Where is the outrage? Buying Vet Rewards




Actually I see far less raging about ideas than the originators of those ideas seem to see. For example (a made up example) somebody might post "I would like to have a version of claws that came out of the fingertips instead of the knuckles.

Long time player who is blunt says "Not gonna happen."

Clueless player who can't understand that the concept is to add a type of claw rather than change the entire set says "I like my claws just the way they are thank you very much."

Long time player who is diplomatic says "What LTPWIB meant is that the devs have said that it would be hard to code because it wouldn't just mean adding in a claws type. It would require redesigning all player hands so that they had actual fingers rather than just being the mittens they are now."

Me Too player says "Yeah, what LTPWID just said. It's because of the fingers.

OP says "I don't know why anybody even bothers posting here. I come up with a suggestion and everybody jumps on me telling me it's stupid and will never happen. If you don't have something constructive to say about my idea just shut up. The devs are the ones who decide, not you!!!

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Actually I see far less raging about ideas than the originators of those ideas seem to see. For example (a made up example) somebody might post "I would like to have a version of claws that came out of the fingertips instead of the knuckles.

Long time player who is blunt says "Not gonna happen."

Clueless player who can't understand that the concept is to add a type of claw rather than change the entire set says "I like my claws just the way they are thank you very much."

Long time player who is diplomatic says "What LTPWIB meant is that the devs have said that it would be hard to code because it wouldn't just mean adding in a claws type. It would require redesigning all player hands so that they had actual fingers rather than just being the mittens they are now."

Me Too player says "Yeah, what LTPWID just said. It's because of the fingers.

OP says "I don't know why anybody even bothers posting here. I come up with a suggestion and everybody jumps on me telling me it's stupid and will never happen. If you don't have something constructive to say about my idea just shut up. The devs are the ones who decide, not you!!!
OPs also tend to focus on their detractors and completely ignore their fellows.

(I'm like, the complete opposite and lemme tell ya it's GREAT!)

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Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
The VIP Headstart is doubling as an extended beta/stress test. Anyone who says otherwise is putting the spin on it. I totally understand why and also understand why they don't want to refer to it that way.
Anything launch of anything ever doubles as a beta/stress test. After 21 Issues, I'm not sure why people insist it's ever been otherwise, or indeed that it can ever BE otherwise.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I know exactly what you mean. I read a few thread in the past about paying for VIP rewards and saw how the OP was shot down hard. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people in this thread right now were some of the shooters. It just came off like the people with all of the cool stuff are the same people that want all of the cool stuff to themselves. Glad to see that the dev's realized that letting people pay for the VIP perks was a great idea for the game as a whole.



Vet rewards were analogous to customer loyalty perks that some businesses provide to encourage continuing patronage. The business themselves wouldn't mind providing the same perks to someone new if they threw a lot of money at the business but that devalues the perk which may upset their repeat customers. In the long term scheme of things it's better to have a regular income stream than relying on one time windfalls.

If you get down to the nuts and bolts, players aren't buying Vet rewards directly. A Paragon Reward token is a perk of you get buying Paragon Points. I know, it's semantics but it's the truth.

Also the amount of money you need to spend to get to the same reward is considerably less than before Freedom. Before Freedom if you wanted samurai armor for example the wealthy newbie have needed to pay for 17 months of service or $204-255 which is the kind of conspicuous consumption that your average working Joe can get annoyed by.

Now you only need 6 Tokens (all of Tier 3 plus 1). Everyone starts with one, gets another for having bought a box edition, so they need to buy 4800 Paragon Points or worse case $60 (Freemies have to pay $65). Now we are in the realm of the price of a new console game instead of the price of a new console. That may have something to do with the lack of outrage.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



At the risk of being overly negative, OP, if the original post was in the Suggestions section of the forum you were attacked because that area is a cesspool.



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
I find it particularly hilarious when people like you go so overboard when describing people disagreeing with you.
Registration date: april 2004.
Full OP quote: positive.
One liner trying to act cool: yessir.
Likelihood this poster had a tiny little vein bulging on his forehead while typing this post: extremely high.

Other than that, yes, what Oedipus said. The suggestion forum is best read as an OP only, skip replies board ; the few meaningful replies are drown out by a minority of very prolific and spiteful posters.



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
So now that this has actually come to pass, where is the outrage.
I ran over six people, looted four stores, and set twelve car fires. Damn man, what else do you want me to do? I only have money enough for so many Molotov cocktails, you know.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
It is not a "Beta". That doesn't change the fact that they are using the Headstart to make sure as much as possible is working before they launch the Free/Premium accounts so those players will hopefully endure as few problems as humanly possible.
I'm thinking of it as... well... a "gamma."

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
So now that this has actually come to pass, where is the outrage.
Well, I could rage about it, but if you don't mind I'm rather busy arguing whether the Head Start is a beta, like a beta, or just an illusion meant to make us feel special while free accounts were being activated behind our backs. I do have an opening in my rage schedule in mid-November (17th of November, at 11:20-11:30AM BST, to be exact), so if you want I can schedule some rage for this subject on that date.



As for the topic at hand? I am not mad because they didn't just add a way for people to buy their way into the Veteran System... they completely re-designed the system. I mean, before you had to be around for 3 months, which means if you wanted to buy a Veteran Reward, to me, it woulda been like $45 each. Now, everyone gets a Reward monthly, a special "Time Only" badge each year that you can't buy, and folks get a BONUS (I really do see it as a bonus... NOT the ability to buy Veteran Rewards) Reward Token everytime they buy 1200 points in the store.

Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
I find it particularly hilarious when people like you go so overboard when describing people disagreeing with you.
I was involved in the thread he mentioned... his characterization of some, was NOT that much of an exaggeration.

Originally Posted by Scooby_Dont View Post
So... You miss the rage? Is that the point? If not, why post this at all. To say I Told You So? Pfffft.
This. I see the OP's post as nothing but an "I told you so! Neener neener neeeeeener!!! You should be so mad!!" post.



On the most basic level, didn't everyone buy their vet rewards?

Since people that didn't subscribe, didn't get them.



Originally Posted by Cass_ View Post
On the most basic level, didn't everyone buy their vet rewards?
That's true, but it's not the problem. The problem is that we had to wait until our knees were weak and our hair grey to get them, while they can get them while they're still young and healthy.

(Oops, I guess I did manage to insert some rage time for this into my schedule.)



If someone wanted to pay 7 years of sub-time upfront, then I have no qualms with them getting the same rewards access as I do. I (and I'm sure I wasn't alone), proposed this in the various vet reward rage threads. So, no, no rage here ( ' :




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You are correct that using the term beta is wrong on our part. It is not a "Beta". That doesn't change the fact that they are using the Headstart to make sure as much as possible is working before they launch the Free/Premium accounts so those players will hopefully endure as few problems as humanly possible.
Question: How is this really, in any way different from previous issue rollouts (other than the multiple hardware upgrades)?

In 2042, Issue {INSERT NUMBER} Was Beginning

Us: Somebody set us up the bugs!
Devs: Main patch turn on!
Us: All your bugs are belong to us!
Devs: What you say!
Us: HAHAHA you are on your way to bugs. Make your time!
Devs: Patch every zig!

Seriously though. Every issue tends to have a couple of really nasty show-stoppers, and a swarm of nasty little issues and annoyances that need to be swatted.

The only difference this time is that the free-players aren't included just yet.

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Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
That's true, but it's not the problem. The problem is that we had to wait until our knees were weak and our hair grey to get them, while they can get them while they're still young and healthy.

(Oops, I guess I did manage to insert some rage time for this into my schedule.)
You forgot:

  • Through snow
  • Uphill

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Originally Posted by Mad_Cow_Milk View Post
One of the first few threads I made when I joined the forums was asking for some system to 1. Give CoH more money, 2. Give the new guys a chance of getting the 7 (6 then) years of rewards reducing the hopelessness they would feel with iconic costume parts seemingly totally out of reach.

