Where is the outrage? Buying Vet Rewards




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
1. The devs got rid of the old system entirely.

2. They let players keep everything they earned under the old system and gave them new stuff for free under the new system.

3. Maybe the players that supposedly "pounced" on you and "flamed" you are mature adults that don't feel the need to overreact and throw hissy-fits when the devs redesign the game.
So it was perfectly okay for them to overreact and throw hissy-fits over a suggestion? Doesn't sound much like "mature adults". Nope.



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
I find it particularly hilarious when people like you go so overboard when describing people disagreeing with you.
Doesn't sound to me like its overboard, much at all.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
It was a topic that literally came up in the S&I forum every month or two. In fact, I think I also posted the idea when I first started because I wanted the angel wings for a character. I'm glad they finally implemented it, and I think it's a good system. The only change I would like to see is the ability to skip some options completely. Like if tier 5 has 6 different options, you only had to pick 4 of them before being able to choose from tier 6.
Yes, please?



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
So it was perfectly okay for them to overreact and throw hissy-fits over a suggestion? Doesn't sound much like "mature adults". Nope.
The only people throwing hissy-fits over the suggestions were the immature OP's that immediately started name calling and hurling insults because people were disagreeing with their idea.



I was one of those that had a problem with others being able to buy veteran badges. My main point was that I didn't want to get lost in the mix and not be honored for my loyalty to the game being a 7 year vet.

Thankfully the guys and gals at Paragon Studio handled that by giving out the yearly vet badges. Plus the Tier 9 and T9 VIP rewards so my complaint was null and void after that.

Damn after rereading that I sound like an elitist snob....It's not intended honestly, I just want my loyalty to the game in all the ways I have shown it, to be awarded and they achieved that. So kudos dev/community management team!



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And if someone asks you for a quarter, do you regale them of the time you killed a grizzly bear with your loose leaf notebook?
Loose leaf notebook? In my day we killed them with nothing but a dirty look! Kids these days.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And if someone asks you for a quarter, do you regale them of the time you killed a grizzly bear with your loose leaf notebook?
Yes, because that's the price I charge for 25 cents.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Actually I see far less raging about ideas than the originators of those ideas seem to see. For example (a made up example) somebody might post "I would like to have a version of claws that came out of the fingertips instead of the knuckles.

Long time player who is blunt says "Not gonna happen."

Clueless player who can't understand that the concept is to add a type of claw rather than change the entire set says "I like my claws just the way they are thank you very much."

Long time player who is diplomatic says "What LTPWIB meant is that the devs have said that it would be hard to code because it wouldn't just mean adding in a claws type. It would require redesigning all player hands so that they had actual fingers rather than just being the mittens they are now."

Me Too player says "Yeah, what LTPWID just said. It's because of the fingers.

OP says "I don't know why anybody even bothers posting here. I come up with a suggestion and everybody jumps on me telling me it's stupid and will never happen. If you don't have something constructive to say about my idea just shut up. The devs are the ones who decide, not you!!!
If it was just that, I wouldn't have posted this. I have had this sort of response before.