I can play as Premium and Free!




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I'd be interested to know what their Paragon Rewards levels are at. My guess would be Tier 1.
Mine has just Tier One unlocked with a point to spend.



I have a really really really old unplayed (since launch) game account on my Master account page along with my normal game account I've played since launch. It shows as being a Free account. It shows as being Playable. However, when trying to log in with the account it will only allow me to go to the account page to upgrade to VIP. It won't let me in.

I guess that answers the question someone asked previously.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
Mine has just Tier One unlocked with a point to spend.
With a point to spend or a token?

Points are used on the Paragon Market for EULA-approved ( ) RMT.

Tokens are used on the Paragon Rewards Program for veteran goodies.

Let's all clean up our terminology usage so that we don't confuse ourselves, each other, and the incoming newbies.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Just for asking that question it goes to the back of the line.
well boogers and bummers



many many moons ago i lost my password to my original game account and created a second account and then i ended up finding the info i needed to get my password reset after talking to whoever it was i had to talk to and its still listed in my account but its listed as 'banned' for whatever reason. i think i had them take the three months i payed and refund it or something, its been quite a few years.

anyways blah blah blah can i do anything/talk to anyone in specific to get this account switched from banned to something that could possibly be used as a premium account at some point in time or is it forever just stuck in my list of game accounts. i had a couple of characters on it but i dont know what their names where its been so long.

*edit* i think i may have created it by accident when i purchased a CoV box set instead of adding it onto my original account. dunno if the exact reason matters.




Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I have a really really really old unplayed (since launch) game account on my Master account page along with my normal game account I've played since launch. It shows as being a Free account. It shows as being Playable. However, when trying to log in with the account it will only allow me to go to the account page to upgrade to VIP. It won't let me in.
Same here. I just tried my original CoH account from beta. It was active for about two years after launch. Account page says "free" and "playable" as well, but cannot log in. It's nice to see I'm not the only one.

Once that account becomes Premium, it will be my wife's account. Maybe this time she'll play for more than a week.



Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
I am unable to access my old accounts either.
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Not everyone will be reactivated at once.
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
This is intentional.

We're going to be slowly reactivating inactive *premium* accounts (new players still may not create new free accounts). This is a slow ramp up and the process will take time. We'll put up a Community announcement at some point, however glad you guys noticed.

Thank you Zwill! I genuinely appreciate this ramp up. Less stress on an already taxed system I reckon.



Yesterday my account time ran out cause I only pay 1 month at a time. While I was ingame I received the email that it had ran out and could still play for a couple of hours afterward. Then when I logged out, couldnt log back in but my account page said free and playable. It just kept trying to give the option to go VIP. But I payed like I was going to do anyway after experimenting a bit.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
All active accounts have already been migrated (no quotation marks needed). We're currently in the process of migrating inactive (non-subscribed) accounts.
Is there any chance of migrating/moving a (previously trial) account to my "main" account from an alternate 'plaync account' (iirc) created using my middle name??

it was from back during the 'Merry-basemass' (a big SG Prestige bump-age - 'event-thingy'),
I still have all the account details written down...
I also have a 'free' Game Code Key (the game & one month of time) for a new separate account, (given out after they shutdown T.R. which (I'll have to dig up the email = SAID could be applied to an existing account (to the best of my recollection), but I never got any sort of answer when I asked about it later on...

Matter o' fact, I have a 'free' Game Key Code (the game & one month of time) from when they shutdown AA too! - although I don't think it specifically said it was applicable to any account = in the accompanying "Sorry but we 're killing the server(s) & Oh, here's some free stuff" Email.

*I may very well have that email too*

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
Mine has just Tier One unlocked with a point to spend.
Assuming you mean 'token' that still doesn't make sense. There's only one token and it should already be slotted in the lowest slot. That's what I see for my trial account.

My trial account is also tier 1, but for some reason has 4 character slots.

Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
I also have a 'free' Game Code Key... Matter o' fact, I have a 'free' Game Key Code...
Stop showing off. We got it, you have multiple free game codes. If they can apply to an existing account, possibly the best use for them would be to add a VIP month to an existing account. Otherwise, another Premium account with 400PP never hurt nobody.



Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
Assuming you mean 'token' that still doesn't make sense. There's only one token and it should already be slotted in the lowest slot. That's what I see for my trial account.
Yeah I meant 'token', although I thought it obvious from the context, sorry.

But no, you're correct I'd somehow blanked out that single slot at the bottom, I have Tier TWO fully unlocked, with one token yet to spend.



Huh, my NCSoft account lists the trial(s) I opened as Free an playable, which is cool, but also lists an account I have a retail code applied to, and know for a fact I played a full month on, as Free, with 0 months paid time. Does the first month free with a retail code not count?



The NCsoft account lists everything not VIP as "free", regardless of if it's premium or not. I also have 0 months paid time, and always thought the months value was low for my other accounts, but the 0 months account is still Premium (has two tokens).



Originally Posted by Sugar_Rush View Post
But no, you're correct I'd somehow blanked out that single slot at the bottom, I have Tier TWO fully unlocked, with one token yet to spend.
Interesting. And that was a trial account? Then you lucked out, I guess. Kind of like I did getting 4 character slots.



Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
Interesting. And that was a trial account? Then you lucked out, I guess. Kind of like I did getting 4 character slots.
No, not a trial account, just not active.