To say the least I got totally POUNCED and FLAMED, maybe even Nuked from orbit.

So now that this has actually come to pass, where is the outrage. So it is heresy for a guy to suggest something like this, but when it is actually implemented everyone is all alright with it? Where is the hate threads?

*shrug* Since i never posted support for or paid attention to demands that veteran rewards be locked away from newer players i apparently didn't notice most of the threads you mention. i do recall posting in prior years that all veteran rewards should be earnable by all players through things like recipes and mission rewards since veterans receive them automatically for free.

So the new system is a non issue for me. Even without the yearly subscription badges i'd be fine with it.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Question: How is this really, in any way different from previous issue rollouts (other than the multiple hardware upgrades)?

In 2042, Issue {INSERT NUMBER} Was Beginning

Us: Somebody set us up the bugs!
Devs: Main patch turn on!
Us: All your bugs are belong to us!
Devs: What you say!
Us: HAHAHA you are on your way to bugs. Make your time!
Devs: Patch every zig!

Seriously though. Every issue tends to have a couple of really nasty show-stoppers, and a swarm of nasty little issues and annoyances that need to be swatted.

The only difference this time is that the free-players aren't included just yet.
i think i remember issue 4 being particularly annoying with constant rubberbanding and server rollbacks, but i could be wrong. As in it took over three minutes to superjump from the Northern tram station to the Steel Canyon Icon. Frequently losing 10-15 minutes of xp when the server was rolled back. Compared to some of the early issues the impact of i21 on my gameplay rewards has been slight. Yes, there's been more downtime, but far less loss of actual play rewards.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
At the risk of being overly negative, OP, if the original post was in the Suggestions section of the forum you were attacked because that area is a cesspool.

The only reason it's a cesspool is because the people that can't stand having the flaws in their ideas pointed out to them frequently and immediately go into a rage and resort to name calling and insults.



Originally Posted by forbin_project View Post
the only reason it's a cesspool is because the people that can't stand having the flaws in their ideas pointed out to them frequently and immediately go into a rage and resort to name calling and insults. :d
no you!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
You forgot:
  • Through snow
  • Uphill
Exactly. We had to walk dozens on miles on foot, avoiding groups of twenty trolls five levels higher, while Frostfire laughed and laughed at how we couldn't even get to his lair without dying ten times. And then we had to cross chasms and climb mountains, traveling an hour to get to some cave at the other end of The Hollows for a five minute mission. And back, and again, until all we could think of was how much easier it is to die and go to the heaven that was the field hospital. We didn't have these fancy shmancy rocket boards, or those level four travel powers. Back then a Blaster was called a Blaster because we kept saying "blast that stupid game for repeatedly killing me and having mobs with a longer range that even spending ten minutes gaining enough altitude with Hover doesn't protect me."

Ahem. Sorry, I think I went on long enough.



Actually I had to do that when I was in high school. My house was on top of one hill, the school another and I was just inside the border that marked who could take a bus and who couldn't. On top of that the school system's superintendent rarely if ever called a snow day even though every town around us did.

Ice storms were the worse.

Of course nowadays schools call in a snow day if the forecast hints at snow the next day. Wimps.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Actually I had to do that when I was in high school. My house was on top of one hill, the school another and I was just inside the border that marked who could take a bus and who couldn't. On top of that the school system's superintendent rarely if ever called a snow day even though every town around us did.

Ice storms were the worse.

Of course nowadays schools call in a snow day if the forecast hints at snow the next day. Wimps.
And if someone asks you for a quarter, do you regale them of the time you killed a grizzly bear with your loose leaf notebook?

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The only reason it's a cesspool is because the people that can't stand having the flaws in their ideas pointed out to them frequently and immediately go into a rage and resort to name calling and insults.
Also because people like to point out said flaws rudely... on occasion.