells every few minutes.



Yeah, my friend created a new account and we couldn't send "tells". It is kinda annoying. I have to invite him to the team first and then chat.

I am really not too sure if restricting "private tells" achieves anything besides annoying existing players. I guess some existing players don't want private tells from newbies?

I thought there is an option to decline tells?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Yeah, my friend created a new account and we couldn't send "tells". It is kinda annoying. I have to invite him to the team first and then chat.

I am really not too sure if restricting "private tells" achieves anything besides annoying existing players. I guess some existing players don't want private tells from newbies?

I thought there is an option to decline tells?
This is to prevent RMT spam. Which has been stated repeatedly on every page of this thread. RMT spam is far more annoying to the existing players, so stop trying to paint this as subscriber elitism.



Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
My entire argument is based around global chat being a tier 3 token ($15) and not a tier 3 unlock ($45)
Anyone can, for $15 have nearly unlimited chat ability: They can subscribe.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
None of these reasons is compelling enough to me to abandon my hope that I will be able to decide who is able to communicate with me. I certainly don't want *you* deciding that because you can't handle it, I can't either, and we pay the same monthly fee. In fact I find the idea of you being "against" paid players deciding who they receive tells from almost offensive.
I am not deciding this. The developers decided this. However, I fully support that developer choice as it means less inconvenience to me.

As long as a player pays the monthly fee, they can chat with anyone. They can receive tells from anyone that has earned the privilege to send them.

To gain the privilege (it is not a right) of being able to send tells, talk in super group channel, or in broadcast a player has to earn a set amount of reward tokens (2).

To gain the privilege (it is not a right) of being able to send global tells and talk global channels a player has to earn a set amount of reward tokens (5).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I thought there is an option to decline tells?
There is no option to decline tells. Even if you are hidden you will get the tell unless you have ignored the player.

Given that there are over 100,000 player accounts (that is paid accounts, not including free accounts) and you can only ignore (edit: 100 ) accounts, this is a problem.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Anyone can, for $15 have nearly unlimited chat ability: They can subscribe.
In other words, buying a ton of stuff players don't want, good call there. I think it's safe to say that this is not the Freedom we're looking for. This isn't even remotely close to freedom, this is just elitism.

You VIP elitists have a whole server to yourself, what more do you want? Meanwhile us normal VIPs want to have fun without dealing with premium segregation.



No, it isn't elitist. It is being aware that this is a business that is focused on putting subscribers first. Paragon Studios #1 concern is their subscribers. They are the main revenue stream for the company.

People that are playing for free are costing Paragon Studios money. Paragon Studios hopes to offset those costs by selling Paragon Points.

It may not be the Freedom YOU are looking for, and that is perfectly fine. However Freedom is set up to allow subscribers the freedom to choose the services that they value the most while allowing free players to buy only what they want to pay for. If someone wants global chat access, then that person will have to pay for that access. You have the freedom to choose if that purchase is right for you or not.

I want the game to survive. I'm willing to pay for the access level I want. This game represents the majority of my annual entertainment budget.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I am not deciding this. The developers decided this. However, I fully support that developer choice as it means less inconvenience to me.

I understand what full well what you are saying: no one can have this feature because you might forget to turn off the option and get a message from an RMTer. It doesn't matter what the developers decided because the purpose of this thread is to discuss whether that was a good decision.

To gain the privilege (it is not a right) of being able to send tells, talk in super group channel, or in broadcast a player has to earn a set amount of reward tokens (2).
This is not in dispute. What I said is that I, the paid player, want to decide whether a free player can contact me or not. I do not want the game deciding that for me. This is NOT just about paid players not being able to send tells; it is also about my ability to receive them. As long as its like this, you and all the world will get to hear my private chats via the Help channel.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
and you can only ignore 200 accounts,
You can only ignore 100 accounts. The patch way back that was supposed to increase it to 200 was either reversed soon after or never went through.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I understand what full well what you are saying: no one can have this feature because you might forget to turn off the option and get a message from an RMTer.
No, I'm against this because this game has an annoying tendency to reverse settings without player interaction. Or have new settings which are not explained to the users like the new "opt-in" setting to show alignment on a player's info screen, the whole mystic fortune fiasco (is it set to accept or prompt as a default?), and is it on a per character or global option? Does that mean I have to, on every single alt I make have to go to Gull the Null just so someone that has no investment in this game isn't inconvenienced? Give me a break.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
This is NOT just about paid players not being able to send tells; it is also about my ability to receive them.
No matter how much you deny it, it isn't about you. It is about the person sending the tells.

Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
You can only ignore 100 accounts. The patch way back that was supposed to increase it to 200 was either reversed soon after or never went through.
I stand corrected.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters