where are my points?




Interesting. And thanks for the follow-up!

And yeah, no worries, xeno... it's annoying, at times, but it is these things that are a part of being human. It often gets the better of us!

And yeah... official announcements of this information would have been good.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Good to hear we got a response explaining why, I figured to wait until today when I didn't get my points from subbing on the 1st. Hopefully, they'll get a more official notice out though!

Damage Proc Mini-FAQ

Just noticed Damage Proc Mini-FAQ wasn't working with new forums, it's been updated.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
July, August and September are three months... Three times 400 would be 1,200. Yet, we received 1,600 points. We don't know why!
Was this intentional? Did we receive points for June to July, July to August, August to September and September to October?
Maybe we already got our October points...
It is a legitimate thought/point/question, since we really don't know what is going on.
I hope we didn't get 'em already... The more I get, the better!

This is exactly the reason players are freaking out. We don't know because there has yet to be informed clarification. In time I would hope we will see a specific statement putting all this to rest. I.E. "we awarded x number of points for dates to dates. This means you as a customer will receive point by this formula." Do the tokens award the same as points? Why have we collectively gotten server transfers already? All this and more could be yours with just a little illumination, next time on the Paragon Market!



Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
okay so I got a response on the issue and here it is

I know this was to great relief to me I hope it helps any one else scratching there heads about what was going on.

I also apologize to any one I got testy with.

peace paragon and powers all!
So that's for the points. Are tokens under a different rule for distribution? If so is it end of the billing cycle? If not then should those people with a billing date of the 1st already have received the Oct. token? Ah well, one question answered at least thanks for the update.



Originally Posted by woodone View Post
So that's for the points. Are tokens under a different rule for distribution? If so is it end of the billing cycle? If not then should those people with a billing date of the 1st already have received the Oct. token? Ah well, one question answered at least thanks for the update.
Yes. Let's say your billing date is October 5.

1. Sever Transfers are awarded on the first of the month. (i.e. October 1)
2. Paragon Points are awarded on your billing date (i.e. October 5) - however, Freedom launch was frontloaded with extra PP, so if your account was active during launch, you got extra PP. Therefore, if your billing date is before October 11 (according to a GM), you won't get your PP until October 11
3. Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded at the *END* of your billing month (i.e. November 4)

Yes, this means that anyone whose billing date is October 1 through October 10, you won't get your PP until October 11.

Yes, that means the rewards are all on a different award date. Yes, that is kind of dumb.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Yes, that means the rewards are all on a different award date. Yes, that is kind of dumb.
I would bet it is because they are on the same timer the Veteran Rewards were on. Which were given at the end of the month they were due, not the beginning. Which is also probably the difficulty they ran into for awarding them all at the beginning of a mult-month sub.

In practical terms, it will not make a real difference. If your date is Nov 27, you will get the next months Points on the 27th, and the last months Reward token then. It is the big lump of stuff we got with the Headstart that is messing with things right now and messing with our ability to understand what is going on.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Hey guys,

I'm being brought up to speed on exactly how this is all working. We'll get an official post explaining everything ASAP. As far as I was aware, PP were to be awarded on your billing cycle date, which is what I originally communicated.

I do apologize if there was confusion caused by the rewarding of Paragon Points on differing dates and we'll work to clarify this and the Reward Token schedule ASAP.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Cool beans! Yeah, I believe there is a great deal of confusion... there are at least 3 different threads of folks being everything from confused to mad about when their points and/or tokens will show up.

I know I for one, had no idea. My renewal date is the 18th of each month, so I was unsure if I should have gotten something in September, or if I would have to wait until my next date in October. As it stands, having all three of those items award on different dates will continue to confound and beguile well after it is explained. Because, of course, folks will forget which is which, and not everyone will see the post. Maybe a GMOTD in-game is in order?

Also, while we are talking about Rewards... is it at ALL possible to have the various things like Tells, the AH, use of Trollers/MMs be displayed at the relevant tiers IN the Paragon Rewards Menu? Perhaps on that thermometer on the side instead of re-showing all the rewards that are quite obvious just to the left?

Also, also, FPAZ.



I'm a bit concerned about points myself. I understand they're to be awarded on billing date. I used the "one time payment paypal" option when the 12+2 promotion ran last year, my "paid through" date is listed as February 1st, though I don't actually have a subscription (because it's not reoccuring). I would *assume* my "billing date" is the 1st of the month. If this is accurate I am overdue by a couple of days for October's Paragon Points. I've ALSO not seen any reward tokens (other than a few I got for buying points last month) other than the initial allotment we received at headstart. Contrasted with my second account which is on monthly reoccuring biling, and received it's Reward Tokens (as best I can tell) on the day I was billed for the next month (September 28th or 29th can't be exactly sure and can't check right now as NC's account pages are down for maint). I have not however received October's allotment of Paragon Points for that account either. Should I not have received them as well when the account was re-billed?

The whole thing is a lot more confusing than we assumed it was going to be.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



I say if you don't get the things you should get for October by Oct. 11, then you should contact support. As it stands now, it looks like Oct. 11 will be the date stuff will be given out. Hopefully after that it'll be on the day of your billing. I, myself, am active until April 1, 2012, and my billing date has been the 1st for as long as I can remember.
If I don't see my goodies on the 12th, I'll contact support.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Also, while we are talking about Rewards... is it at ALL possible to have the various things like Tells, the AH, use of Trollers/MMs be displayed at the relevant tiers IN the Paragon Rewards Menu? Perhaps on that thermometer on the side instead of re-showing all the rewards that are quite obvious just to the left?
That is exactly where those things are shown for Premium or Free players. For VIPs, it shows what rewards they get at the various stages.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Yes. Let's say your billing date is October 5.

1. Sever Transfers are awarded on the first of the month. (i.e. October 1)
2. Paragon Points are awarded on your billing date (i.e. October 5) - however, Freedom launch was frontloaded with extra PP, so if your account was active during launch, you got extra PP. Therefore, if your billing date is before October 11 (according to a GM), you won't get your PP until October 11
3. Paragon Reward Tokens are awarded at the *END* of your billing month (i.e. November 4)

Yes, this means that anyone whose billing date is October 1 through October 10, you won't get your PP until October 11.

Yes, that means the rewards are all on a different award date. Yes, that is kind of dumb.
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Hey guys,

I'm being brought up to speed on exactly how this is all working. We'll get an official post explaining everything ASAP. As far as I was aware, PP were to be awarded on your billing cycle date, which is what I originally communicated.

I do apologize if there was confusion caused by the rewarding of Paragon Points on differing dates and we'll work to clarify this and the Reward Token schedule ASAP.
So, usually, in the future, starting in November, I'll get my points on my billing date of the 2nd?

But this October is a fluke and I shouldn't expect October's points until the 11th?

But on Nov 1st I'll get October's token?
And then on Nov 2nd I'll get November's points?



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
So, usually, in the future, starting in November, I'll get my points on my billing date of the 2nd?

But this October is a fluke and I shouldn't expect October's points until the 11th?

But on Nov 1st I'll get October's token?
And then on Nov 2nd I'll get November's points?
Only on a Black Tuesday if you have a Royal Fizbin!

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Originally Posted by ZephyrWind View Post
Only on a Black Tuesday if you have a Royal Fizbin!
It does make it harder to figure out where your account stands when compared to a system where all items are accrued on the same date. I am beginning to suspect the reason that this is not as simple as it seems it could be is one of conscious design.
Yet, as they say, one should be cautious attributing to motives to actions that may be adequately explained otherwise.

What is the very good reason for splitting things up so that some of them arrive at the end of the billing period and some arrive at the beginning of the period--give or take--instead of having them arrive on the same day as the bill for the items?

Obviously there must be a very good reason for doing it, or else it wouldn't have been done this way, right?



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
It does make it harder to figure out where your account stands when compared to a system where all items are accrued on the same date. I am beginning to suspect the reason that this is not as simple as it seems it could be is one of conscious design.
Yet, as they say, one should be cautious attributing to motives to actions that may be adequately explained otherwise.

What is the very good reason for splitting things up so that some of them arrive at the end of the billing period and some arrive at the beginning of the period--give or take--instead of having them arrive on the same day as the bill for the items?

Obviously there must be a very good reason for doing it, or else it wouldn't have been done this way, right?
The awarding of Points is a new system. Added with the Market and it makes sense that it comes at the start of your month, so you can spend those points ASAP (and they hope want to buy more). The Reward Tokens are built on the old Veteran Rewards system, which were awarded at the end of your billing cycle, because they were for actual time played, not for time purchased.

They meant to change that, so that if you purchased multi-month subscriptions you got the entire bunch of Tokens at the start of the cycle, but discovered late in the process it wasn't working. So we get the Tokens at the end of the monthly billing cycle, the way we used to get the Vet rewards.

They have said they want to fix it so the original proposal can be met, but unless/until that happens, we get the Tokens at the end of the month. (Barring any you get for purchasing Points of course.)

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



The better thing would have been for Xenophage to have paraphrased it in the post instead of pasting the response received.

And I'm skating on thin ice in this post. If I get much further in I'll have to click the Report Post icon on it and make Zwafflemonger fall out of his chair laughing when he sees who reported it.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
The better thing would have been for Xenophage to have paraphrased it in the post instead of pasting the response received.

And I'm skating on thin ice in this post. If I get much further in I'll have to click the Report Post icon on it and make Zwafflemonger fall out of his chair laughing when he sees who reported it.
Not as much as he likely did with my double oopsies the other day. O



Just to post this in the other thread on this I'm watching as well.

11th has rolled in, and still no points. Something tells me that's why the GMs response was removed. Really, this isn't that hard, is it? It's a counter, they can likely incriment it to read whatever they want to, whenever they want to.

If I don't see my points by the 15th, I'm going to ticket it, and then if I don't see 2 months worth by the 1st of November I'm going to ticket it again, after that, it's going to start getting ugly. This is getting rediculous.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
It's a counter, they can likely incriment it to read whatever they want to, whenever they want to.
notebook paper and pencil to record the discrepancies between the actual stock and the stock the system thinks it has. Then, when the system is fixed, you can enter the discrepancies into the system to make the accounts match.

If needed there're even computer programs that act like a ledger for you.



Just so this is posted here too, in case some of you are only watching this thread and not the other one:

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Apologies for the delay in responding to this. We've been waiting for confirmation on the exact situation.

Here the situation: The script to award your monthly stipend of Paragon Points on the 11th was scheduled to go up with a billing publish that was slated for Monday. Unfortunately, this publish did not happen on Monday. This means that the script will go up during a billing publish tomorrow, 10/12/2011, with our normal weekly maintenance.

I know many of you are eagerly anticipating your monthly stipend of points and very much so appreciate your patience.

My apologies for the delay .

The question is, we don't know if he meant that maintenance would be tomorrow, or that it would happen during maint Thursday, or if those are unconnected. But short, it'll happen either tomorrow or Thursday.

Edit: Z just fixed his original post. He thought today was Wednesday, so he meant to say Maint. Thursday morning. So we should have our points after that.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



same here...on the 4th i was supposed to get my tokens, and today my points, nothing for either. its been a very poor job by ncsoft. zwillinger makes a post that obviously is completely wrong, im starting to wonder if anyone knows whats going on. i did contact support and gone through the proper channels, but 2 days and nothing

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Just so this is posted here too, in case some of you are only watching this thread and not the other one:

The question is, we don't know if he meant that maintenance would be tomorrow, or that it would happen during maint Thursday, or if those are unconnected. But short, it'll happen either tomorrow or Thursday.

Edit: Z just fixed his original post. He thought today was Wednesday, so he meant to say Maint. Thursday morning. So we should have our points after that.

and this only handles one part, some of us are still missing tokens.....theres no mention of that here!!

40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given



Originally Posted by Doctor_Bob View Post
and this only handles one part, some of us are still missing tokens.....theres no mention of that here!!
Tokens SHOULD award based on your sub date and/or the same time the old vet rewards would've awarded (every 3 months back then). In my case that was June 18th 2005, and I always got mine on the 18th of the months that were multiples of 3, so I should get my October token on the 18th. Transfer tokens are the 1st, and points are billing date (except for this whole issue where if you are between the 1st and 10th then it'll be the 13th (of October) and will "slowly over the coming months" eventually line up with your billing date.

That's pretty much what we know. So check your sub date in the NC Account manager, that should be when you get your token.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Doctor_Bob View Post
and this only handles one part, some of us are still missing tokens.....theres no mention of that here!!
I heard that tokens have a one month delay on them--October's tokens will be awarded on Nov's bill date.

That's what I heard anyway.